Table of Contents
1. Product description: 5
2. Installation ________________________________________ 5
A. How to install the EVO 1000: ___________________________ 5
B. Connecting the EVO1000 ______________________________ 6
3. Programming the EVO 1000 __________________________ 6
A. PRESS F3 FOR INFORMATION ___________________________ 7
B. Cleaning Procedure: __________________________________ 8
C. DOSAGE MODE: _____________________________________ 10
4. OENOLOGICAL USES _________________________________ 11
A. AUTOMATIC DEOXYGENATION _________________________ 11
I. In-Line Deoxygenation (DO probe downstream) ___________ 11
II. Closed Circuit Deoxygenation (DO probe upstream)________ 11
III. In-Line Deoxygenation During Bottling __________________ 12
B. Carbonication of White and Rosé Wines __________________ 13
I. Adjusting CO2 – Still Wines (3°C < Temp. < 15°C) __________ 14
II. CO2 Saturation, Pearly Wines (0°C < Temp. < 5°C): _________ 14
III. Gasification for Sparkling Wines: _______________________ 15
C. Wine Decarbonication: ________________________________ 16
I. Closed- Circuit Decarbonication: _______________________ 16
II. In-Line Decarbonication ______________________________ 16
5. CABLING DIAGRAM: _________________________________ 17
6. Technical Specifications: _____________________________ 17
6.Certificate of Compliance _______________________________ 19