Parrot PF721009AA Instruction manual

User guide
Health and safety precautions
Seizure warning Repetitive motion injuries and eyestrain Magnets Use and maintenance Warnings concerning the use of the battery
Domestic animals
Getting Started
Before you begin
Indoor usage Outdoor usage Connecting the iPhone to the AR.Drone
Meanings of the LED colours
In the event of problems
.............................................................................................................................................3Usage and storage
.............................................................................................................................................4Battery disposal
.............................................................................................................................................4Extra batteries – protection against counterfeiting
.............................................................................................................................................5Contents of the packaging
.............................................................................................................................................6Downloading the applications
.............................................................................................................................................6Recharging the battery
.............................................................................................................................................7Installing the battery
.............................................................................................................................................7Checking the battery charge of the iPhone
.............................................................................................................................................9Activating airplane mode
.............................................................................................................................................9Connecting the iPhone to the Wi-Fi network of the
.............................................................................................................................................9Using the AR.Drone with several iPhones
.............................................................................................................................................10Changing the connection mode
.............................................................................................................................................11Motor LEDs
.............................................................................................................................................11System LED
.............................................................................................................................................12Basic settings
.............................................................................................................................................13Advanced settings
.............................................................................................................................................14Checking the IP address of the AR.Drone
.............................................................................................................................................16Forgetting the Wi-Fi network
.............................................................................................................................................16Deactivating Wi-Fi mode
.............................................................................................................................................16Erasing the pairing memory of the AR.Drone
.............................................................................................................................................17Restarting the AR.Drone
Free flight
Before you begin
Taking off Piloting Autopilot Switching cameras Landing Status icons Error messages
Disconnections during the flight
In the event of problems
.............................................................................................................................................18Positioning the iPhone
.............................................................................................................................................19Hand positions on the iPhone
.............................................................................................................................................19Colours of the LED lights
.............................................................................................................................................22Start-up problems
.............................................................................................................................................23Alert messages
.............................................................................................................................................23Emergency messages
.............................................................................................................................................25Phone calls / SMS
.............................................................................................................................................25Calendar events
.............................................................................................................................................25Interrupting the application
.............................................................................................................................................25The Emergency button
.............................................................................................................................................25The Reset button
General information
Warning Warranty Changes to this User Guide Disposal of this product at the end of its life Declaration of Conformity FCC Compliance Statement Copyright Registered trademarks Safety instructions Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation Important safety instructions

Health and safety precautions

Read the following warning before you or your child play with the AR.Drone. Failing to do so may cause injury.

Seizure warning

Some people (about 1 in 4000) may have seizures or blackouts triggered by light flashes or patterns, such as while watching TV or playing video games, even if they have never had a seizure before;
Anyone who has had a seizure, loss of awareness, or other symptom linked to an epileptic condition should consult a doctor before playing a video game.
Parents should watch when their children play video games. Stop playing and consult a doctor if you or your child have any of the following symptoms: convulsions, eye or muscle twitching, loss of awareness, altered vision, involuntary movements, disorientation.
To reduce the likehood of a seizure when playing video games:
- Sit or stand as far from the screen as possible.
- Play video games on the smallest available television screen.
- Do not play if you are tired or need to sleep.
- Play in a well-lit room (indoor) or area (outdoor).
- Take an 10 to 15 minute break every hour.

Repetitive motion injuries and eyestrain

Playing video games can make your muscles, joint, skin or eyes hurt after a few hours. Follow these instructions to avoid problems such as tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, skin irritation or eyestrain;
- avoid excessive play. It is recommended that parents monitor their children for appropriate play ;
- take a 10 to 15 minute break every hour, even if you don’t think you need it ;
- if your hands, wrists, arms or eyes become tired or sore while playing, stop and rest them for several hours before playing again ;
- if you continue to have some hands, wrists, arms or eyes during or after paly, stop playing and see a doctor.
1 Health and safety precautions


Not suitable for children under the age of 14. This product contains small magnets. If swallowed, the magnets may stick together in the intestines and cause serious injury. Consult a doctor immediately if the magnets are swallowed.

Use and maintenance

AR.Drone is not suitable for use by children under 14 years of age.
To fly the AR.Drone indoors install the hull in order to protect the AR.Drone in case of collision with any object.
You should keep the Parrot AR.Drone in sight at all times when operating it, in order, among others, to avoid injuries or damages to people, animals or property.
The use of the AR.Drone is some public areas (for instance train stations, trains, airports, aircrafts, etc.) may be prohibited. You should check whether the use of the Parrot AR.Drone is permitted before using it in public areas or public transport.
Always use your Parrot AR.Drone bearing in mind other people’s privacy.
When rotating, the propellers of the Parrot AR.Drone could cause injury to people, animals and property. You should not touch the Parrot AR.Drone when propellers are rotating and should wait until the propellers have completely stopped before handling the Parrot AR.Drone.
You should ensure that no-one is standing nearer than 1 meter (1 yard) from the Parrot AR.Drone when in operation and that at all times you keep a sufficient distance between the propellers and any person, animal or property.
You must keep the Parrot AR.Drone away from high voltage power lines, trees, buildings and any other potentially dangerous or hazardous areas.
The Parrot AR.Drone’s performance may be affected or significantly reduced and your Parrot AR. Drone irreversibly damaged if:
you use the Parrot AR.Drone in unfavourable meteorological conditions (including but not limited to rain, wind, snow, fog, etc) or if visual conditions are not sufficient (e.g. operation of the Parrot AR. Drone by night);
- you use the Parrot AR.Drone in wet conditions (e.g. you should not land the Parrot AR.Drone on water or on a wet surface);
- you allow sand or dust to penetrate the Parrot AR.Drone;
- you obstruct the engine’s air vents;
- you use spare parts and accessories other than those specified by Parrot, or
- you use the Parrot AR.Drone near strong magnetic fields, radio waves or areas with strong radiations (this may prevent the camera of the Parrot AR.Drone from operating correctly). You should also avoid using your Parrot AR.Drone in areas subject to Wi-Fi® networks (such as for instance internet Wi-Fi routers or boxes etc.). This may create interferences that could reduce the performance of the Parrot AR.Drone.
Health and safety precautions 2

Warnings concerning the use of the battery

Lithium Polymer batteries are extremely hazardous and liable to cause serious injuries to persons or property. The user accepts liability for the use of a Lithium Polymer battery. As the manufacturer and the distributor cannot ensure the battery is used correctly (charging, discharging, storage, etc.), they cannot be held liable for damages caused to persons or property.
In the event of battery leakage, avoid the liquid coming into contact with skin and eyes. In case of contact with the skin, wash copiously with soap and water. In case of contact with the eyes, rinse copiously with cold water and consult a doctor. If you notice a suspicious smell or noise or observe smoke around the charger, disconnect it immediately.
Non-compliance with the instructions below could result in gas being given off, fire, electric shock or an explosion.


The Parrot battery shall only be used together with the Parrot charger. Examine the charger regularly for damage to the cord, plug, enclosure or other parts. Never use a damaged charger. Never charge a swollen battery, a leaky battery or one which has been damaged. Do not use the AR.Drone charger to charge any other battery than the provided rechargeable battery.
Do not overcharge the battery. When the battery is fully charged, disconnect it from the charger. Do not put the device back in the charger once charging has finished. You risk causing overheating.
Do not charge the battery near inflammable materials or on an inflammable surface (carpet, wooden flooring, wooden furniture, etc.) or conducting surface. Do not leave the battery unattended during charging.
Never charge the device immediately after use while it is still hot. Let it cool down to room temperature. Do not charge the battery while it is still connected to the AR.Drone.
Batteries are only to be charged under adult supervision.
Do not cover your product or its charger while the battery is charging.
Exhausted batteries are to be removed from the item. Rechargeable batteries are to be removed from the item before being charged. Non-rechargeable batteries are not to be recharged.
Recharge the battery at a temperature of between 0°C and 40°C.

Usage and storage

Do not use the battery if the plastic cover has been torn or compromised in any way. Do not insert or remove the battery while the power is on. Do not expose the battery to excessive physical shock. Never use a swollen battery or a leaky battery, or one which is damaged or giving off a unusual odour.
Keep the battery out of the reach of children.
3 Health and safety precautions
Do not expose the battery to heat or dispose of a fire. Do not allow the battery to come into
If you purchased a spare battery or if you are uncertain about its genuineness, make sure your battery contains this label, with 2 codes (different on each battery): one 6 digit code and one 10 digit code.
contact with any kind of liquid. Do not leave your device out in the rain or near a source of moisture. Do not put the battery in a microwave oven or in a pressurised container.
Do not attempt to dismantle, pierce, distort or cut the battery and do not attempt to repair the battery. Do not place any heavy objects on the battery or charger. Avoid dropping the battery.
Do not clean the charger with a solvent, denatured alcohol or other inflammable solvents.
It is essential to avoid short circuits. Avoid direct contact with the electrolyte contained within the battery. The electrolyte and electrolysis vapours are harmful to health.
Keep your device at ambient temperature. Do not expose your device to extreme temperatures. Do not subject your device to large temperature variations. Do not place your product near a source of heat.
Remove the battery when you are not using the device.
Disconnect the charger when you are not charging the battery.

Battery disposal

Discarding batteries in your general household waste can be harmful to the environment. Damaged or unusable batteries must be disposed of in a container specially reserved for this purpose. When disposing of the battery, follow appropriate local guidelines and regulations. For further information contact your local solid waste authority.

Extra batteries – protection against counterfeiting

Using a counterfeit Lithium Polymer battery which does not meet the quality requirements defined by Parrot can cause irreversible damages to the AR.Drone as well as serious injuries to persons or property.

Domestic animals

Avoid using the AR.Drone around domestic animals, particularly pet dogs. The AR.Drone incorporates an ultrasound altimeter (emission frequency: 40kHz). Ultrasonic waves are known to disturb certain domestic animals, most especially dogs. Using the AR.Drone in the company of a dog may lead to it behaving erratically or perhaps even dangerously.
Health and safety precautions 4

Getting Started

Note: The iPod touch, iPhone and iPad will collectively be referred to as an "iPhone" in this manual.
Hull with guard rings
(for indoor use)
Hull without guard
(for outdoor use)

Before you begin

Contents of the packaging

Remove the protective adhesive covers from the AR.Drone, the camera and the 2 hulls.
Keep the provided stickers. You will need to stick them on the indoor hull at the locations indicated with the small markings before playing the AR.FlyingAce multi-player game.
5 Getting Started

Downloading the applications

AR.Free Flight
AR.Free Flight is the core application. It allows you to pilot the AR.Drone using your iPhone. It is designed to help you learn how to perform the basic flight movements (climbing, descending, turning, reversing, advancing, etc.).
The AR.FlyingAce application brings you into a world of epic aerial dog-fights against another AR.Drone on the same Wi-Fi network. This application will be made available soon.
Warning: Do not insert the adaptor into the transformer by force.
Login to the App Store and download the AR.Drone applications.


Recharging the battery

1. Select the adapter corresponding to your country and place it on the transformer. It is essential that you hear the sound that confirms a firm connection.
2. Connect the battery to the charger.
Getting Started 6
3. Connect the power cable to the transformer and then plug it into the mains power supply.
- The charging time for the battery is 1 hour 30 minutes.
- The LED status light will turn green when charging is complete.
- LEDs numbered 1 to 3 flash when the corresponding cells are balancing.
1. Insert the battery into the appropriate compartment.
2. Make sure that it is correctly secured by using the attachment mechanism.
3. Connect it to the AR.Drone.

Installing the battery

Checking the battery charge of the iPhone

In order to use the AR.Drone under optimal conditions, make sure that your iPhone's battery is fully charged. A weak or medium battery charge can lead to poorer performance of the AR.Drone (responsiveness to commands, quality of the video feed, etc.).

Indoor usage

Avoid flying the AR.Drone close to young children, domestic animals or fragile objects.
Install the hull with the guard rings in order to protect the AR.Drone if it collides with another object.
7 Getting Started
+ 23 hidden pages