Paravan movanimo touch, movanimo touch plus Operating Manual

movanimo touch movanimo touch plus
Operating manual
(Englisch translation of the original user maual)
Valid for the following models movanimo touch (leg trainer), Art.-Nr. 8000 from 03/2014 movanimo touch plus (arm trainer), Art.-Nr. 8200 Publisher and Copyright Holder: PARAVAN medical GmbH, 72539 Pfronstetten-Aichelau Date of Publication: 19.05.2014 Documentnumber: movanimo_EN_Rev2.1 Revision number: 2.1
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Dear customer,
Thank you very much for having chosen our movanimo. Wou will nd all the important information and tips you need on your new movanimo in this User‘s Manual. Please carefully read the information on the page to follow in order to make sure your movanimo will give you many years of problem-free service. Keep this User‘s Manual in a handy place fpr later reference. Our user manual contains answers to questions relating to the operation and care of the movanimo and its ttings. If you should have any questions or suggestions on the movanimo, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.
Your PARAVAN medical team
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Table of contents
1. Details on publisher ...................................................................................10
1.1 Your manufacturer ....................................................................................................10
1.1.1 Copyright .................................................................................................................11
2. General Information ..................................................................................12
2.1 Informationen zur Gebrauchsanweisung .....................................................................12
2.2 Information about the operating manual ..................................................................... 12
2.3 Illustrations in the operating manual ..........................................................................14
2.4 Illustrations in User manual .......................................................................................15
2.5 Technical changes ..................................................................................................... 15
3. Proper usage ..............................................................................................16
3.1 Fields of use ............................................................................................................. 17
3.2 Side effects and contraindications ..............................................................................18
3.2.1 Side effects ..............................................................................................................18
3.2.2 Contraindications ......................................................................................................18
3.3 Important instructions for the training ........................................................................19
3.4 Minimum requirements for training ............................................................................. 20
4. Disclaimer of liability ................................................................................22
5. Therapy with movanimo ............................................................................24
5.1 Therapy forms ..........................................................................................................24
5.2 Anti-spastic control and –relaxation ............................................................................ 25
6. Safety instructions .....................................................................................26
7. Device overview ........................................................................................34
7.1 Device overview leg trainer (movanimo touch) ............................................................ 34
7.2 Device overview arm trainer (movanimo touch plus) .................................................... 35
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7.3 Detailed view touch panel .......................................................................................... 36
7.4 Accessories ...............................................................................................................37
7.4.1 Lower leg restraint (article no. 7450) .......................................................................... 37
7.4.2 RTR tilt protection (article no. 7700) ........................................................................... 37
7.4.3 Tilt protection protect (article no. 7500)...................................................................... 38
7.4.4 movanimo cardio set (article no. 8500) ....................................................................... 38
7.5 Artikelnummer und Bezeichnungen ............................................................................40
7.6 Kennzeichnung .........................................................................................................41
8. Activation, operation and transport .........................................................42
8.1 Inspection before activation ....................................................................................... 42
8.2 Activation of leg trainer .............................................................................................43
8.3 Standby mode ..........................................................................................................44
8.4 Adjusting the pedal width .......................................................................................... 45
8.5 Adjusting the pedal radius .........................................................................................47
8.6 Adjusting the handhold height ...................................................................................49
8.7 Lower leg restraint (accessory, article number 7450) ................................................... 51
8.8 Adjusting the pedestal foot ........................................................................................ 53
8.9 Activation of the arm trainer movanimo touch plus ...................................................... 54
8.10 Adjusting the movanimo cardio set (article no. 8500)...................................................57
8.11 Transport .................................................................................................................. 59
9. Proper usage of the movanimo .................................................................62
9.1 Secure sitting- and body position ...............................................................................62
9.2 General training recommendations .............................................................................66
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10. Operating the touch panel .........................................................................70
10.1 Operating the touch panel .........................................................................................70
10.2 Hauptmenü ..............................................................................................................70
10.3 Most important button functions ................................................................................72
10.3.1 Plus- /Minus buttons ................................................................................................. 72
10.3.2 Horizontal Arrow button............................................................................................. 72
10.3.3 Home button ............................................................................................................ 72
10.3.4 Back button .............................................................................................................. 73
10.3.5 Conrm and Decline buttons ...................................................................................... 73
10.3.6 Start and Stop buttons .............................................................................................. 73
10.4 Training menu ........................................................................................................... 75
10.4.1 Displays and control buttons in the top control eld ..................................................... 75
10.4.2 Displays and control buttons in the lower control eld .................................................. 76
10.4.3 Display values in the training control eld ...................................................................77
10.5 Access-/ Exit aid .......................................................................................................80
10.5.1 Access ...................................................................................................................... 80
10.5.2 Exit 80
10.6 ASC – Anti-spastic control .......................................................................................... 81
10.7 Further settings during training .................................................................................. 83
10.7.1 Timer ....................................................................................................................... 83
10.7.2 RPM – Revolutions per minute ...................................................................................84
10.7.3 Resistance ................................................................................................................ 86
11. Training programs .....................................................................................88
11.1 Therapy programs – Indication-guided training ........................................................... 88
11.2 Training phases ......................................................................................................... 92
11.3 Training levels ........................................................................................................... 93
11.4 Free training ............................................................................................................. 95
11.4.1 Passive training ......................................................................................................... 95
11.4.2 Active training ...........................................................................................................95
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11.4.3 Soft training ............................................................................................................. 95
11.4.4 Symmetry training .....................................................................................................96
12. Training evaluation ....................................................................................98
12.1 Training analysis ....................................................................................................... 98
12.2 Training statistics (menu Statistics) ............................................................................. 100
13. Settings ......................................................................................................102
13.1 Training times ........................................................................................................... 102
13.2 Traininsparameter ..................................................................................................... 103
13.3 Time and date ..........................................................................................................104
13.4 User data .................................................................................................................104
13.5 Technological parameters .......................................................................................... 105
13.5.1 Rotational speed limit ................................................................................................ 105
13.5.2 Block changes ........................................................................................................... 105
13.5.3 Reset factory settings ................................................................................................ 105
13.6 Conguration of the anti-spastic control (ASC) ............................................................107
13.6.1 ASC level .................................................................................................................. 107
13.6.2 ASC on/off ................................................................................................................ 107
13.6.3 Change of direction ................................................................................................... 109
13.7 Rotational direction automatic ................................................................................... 110
13.8 Automatic rotational speed adjustment ....................................................................... 110
13.9 Language ................................................................................................................. 111
14. Problems and corrections ..........................................................................112
15. Safety-related controls and maintenance .................................................114
16. Cleaning and care ......................................................................................116
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17. Service life and disposal ...........................................................................120
17.1 1 Duration of servicibility ...........................................................................................120
17.2 Disposal ...................................................................................................................120
18. Technical data ............................................................................................122
18.1 Description of the system ..........................................................................................122
18.2 Dimensions and weight .............................................................................................122
18.3 Technische Werte ...................................................................................................... 123
18.4 Operating- and transport conditions ...........................................................................125
18.5 Used materials .......................................................................................................... 125
19. Electriomagnetic compatibility (EMC) .......................................................126
19.1 Information regarding Electromagnetic compatibilty ....................................................126
19.2 Compliance level ....................................................................................................... 127
20. Warranty ....................................................................................................134
21. EC-Declaration of conformity ....................................................................138
Space for your Notes .................................................................................141
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Table of illustrations
Fig. 1: QR-Code............................................................................................................... 10
Fig. 2: Symbol for hazard alert.......................................................................................... 14
Fig. 3: Symbol for prohibition............................................................................................ 14
Fig. 4: movanimo touch.................................................................................................... 34
Fig. 5: movanimo touch plus............................................................................................. 35
Fig. 6: Touch panel .......................................................................................................... 36
Fig. 7: Lower leg restraints................................................................................................ 37
Fig. 8: RTR tilt protection.................................................................................................. 37
Fig. 9: External power supply and socket ........................................................................... 43
Fig. 10: Power switch......................................................................................................... 43
Fig. 11: Foot cuffs with quick- adjust setting (white stop bolt lock)......................................... 45
Fig. 12: Adjusting the pedal radius (wing screw)................................................................... 47
Fig. 13: Quick release lever for height adjustment (stop bolt lock with red safety pin)............. 49
Fig. 14: Adjusting the lower leg restraint.............................................................................. 51
Fig. 15: Fixed lower leg restraint..........................................................................................51
Fig. 16: Locking screw adjustable arm................................................................................. 56
Fig. 17: Using movanimo touch as legtrainer........................................................................ 56
Fig. 18: Using movanimo touch plus as upper body trainer.................................................... 56
Fig. 19: Heart rate receiver................................................................................................. 57
Fig. 20: Chest strap heart rate............................................................................................ 57
Fig. 21: Transport des movanimo........................................................................................ 59
Fig. 22: Hauptmenü........................................................................................................... 70
Fig. 23: Plus- /Minus-buttons.............................................................................................. 72
Fig. 24: Horizontale Arrow button....................................................................................... 72
Fig. 25: Home button......................................................................................................... 72
Fig. 26: Back button........................................................................................................... 73
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- Table of illustrations -mov01_EN_Rev.2.1
Fig. 27: Conrm buttons...................................................................................................... 73
Fig. 28: Decline buttons....................................................................................................... 73
Fig. 29: Start button............................................................................................................ 73
Fig. 30: Stop button............................................................................................................ 74
Fig. 31: Training menu........................................................................................................ 75
Fig. 32: Top and lower control eld...................................................................................... 75
Fig. 33: training control eld................................................................................................ 77
Fig. 34: Customizable elds ................................................................................................. 79
Fig. 35: Adjusting the anti- spastic control............................................................................ 81
Fig. 36: ASC aktiviert.......................................................................................................... 81
Fig. 37: Menu Indication Guided Training.............................................................................. 88
Fig. 38: Button heart rate.................................................................................................... 89
Fig. 39: Display training program and phase......................................................................... 93
Fig. 40: Display training level............................................................................................... 93
Fig. 41: Anzeige Symetrietraining......................................................................................... 96
Fig. 42: Training analysis..................................................................................................... 98
Fig. 43: Training statistics.................................................................................................... 100
Fig. 44: Menü Einstellungen.................................................................................................102
Fig. 45: Display training settings blocked.............................................................................. 105
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- Details on publisher - mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
1. Details on publisher
1.1 Your manufacturer
Fig. 1: QR-Code
PARAVAN medical GmbH
Main ofce / HQ / Production Plant
PARAVAN Str. 5-10, D-72539 Pfronstetten-Aichelau
Phone: +49 (0)7388/9995-91
Fax: +49 (0) 7388/9995-999
Many mobile phones and PDAs contain an integrated camera an software that allowsyou to interpret QR codes so that you can read ourcontact information directly into the address book of your mobile phone or PDA
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- Details on publisher -mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
1.1.1 Copyright
© 2014 PARAVAN medical GmbH, Germany
Any usage of this publication, whether in its entirety or in excerpts, as well as the reproduction of illustra­tions and images is prohibited without the written consent of PARAVAN medical GmbH.
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- General Information - mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
2. General Information
2.1 Information about the operating manual
Thank you for choosing movanimo. Please read the operating manual carefully before you begin using this device.
The employees at our house hope that you enjoy training on your new therapy device, and we wish you good health.
2.2 ISymbols used in the operating manual
This user manual includes safety information which help the user to identify potential hazards and to avoid them. In the user manual potential hazards are highlighted by using three signal words:
In addition, the signal word Note has been introduced for helpful information.
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- General Information -mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. This signal word may also be used to highlight unsafe practices or potential damage of the device or equip­ment.
Indicates additional helpful information.
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- General Information - mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
2.3 Illustrations in the operating manual
Potential hazards, mandatory actions, prohibitions, and user actions are illustrated using the same symbol shapes throughout all instructions for use.
Fig. 2: Symbol for hazard alert
Hazard alert
An equilateral triangle is used to convey hazard alert messa­ges, regardless of their hazard level. Hazard level is con­veyed by use of the appropriate signal word as described in chapter 2.2.
Fig. 3: Symbol for prohibition
Prohibition A circular band with a 45° diagonal slash from upper left to lower right is used to indicate prohibition.
User actions
A bullet at the beginning of a sentence indicates a required user action.
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- General Information -mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
2.4 Illustrations in User manual
Please be aware that the appearance of the product and display screen may differ slightly from the illustra­tions used here.
The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the product, the technical data, the software or the assembly- and operating manual without prior notice.
The operating manual must remain accessible to the user at all times and stored for usage at a later point in time.
2.5 Technical changes
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- Proper usage - mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
3. Proper usage
The motorized therapy device movanimo is used to therapeutically exercise arms and legs. It has been designed for patients with limited movement due to a neurological or neuromuscular disease.
movanimo can be used for the following forms of exercise therapy:
Passive movement therapy: The motor moves arms or legs.
Active movement therapy: The patient moves arms or legs with own muscle strength.
Active movement therapy with motor support (softtraining): The patient actively moves
arms or legs with own muscle strength while the motor provides targeted support.
movanimo can be used as an arm- or leg trainer. It is not possible to use the arm- and leg trainer at the same time.
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- Proper usage -mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
3.1 Fields of use
Use movanimo touch as:
leg exerciser (movanimo touch)
upper body exerciser (movanimo touch plus)
The use of the exerciser is especially recommended for:
The use of „movanimo touch“ is suitable for the following elds of use
paralysis or neuromuscular diseases with reduced arm and leg mobility, e.g. after paraplegia, multi-
ple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, parkinson´s disease, brains damages or neuromuscular diseases with comparable damage pictures,
cardiovascular diseases
metabolic diseases
rheumatic diseases
vascular disorders
physical inactivity
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- Proper usage - mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
3.2 Side effects and contraindications
The extent and duration of the therapy should be coordinated with your physician, therapist or phy-
sical therapist in order to avoid overextension or adverse side effects.
Risks occur when the patient is strained beyond his or her personal limits and capacity.
Undesired side effects, such as muscle-/joint pain, too severe muscle tone reduction and skin injuries
may occur in rare cases.
The motor-supported movement therapy is essentially a gentle therapy form. There are, however, condi­tions under which this therapy form should not be practiced. These contraindications include:
Severe pain when performing movements
Diseases or injuries that require immobilization, as e.g. a recent bone fracture
Acute compression (pressure damage) of a nerve
Infections with fever
Brittel bones
Unstable circulation
In cases of cardiac insufciency or poor circulation, you should consult a doctor before training. In
this case you should only train with the exerciser under adult supervision.
3.2.1 Side effects
3.2.2 Contraindications
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- Proper usage -mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
3.3 Important instructions for the training
Please discuss the applicability of the movanimo movement therapy as well as a suitable therapy
form, duration and all appropriate device settings with your specialist physician or physical therapist.
The therapy device is designed for people with a body weight of up to 130 kg. When properly used,
the arm trainer is not burdened by more than 15 kg on each side and the leg trainer by not more than 25 kg on each side.
The device can only be properly used with approved PARAVAN medical GmbH accessories.
The movanimo movement trainer is exclusively suited for therapeutic purposes and the intended use includes the treatment as a medical device.
The device is not suitable for the following medical purposes: diagnostics, monitoring and measure­ ment.
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- Proper usage - mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
3.4 Minimum requirements for training
The user must have been given instruction by authorized and skilled personnel for safe handling of
the device
User can sit upright
User is only allowed to train without supervision, if he is able to operate the device independently.
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- Proper usage -mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
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- Disclaimer of liability - mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
4. Disclaimer of liability
PARAVAN medical GmbH is not responsible or liable in any way for losses, damages or costs resulting from or associated with
Faulty installation, repair or maintenance by persons who are not authorized by PARAVAN medical
Usage of accessories that have not been cleared by PARAVAN medical GmbH
Improper or wrong usage
Usage without consulting a specialist physician or therapist
Non-compliance with the operating manual
Gross negligence
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- Disclaimer of liability -mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
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- Therapy with movanimo - mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
5. Therapy with movanimo
5.1 Therapy forms
The following therapy forms are possible with movanimo:
Passive movement with motor power
The limbs are moved by motor power only. The acceleration and stopping of the pedals is gentle and con­sistent. The full rotational speed is reached after a minimum of 10 seconds. The maximum rotational speed in passive training is 60 rpm.
Active movement with own muscle strength
This movement type is performed with more or less active muscle movement. Two forms are available.
Soft training: Active movement with passive motor support
Your active movements are supported by passive motor power.
Active movement against motor resistance
Your muscles must work against resistance, and this promotes muscle growth. The resistance can be adjusted to 20 settings, basically comparable to a gear shift on a bicycle. The higher the gear,
the harder the pedaling is. This function specically trains your muscles.
The device can be operated forwards or backwards. An automatic rotational change can also be congured
with the rotational direction automatic.
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- Therapy with movanimo -mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
5.2 Anti-spastic control and –relaxation
movanimo is equipped with anti-spastic control, which, in case of an identied spasm, stops the training and restarts it after a short pause. It can be congured whether the pedals should continue to turn for-
wards or backwards or in the opposite direction when a spasm is recognized. By default movanimo runs in the opposite direction when it identies a spasm. The spasm-relaxation program relaxes cramps and loo­sens the muscles. The sensitivity for the spastic control can be adjusted to six settings according to your individual needs.
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- Safety instructions - mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
6. Safety instructions
Please read the following safety instructions carefully. Inaccurate compliance or non-compliance with these instructions may endanger the patient, the operator or auxiliary personnel.
Please read user manual carefully.
Always ensure that no children or animals are in the vicinity of the moving pedals (pinch point hazard).
It is not allowed to use accessories that are approved by PARAVAN medical GmbH. You may only use accessories and connect devices to the USB interface and jack outlet that have been approved by PARAVAN medical GmbH
The device is equipped with an external power supply (AHM 150 PS24C2). The device may only be put into operation with the supplied power supply and plug connection. Please ensure that power supply and electrical cables are in proper condition.
Only the manufacturer or authorized personnel may open the device.
The power plug must be disconnected before opening the casing.
Additions, new installations, changes or repairs may only be performed by authorized personnel.
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- Safety instructions -mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
In case of damages, unusual sounds or burnt smells, immediately pull the power plug on the device and contact an authorized service technician.
The device must be used according to the instruction manual. Especially the permissible operating conditions must be observed (see Chapter 18.4).
Do not place any liquids on or in the vicinity of the device.
Children may only train on the movanimo device under constant supervision.
Always wear appropriate shoes without shoelaces when using the leg trainer. Danger of injuries by pinched shoelaces
The device may only be operated when both foot cuffs are attached.
Do not leave the device in direct sunlight, in front of radiators or other heat sources as this will heat up the surface of the casing, which can be dangerous.
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- Safety instructions - mov02_EN_Rev.2.1
Place the device on a at surface, ensuring that all ve pedestal feet are securely positioned
on the ground. If the device is set up on a carpet, make sure the carpet does not slip.
Ensure that the ventilation outlet of the lower pipe remains open.
It is possible that maintenance products for carpets, hardwood ooring or tiles contain substances
that may attack and soften the plastic caps of the therapy device’s pedestal feet. This can lead to
residue on the oor. The manufacturer PARAVAN medical GmbH is not liable for such damages.
Do not use solvent-containing, caustic or harsh cleaners.
Prevent uid entry into the device or touch panel.
Ensure that user can not reach into moving parts, such as foot shells, arm cranks or protection disc.
Ensure that footshells and arm cranks can rotate freely.
Ensure that locking bolt for height adjustment is securely engaged and tightened.
Ensure that wing bolt for adjusting the pedal radius is tightened securely.
Ensure that white locking bolt for adjusting pedal width is securely engaged and tightened.
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