Park Air Systems B63100HS User Manual

T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter
User Documentation
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Handbook Title: T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter User Documentation Handbook Part Number: 31-3T6T100V Handbook Version: 2.0 Date of Issue: February 2005 Equipment Modification Level 7 Published By: Park Air Systems
Northfields Market Deeping Peterborough PE6 8UE England
Telephone: From UK, 01778 345434
From outside UK, 44 1778 345434
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Page ii T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter
Health and Safety
A warning is used to indi cate possibl e danger to personnel. Th roughout P ark Air hand books, war nings are indicated by the following symbols:
Indicates electrical danger to personnel.WARNING
Indicates a hazardous material.
Indicates a non-ionizing radiation hazard.
Indicates a specified danger to personnel.
A caution is used to indicate possible danger to the equipment.
Indicates the presence of electrostatic sensitive devices (ESSD). Caution
Indicates a specified danger to the equipment. Caution
The following tradenames are used in this handbook.
IBM This is a registered trademark of International Business Machines. Microsoft This is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other
Windows This is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page iii
List of Abbreviations
ac alternating current AGC automatic gain control AM amplitude modulation ATC air traffic control BER bit error rate BIT built-in test C celsius CD compact disk dB decibel dc direct current DSB double sideband E-BIT external bit signal ESSD electrostatic se nsiti ve devices Fig figure FM frequency modulation Hz hertz
RF radio frequency ROM read-only memory RSE2 remote site equipment RSSI receiver signal strength indication Vvolt VFP virtual front panel VHF very high frequency VOGAD voice-operated gain adjusting device VSWR voltage standing wave ratio Wwatt
IF intermediate frequency kg kilogramme kHz kilohertz LCD liquid crystal display mmetre mA milliamp MARC multi-access remote control mm millimetre mW milliwatt MHz megahertz MSK minimum shift keying PA power amplifier PC personal computer PCB printed circuit board pk-pk peak-to-peak ppm parts per million PSU power supply unit PTT press to transmit
Page iv T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter
Approvals and Standards T6T VHF 100 Watt Transmitters
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003
The equipment is designed to meet the essential requirements of Directives 1999/5/EC, 89/336EEC as amended by Directive 93/68/EEC, and 72/23/EEC.
The following standards are applied:
EMC EN 301 489-1; EN 301 489-22.
Health & Safety, EN 60950, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950, UL 60950.
Radio EN 300 676, IC RSS141, FCC part 15 and 87.
Telecom CS-03.
FCC Statement:
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-Consult the supplier or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Operation on 8.33 kHz channel spacing is restricted to European customers.
About This Hard Copy
This document, apart fr om the preface, is a hard copy of the files contai ned on the CD and co mprises the following parts:
Preface (not on CD) Introduction Specification Operation Installation Maintenance.
Page vi T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter
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This topic gives a brief introduction to the T6T VHF 100 W Multimode Transmitter.
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The T6T VHF multim ode 100 W transmitter i s intended for use in fixed ground envir onments such as airports and en-route centres. The transmitter operates in voice and ICAO defined data modes at frequencies between 118 and 136.975 MHz.
Dependent on the software loaded into the radio, the following operating modes can be selected:
AM-Voice. All transmitters have this mode AM-MSK (optional) Mode 2 (optional) Mode 3 (optional).
Fig 1 T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter
Models and Part Numbers
The following table identifies the T6T VHF 100 W transmitters:
Description Part Number Frequency Range Channel
T6T 100 W standard frequency coverage high stability transmitter
B63100HS/NB 118 to 136.975 MHz 25 kHz or
8.33 kHz
Supports 5-offset carrier operation
Mechanical Installation
The transmitter fits i nto a n i ndu strial standard 19 in ch (483 mm) equipment cabine t an d o cc upies 4U of space.
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 2 Introduction
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Frequency Selection
T6 radios operate with 8.33 kHz and 25 kHz channel spacing. The radios recognize frequencies entered in ICAO format and automa tically ad just to t he corr ect channe l spaci ng. For m ultichan nel operati on up to 100 preset frequency cha nnels can be stored in the radi o for immediate recall; any combina tion of
8.33 kHz and 25 kHz channel spacing can be stored. Any valid operating frequency can be selected from the radio’s front panel or a compatible remote control equipment.
Operating Parameters
The transmitter’s o per at ing pa ra mete rs a re se t us ing the front panel multi- purpose Scroll/Select swi tc h, or by using the Park Air Virtual Front Panel (VFP) software in conjunction with a Personal Computer (PC).
Virtual Front Panel
The Virtual Front Panel (VFP) software supplied on CD with the radio is compatible with any PC or laptop running Windows 2000™ or Windo ws XP ™. T he VFP allo ws ch ang es to a rad io’ s setti ngs and cha nne l information, it dis plays the curre nt BIT state, display s BIT history, allo ws security lo cks to be set, and provides maintenance facilities. A typical VFP presentation is shown in Fig 2. Using the VFP has s ever al advantages over setting a radio from the front panel; these are:
A profile of the operati onal setti ngs an d chann el inform ation c an be cr eated, stored on di sk, and
then recalled to download into other radios.
A print out of the radio’s profile can be made from the VFP. The front panel controls can be locked. Front Panel Lock is available only when using the VFP.
Fig 2 Typical VFP Presentation
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 3 Introduction
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Intentionally Blank
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This section gives the specification applicable to the T6T VHF 100 W Multimode Transmitter operating in AM modes, Mode 2 and Mode 3.
All radios operate in AM-Voice mode. Additional software must be loaded to allow AM-MSK, Mode 2 and Mode 3 operation.
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General Specification
The general speci fication applies t o the T6T 100 watt trans mitter irr espective of the sele cted op erating mode. Separate listings are given for AM modes, Mode 2 and Mode 3. One model of the T6T VHF 100 W Multimode Transmitter is available as detailed in Table 1.
Table 1 100 Watt T6 Transmitter
Description Part Number Frequency Range Special Applications
100 watt, high stability, standard frequency coverage transmitter
B63100HS/NB 118 to 136.975MHz Supports 5-offset carrier
Frequency accuracy
The frequency accuracy is better than 0.3 ppm.
Number of Channels
The transmitter has a multichannel capability. 100 channels can be stored and recalled.
Power Requirements
The transmitter operates from an ac mains supply, or a dc input supply. When both supplies are connected, the dc input acts as an automatic backup for the ac mains.
ac input supply The transmitter operates from a 48 to 62 Hz single-phase ac supply
and automatically adjusts to operate from any supply voltage ranging from 110 Vac to 230 Vac ±10%. The power consumption figures are given in Table 2.
dc input supply The transmitter operates from a dc input supply between 21.6 and
32 V (measured at the radio’s input). Current loading is given in Table 2.
Table 2 Power Consumption
Requirement 100 Watt T rans mitte r Normal Operation
ac dc
Maximum 1000 VA 24 A Typical 600 VA 17 A Not Transmitti ng 90 VA 1.5 A
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 2 Specification
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Dimensions and Weight
The dimensions and weight of the 100 watt transmitter are:
Width 483 mm (19 inches). Height 177.8 mm (7 inches). The height occupies 4U of equipment cabinet
Depth 430 mm (16.9 inches) measured from front panel to rear panel.
465 mm (18.3 inches) measured from front panel to rear RF connectors.
Weight 25 kg (55 pounds).
Temperature range The transmitter operates to specification across the temperature
range of -20°C to +55°C. The transmitter can be stored at temperatures ranging from
-30°C to +70°C without caus ing any dama ge.
Humidity The transmitter operates to specification at a relative humidity
between 5% and 90% non-condensing.
Altitude The transmitter operates to specification up to 15,000 feet.
Additionally it is capable of storage at altitudes up to 50,000 feet without damage.
Shock and vibration The transmitter complies with shock and vibration protection
MIL-STD-810E, method 516.4, procedure VI - Bench Handling.
Ventilation The transmitter is cooled by integral fans, which normally runs at half
speed. At an RF PA temperature of 45°C this is increased to full speed and at 40°C it reduces to half speed again.
The transmitter power supply units also use internal fans.
Warm up time The transmitter is fully operational within 20 seconds but can take up
to 10 minutes to achieve frequency accuracy for offset carrier.
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 3 Specification
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AM Modes
The transmitter can oper at e in A M-Vo ic e mo de (st anda rd ) and A M- MS K mo de (opti on al) . The fo ll owi ng specifications apply to both modes unless stated otherwise.
Transmitter RF Characteristics
RF Power Output
The RF car r ier ou tp ut po w e r i s ad j us t ab le in 2 W s te p s fr om 10 W t o 10 0 W.A s an op tio n, th e maxi mum selectable power can be limited. Output power is automatically controlled under the following conditions:
Frequency range Variations in power remain within 0 to +1 dB over the operational
frequency range.
Low supply voltage Variations in power remain within ±1 dB for supply voltages between
24 Vdc and 32 Vdc.
High VSWR Loop error can reduce power progressively by up to 3 dB. Variations
in power remain within ±1 dB into a VSWR of up to 2.5:1. At a VSWR greater than this the output power may be reduced by 10 dB ±1 dB.
High RF PA temperature If the RF PA temperature sensor exceeds 80°C the output power is
reduced by 3 dB ±1 dB. If the RF PA temperature sensor exceeds 90°C the transmitter is de-keyed and automatically re-keyed at 70°C.
PA Module Failure If one of the two PA modules fails, the transmitter will continue to
operate at half power, 50 watts.
Duty Cycle
Both modes 100% continuous operation.
Channel Spacing
AM-Voice mode The transmitter is capable of both 25 kHz channel spacing and
8.33 kHz channel spacing.
AM-MSK mode 25 kHz.
Offset Carrier
AM-Voice mode The transmitter is capable of offsetting the carrier frequency to provide
2, 3, 4 and 5-carrier offset.
AM-MSK mode Offset carrier is not available.
Harmonic Outputs
Both modes Second harmonic outputs are less than -36 dBm, third harmonic
outputs are less than -46 dBm and fourth harmonic outputs and above up to 4 GHz, are less than -56 dBm.
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 4 Specification
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Spurious Outputs
Both modes The spurious outputs are less than -46 dBm for modulation depths up
to 90%, measured at greater than 500 kHz from carrier in the frequency range 9 kHz to 4 GHz. There are no coherent spurious outputs above the spectral mask at less than 500 kHz.
Both modes Intermodulation products, caused by an interfering signal with the
same power as the transmitter isolated by 30 dB, are at least -40 dBc at ±150 kHz and -50 dBc at ±500 kHz.
Transmitter Modulation Characteristics
The transmitter modulation characteristics are as follows:
AM-Voice AM-Voice mode uses Double Sideband (DSB) Amplitude Modulation
(AM) full carrier; emission designator 6K80A3EJN for 25 kHz channels and 5K00A3EJN for 8.33 kHz channels.
AM-MSK AM-MSK mode uses Double Sideband (DSB) Amplitude Modulation
(AM) full carrier; emission designator 13K0A2DJN.
Modulation Depth
Both modes The transmitter is capable of modulation depths up to 95%.
Hum and Noise
Both modes The hum and noise is more than 45 dB below the signal level for line
input levels <-13 dBm, and more than 50 dB below the signal level for line input levels -13 dBm, for a carrier modulated by a 1 kHz signal with a modulation depth of 90%.
Frequency Response
25 kHz channel spacing AM-Voice and AM-MSK: The variation in frequency response with
reference to a 1 kHz signal is within +0.5 dB and -1.5 dB across the frequency range 300 to 3400 Hz. The response is also less than
-20 dB at 100 Hz and below, and less than -30 dB at 4 kHz and above.
8.33 kHz channel spacing AM-Voice only: The variation in frequency response with reference to a 1 kHz signal is within +0.5 dB and -1.5 dB across the frequency range 350 Hz to 2500 Hz. The response is also less than -10 dB at 100 Hz and below, and less than -30 dB at 3200 Hz and above.
25 kHz channel spacing The total harmonic distortion is less than 5% due to signals with a
modulation depth of 90%, within the frequency range 300 Hz to 3400 Hz.
8.33 kHz channel spacing AM-Voice only: The total harmonic distortion is less than 5% due to signals with a modulation depth of 90%, within the frequency range 350 Hz to 2500 Hz.
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 5 Specification
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Residual FM
Both modes For a test signal of 1 kHz set at 80% modulation depth applied to the
line input of the transmitter, the unwanted peak frequency modulation does not exceed ±500 Hz.
AM-Voice The VOGAD has an operational range of 30 dB. The VOGAD can be
AM-MSK The VOGAD is disabled.
AM-Voice The mute level is set at 15 dB below the average speech line level
setting. The mute can be disabled.
AM-MSK The mute is disabled.
Differential Group Delay
AM-MSK There is less than 60 µs differential group delay for signals in the
range 1200 to 2400 Hz.
Transmitter Control
Transmitter control characteristics are as follows:
Audio Inputs
Voice can be connected t o the transmi tter via the fr ont panel mi crophon e connec tor. Vo ice ca n also be connected via the line inputs. Line level setting from -30 to +10 dBm.
PTT Time O u t
The time out period is adjustable from 2 to 510 seconds in 2 second steps or it can be disabled.
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 6 Specification
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Mode 2
This section gives the transm itter spe cificati on appl icable to Mo de 2 op eration. Mo de 2 para meters ar e identical to AM-Voice mode parameters with the following exceptions:
RF Power Rise Time
The transmitter pr oduces more than 90% of full power output within the first 2 symbols of th e power stabilization segment, which is the first segment of the training sequence and consists of 4 symbols each representing 000.
RF Power Decay Time
The output power decays by more than 20 dB within 2.5 symbols of the middle of the final symbol.
Channel Spacing
25 kHz channel spacing only.
Transmitter Modulation Characteristics
Mode 2 uses Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) differentially encoded 8-phase shift keying (D8PSK), using a raised cosine filter with α=0.6 (nominal value), emission designator 14K0G1DE. Information is differ en tial ly en co ded with 3 bi ts p er sy mb ol t ra nsm it ted a s changes in phase rather th an absolute phase. T he data stream i s divided in to groups of 3 con secutive data bits, least si gnificant bit first. Zeros are padded to the end of transmissions if needed for the final channel symbol.
Modulation Rate
The symbol rate is 10,500 symbols/second (±0.005%), resulting in a nominal bit rate of 31,500 bits/s.
RMS Phase Error
The RMS phase error is less than 3°. The error vector magnitude is less than 6%.
Phase Acceleration
The total frequency change during the transmission of the unique word is less than 10 Hz. After this, the phase acceleration is less than 500 Hz/s.
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 7 Specification
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Mode 3
This section gives the transm itter spe cificati on appl icable to Mo de 3 op eration. Mo de 3 para meters ar e identical to AM-Voice mode parameters with the following exceptions:
RF Power Rise Time
The transmitter pr oduces more than 90% of full power output within the first 2 symbols of th e power stabilization segment, which is the first segment of the training sequence and consists of 4 symbols each representing 000.
RF Power Decay Time
The output power decays by more than 20 dB within 2.5 symbols of the middle of the final symbol.
Channel Spacing
25 kHz channel spacing only.
Transmitter Modulation Characteristics
Mode 3 uses Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) differentially encoded 8-phase shift keying (D8PSK), using a raised cosine filter with α=0.6 (nominal value), emission designator 14K0G7WET. Information is differentially encoded with 3 bits per symbol transmitted as changes in phase rather than absolute phase. The data stream is div ided into groups of 3 consecutiv e data bits, least significant bi t first. Zeros are padded to the end of transmissions if needed for the final channel symbol.
Modulation Rate
The symbol rate is 10,500 symbols/second (±0.005%), resulting in a nominal bit rate of 31,500 bits/s.
RMS Phase Error
The RMS phase error is less than 3°. The error vector magnitude is less than 6%.
Phase Acceleration
The total frequency change during the transmission of the unique word is less than 10 Hz. After this, the phase acceleration is less than 500 Hz/s.
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 8 Specification
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This topic describes the transmitter’s operating controls and indicators.
It also details how to set up the transmitter’s operating parameters.
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Controls, Indicators and Front Panel Connectors
This section describes the transmitter’s controls, indicators and front panel connectors.
Front Panel
The transmitter’s front panel is illustrated below.
Scroll/Select SwitchLCD
F r e q 1 1 8 .0 0 0 M H z C h 1 0 0 + 7 . 3 k H z M o d e A M V o i c e 1
P w r
Scroll/Select Switch and LCD
The Scroll/Select switch is used in conjunction with the LCD to select most of the transmitter's operational settings. During nor mal operati on, the LCD shows th e operating frequency , the channel number (if the channel store faci lity is used), the carrier offset (if us ed), and displays a graphical rep resentation of instantaneous peak power.
The example LCD s creen above sho ws the transmitter operating on 11 8.000 MHz; the frequency has been preset as channel 100 and offset at +7.3 kHz.
Ready Indicator
A green indicator that lights when the transmitter is ready for use and no BIT faults have been detected.
Transmit Indicator
An amber indicator that lights when the transmit circuit is keyed and producing output power.
Alarm Indicator
A red indicator that eit her flashes, or lights, when a BIT fault ha s been detected. BIT indications are classified as either Alarms or Alerts.
If an ‘alert’ conditi on is detected, the Alarm i ndicator flashes, the Ready i ndicator remains lit, and t he transmitter remains operational. A BIT ‘alert’ is indicated if:
The transmitter RF output power has reduced from its setting by more than 1 dB but not more than
3 dB.
The supply volts falls below a pre-defined level.
Any other BIT condit ion results in an alarm. When detected, the Alarm indicator lights and the Ready indicator becomes unlit; the transmitter cannot be used.
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 2 Operation
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Standby Indicator
A red indicator that lights whe n the tran smitte r is in stan dby mode. Whe n in stand by mode , most of the radio's circuits are inactive, the front panel LCD is blanked, and the transmitter cannot be keyed.
Standby mode is selected and deselected using the front panel Scroll/Select switch and LCD, by initiating an instruction th rough a MARC sys tem, th rough a T6 contr oller or th rough th e VF P. For details of front panel selection and deselection see page 14.
Reference Connector
An SMB jack soc ket that allows a freq uency counter to moni tor the transmitter 's reference frequen cy. This connector is used onl y for mainte nance purpos es. The instr uctions for checking and adjusting the reference frequency are given in the Maintenance section.
Microphone/Diagnostics Connector
A dual purpose conne ctor that allows either a micro phone, o r a PC, t o be connec ted to the trans mitter. The connector is a 7-pin self-locking DIN socket; the pin-out is shown in Table 1.
A microphone is fitted to thi s conn ector to enab le the t ransmit ter to be ope rated in AM loca l mod e. The connections are detailed in Table 1. A PC can also be connected to allow the VFP to be displayed. Using the VFP is detailed in the Maintenance section. The PC connections at the transmitter a re shown in Table 2 on the following page.
Viewed from front
Table 1 Microphone/Diagnostics Connector - Audio Connections
1 Microphone ground - 0 V. 3 Microphone PTT Input 0 V to PTT. 5 Sidetone Output 0 to 3 V pk-pk. 6 Microphone input Input 2 to 35 mV rms on Passive setting and 8 to 140 mV rms on
7Ground - 0V.
Input or
Active setting to remain in VOGAD range.
Table 2 Microphone/Diagnostics Connector - PC Connections
2 Transmit data Output RS232, 115200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 3 Operation
Input or
Back to Transmitter Main Page
Table 2 Microphone/Diagnostics Connector - PC Connections
4 Receive data Input RS232, 115200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no
7 Ground - 0 V.
Input or
Rear Panel Power Switch
The rear panel power switch is a 2-way rocker switch used to select between power on, and standby.
When the Power switch is set to the Standby position, dangerous voltages are still present in the transmitter's internal power supply circuitry. To ensure safe working, the transmitter must be isolated from the ac and dc input supplies.
Dangerous Voltages
= Standby= On
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 4 Operation
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Setting Up and Operation
Setting up the transmi tter involves using the front panel Sc roll/Select switch to specify th e operating parameters.
Operating parameters can also be set using the Virtual Front Panel (VFP), through a Multi-Access Remote Control (MARC) sys tem, from an assoc iated T6 controlle r. VFP operatio n is described on this disk under Maintenance; MARC and T6 controller functionality is described in separate handbooks.
Table 9 on page 32 details the functions and parameters that can be set from all sources.
No attempt to set up the transmitter should be made until the installation procedures, given in the Installation topic, are completed.
Normal Operation
During normal operation, the LCD displays the Main screen. This screen shows the operating frequency, the channel number (i f the channel store facility is used), the c arrier offset (if used), and displays a graphical representation of output power when the transmitter is keyed. If the transmitter has been set to Standby mode, which is shown by the front panel Standby indicator being lit, the LCD is blanked.
Scroll/Select SwitchLCD
F r e q 1 1 8 .0 0 0 M H z C h 1 0 0 + 7 . 3 k H z M o d e A M V o i c e 1
P w r
Using the Scroll/Select Switch
The Scroll/Select switc h (referred to throughout this sec tion as the ‘Switch’) is used to leav e the Main screen and display the Control screen (see page 8). Further use of the Sw itch d ispla ys va rious s ele ction menus and allows t he required parameters to be set. Th e switch has three actions: it can b e turned clockwise, anti-clockwise, or momentarily pushed in.
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 5 Operation
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Screen Protocol
The following protocol is applicable to all screens described in this document.
Main Screen During normal operation, the Main screen (an example of which is shown below
whilst the transmitter is transmitting) is displayed.
F r e q 1 1 8 . 0 0 0 M H z C h 1 0 0 + 7 . 3 k H z M o d e A M V o i c e P w r I I I I I I I I I I
Switch Refers to the front panel Scroll/Select switch. The switch is turned clockwise to scroll
through fields from left to right, and from top to bottom. The switch is turned anti-clockwise to scroll through fields from right to left, and from bottom to top. The switch is pressed to make a selection.
Time out If during any setting up procedure the Scroll/Select switch is not operated for
30 seconds, the display returns to the Main screen. If editing any parameter has not been completed, the transmitter stays on the original setting.
>> Indicates m ore fields are available other than those currently displayed. To access
those fields, turn the switch clockwise through the last displayed field.
<< Indicates m ore fields are available other than those currently displayed. To access
those fields, turn the switch anti-clockwise through the first displayed field.
Back When Back is selected, you are returned to the previous menu. Exit When Exit is selected, you are returned to the Main screen.
Menu System
The front panel control of the radio is implemented through a hierarchical menu system as shown on the following page.
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 6 Operation
Back to Transmitter Main Page
Set the
operating frequency
F r e q 1 1 8 . 0 0 0 M H z C h 1 0 0 M o d e A M V o i c e P w r I I I I I I I I I I
Control Screen
Configure the transmitter
operating parameters, ac cess
the BIT facility or view the
software configuration
Set or recall up
to 100 preset
Set the
Menu Lock Screen
Initiate a BIT
test and view
Displayed during normal
transmitter operation
S/W Config
View the
Main Screen
Enter or Exit
standby mode
Adjust the
display’s backlight
AM-Voice Mode
(see page 17)
Ref Freq
Adjust the
Band Edges
Set up the
band edges
(see page 19)
Menu System
Mode and
Select Mode
Set the active
polarity for
certain hardwire
Digital Modes (see page 20)
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 7 Operation
Back to Transmitter Main Page
Menu Lock Screen
A security facility available only from the VFP allows the transmitter front panel to be ‘locked’. When this facility is active, no op erational set tings can be ma de from the front panel until an ‘unlo ck’ command is sent from the VFP.
The following screen is displayed when ‘lock’ is active, and the front panel switch is pressed.
F r o n t P a n e l
L o c k e d
To exit the system lock screen:
Select OK, then press the switch. You are returned to the Main screen.
Wait for the 30 second time out to expire. You are returned to the Main screen.
Control Screen
The Control screen is entered from the Main screen by pressin g the switch. The following screen is displayed:
Change the transmitter operating frequency.
Store or recall preset channel frequencies. Select operating mode and mode se ttin gs .
Initiate a BIT test and view results.
View software configuration.
Enter or exit standby mode.
F r e q u e n c y C h a n n e l S e t t i n g s E x i t > >
B I T S / W C o n f i g S t a n d b y E x i t < <
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 8 Operation
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Notes for Setting Up the Transmitter
The following notes should be read before setting up the transmitter. They advise on the special frequency display when using 8 .33 kHz chann el spacing , and give guidan ce on the op timum line le vel settings. Note that for operation in the United States of America, this equipment is certified only for operation using 25 kHz channel spacing.
Front Panel Display for 25 kHz and 8.33 kHz Channel Spacing
When setting the op erating fr equency of the trans mitter and 8.33 kHz channe l spacing is requi red, the displayed frequency differs from the actual channel frequency. Table 3 shows the pattern used for 25 kHz and 8.33 kHz spaced channel frequencies from 118.000 MHz to 118.141 MHz. The pattern is the same for any frequency within the transmitter's frequency range. The display conforms to ICAO convention for 8.33 kHz operation.
T able 3 25 kHz and 8.33 kHz Channel Spacing Displays
Actual Frequency
(to 4 decimal places)
118.0000 MHz
118.0000 MHz
118.0083 MHz
118.0166 MHz
118.0250 MHz
118.0250 MHz
118.0333 MHz
118.0416 MHz
118.0500 MHz
118.0500 MHz
118.0583 MHz
118.0666 MHz
118.0750 MHz
118.0750 MHz
118.0833 MHz
118.0916 MHz
118.1000 MHz
118.1000 MHz
118.1083 MHz
118.1166 MHz
Channel Spacing Displayed Frequency
25 kHz
8.33 kHz
8.33 kHz
8.33 kHz
25 kHz
8.33 kHz
8.33 kHz
8.33 kHz
25 kHz
8.33 kHz
8.33 kHz
8.33 kHz
25 kHz
8.33 kHz
8.33 kHz
8.33 kHz
25 kHz
8.33 kHz
8.33 kHz
8.33 kHz
at Transmitter's Front Panel
118.0 00 MH z
118.005 MHz
118.010 MHz
118.015 MHz
118.0 25 MH z
118.030 MHz
118.035 MHz
118.040 MHz
118.0 50 MH z
118.055 MHz
118.060 MHz
118.065 MHz
118.0 75 MH z
118.080 MHz
118.085 MHz
118.090 MHz
118.1 00 MH z
118.105 MHz
118.110 MHz
118.115 MHz
118.1250 MHz
118.1250 MHz
118.1333 MHz
118.1416 MHz
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 9 Operation
25 kHz
8.33 kHz
8.33 kHz
8.33 kHz
118.1 25 MH z
118.130 MHz
118.135 MHz
118.140 MHz
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Line Level Setting
The input line leve l s ett ing di spl ay ed on th e fr on t pan el is equivalent to the average s peech l ev el wit h a peak-to-average ratio of 13 dB. This corresponds to the level specified for the lines.
When testing the transmitter using a sine wave, the line input level should be set to 10 dB above the line level setting. The VOGAD and mute thresholds are preset at 10 dB and 15 dB respectively below the line level setting.
Table 4 shows the relationship between the input line level, VOGAD threshold and mute threshold.
Table 4 Relationship Between Line Level, VOGAD Threshold and Mute Threshold
Line Level Setting
+10 +10 +20 0 -5
+5 +5 +15 -5 -10
-5 -5 +5 -15 -20
-10 -10 0 -20 -25
-15 -15 -5 -25 -30
-20 -20 -10 -30 -35
-25 -25 -15 -35 -40
-30 -30 -20 -40 -45
Average Speech
Level (dBm)
Sine Wave Level
VOGAD Threshold
Mute Threshold
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 10 Operation
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Changing the Transmitter Operating Frequency
The transmitter frequency can be changed in two ways: either from the frequency screen, or by recalling a preset channel. This procedure details the use of the Frequency screen.
(1) From the Control screen, select
frequency to display the Frequency screen.
(2) Turn the switch to highlight the digit to
be changed, then press the switch.
(3) Turn the switch until the required digit
is shown, then press the switch.
(4) Repeat until the required frequenc y is
shown, then highlight OK and press the switch.
(5) Only frequencies that fall betwee n the
band edge settings can be selected.
F r e q 1 1 8 . 0 0 0 M H z
C a n c e l O K
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 11 Operation
To Store and Recall Frequency Channels
Up to 100 frequency channels can be stored in the transmitter.
To store a Channel Frequency:
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(1) From the Control screen, select
Channel to display the Channel screen. Highlight Channel, press the switch and then turn it until the required channel number is displayed; press the switch.
(2) Highlight the MHz frequency value
(see Example 2) press the switch and then turn it until the required MHz value is shown. Press the switch.
(3) Highlight the kHz frequency value (see
Example 3), press the swi tch and the n turn it until the required kHz value is shown. Press the switch.
(4) Highlight Store and press the switch.
The new frequency is now stored in the selected channel number.
To recall a Stored Frequency Channel:
(1) From the Control screen, select
Channel to display the Channel screen.
(2) To make the transmitter operate on
any preset channel frequency, highlight Channel and press the switch. Turn the switch until the required channel number/frequency is displayed, then press the switch.
(3) Turn the switch to highlight Recall, then
press the switch . Exit the screen. Th e transmitter now operates on the recalled channel frequency.
C h 1 0 0 F r e q 1 2 1 . 5 0 0 M H z R e c a l l B a c k E x i t
Channel Screen - Example 1
C h 1 0 0 F r e q 1 1 8 . 0 0 0 M H z S t o r e B a c k E x i t
Channel Screen - Example 2
C h 1 0 0 F r e q 1 1 8 . 0 0 0 M H z O u t s i d e B a n d E d g e B a c k E x i t
Channel Screen - Example 3
C h 1 0 0 F r e q 1 1 8 . 0 0 0 M H z
I n v a l i d f o r M o d e
B a c k E x i t
Channel Screen - Example 4
Notes: If a frequency ou tside the band edge limits is
entered, a message (see Channel Screen ­Example 3) is displayed.
If a frequency not valid for the mode of operation is entere d, a m es sage ( se e Cha nne l Screen - Example 4) is displayed.
T6T VHF 100 W Transmitter Page 12 Operation
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