Parr 4744, 4745, 4746, 4747, 4748 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS

No. 249M
These instructions are to acquaint the user with the pro­cedures to be followed and the precautions to be taken when using any ParrAcid Digestion Bomb, except those designed specifically for microwave heating.(Microwave bombs are covered by separate instructions, No. 243M.) Parr PTFE-lined digestion bombs provide a convenient means for dissolving analytical samples rapidly in strong acids or alkalis,it is important that the user understand the capabilities and limitations of the equipment and will be well aware of the safety precautions to be ob­served in its operation. Pages 1 through 6 of these in­structions apply equally to all Parr Acid Digestion Bombs with metal bodies and removable PTFE liners. The user should read these basic instructions carefully before starting to use any of these bombs. Then turn to pages 8 through 11 for the special instructions which apply to each individual model. It must be understood that the excellent mechanism for sample digestion and dissolution provided by these bombs can be hazardous if a bomb is misused. Therefore careful reading and full compliance with these instructions must be observed in all applications.
Scope ......................................................................... 1
Contents.................................................................... 1
Assumption of Risk .................................................. 2
The Nature of PTFE................................................. 2
Potential Hazards .................................................... 2
Sample Selection......................................................3
Loading Limits ......................................................... 3
Acid Selection........................................................... 4
Pressure and Temperature Limits.......................... 4
Heating and Cooling the Bomb ............................... 5
Pre-Treating PTFE Parts ........................................ 5
Liner Maintenance................................................... 5
Liner Lifetimes......................................................... 5
Bomb Maintenance .................................................. 6
References................................................................. 6
Vapor Pressure Tables............................................. 7
Operating Procedure
4745 General Purpose Bomb.................................8
4744 and 4749 General Purpose Bombs...............9
4746 and 4747 High Strength Bombs................. 10
4748 Large Capacity Bomb................................. 11
Assumption of Risk
Potential Hazards
The Parr Instrument Company offers its PTFE-lined Acid Digestion Bombs to skilled analytical chemists as an attractive means for digesting and dissolving analyti­cal samples for analysis. Parr designed and manufac­tures these bombs to be as effective as possible when used within the limitations prescribed for each individ­ual model. But, since the pressures generated within these bombs are solely dependent upon the nature of the materials being treated, the filling level and the amount of heat applied to promote the reaction, Parr will not be responsible for personal injuries or damage to the bomb, to the oven or to other equipment resulting from the use of these bombs. As with all laboratory operations, the user must assume responsibility for and institute safety procedures to protect all personnel from any hazards as­sociated with this equipment. Rigid controls must be es­tablished to guarantee that the operator does not overcharge or overheat the bomb.
The Nature of PTFE
PTFE offers such unique inertness and high tempera­ture usefulness that it is an obvious choice as the mate­rial of construction for lining these acid digestion bombs. PTFE does, however,have two characteristics which make it somewhat less than perfect for this application, and the user who understands these deficiencies will be able to minimize the effect upon his work.
First, PTFE has a tendency to creep or flow under pres­sure or load. This tendency is present even at room tem­perature and it is accentuated at higher temperatures. At operating temperatures below 150ºC the creep effect will become more pronounced, making it more difficult to maintain tight seals and resulting in deformation and shorter life for the PTFE components. The extent of the creep effect will be roughly proportional to the maximum operating temperature.
Secondly, PTFE is a porous material. Although the mate­rials and designs used in Parr Acid Digestion Bombs minimize the effects of this porosity,users of these bombs can expect to see evidence of vapor migration across the cover seal and through the wall of the liner it­self. Parr is able to minimize these problems by machin­ing these parts from virgin PTFE which has been molded at an optimum pressure selected to reduce any porosity to an absolute minimum. The thick walls and long path seals used in Parr bomb liners also help to overcome these undesirable properties. Experiments have shown that the amount of solute lost in this man­ner during a normal digestion is negligible, but vapor migration will occur and frequently it will be sufficient to produce noticeable discoloration on the inner metal wall of the bomb body and the screw cap.
While many thousands of these bombs have been used safely and routinely for treating a great variety of sam­ples with different digestion media under a broad range of operating conditions,it is possible to create conditions under which these bombs will explode. The bulk of the reported incidents of this type have been caused by fail­ure of the operator to recognize one or more of the following potential hazards.
Excessive temperature. When a bomb is overheated, two factors come into play: (1) the vapor pressure of the materials in the bomb increases exponentially with tem­perature and (2) the strength of the materials from which the bomb is made falls off (again exponentially) if the bomb is heated above its maximum temperature limit. Dangerous overheating can be produced by ovens with defective temperature controls, by water baths boil­ing dry, or by operator inattention or carelessness.
Excessive pressure. Excessive pressure can be pro­duced not only by overheating, as mentioned above, but also from uncontrolled gaseous reactions and from high vapor pressure or explosive materials, or from overload­ing the bomb as mentioned below.
Excessive loading. When organic materials are treated in these bombs, they may liberate gases as well as heat. Since the PTFE liner is an excellent thermal insulator, this internal heat will be translated into higher internal temperatures and pressures. The loading limits pre­scribed for these bombs are purposely conservative to ensure that the energy released from the sample will not over-stress the bomb.The user must also remember that when a water-based solution is heated to 250ºC it ex­pands to fill a space approximately 25 percent larger than its volume at room temperature. If there is insuffi­cient vapor space in the bomb to accommodate this ex­pansion, the tremendous hydrostatic pressure which will be generated will destroy the bomb.
Explosive materials. The nitro compounds produced when nitric acid reacts with certain organic materials may have explosive properties capable of destroying the bomb, even when present in quantities well within the normal recommended charging limits.Consider, for ex­ample, what might happen if nitroglycerin were pro­duced by reactions in the bomb. For this reason, fats, fatty acids, glycerin and similar materials must not be treated with nitric acid in these bombs, and cellulosic materials must not be treated with mixed nitric and sulfuric acids. Similarly, because of its unpredictable nature, perchloric acid must not be used in these
Sample Selection
Inorganic materials. Most inorganic digestions pro­ceed smoothly without unusual hazards, using not more than 1.0 gram of sample in a 23 mL bomb, 2.0 grams in a 45 mL bomb and 5.0 grams in the larger,125 mL size. As in all reactions, the bomb must never be completely filled as there must always be vapor space above the surface of the charge.To besure that there is adequate free space, the total volume of the charge must never exceed two­thirds (66%) of the capacity of the cup when working with inorganic materials. By observing these limits and taking precautions to prevent overheating, there should be no unusual hazards in treating inorganic samples with mineral acids.
Ores, rock samples, glass and other inorganic materials can be dissolved in Parr acid digestion bombs using strong mineral acids: HF, HCl, H2SO4, HNO3, Aqua Re­gia and others.Digestion times for these materials can vary anywhere from 2 hours to several days. Ordinary glass materials (SiO2) will mandate the use of HF,some­times in combination with HCl, or aqua regia. Tempera­tures in the range of 100 to 150ºC are routinely used. Alumina is routinely digested using 10% sulfuric acid. Temperatures used for these samples are typically in ex­cess of 200ºC.It is advantageous, from the standpoint of minimizing the digestion time, to reduce the sample to granular or powder form prior to digestion. The increase in surface area of the sample has a significant impact on the reaction with the digestion aid.
The following used for glass and other silicate samples using the Parr 23 mL Acid Digestion Bomb. For the dissolution of glass, sand and mineral silicate samples, weigh 0.4 g of the powdered sample into the PTFE liner.Moisten the sam­ple with water and cautiously and 4 mL of 40 to 50% HF to the liner. Cover the liner and allow it to stand until the initial reaction has taken place, then seal the bomb. Place the bomb assembly into a preheated lab oven for 2 hours at 130-150ºC.Remove the bomb from the oven, and after cooling the room temperature, the bomb may be opened.
Elements that form insoluble fluorides, such as Al, Ba, Ca, and Mg can be dealt with effectively by adding 1 gram of boric acid, after cooling, and re-heating again for 1 hour. A blank, used throughout the dissolution and analysis procedure,should contain the same amount of HF and boric acid. For example, it is important to have the boric acid blank subtracted from the sample spec­trum in ICPES analysis to account for the boron interfer­ences with other elemental lines.
Organic materials. Many organic materials can be treated satisfactorily in these digestion bombs but care­ful attention must be given to the nature of the sample and to possible explosive reactions with the digestion me-
general digestion procedure can be
dia. In all cases the size of the sample and the amount of oxidant used must be carefully controlled. For nitric acid digestions (Carius decompositions) of organic com­pounds, the dry weight of organic matter must not ex­ceed 0.1 gram in a 23 mL bomb, 0.2 gram in a 45 mL bomb and 0.5 gram in the 125 mL size. The sample does not have to be dried before it is placed in the bomb, but the amount used must not exceed the above limits when converted to a dry weight basis. The amount of concen­trated nitric acid (sp. g 1.42) added to the above charges must fall within the amounts shown in the table of load­ing limits. Notice that both minimum and maximum amounts of acid are specified. If the sample contains less than the specified maximum amount of dry organic mat­ter, the amount of nitric acid must be reduced proportion­ately.
As stated above, fats, fatty acids,glycerin and similar ma­terials which form explosive compounds in an intermedi­ate stage must not be treated with nitric acid in these bombs. Digestions involving other organic materials must also be handled cautiously since it is impossible to list all of the potentially dangerous combinations which might arise. For best protection, the user and his supervi­sor should study each reaction carefully before proceed­ing to use the Parr digestion bomb or any other pressure vessel, asking such questions as: Is the reaction exother­mic? What intermediate and final products might be pro­duced and what will be their behavior?
When working with new or unfamiliar materials it is al­ways advisable to run preliminary experiments using small samples and observing the behavior of the reac­tants carefully.This initial screening is best conducted in the heavier 4746 bomb which has a safety rupture disc.
Organic samples are typically treated with concentrated nitric acid. Nitric - sulfuric mixtures are not recom­mended for digesting organic samples due to the possibil­ity of forming potentially unstable reaction products. Digestion with perchloric acid can be dangerous,for the same reason, and must not be used. Typical heating
Loading Limits
Minimum and
Bomb No.
4744 4745 4746 4747 4748 4749
Size mL
45 23 23 23 125 23
Maximum Inorganic Sample
2.0 gram
Maximum Organic Sample
0.2 gram
Maximum Nitric Acid to be used with an Organic Sample
5.0-6.0 mL
times range from 1 to 8 hours. Temperatures in the 150 to 200ºC range are generally quite effective.
The following ganic samples using the Parr 23 mL Acid Digestion Bomb. Weigh no more than 0.1 g of sample (dry weight basis) into the PTFE digestion vessel. Add 2.5 mL hot concentrated nitric acid and let stand open for 15 min­utes. Add 0.2 mL of hydrofluoric acid to dissolve siliceous materials contained in the sample. (In case that the sam­ple does not contain siliceous material, this step can be omitted.) Close the vessel and place into a preheated oven (100-150ºC) for 1 to 4 hours,as required until the solution is clear. If the solution is colloidal, heat until clear. Remove the vessel from the oven and let cool to room temperature (2 hours) before opening.Sample sizes and amount of reagents used are proportional to the free volume of the PTFE liner.
general digestion procedure for or-
Acid Selection
With the vigorous action that can be achieved in these bombs at elevated temperatures and pressures, most organic samples can be decomposed in nitric acid alone without using mixed nitric and sulfuric acids as in oxida­tions at atmospheric pressure. Users should always try nitric acid alone and resist the temptation to add sulfu­ric acid to the charge. Sulfuric acid may not be needed at the higher temperature and it may tend to dehydrate the system and promote the formation of unstable nitro compounds.
Do not use perchloric acid. We repeat again the warning that perchloric acid should not be used in these bombs because of its unpredictable behavior when heated in a closed vessel. Also, other reactions which are highly exothermic or which might be expected to release large volumes of gas should be avoided.
Pressure and Temperature Limits
Maximum working pressures for each acid digestion bomb are shown in the individual listings on pages 8 through 11. Extreme care must be exercised to ensure that pressures do not exceed these prescribed limits.The user must understand that in acid systems the solubility of gases such as NO the temperature rises, having the effect of adding non­condensable gas to the vapor phase in a closed vessel. As a result, the amount of acid present, the acid concentra­tion and the free head space above the liquid will all have a bearing on the pressure developed in a closed bomb. Free head space must therefore be provided in all procedures,and the volume and concentration of the acid must be held to a minimum.
Maximum operating temperatures for each acid diges­tion bomb are shown in the individual listings. But these limits must be used cautiously because, with certain acids, pressures higher than the allowable limit will be generated if the bomb is heated to the listed maximum temperature. For example,Table I on page 6 shows the heating only 3 mL of fuming nitric acid to 256ºC in a 23 mL bomb will generate a pressure of 1565 psi which is well above the 1200 psi limit for the 4745 general pur­pose bomb. Table II shows that heating 10 mL of concen­trated hydrochloric acid to 255ºC in a 23 mL bomb will generate 2150 psi, which is well above the allowable limit for the 4744, 4745 and 4749 bombs. But if the acid is diluted, Table III shows that much lower pressures are developed at temperatures to 250ºC.Diluting or reducing the amount of acid in the charge will generally allow the use of higher temperatures to develop a given pressure. But in all operations the user must use good judgment in selecting the operating temperature, and he must control the heating medium carefully to be sure that both tem­perature and pressure are held within prescribed limits.
, HCl and SO3will be reduced as
The 4744 and 4749 Bombs can be held
4749 Bomb
with A284AC
Tumbling Ring
firmly in an A285AC Holding Fixture while tightening the cap with a 264AC2 Hook Spanner
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