1. Review and understand
Review and understandReview and understand
Review and understand all of the warning labels affixed to the machines and the facility safety
sign. Replace any warning label at first sign of wear. Labels and the Facility Safety Sign may be
obtained from Paramount free of charge.
2. Be certain that machine operation is understood
Be certain that machine operation is understoodBe certain that machine operation is understood
Be certain that machine operation is underst o od bef ore machi ne is use d. R efe r t o the in stru ctio n
label provided with the machine.
3. Keep children away
Keep children awayKeep children away
Keep children away from this equipment. Supervise use by teenagers.
DO NOT high-pin or double-pin the weight stack. DO NOT
DO NOT allow the machine to be used if the top
plate or weight stack is pinned in a raised position. Use an assistant and carefully return the
machine to the proper position with the cap plate resting on the top weight. Inspect the cable to
ensure that it is seated in all of the pulleys.
5. Use ONLY
Use ONLY Paramount weight selector pins
weight selector pins weight selector pins
weight selector pins. Other manufacturer’s pins may work free of the weight
stack causing possib le injury. Be certain the pin is c o mpletely inser ted p rior to use.
Be certa in the pin is completely inserted p rior to use. Be certa in the pin is completely inserted p rior to use.
Be certa in the pin is completely inserted p rior to use.
6. Cables
Cables: Inspect the entire cabl e w ee kly and the end fittings daily . P ay close attention to the area
going over pulleys and to the en d connections. When adjusting cables at threaded inserts make
sure all connections are tight. Adjust tension on cables as needed. Replace al l cabl es at fi rst signs
of wear or on an annual basis. Use only Paramount supplied replacement cables. Ensure that the
dimension from under the bolt head to the top surface of the selector bar is no greater than 1-3/8
inches. Ensure that the cable tension bolt & nut are tight.
7 . Nuts, Bolts, and Fasteners:
Nuts, Bolts, and Fast eners: Nuts, Bolts, and Fast eners:
Nuts, Bolts, and Fasteners: Check tightness week ly. If any hardware has become loose, reti ght en
and/or use Loctite
Threadlocker 242.
8. Frames and Lifting Arms:
Frames and Lifting Arms:Frames and Lifting Arms:
Frames and Lifting Arms: Inspect weekly for integrity and functi on. Replace any component at f irst
signs of wear.
DO NOT attempt to free any jammed assemblies by yourself as this may cause injury.
10. Use ONLY
Use ONL Y Paramount adder weights or adder weight syst ems
adder weights or adder weight systems adder weights or adder weight systems
adder weights or adder weight systems for incre mental resi stance
adjustment. NEVER
NEVER use dumbbells or other means to do this.
11. The Maximum
Maximum user weight for this equipment is 300 lbs. (136 kg.)
12. Instruct Users
Instruct UsersInstruct Users
Instruct Users not to wear loose or dangling clothes or have headphone wire hanging when using
this equipment.
13. It is recommended
It is recommended It is recommended
It is recommended that users receive a thorough medical exam before commencing an ex er cise
program. All medical issues should be reviewed to ensure that weight training will not aggravate
pre-existing medical conditions.
14. Check regularly
Check regularlyCheck regularly
Check regularly the functionality of your machine by verifying the following:
• Cables and end fittings are intact and tensioned properly.
• All adjustments are possible and carried out with ease.
• The proper selector pin is in the weight stack.
• The exercise is performed smoothly, free of noise and/or binding.
• And the guide rods and linear bearings are properly lubricated.
15. Follow the installation guidelines
Follow the installation guidelinesFollow the installation guidelines
Follow the installation guidelines provided with the produc ts.
16. Retain these instructions
Retain these instructionsRetain these instructions
Retain these instructions for future reference.
17. If you have any questions, do not hesi tate to contac t your P aramount dealer or Paramount Fitness
Corp. at (800)721-2121 or www.paramountfitness.com.
18. Refer to Maintenance Schedule la bel on the machine for when to perform maintenance.