JINCNS05 RevF 27/04/12
Metal Parts
When installing or servicing this stove, care
should be taken to avoid the possibility of
personal injury.
No unauthorized modification of this appliance
should be carried out.
WARNING – This appliance will be hot when in
operation and due care should be taken. The
supplied operating tool or gloves may be used
to open the door and operate the air controls.
Do not use an aerosol spray on or near the
stove when it is alight.
Always use a fireguard in the presence of
children, the elderly or the infirm. The fireguard
should be manufactured in accordance with
BS8423 – Fireguards for use with solid fuel
Do not Over-Fire
It is possible to fire the stove beyond its design
capacity. This could damage the stove so watch
for signs of over-firing.
If any part of the stove starts to glow red, the
stove is in an over-fire situation and the
controls should be adjusted accordingly.
Never leave the stove unattended for long
periods without first adjusting the controls to a
safe setting.
Careful air supply control should be exercised at
all times.
Fume Emission
Properly installed, operated and maintained,
this appliance will not emit fumes into the
dwelling. Occasional fumes from de-ashing and
refuelling may occur. However, persistent fume
emission is potentially dangerous and must not
be tolerated.
If fume emission does persist, then the
following immediate action should be taken: -
Open doors and windows to ventilate the
room and then leave the premises.
Let the fire go out.
Check for flue or chimney blockage and
clean if required.
Do not attempt to re-light the fire until the
cause of the fume emission has been
identified and corrected. If necessary, seek
expert advice.
The most common cause of fume emission is
flueway or chimney blockage. For your own
safety these must be kept clean at all times.
Adverse Weather
In a small number of installations, occasional
local weather conditions (e.g. wind from a
particular direction) may cause downdraught in
the flue and cause the stove to emit fumes.
In these circumstances, the stove should not be
used. A professional flue installer will be able to