1. Review and understand all of the warning labels affixed to the machines and t he
facility safety sign. Replace any warning label at first sign of wear. Labels and the Facility
Safety Sign may be obtained from Paramount free of charge.
2. Be certain that machine operation is understood before machine is used . Refe r to
the instruction label provided with th e machine.
3. Keep children away from this equipment.
4. DO NOT high-pin or double-pin the weight stack. DO NOT allow the machine to be
used if the top plate or weight stack is pinned in a raised position. Use an assistant and
carefully return the machine to the proper position with the cap plate resting on the top
weight. Inspect the cable to ensure that it is seated in all of the pulleys.
5. Use ONLY Paramount weight selector pins. Other manufacturer’s pins may work
free of the weight stack causing possible injury. Be certain the pin is completely
inserted prior to use.
6. Cables: Inspect the entire cable and the en d fi ttin gs d ai l y. Pay close attention to the
area going over pulleys a nd t o th e en d co nnections. When adjusting cables at thr eade d
inserts make sure all connections are tight. Adjust tension on cables as needed.
Replace all cables at first signs of wear . Use only Paramount supplied replacement
cables. Ensure that the dimension from under the bolt head to the top surface of the
selector bar is no greater than 1-3/8 inches (see installation). Ensure that the cable tension bolt & nut are tight.
7. Nuts, Bolts, and Fasteners: Check tightness weekly. If any hardware has become
loose, retighten and/or use Loctite
8. Frames and Lifting Arms: Inspect weekly for integrity and function. Replace any
component at first signs of wear.
Threadlocker 242.
9. DO NOT attempt to free any jammed assemb lie s by yourse lf as this m ay cause inj ury.
10. Use ONLY Paramount adder weights or adder weight systems for incremental
resistance adjustment. NEVER use dumbbells or other means to do this.
11. Instruct Users not to wear loose or dangling clothes or have headphone wire hanging when using this equipment.
12. Recommend that users receive a medical exam before commencing an exercise
program. User should stop exercising if they feel faint or dizzy.
13. Check regularly the functionality of your machine by verifying the fol lowing:
• cables and end fittings are intact and tensioned properly,
• all adjustments are possible and carried out with ease,
• the proper selector pin is in the weight stack,
• the exercise is performed smoothly, free of noise and/or binding,
• and the guide rods and linea r bearings are properly lubricated.
14. Follow the installation guidelines provided with the products.
15. Retain these instructions for future reference.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your Paramount dealer or Para-
mount Fitness Corp. at (800)721-2121 or www.paramountfitness.com.
Refer to Maintenance Schedule label on machine for when to schedule maintenance.

1. Frames: Wipe all machines down with a damp cloth and dry completely each day. This includes painted,
chrome parts and upholstered pads.
2. Painted/chrom e parts: Use Simple Green or similar cleaner for light dirt and grime. Use TurtleWax®
Polishing Compound or a good car polish to remove heavier dirt and grease as well as for polishing. DO
NOT use solvents, lacquer thinner, acetone or finger nail polish remover. For scuffs and marks that are not
removed by the above methods use a soft scrub cleanser.
3. Upholstery: Use cloth towels and warm water daily to remove surface dirt and perspiration. Use a lanolin based hand cleaner or Naugahyde® brand upholstery cleaner to condition and deep clean on a weekly
basis. DO NOT use Windex, Simple Green, 409, or similar products to clean the upholstery.
4. Weight stack enclosures (shrouds): Wipe down with a damp cloth as needed.
5. Exercise instruction labels: Clean with soap and water as needed.
6. Linear bearing shafts: Wipe down linear rails using a light application of Magnalube® lubricant or a
similar teflon grease on a weekly basis to remove dust, hair, and dirt. Polish the shaft using fine sandpaper
or steel wool if light rust is present.
7. Guide rods: Wipe all dirt and dust off the guide rods before applying a light application of Tri-Flow
other silicone spray lubricant, spraying the Tri-Flow
DO NOT use oil base lubricants such as WD-40. Caution: Tri-Flow
on a rag and then wiping the guide rods with the rag.
will stain carpet and clothing.
8. Bronze bushings: Check monthly for signs of wear and replace as needed. Lubricate monthly with Tri-
9. Seat adjustments: Clean the chrome seat adjustment tube on a weekly basis using a rag sprayed with
. Keep a light layer of Tri-FlowTM on these tubes at all times.
We recommend that you purchase the Paramount Performance Kit (P/N KIT-01) to maintain your Paramount products. This will insure that the proper maintenance materials required will be used. Please refer
to the General Maintenance Manual (p/n AM-GMM) for other important safety and maintenance information.
1) It is recommended that two (2) people be used to assemble this machine.
2) Assemble this machine on a solid level surface. Read the assembly instructions completely before
beginning to assemble the machine. This will help you to become familiar with the machine and prevent mistakes requiring unnecessary disassembly and reassembly.
3) Hardware placement is indicated as , etc. Refer to the hardware page for corresponding size and
configuration. You will have some remaining hardware as extra pieces are always included in one of
the bags.
4) Install all plastic end caps on assemblies where necessary before assembling the machine.
5) Initially tighten all hardware by hand, as this will assist in the alignment of the machine. When the
framework of the machine is complete, tighten all nuts, bolts and setscrews. Be sure all hardware is
tight before using the machine. Recheck all hardware upon completion of the assembly process.
6) Hex- and Sockethead bolt length is measured from the bottom of the head to the end of the bolt.
Length of Flathead bolts is measured as the total overall length.
7) Bolts should point inward on the machine wherever possible, leaving the bolt heads facing out.
8) Route cables prior to installing pulley wheels. Verify that the cables are seated in the pulleys prior to
using the equipment.
9) Read and understand all machine warning and instruction labels before using the machine.

7/16” (11mm)
9/16” (14mm)
7/8” (22mm)
15/16” (24mm)
5/32” (4mm)
7/16” (11mm)
9/16” (14mm)
0701501X (2)
8001125X (2)