Parrot RKI8400 User Guide

Quick start guide Stručná uživatelská příručka Skrócona instrukcja instalacji Руководство пользователя
Parrot RKi8400
Technical Specification....................
General Information.........................
p.13 p.20 p.27 p.34 p.41 p.45
Removable front panel
Odnímatelný čelní panel
Zdejmowana przednia obudowa
Съемная передняя панель
RKi8400 with music cable
Tělo RKi8400 s kabelem pro přehrávání
Skrzynka RKi8400 z kablem do odtwarzania muzyki Блок RKi8400 с мультимедийным кабелем
Fitting screw / rubber cap
Instalační šroub / gumový vymezovač Śruba / nakładka gumowa Винт / резиновый колпачок
Double microphone
Dvojitý mikrofon Podwójny mikrofon Сдвоенный микрофон
Mounting kit - microphone Držáky k mikrofonu Akcesoria do montażu - mikrofon Монтажные аксессуары - микрофон
Release keys Klíče pro vyjmutí
Klucz do wyjmowania
Ключ для демонтажа
Audio cable and power supply
Audio kabel / napájení
Kabel audio / zasilania
Кабель аудио/питания
Funkce popsané v tomto manuálu jsou k dispozici pouze tehdy, je-li Váš telefonní seznam nap­saný latinkou. Dále je nutno dodržovat výslovnost a intonaci jazyka Parrot RKi8400 (automaticky angličtina, není-li nastaven jiný jazyk).
Funkcje opisane w poniższej instrukcji obsługi są dostępne jeżeli lista kontaktów składa się ze znaków alfabetu łacińskiego. Dodatkowo, należy przestrzegać wymowy i intonacji języka Parrot RKi8400 (językiem domyślnym jest angielski).
Внимание: Функции, описанные в настоящем руководстве, доступны только если список контактов составлен латинскими символами. Кроме того, необходимо соблюдать произношение и интонацию языка Parrot RKi8400 (по умолчанию – английский).
Warning : The Parrot RKi8400 includes NdFeB magnets which can damage objects sensitive to ma­gnetic elds (pacemakers, credit cards, mechanical clocks…). To avoid these effects, keep the front panel in its case and keep a safe distance between the front panel and all objects that can be dama­ged by magnetism.
Důležité upozornění : Přístroj Parrot RKi8400 obsahuje magnety typu NdFeB, které mohou poškodit předměty citlivé na magnetická pole (kardiostimulátor, kreditní karty, mechanické hodinky, atp.). Abyste zabránili těmto nežádoucím efektům, doporučujeme uložit čelní panel přístroje v do pouzdra určeného k tomuto účelu ihned poté, co jej vyjmete z jednotky. Čelní panel zásadně nenechávejte v blízkosti předmětů, které jsou citlivé na magnetická pole.
Ostrzeżenie : Parrot RKi8400 zawiera magnesy typu NdFeB, które mogą spowodować uszkodze­nie przedmiotów wrażliwych na działanie pola magnetycznego (rozrusznik serca (pacemaker), karta kredytowa, zegarki mechaniczne...). W celu zapobieżenia temu zjawisku zalecamy przechowywa­nie panelu w etui po zdjęciu go z obudowy. Nie należy pozostawiać panelu w pobliżu przedmiotów wrażliwych na działanie pola magnetycznego.
Предупреждение : Устройство Parrot RKi8400 содержит магниты типа NdFeB, которые могут повредить устройства, чувствительные к магнитным полям (кардиостимуляторы (pacema­ker), кредитные карты, механические часы...). Во избежание этого мы рекомендуем хранить переднюю панель в ее футляре при снятии с блока. Не оставляйте переднюю панель в непосредственной близости к устройствам, чувствительным к магнитным полям.
Line out (Grey)
Line in (
R (Red)
L (white)
R (Red)
L (white)
1 - Car antenna 2 - Car accessor y 3 - Double microphone 4 - Fuse 15A 5 - Connector 6 - Exter nal car amplier 7 - ISO plug 8 - Terminal bullet
A - Right rear speaker + (purple) B - Right rear speaker - (purple black) C - Right front speaker + (grey) D - Right front speaker - (grey black) E - Left front speaker + (white) F - Left front speaker - (white black) G - Left rear speaker + (green) H - Left rear speaker - (green black)
I - Tel. Mute (pink) J - Ignition key +12 V (yellow) K - AMP/ANT Remote (blue) L - Batter y + (red) M - Ground Lead (black)
1 - Autoanténa 2 - Připojení UNIKA adaptéru 3 - Dvojitý mikrofon 4 - Pojistka 15A 5 - Konektor 6 - Případný externí zesilovač 7 - ISO konek tory 8 - Záměnné konektory (baterie/
A - Pravý zadní reproduktor + (alový) B - Pravý zadní reproduktor -
(alovo- černý)
C - Pravý přední reproduktor + (šedý) D - Pravý přední reproduktor - (šedo-
černý black)
E - Levý přední reproduktor + (bílý) F - Levý přední reproduktor - (bílo-
G - Levý zadní reproduktor+ (zelený) H - Levý zadní reproduktor - (zeleno-
I - Mute telefonu (růžový) J - Klíč zapalování +12 V (žlutý) K - AMP/ANT Remote (modrý) L - Baterie + (červený) M - Ukostřovací kabel (černý)
1 - Antena 2 - Akcesoria samochodowe 3 - Podwójny mikrofon 4 - Bezpiecznik 15A 5 - Gniazdo 6 - Zewnętrzny wzmacniacz 7 - Złącze ISO 8 - Bezpieczniki topikowe
A - Prawy tylny głośnik +(oletowy) B - Prawy tylny głośnik – (oletow y
z czarnym)
C - Prawy przedni głośnik + (szar y) D - Prawy przedni głośnik – (szar y z
E - Lewy pr zedni głośnik + (biał y) F - Lewy pr zedni głośnik – (biał y z
G - Lewy tylny gło śnik + (zielony)
H - Lewy tylny gło śnik – (zielony z
I - Mute (różowy) J - Zasilanie po zapłonie +12V (żółty) K - Automat yczna antena (niebieski) L - Podtrzymanie pamięci +12V
M - Masa (czarny)
1 - Антенна 2 - Подк люч ение к шине обмена
3 - Сдвоенный микрофо н 4 - Предохранитель 15А 5 - Разъем 6 - Внешний автомобильный
7 - ISO разъем 8 - Клеммы питающих проводов
A - задний правый динамик +
B - задний правый динамик –
C - пере дний правый динамик +
D - пере дний правый динамик –
E - левый пере дний динамик +
F - левый пере дний динамик –
G - левый задний динами к +
H - левый задний динами к –
I - пров од приглушения (роз овый) J - напряжение +12В от замка
зажиган ия (желтый)
K - выход на усилитель антенны
или внешни й усилитель (синий)
L - постоянный + (красный) M - масс а (черный)
Make sure you do not cut the cables while
sliding the car stereo support.
Ujistěte se, že při instalaci držáku autorádia nepřerušíte kabely.
Uważać, by nie uszkodzić kabli podczas wkładania obudowy radia samocho-
Не допускается разделять кабели, устанавливая на место основу автомагнитолы.
- Installing the tting screw
- Montáž aretačního šroubu
- Montaż śruby blokującej
- Установка регулировочного винта
- Removing the faceplate
- Vyjmutí odnímatelného čelního panelu
- Wyjmowanie panelu ruchomego
- Снятие лицевой панели
- Using the music function
- Používání externích audio zařízení
- Obsługa funkcji muzyki
- Прослушивание музыки
This simplified guide of the Parrot RKi8400 gives you the main instructions to easily use this product. For further information, refer to the user guide available on our website
The availability of some functionality only depends on your mobile phone.
Installing the Parrot RKi8400
Refer to the installation diagram on page 8.
We advise our customers to have the Parrot RKi8400 fitted by a professional.
1. Remove your old car stereo from your vehicle.
2. Insert the Parrot RKi8400 cage and fix it into the dash board using the bracket mounting tabs.
3. Access the vehicles car stereo wiring harness from behind the dashboard.
4. Connect the audio and power connectors to the connectors of your Parrot RKi8400. If this connection is impossible, you have to obtain
an ISO cable to adapt your car radio to the ISO connectors of the Parrot RKi8400.
5. Compare the Parrot RKi8400 antenna connector to the antenna connector of your vehicle. If an adapter is necessary, contact your local car audio specialist.
6. Check the vehicles wiring with a multimeter before connecting the Parrot RKi8400’s wiring loom to ensure everything is correct. The red wire of the power cable must be connected to the permanent 12V, the yellow
Using the Parrot RKi8400 for the first time......................
Installing the Parrot RKi8400...........................................
Using the anti-theft system.............................................
Browsing through the menus..........................................
Connecting a phone via Bluetooth....................................
Pairing and connecting a phone by Bluetooth................
Synchronization of the phonebook.................................
Using the Telephone function...........................................
Receiving a call...............................................................
Making a call...................................................................
Transfering a call to the phone........................................
Using the voice recogntition function..............................
Making a call via voice recognition ................................
Receiving a call via voice recognition.............................
Using the Music Function.................................................
Using the Radio function.................................................
Using the Parrot RKi8400 with an iPod..........................
Using the Parrot RKi8400 with a USB flash drive...........
Using the Parrot RKi8400 with an SD card ....................
Using the Parrot RKi8400 with an audio player
connected via Bluetooth................................................
Commands ....................................................................
13 13 14 14
15 15 15
16 16 16 16
17 17 17
18 18 18 18 19
19 19
Using the PARROT RKi8400 for the first time
wire to the 12V ignition and the black wire to the ground. If correct the Parrot RKi8400 will display ‘Goodbye’ when the vehicles ignition is switched off.
If it is the case, you can skip to step 7. ­If it is not the case, You may need to switch the ­location of the yellow and red wires. This can be done simply by reversing both terminal spade tags located on the Parrot wiring.
Do not connect the yellow wire to the permanent 12V, otherwise you will cause the vehicle battery to discharge.
7. Mount the microphone between the driver side visor and the rear view mirror. The microphone must be aimed at the driver.
8. Slide the car stereo into the Parrot RKi8400 cage and attach the faceplate.
Using the anti-theft system
To avoid any risk of theft, do not forget to remove the face­plate of your Parrot RKi8400 when you leave your vehicle. Without this front, the Parrot RKi8400 cannot be used.
- To remove the faceplate, press the eject button in the top left.
- To replace the faceplate, put it on the right side of the car stereo. Once the faceplate and the car stereo
magnets get in touch, press the left side.
Always make sure the Parrot RKi8400 is switched off before removing the faceplate.
Browsing through the menus
• Press the jog wheel to access the main menu.
• Browse through the menus by turning the jog wheel and
confirm by pressing the jog wheel.
• Press the button to go back to previous menu. Press the red button to get to the main menu.
• While playing a song, press the button to get to the menus. While navigating through the menus, press the Play button to get to the Now Playing screen.
Selecting the language
1. Press the jog wheel and select Settings > Language.
2. Select your language and press the jog wheel to confirm.
Pairing and connecting a phone by Bluetooth
To add a new phone for the first time the two devices will
need to be paired, this process is only required once for each phone. To pair a phone for the first time:
1. Make sure the Parrot RKi8400 is set so that it is visible by all Bluetooth ® devices. To do so, press the jog wheel and select Settings > Bluetooth > Visibility. The Parrot RKi8400 is visible by default.
2. Press the jog wheel and select Settings > Pair with... > If your mobile phone’s model appears in the list, select it and confirm. > If your mobile phone model doesn’t appear in the list, select the Other phones option.
3. From your phone, search for Bluetooth devices. Refer to your phone user guide for more information.
4. Select «Parrot RKi8400» in the list. > You are prompted to enter a PIN code.
5. Enter «0 0 0 0» on your phone. > «Pairing successful» is displayed on the screen of the Parrot RKi8400. > Once your phone is paired to the Parrot RKi8400, the connection between both devices will be automatically established each time you enter your vehicle.
Some phones may require you to set the Parrot RKi8400 as a trusted device.
• You can pair up to 10 devices with the Parrot RKi8400. If you attempt to pair an 11th phone, you will get the « Memory full » message. You must then delete a phone from the paired devices list. To do so:
1. Press the jog wheel and select Settings > Bluetooth
> Paired devices.
2. Select the phone you want to delete from the list.
3. Select Delete.
Synchronization of the phonebook
• With most Bluetooth phones, the phonebook will be automatically synchronized in the Parrot RKi8400 memory.
Only contacts stored in the phone memory will be memorized. If your contacts are stored in the SIM card memory, transfer them into the phone memory.
If your phone doesn’t support automatic synchronization, you can also use the Object Push function of your phone to send contacts from your mobile to the Parrot RKi8400 via Bluetooth. To do so, press the jog wheel and select
Telephone > Receive contacts. Refer to your phones’
user guide for more information about sending contacts via Object Push.
Connecting a phone via Bluetooth
Receiving a call
• Receiving a call is possible whatever source is selected.
• An incoming call is indicated by a ringtone.
The name of the caller is announced and displayed if his details are stored in the phonebook of the phone connected to the Parrot RKi8400.
- Press the green button to accept this call. Then, press the red button to end the call.
- Press the red button to reject this call.
Making a call
To access the telephone function, press the
repeatedly to select Telephone or press the red button.
• If the contact you want to call is in the phonebook of the
Parrot RKi8400:
1. Press the jog wheel to enter the main menu and select Phonebook.
2. Select the contact you wish to call from the phone book within the RKi8400
• If the contact you want to call is not in the phonebook of
the Parrot RKi8400, stop your vehicle in an appropriate place, then:
1. Press the
button repeatedly to
select Telephone.
2. Dial your contact phone number using your phone or the numerical pad of the Parrot RKi8400.
3. Press the green button.
• To redial the last dialled number, hold down the green
button of the Parrot RKi8400 for two seconds.
• The Parrot RKi8400 allows you to assign a key of the
numerical pad to one of your contact. To do so:
1. Press the jog wheel and select Telephone >
Speed dialing.
2. Select the key using the jog wheel.
3. Select the contact to which you want to assign the selected key.
4. Press the green button to confirm. > You can now call this contact by holding down the selected key for 2 seconds to make the call.
Transfering a call to the phone
During a call, if you want to continue the conversation on
your phone (private conversation), press the green button of the Parrot RKi8400. > The call is transferred to the phone.
• If you want to switch back to the Parrot RKi8400, press the
green button again.
Using the telephone function
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