Park Air Systems B3060V2 User Guide

Series 3000DV2 Radios
User Guide
Handbook Title: Series 3000DV2 Radios User Guide
Handbook Part Number: 31-33000DTR
Issue Number: 2
Page ii 3000DV2 Radios
Handbook Amendment Record
Amendments to this handbook, originated by Park Air Electronics, are listed in the following table.
Date Brief Details PAE Change
Note Number
Equipment Modification Record
Modifications to the 3000DV2 radios are detailed in the following table.
Date Brief Details PAE Change
Note Number
March '99 RF PA capacitors C17, C26, C39, C40 changed.
3000DV2 Radios Page iii
Warning. Lethal Voltages!
Installation involves the connection of lethal voltages. The instructions detailed in this handbook must be carried out only by suitably qualified personnel.
Warning. Heavy Item!
The 3000DV2 series radios weigh in e xcess of 25 kg; care must be taken when lifting and handling these units. At least two people must be used to lift the equipment.
Warning. Antenna Radiation!
Antennas used with 3000DV2 transmitters and transceivers must be installed such that the resultant radiated field strength is below 10 watt per square metre in areas normally accessible to personnel.
Warning. Beryllium/Beryllia!
The equipment covered by this handbook contains components incorporating the highly toxic material Beryllium and/or its oxide Beryllia. No instructions within this user guide require the removal of the radio's top or bottom covers so users are not exposed to a potential beryllium hazard. If the radio is to be disposed of, users must be aware of current disposal regulations regarding equipment containing Beryllium/Beryllia.
Caution. Electrostatic Sensitive Devices!
The equipment covered by this handbook contains electrostatic sensitive devices some of which are exposed when the rear panel is hinged down to obtain access to the mains voltage selector (see section 3 page 8 ). Observe handling precautions to avoid static charges which may damage these devices.
q This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
condition that this device does not cause harmful interference.
q You are required to obtain a station licence before transmitting from your base station.
q This equipment is only licenced for operation on 25 kHz channel spacing in the
VHF aeronautical band of 118 MHz to 136.975MHz employing amplitude modulation.
q The base station power output must not exceed the output necessary for satisfactory
technical operation taking account of local conditions and the area to be covered.
q The base station's frequency and parameters should be checked by authorized service
personnel before use, and at least yearly thereafter.
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This handbook is divided into the following sections
Section 1 General Information
Section 2 Specification
Section 3 Installation and Setting-Up Instructions
Section 4 Operation
Section 5 Spares
Section 6 Figures
3000DV2 Radios Page v
1 Introduction 4 Equipment overview
8 Power supplies 10 Built-in test facility 12 Types of installation 13 Control of equipment 16 Options 17 VHF/UHF guard receiver (option 01) 18 Configurable antenna port (option 04) 19 Fill gun port (option 05) 20 External power amplifier/filter drive (option 06) 21 Internal have quick (option 07) 22 VHF frequency extension (option 08) 23 Maritime band (option 10) 24 Internal quick fox module (option 12) 25 User maintenance
General Information
Table Page
1-1 Options - Model Applicability 5
1 This handbook describes the installation and operation of the Park Air Electronics (PAE) series 3000DV2 radios. The series comprises the following models:
3040V2 UHF transmitter/receiver
3070V2 VHF transmitter/receiver
3060V2 VHF/UHF transmitter/receiver
3140V2 UHF transmitter
3170V2 VHF transmitter
3160V2 VHF/UHF transmitter
3240V2 UHF receiver
3270V2 VHF receiver
3260V2 VHF/UHF receiver
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2 The purpose of this handbook is to provide sufficient information to successfully install and operate the radios. No topics covered in this book involve power being applied with any equipment covers removed. A full technical description, to component level, of each radio is provided in an associated technical handbook. Details of how to order copies of the technical handbooks are given in section 5.
3 This handbook is divided into six sections. The sections cover the following topics:
Section 1. Provides an overview of the equipment, and details the various installation options.
Section 2. Provides the technical specification of the equipment.
Section 3. Provides installation and commissioning instructions for the equipment. It must be
noted that the installation involves the connection of lethal voltages to the equipment. Installation must therefore be carried out only by suitably qualified personnel.
Section 4. Describes the purpose of the equipment’s controls, connectors and indicators.
Also provided is an example setting-up procedure, operating instructions, and user maintenance procedures.
Section 5. Lists the spare parts applicable to the topics covered in this handbook (each
equipment’s full parts-listing is contained in the associated technical handbook).
Section 6. PAE drawings applicable to this handbook. The drawings are referenced in the text
as Fig. 1, Fig. 2 etc. It should be noted that in-text illustrations are referenced by the section and figure number; for example, Fig. 3-1.
4 Series 3000DV2 radios can operate in the VHF 100 to 163 MHz and/or UHF 225 to 339.975 MHz frequency bands, with 25 kHz channel spacing. 8.33 kHz channel spacing is also available in the VHF band between 118.000 MHz and 136.975 MHz. Standard operating modes are amplitude modulation (AM) or frequency modulation (FM) with both clear voice and data (16 kBit cypher) modes selectable. When 8.33 kHz channel spacing is used, the radio automatically defaults to AM, clear voice mode.
5 The radios are suitable for use in voice encryption systems and Link 11 applications. All UHF sets can be equipped with an internal ECCM module to provide Have Quick II frequency hopping operation (for Have Quick operating instructions refer to document PAE 31B33060SUP).
6 The equipment’s operating frequency is selected using the front panel’s numeric data keys. Up to 99 pre-set channels can be stored in the equipment’s memory. Each stored channel contains frequency and operating mode information. Pre-set channels can be recalled for operational use, or recalled for display without altering the operational frequency.
7 The transceiver and transmitter equipments produce a maximum output of 40 watts in AM mode and 60 watts in FM mode. The output power can be reduced by using a front panel control. If a PAE 3640 power amplifier is used in conjunction with a 3000DV2 transmitter or transceiver, the radio’s FM output is automatically reduced to 40 watts to produce a 100 watt output from the power amplifier.
Power Supplies
8 The radios can be operated from standard ac input supplies, or from a low voltage dc supply (refer to section 2, specification). Both ac and dc input supplies can be simultaneously connected to the equipment.
Section 1 3000DV2 Radios Page 2
9 When both ac and dc supplies are connected, operation from the ac supply takes priority; automatic change-over to the dc supply will occur if the ac supply fails. On restoration of the ac supply, the equipment reverts to ac operation.
Built-in Test Facility
10 A built-in test (BIT) facility monitors essential parameters within the equipment, and displays an error message if a fault is found. The BIT functions in three different ways:
It allows certain equipment parameters to be displayed only when selected by the user.
It continuously performs certain test routines while the equipment is operating.
It provides a complete check of the equipment when selected to do so by the user. During this
operation, normal operation of the equipment is suspended.
11 Full details of BIT operation and the resultant error messages are given in section 4.
12 The series 3000DV2 radios can be installed in one of four ways:
Mounted on fixed runners within a standard 483 mm (19 inch) equipment rack.
Fitted on telescopic slides within a standard 483 mm (19 inch) equipment rack.
As a free-standing desktop equipment using the PAE free-standing accessory kit.
In mobile applications using the PAE free-standing accessory kit plus an anti-vibration mount
Control of Equipment
13 The radios can be controlled in local, or remote modes. In local mode, control of the equipment is by using the front panel controls and indicators as detailed in section 4. In addition to the front panel controls, a number of inputs, outputs and control facilities can be configured through the rear panel facilities socket. A full list of the facilities can be found in section 3.
14 As an alternative to local control, a PAE series 3000V2 Remote Control Unit (RCU) can be used; the RCU replicates many of the radio’s front panel controls and indicators. The radio’s remote control module can be configured for operation through dc or ac (tone) circuits. When configured for dc operation, the RCU can be located (using suitable land lines) up to 1 km (1043 yards) from the equipment. When configured for ac operation, no dc path is required between the equipment and the RCU; this enables the control circuits to be routed, for example, through a microwave link.
15 For remote management of the equipment, and when part of a communication system, the PAE Multi-Access Remote Control (MARC) system can be used.
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16 In addition to the standard operational functions the following options are available (see Table 1-1 for applicability to your model). Some of the options require additional hardware; others are built-in the radio and are available when the option is selected from the front panel. Table 1-1 details which options can be fitted to which radio.
VHF/UHF Guard Receiver (Option 01)
17 Guard receiver module operating on 121.5 or 243.00 MHz AM. Can be configured for independent or combined (with main receiver) antenna operation. This option requires an additional module to be fitted in the radio.
Configurable Antenna Port (Option 04)
18 Configurable antenna switching. This includes single and multi-antenna options configured to a customer’s requirements.
Fill Gun Port (Option 05)
19 Provides a front panel fill gun port (for use with Have Quick radios).
External Power Amplifier/Filter Drive (Option 06)
20 A multi-purpose interface for use with an external power amplifier, or an auto-tune filter. This option is built-in and becomes operational when selected from the radio’s front panel.
Internal Have Quick (Option 07)
21 Option 07 provides a Have Quick II ECCM capability. This option requires an additional module to be fitted in the radio.
VHF Frequency Extension (Option 08)
22 Provides for extension of the VHF frequency range to cover 100 to 163 MHz. This option is built-in and becomes operational when selected from the radio’s front panel.
Maritime Band (Option 10)
23 Provides pre-programmed international maritime channels within the frequency range of 156 MHz to 163 MHz. Information regarding maritime frequency channels is given in section 4 of this handbook. This option is built-in and becomes operational when selected from the radio’s front panel.
Section 1 3000DV2 Radios Page 4
Internal Quick Fox Module (Option 12)
24 Option 12 provides a Quick Fox ECCM capability. This option requires minor modification to the standard radio and an additional module to be fitted.
Table 1-1 Options - Model Applicability
01 04 05 06 07 08 10 12
3070V2 VHF
3040V2 UHF
3060V2 V/UHF
3170V2 VHF
3140V2 UHF
3160V2 V/UHF
3270V2 VHF
3240V2 UHF
3260V2 V/UHF
Options shown shaded are built-in to all applicable radios
and can be made operational from the front panel (see section 4)
4 = available 7 = not available
25 User maintenance is limited to cleaning the rear panel air filter and checking the frequency accuracy of the equipment. The procedures for user maintenance are provided in section 4.
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Page 5
1 General 2 Input supplies 3 Dimensions and weight 4 Environmental
5 RF characteristics 6 Modulation characteristics (speech A3E, F3E) 7 Modulation characteristics (data AXX, FXX)
8 RF characteristics
9 AF characteristics (speech A3E, F3E) 10 AF characteristics (data AXX, FXX) 11 Remote control decoder 12 Guard receiver specification
1 This section provides the specification for the series 3000DV2 radios. The specification covers all models, therefore, users should only read those parts of the specification applicable to their equipment.
Frequency range:
VHF 100 to 155.975 MHz
100 to 163 MHz when Option 08 is selected
UHF 225 to 399.975 MHz
Frequency error
Channel spacing 25 kHz
pre-set channels 99
£1.5 ppm (-20°C to +0°C)
£ 1 ppm (0°C to +55°C)
£ 1 ppm/year
8.33 kHz (only available between 118 and
136.975 MHz, AM voice band. See FCC Warning)
Time for frequency change
3000DV2 Radios Section 2
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Classes of emission A3E, AXX, F3E, FXX
Link 11 to STANAG 5511 Have Quick to STANAG 4246 (Option 07)
Antenna configuration Independent VHF and UHF antenna ports are
provided as standard, other configurations are optional (Option 04)
2 The equipment operates from an ac or dc input supply. The voltage ranges and system readiness data are:
Power supply
DC 22 to 32 V. Negative earth
System readiness <10 seconds
110/120 V or 220/240 V, 45 to 65 Hz ±10% from selected tap
Consumption: 700 VA (Tx/TR models)
175 VA (Rx models)
Consumption: 18 A (Tx/TR models)
3 A (Rx models)
3 The dimensions and weight of the equipment are:
Width (W) 430 mm (width to the extremities of side heatsink
Height (H) 178 mm
Depth (D) 597 mm (depth from rear mounting face). Front
panel projections 41 mm (from mounting face)
Weight 32 kg
4 The temperature and relative humidity ranges, and other environmental data are:
Temperature range:
Operating -20°C to +55°C
Storage -40°C to +70°C
Section 2 3000DV2 Radios Page 2
Duty cycle Continuous operation up to +55°C
Relative humidity:
Operating 95% at 55°C MIL STD 810C
Storage 85% at 40°C MIL STD 810C
Salt fog Complies with MIL STD 810C
Vibration and shock:
Shock 40 g, 6 ms
Vibration 10 to 500 Hz MIL STD 810C
EMC To MIL STD 461/462D part 4
RF Characteristics
5 The characteristics of the transmitter’s RF output are:
Carrier power output 40 W AM; 60 W FM. FM power is automatically
reduced to 40 watts when a serviceable PAE 3640 power amplifier is connected to a UHF transmitter or transceiver.
±0.5 dB over operating band
±1 dB over temperature range
0 to 10 dB front panel adjustment
Power reduction Output power is automatically reduced under the
following conditions:
when VSWR exceeds 2.5:1 (gradual reduction to
-10 dB at infinite VSWR)
when dc supply falls below 26 V (1 dB nominal reduction)
when the temperature exceeds 80°C (6 dB reduction)
when the temperature exceeds 90°C (9 dB reduction)
Permissible mismatch Infinite VSWR
Harmonic outputs Better than -70 dBc (-60 dBc between 225 and
230 MHz)
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Spurious outputs Better than -80 dBc >500 kHz from carrier
See FCC Warning page iv
Broadband noise Better than -155 dBc/Hz, 3 MHz from carrier
Modulation Characteristics (Speech A3E, F3E)
6 The characteristics of the transmitter’s speech modulation are:
Frequency response:
25 kHz channel spacing
8.33 kHz channel spacing 300 Hz -2.5 kHz, +2, -4 dB (ref. 1 kHz)
Modulation index
Line input See - Remote Control Decoder
Microphone input 600 ohms adjustable 0.5 mV to 30 mV
Speech processing:
VOGAD (switchable)
RF clipper
Mute Adjustable to open from 3 mV mic input.
300 Hz to 3.4 kHz, +1.5, -3 dB (ref. 1 kHz) 75 Hz, -20 dB; 6.8 kHz, -30 dB
75 Hz, -20 dB; 3.2 kHz, -25 dB
M = 0.9 AM, ±5 kHz FM
£5% THD at M = 0.9
Dynamic range 30 dB for ±2% change in modulation depth Attack time <10 ms Decay time >1 second for 10 dB step input
Clipping depth 6 dB ±2 dB. Provides increase in average modulation depth
Response time 5 ms for 20 dB step input from 10 dB below VOGAD threshold. Hang time 1.5 sec nominal
Modulation Characteristics (Data AXX, FXX)
7 The characteristics of the transmitter’s data modulation are:
Modulation index M = 0.9 AM, 20 kHz FM
Frequency response
Differential group delay
Section 2 3000DV2 Radios Page 4
25 Hz to 20 kHz ±3 dB (ref. 5.5 kHz) 20 Hz to 24 kHz ±5 dB (ref. 5.5 kHz)
<100ms, 600 Hz to 20 kHz <100ms, 300 Hz to 600 Hz
Line input 600 ohms nominal balanced
See FCC Warning page iv
Level adjustable -20 dBm +10 dBm
Link 11 input (UHF models only)
600 ohms nominal balanced input level adjustable between -20 dBm and +10 dBm for ±20 kHz
RF Characteristics
8 The characteristics of the receiver’s RF circuitry are:
Sensitivity (for S+N:N of 10 dB)
A3E: £2 mV (-101 dBm); M= 0.3 at 1 kHz modulation
F3E: £1.5 mV (-104 dBm): deviation 3.5 kHz with 1 kHz modulation
AXX: £4.0 mV (-95 dBm); M=0.6
FXX: £4.0 mV (-95 dBm); 5.5 kHz deviation
Note: depending on antenna configuration, sensitivity may be reduced by 3 dB when optional guard receiver is fitted.
Spurious suppression
(for S+N:N ³6 dB)
Cross modulation (for 20 dB ratio)
Intermodulation (ref 1 mV emf) ³80 dB for equal amplitude signals, ±100 kHz or
Antenna radiation
Maximum RF input 20 V without damage (<30 seconds)
IF Bandwidth:
A3E, F3E with 25 kHz channel spacing
A3E with 8.33 kHz channel spacing
³80 dB (two exceptions 70 dB)
Wanted signal: 2 mV M=0.3 Interfering signal: 0 dBm at 5 MHz
³100 dB at ±5 MHz (ref 1 µV emf)
greater from fc
£20 mV at antenna connector
³24 kHz for 3 dB £50 kHz for 70 dB
³7 kHz for 6 dB £16.66 kHz for 50 dB
³75 kHz for 6 dB £150 kHz for 60 dB
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£3 dB change in audio output for input signals in the range 2 mV to 700 mV. Time constant 10 to 30 ms
attack, 75 to 150 ms release
£1 dB change in audio output for M=0.3 to M=0.9
AF Characteristics (Speech A3E, F3E)
9 Speech characteristics of the receiver’s audio are:
Line output 600 ohms balanced transformer. Level adjustable
-20 dBm to +6 dBm. Frequency response 300 Hz to 3.4 kHz ±3 dB (ref 1 kHz); -20 dB at 75 Hz; -30 dB
at 6.8 kHz
Loudspeaker output 8 ohms, 1.5 W into internal loudspeaker
M=0.3 £5% THD, M=0.9 £10% THD
F=3.5 kHz £5% THD
Linearity (FM) With 935 Hz and 1045 Hz tones of 10 kHz deviation
the level of the third order products is less than -30 dB relative to the other tone
Noise blanking Impulse noise removed by audio blanker that
operates for M=0.9 or greater
Mute S/N operated with carrier override adjustment.
Range 6 to 16 dB S+N:N Response time: £50 ms with step input 10 dB above
the threshold Hang time: £50 ms Hysteresis: £3dB
Quieting: >40 dB
8.33 kHz channel spacing uses carrier operated mute.
AF Characteristics (Data AXX, FXX)
10 Data characteristics of the receiver’s audio are:
Wideband output 600 ohm nominal balanced. Adjustable -20 dBm to
0 dBm
Frequency response
Differential group delay
Section 2 3000DV2 Radios Page 6
25 Hz to 20 kHz ±3 dB ref. 5.5 kHz; 20 Hz to 24 kHz
±5 dB (ref. 5.5 kHz)
£20 ms 600 Hz to 20 kHz
Link 11 output
(UHF models only)
600 ohm balanced. Adjustable from -20 dBm to 0 dBm for ±20 kHz deviation at 1 kHz
11 Remote control can be configured for operation over ac or dc data circuits as follows:
DC control:
Data circuits 4-wire serial control interface, RS422 compatible.
Operable up to a distance of 2 km
Audio circuits 4-wire 600 ohms nominal balanced transformer. Level
adjustable -20 dBm to +10 dBm
PTT Via separate contact closure or phantom audio link
AC control:
Data circuits 4-wire 600 ohms nominal serial control interface,
CCITT V23 compatible (internal modem). Level fixed at -13 dBm, automatic gain adjustment for line losses up to 17 dB
Audio circuits 4-wire 600 ohms nominal balanced transformer.
PTT Via 2930 Hz tone on audio circuit
12 The specification of the optional guard receiver is:
Mode AM speech only
Frequencies 121.5 MHz and 243 MHz
Frequency error
(for S+N:N of 10 dB) May be degraded by 3 or 6 dB depending on the antenna configuration
IF bandwidth
£10 ppm
£1.0 mV (weighted to CCITT) £1.5 mV (non-weighted)
M=0.9 at 1 kHz
³22 kHz for 6 dB
IF selectivity
Mute Mute adjustable for S+N:N, 6 dB to 16 dB
Mute indication Separate front panel indicator and rear panel signal
3000DV2 Radios Section 2
£50 Hz for 60 dB
Page 7
Audio output Mixable with normal receiver audio with separate line
Line output (narrow-band) 600 ohm balanced transformer. Adjustable -20 dBm
to +6 dBm (for M =0.3)
Frequency response
300 Hz to 3.4 kHz ±3 dB (ref. 1 kHz ); -20 dB at 75 Hz; -30 dB at 6.8 kHz.
Section 2 3000DV2 Radios Page 8
2 Preliminary checks 5 Mechanical Installation 6 Fixed runner 7 Telescopic slides 8 Desktop installation
9 Mobile installation 11 External selections and connections 12 ac voltage selection 13 Supply fuses 15 ac supply connection 19 dc supply connection 20 Chassis stud connection 21 Facilities 2 connections 38 Remote PTT configurations 40 Remote control connections 43 Microphone/headset connection 44 PA/filter drive connection (option 06) 46 External clock connections 48 Unused connection CN6 49 Antenna connection
Installation and Setting-Up Instructions
51 SETTING-UP 52 Preliminary checks 54 Switching on, and ac and dc change-over checks 56 Selecting options 57 Set radio ID 60 View radio ID 63 Set equipment baud rate 66 View equipment baud rate 68 View band edges 72 Functional checks
3000DV2 Radios Section 3
Page 1
Table Page
3-1 3000DV2 radio standard settings 4 3-2 Rear panel fuse ratings 9 3-3 Facilities 2 connector (CN2) pin-out for transceivers 13 3-4 Facilities 2 connector (CN2) pin-out for receivers 14 3-5 Facilities 2 connector (CN2) pin-out for transmitters 15 3-6 Remote connector (CN5) pin-out 17 3-7 Transceiver mic/headset connector pin-out 18 3-8 Receiver mic/headset connector pin-out 19
3-9 Transmitter mic/headset connector pin-out 19 3-10 Power amplifier/auto-tune filter connections at CN3 20 3-11 External clock interface connector (CN4) pin-out 21
Section 3 3000DV2 Radios Page 2
Installation involves the connection of lethal voltages. The instructions detailed in this section must be carried out only by suitably qualified personnel.
The series 3000DV2 radios weigh in excess of 25 kg; care must be taken when lifting and handling these units. At least two people must be used to lift the equipment.
1 This section details the installation and setting-up instructions for the equipment. It is recommended that the instructions given in this section are carried out in the order presented.
2 Carefully remove the transit packaging from the equipment and carry out a visual inspection of the unit for signs of damage that may have occurred during shipment.
Note ...
It is recommended that if a claim for damage in transit is to be made the packaging and/or containers should be retained to substantiate the claim.
3 Table 3-1 details the internal user adjustments for series 3000DV2 radios with column (3) showing the manufacturers standard settings. Check that settings applicable to your equipment meet the required operational conditions.
Note that the radio(s) are normally configured to a user’s requirements during manufacture at Park Air Electronics. Table 3-1 is therefore given for informational purposes only. If there is a need to alter any settings reference to the appropriate technical handbook(s) may be required.
4 If adjustments are required to be made to the internal standard settings remove the top cover and locate the appropriate module as indicated in Table 3-1. If the equipment is configured as a desktop or module installation, the olive green top cover will have to be removed prior to the removal of the equipment top cover. To access the components locate and loosen the two securing slotted head screws and withdraw the module. Refitting is the reverse of removal.
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Table 3-1 3000DV2 Radio Standard Settings
Tx Control (Module 2)
Link J1 Link J5 Link J2 Link J6
Rx IF and Audio (Module 8)
Link Lk3 Link Lk2
Set tape output Modulation depth for wideband AM Modulation depth for wideband FM Modulation depth for narrow-band Set mute Microphone gain
VOGAD Factory set Mute RF drive level detect override
Wideband output level Mute carrier override VOGAD threshold level
VOGAD Noise blanker
Standard Setting
-8 dBm AM = 80% FM=20kHz AM = 80% FM = 5 kHz 1mV 5mV
On Off Off Off
-8 dBm for 30% AM 30 µV pd 30% AM
Off Off
Guard Receiver (Module 4) (if fitted)
Link J1 Link J2
Remote Control (Module 5) (if fitted)
Links J1 to J11
Mute level Audio line output level
Noise blanker VOGAD
Line input level Line output level
Mode configuration
-8 dBm for 30% AM
Off Off
-13 dBm
-13 dBm
Set for required mode of operation. Refer to the Remote Control section of the 3000DV2 Technical Handbook.
Section 3 3000DV2 Radios Page 4
5 The equipment can be installed in one of the following ways:
On fixed runners within a standard 483 mm (19 inch) equipment rack.
On telescopic slides within a standard 483 mm (19 inch) equipment rack.
As a desktop equipment by using the PAE free-standing accessory kit.
In mobile applications by using the PAE free-standing accessory kit plus an anti-vibration
mount accessory kit.
It is essential that the chosen mechanical installation provides adequate support along the depth (front to rear) of the radio. Under no circumstances must the radio be supported by the front panel; doing so can cause irreparable damage.
Fixed Runner
6 If using fixed runners, they must provide adequate support along the depth (front to rear), at both sides of the unit. The unit is secured to the rack through the four front panel fixing holes using suitable hardware. The front panel fixing holes must not be used at any time to support the equipment.
Telescopic Slides
7 If using telescopic slides, reference should be made to Fig. 5. Four M4 tapped holes, each 10 mm deep, are provided each side of the equipment for fitting the runners. Dependent on the rack/slide combination used, it may be necessary to fit a spacer bar between the runner and the equipment. The width of the spacer must be such that the runners locate correctly within the slide assemblies.
Note ...
Details of suitable telescopic slides are available from PAE.
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Desktop Installation
8 The following installation instructions configure the equipment for desktop operation using a free-standing accessory kit (PAE part no. 70-3060TR1). With reference to Fig. 6 locate and identify the components of the free-standing kit.
(a) At the front of the equipment locate and remove the four securing screws from the left and
right rack mounting brackets. Separate the handles from the brackets by removing the two securing screws. Retain the handles.
(b) Attach the handles, removed in (a), to the left handle plate (item 3) and the right handle plate
(item 2) using the four (two per handle) M5 x 16 mm cap head screws (item 10). Secure the handle plates to the unit using the eight (four per plate) M4 x 16 mm pan head screws (item 9) and M4 crinkle washers (item 14).
(c) At the rear of the equipment locate and remove the ten rear panel assembly retaining screws
(item A) and carefully lower the rear panel assembly.
(d) On the left and right-hand side of the PSU compartment locate the four symmetrically placed
holes, note that the two rearmost holes are countersunk. Fit the eight hexagonal M3 x 12 mm spacers (item 4) to the sides using the four M3x6mmpanhead screws (item 11), four M3x6mmcountersunk screws (item 8) and eight M4 crinkle washers (item 14).
(e) Raise and secure the rear panel with the ten retaining screws (item A) removed in (c).
(f) Fit the two side covers (item 7) to the hexagonal spacers using the M3x6mmcountersunk
screws (item 8).
(g) Fit the top cover support bracket (item 5) to the rear panel above the filter using the two
M4x6mmpanhead screws (item 12) and crinkle washers (item 14).
(h) Fit the top cover (item 6) using the M3x6mmcountersunk screws (item 8).
(i) On the underside of the equipment locate the four front and rear M4 countersunk crosshead
screws that secure the base plate. Remove the two outer screws from both the front and rear locations and fit the feet (item 15).
Section 3 3000DV2 Radios Page 6
Mobile Installation
9 The following instructions configure the equipment for mobile operation using a free-standing accessory kit (PAE part number 70-3060TR1) and anti-vibration mount accessory kit (PAE part number 70-3060TR2). Before the anti-vibration mounts can be fitted, the equipment must have the free-standing accessory kit fitted (refer to previous paragraphs detailing desktop installation).
10 Referring to Fig. 7, identify the anti-vibration mount accessory kit components, then complete the following steps:
(a) Ensure that the free-standing accessory kit is fitted as detailed in the desktop installation
procedures. Fit the front location plate (item 2) to the bottom of the handle blocks of the equipment using four M4x8mmcskscrews (item 11). The return should be at the front of the equipment and projecting downwards.
(b) Before fitting the rear location plate (item 5) it is necessary to remove two screws from the
bottom cover as detailed in Fig. 7 (note 3). Fit the rear location plate (item 5) to the bottom of the equipment using six M4x8mmcskscrews (item 11), ensure that the return projects upwards.
(c) Fit the four shock mounts (item 9) to the bottom rails (item 10) using 16 M5 x 10 mm csk
screws, nuts and washers (item 4).
(d) Fit the shock mount tray (item 7) to the shock mounts using the four M6 x 20 mm hexagonal
headed screws (item 8).
(e) Using the dimensions detailed on Fig. 7, select a suitable position on the vehicle and mark
out the centres for the fixing holes. Prior to drilling the fixing holes, position the assembled shock mount tray and ensure that there is sufficient clearance for the equipment when fitted (allowing for rear panel connectors).
Note ...
The mounting holes can be drilled and tapped M6 and the tray fitted with 16 M6 x 20 mm hexagonal headed screws (item 12), or drilled out to 6.5 mm and the tray fitted using the hexagonal headed screws (item 12), nuts and washers (item 13).
(f) Fit the anti-vibration mount assembly into the vehicle and secure firmly.
(g) Attach the two guide pin bushes (item 6) to the equipment mounted rear location plate
(item 5).
(h) Attach the two locating guide pins (item 6), facing forward, to the shock mount tray rear rail
(item 7).
(i) Carefully position the equipment onto the shock mount tray, slide the unit rearward and
ensure that the guide pins and guide pin bushes are securely located. Secure the equipment to the tray using the three knurled screws (item 3) located on the front location plate (item 2).
3000DV2 Radios Section 3
Page 7
11 The following external connections must be made to the equipment (dependent on how the equipment is operated):
ac and/or dc supplies.
Facilities connections (as required).
Remote control (if remote control facility is to be used).
Power amplifier or auto-tune filter connection (if required)
Note ...
The radio operates from either an ac or dc supply. When both ac and dc are connected, operation from the ac supply takes priority; automatic change-over to the dc supply will occur if the ac supply fails. On restoration of the ac supply, the equipment reverts to ac operation.
ac Voltage Selection
12 The equipment can operate with an ac input of 110/120 V or 220/240 V (refer to section 2 specification). The mains voltage selector, fitted under the rear panel top plate must correspond to the local ac voltage. If the selector’s current setting is incorrect, complete the following steps:
(a) Remove four screws securing the top of the rear panel to the main chassis.
(b) Remove the two securing screws on both the left and right-hand sides of the rear panel and
remove the two screws securing the rear panel to the antenna assembly.
(c) Hinge the rear panel down to expose the mains voltage selector.
(d) Remove the mains selector cover plate.
(e) Set the two switches as required.
(f) Refit the cover plate ensuring that the voltage displayed in the plate’s cut-out agrees with the
required switch setting.
(g) Replace the rear cover using the reverse of the procedure detailed in (a), (b), and (c).
Section 3 3000DV2 Radios Page 8
Supply Fuses
13 Three fuses are fitted to the equipments rear panel (see Fig. 4):
The ac input supply fuse F3 (fitted in the ac input connector).
The dc input fuse F1.
The dc equipment fuse F2.
14 Noting that different value ac input supply fuses are fitted dependent on the local ac supply, ensure that the fuses conform to the values detailed in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2 Rear Panel Fuse Ratings
Fuse Rating Size PAE Part Number
Fuse 1
Fuse 2
Fuse 3 (110/120 V)
Fuse 3 (220/240 V)
20 amp. F20A 32 V BS
4 amp. F4A 250 V IEC
8 amp. T8A 250 V IEC
4 amp. T4A 250 V IEC
Size 0 (1¼ inch)
20 mm
20 mm
20 mm
ac Supply Connection
This equipment must be earthed. The earth terminal of the ac connector should be used as the safety earth.
A chassis stud, marked is fitted to the equipment’s rear panel. This stud is for connecting the equipment to the equipment rack or user’s system earth point. The stud is not intended to be used as the safety earth.
15 The ac supply connector is fitted to the radio’s rear panel (see Fig. 4). The minimum rating of the ac supply cable is: 3-core (to IEC227) rated 250 V ac at 13 amps, and having a minimum cross-sectional area of 1.25 mm be fitted with an IEC approved equipment connector (for example, PAE part number 20-02030102) and conform to the following specification.
per core. PAE recommends the use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cable. The cable must
If PVC insulated, be not lighter than ordinary polyvinyl chloride sheathed flexible cord according to IEC publication 227 (designation H05 VV-F, or H05 VVH2-F).
If rubber insulated, be of synthetic rubber and not lighter than ordinary tough rubber-sheathed flexible cord according to IEC Publication 245: Rubber Insulated Cables of Rated Voltages up to and including 450/750 V, (designation H05 RR-F).
3000DV2 Radios Section 3
Page 9
16 The series 3000DV2 transmitters, receivers and transceivers are Class 1 equipments. The ac supply cable must have a green-and-yellow protective earthing conductor electrically connected to the protective earthing terminal of the equipment connector, and the mains plug.
17 PAE recommends the ac supply cable is colour coded in accordance with the electrical appliance (colour code) regulations for the UK. That is:
Line: Brown
Neutral: Blue
Earth: Green-and-yellow
18 The cores of the power supply cable should be connected to the equipment connector provided, and your plug as follows:
The core that is coloured green-and-yellow must be connected to the terminal in the plug which
is marked with the letter E or by the earth symbol or coloured green-and-yellow.
The core that is coloured blue must be connected to the terminal that is marked with the letter N
or coloured black.
The core that is coloured brown must be connected to the terminal that is marked with the letter
L or coloured red.
dc Supply Connection
19 The dc supply connector is fitted to the equipment’s rear panel as shown in Fig. 4. The recommended minimum rating of the dc supply cable is: 2-core, each having a cross-sectional area of not less than 6.0 mm
per core and fitted with an AMP 3 series connector. The dc supply is connected to the rear panel DC SUPPLY AXR-PDN style connector, with its associated fuse, as detailed in Table 3-2 and colour coded as follows:
Pin 1 +28 V Red
Pin 2 0 V (ground) Black
Chassis Stud Connection
20 In order not to compromise the equipment’s Electromagnetic Capability (EMC) the chassis stud marked fitted to the rear panel must be connected to the equipment rack (if a rack is being used) or to the user’s system earth point. The connection must be made using a single tri-rated, green-and-yellow cable having a cross-sectional area of 2.5 mm be connected to the chassis stud through an M6 eyelet (for example, PAE part number 20-08010103).
Failure to comply with this instruction could result in non-compliancy with
the European Commission EMC Directive 89/336/EEC.
. The cable should have CSA and UL1015 approval, and
Section 3 3000DV2 Radios Page 10
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