Parallax warrants its products against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 90 days from receipt of product. If
you discover a defect, Parallax will, at its option, repair or replace the merchandise, or refund the purchase price. Before
returning the product to Parallax, call for a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. Write the RMA number on the
outside of the box used to return the merchandise to Parallax. Please enclose the following along with the returned merchandise:
your name, telephone number, shipping address, and a description of the problem. Parallax will return your product or its
replacement using the same shipping method used to ship the product to Parallax.
If, within 14 days of having received your product, you find that it does not suit your needs, you may return it for a full refund.
Parallax will refund the purchase price of the product, excluding shipping/handling costs. This guarantee is void if the product
has been altered or damaged. See the Warranty section above for instructions on returning a product to Parallax.
This documentation is Copyright 2003 by Parallax, Inc. By downloading or obtaining a printed copy of this documentation or
software you agree that it is to be used exclusively with Parallax products. Any other uses are not permitted and may represent a
violation of Parallax copyrights, legally punishable according to Federal copyright or intellectual property laws. Any duplication
of this documentation for commercial uses is expressly prohibited by Parallax, Inc. Check with Parallax for approval prior to
duplicating any of our documentation in part or whole for any use.
SX-Key is a registered trademark of Parallax, Inc. If you decide to use the name SX-Key on your web page or in printed material,
you must state that "SX-Key is a registered trademark of Parallax, Inc." Other brand and product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective holders
ISBN 1-928982-01-8
Parallax, Inc. is not responsible for special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any breach of warranty, or under
any legal theory, including lost profits, downtime, goodwill, damage to or replacement of equipment or property, or any costs of
recovering, reprogramming, or reproducing any data stored in or used with Parallax products. Parallax is also not responsible for
any personal damage, including that to life and health, resulting from use of any of our products. You take full responsibility for
your SX-Key/Blitz and SX chip application, no matter how life-threatening it may be.
The Parallax web site ( has many downloads, products, customer applications and on-line ordering for the
components used in this text. We also maintain several e-mail discussion lists for people interested in using Parallax products.
These lists are accessible from via the Support ? Discussion Groups menu. These are the lists that we operate:
§ SX Tech – Discussion of programming the SX microcontroller with Parallax assembly language tools and 3rd party
BASIC and C compilers. Approximately 600 members.
§ BASIC Stamps – With over 2,500 subscribers, this list is widely utilized by engineers, hobbyists and students who share
their BASIC Stamp projects and ask questions.
§ Stamps in Class – Created for educators and students, this list has 500 subscribers who discuss the use of the Stamps in
Class curriculum in their courses. The list provides an opportunity for both students and educators to ask questions and
get answers.
§ Parallax Educators – This focus group of 100 members consists exclusively of educators and those who contribute to the
development of Stamps in Class. Parallax created this group to obtain feedback on our curricula and to provide a forum
for educators to develop Teacher’s Guides.
§ Parallax Translators – Consisting of less than 10 people, the purpose of this list is to provide a conduit between Parallax
and those who translate our documentation to languages other than English. Parallax provides editable Word
documents to our translating partners and attempts to time the translations to coordinate with our publications.
§ Toddler Robot – A customer created this discussion list to discuss applications and programming of the Parallax
Toddler robot.
§ Javelin Stamp – Discussion of application and design using the Javelin Stamp, a Parallax module that is programmed
using a subset of Sun Microsystems’ Java® programming language. Approximately 250 members.
This manual is valid with the following software and firmware versions:
SXKey.exe software version 2.0
SX-Key rev. F and SX-Blitz rev. A
The information herein will usually apply to newer versions but may not apply to older versions. New software can be obtained
free on our web site ( If you have any questions about what you need to upgrade your product, please contact
Thank you for purchasing the Parallax SX-Key/Blitz development system. We have done our best to
produce a full-featured, yet easy to use development system for the SX microcontrollers. The result is
the SX-Key and the SX-Blitz; very tiny, full-featured development tools with a Windows 95 and higher
versions interface. We hope you will find this system as enjoyable to use as we do.
This manual is written for the SX20/28 chips with a date code of AB9921AA or later, and SX48/52 chips
with a date code of AB0001A or later.
Older chips are not supported by this manual or the SX-Key development system.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Introduction to the SX-Key/Blitz Hardware ................................................................................................................13
2 Installing the SX-Key/Blitz Software.............................................................................................................................15
3.1 Connecting and Downloading to the SX Tech Board .......................................................................................17
4 The SX-Key/Blitz Interface .............................................................................................................................................19
4.1 Starting the SX-Key/Blitz Software ....................................................................................................................19
4.1.1 Command Line Switches......................................................................................................................19
4.2 The SX Editor .........................................................................................................................................................20
4.3 The Menus..............................................................................................................................................................21
4.3.1 The File Menu ........................................................................................................................................21
4.3.2 The Edit Menu........................................................................................................................................22
4.3.3 The Run Menu........................................................................................................................................23
4.3.4 The Help Menu......................................................................................................................................25
4.4 The Windows.........................................................................................................................................................25
5 The SX-Key Debugger......................................................................................................................................................31
5.1 The Debugger Windows.......................................................................................................................................31
5.1.1 The Registers Window..........................................................................................................................31
5.1.2 The Debug Window..............................................................................................................................34
5.1.3 The Watch Window...............................................................................................................................35
5.1.4 The Code/List File Window ................................................................................................................35
5.1.5 Modifying registers during debugging ..............................................................................................36
5.1.6 Breakpoints and the Current Instruction............................................................................................37
5.1.7 Setting the Program Counter ...............................................................................................................37
6 The Device Window.........................................................................................................................................................39
7 The SASM Assembler ......................................................................................................................................................43
7.1 The Structure of an SX Assembly Program........................................................................................................44
7.3.1 The EQU and = Directives....................................................................................................................47
7.3.2 The BREAK Directive............................................................................................................................47
7.3.3 The CASE and NOCASE Directives....................................................................................................47
7.3.4 The DEVICE Directive ..........................................................................................................................48
7.3.5 The DS Directive....................................................................................................................................51
7.3.6 The DW Directive..................................................................................................................................51
7.3.7 The END Directive ................................................................................................................................51
7.3.8 The ERROR Directive............................................................................................................................52
7.3.9 The FREQ Directive...............................................................................................................................52
7.3.10 The __FUSE and __FUSEX Directives.................................................................................................52
SX-Key/Blitz Development System Manual 2.0 • Parallax, Inc. •Page 5
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7.3.11 The ID Directive.....................................................................................................................................53
7.3.12 The IF…ELSE…ENDIF Directive........................................................................................................53
7.3.13 The IF{N}DEF…ELSE…ENDIF Directives.........................................................................................54
7.3.14 The INCLUDE Directive.......................................................................................................................55
7.3.15 The IRC_CAL Directive........................................................................................................................56
7.3.16 The LIST Directive.................................................................................................................................56
7.3.17 The LPAGE Directive............................................................................................................................57
7.3.18 The ORG (Origin) Directive .................................................................................................................57
7.3.19 The RADIX Directive ............................................................................................................................58
7.3.20 The REPT Directive...............................................................................................................................58
7.3.21 The RESET Directive.............................................................................................................................59
7.3.22 The SPAC Directive...............................................................................................................................59
7.3.23 The TITLE and STITLE Directives.......................................................................................................60
7.3.24 The WATCH Directive..........................................................................................................................60
7.4.1 The MACRO Directive..........................................................................................................................62
7.4.2 The ENDM Directive.............................................................................................................................63
7.4.3 The EXITM Directive.............................................................................................................................63
7.4.4 The LOCAL Directive ...........................................................................................................................63
7.4.5 The EXPAND and NOEXPAND Directives.......................................................................................63
7.8 Data Types..............................................................................................................................................................72
7.9 The __SASM Pre-Defined Constant....................................................................................................................72
7.10 Files created by SASM ..........................................................................................................................................73
7.11 SASM Warning and Error Messages...................................................................................................................74
7.12 Reserved Words and Symbols.............................................................................................................................78
8 The Parallax Assembler...................................................................................................................................................79
8.1 The Structure of an SX Assembly Program........................................................................................................79
8.2.1 The Device Directive.............................................................................................................................79
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Table of Contents
8.7 Data Types..............................................................................................................................................................83
8.8 Reserved Words and Symbols.............................................................................................................................84
9 Upgrading Existing Code for SASM..............................................................................................................................85
10 SX Special Features and Coding Tips............................................................................................................................87
10.2 Port Configuration and Usage.............................................................................................................................87
10.2.1 Port Direction.........................................................................................................................................88
10.4 All About Interrupts .............................................................................................................................................99
10.5.1 Data Tables...........................................................................................................................................103
10.6 Dealing with Code Pages ...................................................................................................................................105
10.6.1 Branching Across Pages......................................................................................................................105
10.6.2 Calling Across Pages with Jump Tables...........................................................................................106
11.2 CPU Features .......................................................................................................................................................109
11.3 Peripheral and I/O Features..............................................................................................................................109
12 Appendix B: Instruction Set Overview........................................................................................................................111
12.2 Instruction Set Summary....................................................................................................................................111
12.3 Single Word Instructions....................................................................................................................................114
14.2 Connecting and Downloading...........................................................................................................................146
15 Appendix E: SX Data Sheet...........................................................................................................................................149
15.1 Pinout Information and Descriptions...............................................................................................................149
15.2.4 Special Function Registers..................................................................................................................153
15.2.5 IND – The Indirect Register ($00)......................................................................................................153
15.2.6 Real Time Clock/Counter, WREG ($01)...........................................................................................153
15.2.7 PC – Program Counter ($02) ..............................................................................................................153
15.2.8 STATUS Register ($03)........................................................................................................................154
15.2.9 The FSR – File Select Register ($04)...................................................................................................155
15.2.10 Direct Addressing................................................................................................................................156
15.2.12 The Bank Instruction...........................................................................................................................161
15.2.13 The Jump Instruction..........................................................................................................................162
15.2.14 Jumping Across Pages.........................................................................................................................163
15.2.15 The Call Instruction.............................................................................................................................163
15.2.16 Calling Across Pages...........................................................................................................................164
15.2.17 Returning from a subroutine..............................................................................................................164
15.2.18 The Stack...............................................................................................................................................165
15.2.19 The Push...............................................................................................................................................165
15.2.20 The Pop.................................................................................................................................................166
15.3 Port Configuration Registers .............................................................................................................................167
15.3.1 Port A Registers...................................................................................................................................167 TRIS_A – Data Direction Register......................................................................................167
15.3.2 Port B Registers....................................................................................................................................168 TRIS_B – Data Direction Register ......................................................................................168
15.3.3 Port C Registers....................................................................................................................................170 TRIS_C – Data Direction Register......................................................................................170
15.3.4 Port D and E Registers (SX48/52)......................................................................................................171
15.4 Control registers..................................................................................................................................................171
15.5.2 The Specifics.........................................................................................................................................175
16 Index ................................................................................................................................................................................181
SX-Key/Blitz Development System Manual 2.0 • Parallax, Inc. •Page 9
Table of Contents
Figure 1 - Connecting the SX-Key/Blitz................................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 2 - First Time Running Window................................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 5 - The SX-Key Icon...................................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 6 - The SX Editor........................................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 7 - The Find Window................................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 8 - The Find/Replace Window................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 9 - The Goto Line Number Window.......................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 10 - The Configure Window....................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 11 - The Debugger Windows...................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 12 - The Device Window............................................................................................................................................. 39
Figure 13 - The Watch Window.............................................................................................................................................. 61
Figure 14 - TTL and CMOS Levels......................................................................................................................................... 90
Figure 30 - The Jump Instruction.......................................................................................................................................... 162
Figure 31 - Jumping Across Pages........................................................................................................................................ 163
Figure 32 - The Call Instruction............................................................................................................................................ 164
Figure 33 - Calling Across Pages.......................................................................................................................................... 164
Figure 34 - The Push............................................................................................................................................................... 165
Figure 35 - The Pop ................................................................................................................................................................ 166
Figure 37 - SX with External Crystal.................................................................................................................................... 176
Figure 38 - SX with External Ceramic Resonator ............................................................................................................... 177
Figure 39 - SX with External System Clock......................................................................................................................... 178
Table 25 - SX Instruction Set Quick Reference.................................................................................................................... 118
Table 26 - Symbol and Value Operands .............................................................................................................................. 121
Table 27 - Flags and Registers............................................................................................................................................... 122
Table 30 - Special Function Registers................................................................................................................................... 153
Table 31 - Bank Addresses and FSR Values........................................................................................................................ 159
SX-Key/Blitz Development System Manual 2.0 • Parallax, Inc. •Page 11
Table of Contents
Page 12 • SX-Key/Blitz Development System Manual 2.0 • Parallax, Inc.
1 Introduction the SX-Key/Blitz Hardware
1 Introduction to the SX-Key/Blitz Hardware
The SX-Key/Blitz hardware consists of the programmer unit, a four-pin programming interface and a
standard, female serial port connector (DB9). The serial port connector should be plugged into an
available standard, straight-through serial cable on an IBM-compatible PC. The four-pin connector on
the SX-Key/Blitz board should be connected to four pins (VSS, VDD, OSC2 and OSC1) of the SX chip.
Take care to connect it in the right orientation because this connector is not indexed.
Figure 1 - Connecting the SX-Key/Blitz
DB9 serial port
SX-Key or SX-Blitz
programmer device
4-pin programming
The SX-Key/Blitz is powered by the target circuit’s power supply and programming and debugging
takes place over the oscillator pins. The power supply to the SX-Key/Blitz must be +5 V DC. If an
external crystal, resonator or RC circuit is used, the SX-Key/Blitz can usually remain connected to the
SX chip for programming purposes, without affecting the operation of the circuit. When debugging, the
SX chip must not have an external clock source since the SX-Key’s internal programmable oscillator
must be used. The SX-Blitz can only program SX chips, it cannot debug them.
Each SX microcontroller contains the necessary debugger hooks required to perform SX in-circuit
debugging. No other supporting chips are necessary for the debugging process. During debugging, the
SX-Key provides the oscillator signal to drive the SX microcontroller until such time that a breakpoint is
hit or a single step or stop mode is initiated.
Figure 1 - Connecting the SX-Key/Blitz shows all the connections necessary to program, debug and run
the SX microcontroller. An external resonator or crystal should be connected to the OSC1 and OSC2
pins to run the SX if the SX-Blitz is used, or if the SX-Key’s internal clock oscillator is not used.
SX-Key/Blitz Development System Manual 2.0 • Parallax, Inc. •Page 13
1 Introduction the SX-Key/Blitz Hardware
The SX-Blitz is designed to be a lower-cost device for programming the SX chips only (no debugging
features are available). The SX-Blitz and SX-Key use the same interface software for programming,
however, debugging features will not work with the SX-Blitz.
NOTE: Since the SX-Blitz and SX-Key function almost identically, they will be referred to as the SXKey/Blitz, except where there are distinct differences.
Page 14 • SX-Key/Blitz Development System Manual 2.0 • Parallax, Inc.
2 Installing the SX-Key/Blitz Software
2 Installing the SX-Key/Blitz Software
Before following the steps in the next chapter, you should first install the SX-Key/Blitz interface on
your computer’s hard disk.
The SX-Key/Blitz Interface consists of the integrated editor, programmer, and debugger software. The
following system requirements are a minimum for using the SX-Key/Blitz Interface:
• 80486 (or higher) IBM or compatible PC;
• Windows 95 or higher operating system;
• 64 Mb of RAM;
• 3 Mb of available hard drive space;
• CD-ROM drive, or access to the Internet;
• 1 available serial port.
To install the SX-Key/Blitz Interface:
1. Insert the Parallax CD-ROM in an available CD-ROM drive.
2. Use the CD's automatic browser to navigate to the Software section.
3. Expand the SX-Key & SX-Blitz folder.
4. Select the 18/28/48/52-pin SX chips (SXKey.exe) item.
5. Click on the Install button.
6. When prompted for the type of installation, select “Typical” in order to have the software installed
in the “Programs\Parallax Inc\SX-Key v2.0” folder. Select “Custom” when you want to change the
default installation options, like the installation folder.
7. After the setup has finished, you will find a shortcut on the desktop, and a new “Parallax Inc”
program group in the Start menu.
You may also download the software from the Parallax web site. There are two different file versions
available. One has a size of about 1.2 MB, and the other one of 4.6 MB. When you use the smaller one, it
is necessary to have an Internet connection active while installing the software. Select any folder where
the downloaded file shall be stored, and then run “Setup_SX-Key_Editor.exe” from this folder.
After you have successfully installed the SX-Key Editor and start it the first time, the dialog shown
below opens:
SX-Key/Blitz Development System Manual 2.0 • Parallax, Inc. •Page 15
2 Installing the SX-Key/Blitz Software
Figure 2 - First Time Running Window
This is to remind you that you should review some basic configuration settings first. Click the OK button, and press Ctrl-U to open the Configuration dialog shown to the right.
The only setting that is important for now is the selection of the serial port to which you have connected
the SX-Key/Blitz.
Figure 3 - Configure Window
The configuration dialog allows you to select COM1, COM2, COM3, or COM4.
Click the radio button in the “Serial Port” section that matches your installation.
Make sure that the remaining options are set to the defaults as shown here, and then click “Okay” to
close the configuration dialog window.
You may keep the SX-Key Editor active because you will need it to perform the next steps below.
Page 16 • SX-Key/Blitz Development System Manual 2.0 • Parallax, Inc.
3 Quick Start Instruction
3 Quick Start Introduction
This chapter is a quick start guide to connecting the SX-Key/Blitz and programming the SX
microcontroller. Without even knowing how the SX-Key/Blitz and the SX chip work, you should be
able to obtain satisfactory results from the steps that follow.
3.1 Connecting and Downloading to the SX Tech Board
In order to get familiar with how the SX-Key/Blitz Development System works, we’ll use the SX Tech
Board to program and run a 28-pin SX chip.
Keep in mind that the SX Tech Board is not a programmer; rather the SX-Key/Blitz is the
programmer/debugger device while the SX Tech board is a type of prototyping board. Follow these
steps to connect and download a program:
Figure 4 - SX Tech Board with SX chip inserted
4-pin Programming
SX microcontroller (28-pin DIP) properly
inserted into LIF socket.
1) Plug an SX28AC/DP into the 28-pin LIF socket on the SX Tech board as shown in Figure 4 - SX Tech
Board with SX chip inserted. Make sure it is oriented so that the half-moon notch in the chip faces
away from the “Reset” button.
SX-Key/Blitz Development System Manual 2.0 • Parallax, Inc. •Page 17
3 Quick Start Instruction
2) Connect the SX-Key/Blitz to a serial cable, and the serial cable to the serial (COM) port on the PC
that you have selected in the “Configure” dialog of the SX-Key/Blitz software.
3) Connect the SX-Key/Blitz to the 4-pin programming header with the VSS, VDD, OSC2 and OSC1
indicators lining up with the same indicators on the board Note that the programming header is not
indexed. Therefore, double-check the correct orientation of the SX-Key/Blitz.
4) Insert one end of a 470 ohm resister into the RC7 socket (next to the upper left side of the
breadboard). Insert the other end of the resister into any hole in the breadboard.
5) Insert the shorter leg of an LED into the breadboard hole that is closest (horizontally) to the resister
leg. Insert the other leg of the LED into one of the VDD sockets (next to the top side of the breadboard).
6) Plug the power supply into the SX Tech board and into an available wall outlet. (The power
indicator should light up).
7) If it is not still active, start the SX-Key Editor now.
8) In the SX-Key Editor window, pull down the File menu and select “Open” (or press Ctrl-O). In the
browser window that appears, select and open the led28.src file. (The led28.src source code should
appear in the SX-Key code window).
9) Pull down the Run menu and select Run (or press Ctrl-R). (The SX-Key software should assemble
the code and begin the programming process).
Congratulations! You have just programmed the SX microcontroller with the SX-Key/Blitz
Development System. The program in the SX microcontroller should start running. The LED should
flash on and off (if wired correctly).
In case you get an error message after you have selected the “Run” option, make sure that you did not
modify the source code text in the editor window. If you did, simply re-load the original text by
opening it again, and then repeat the steps described above.
Should an error message like “SX-Key not found on COMx” appear, check that you have selected the
right serial port for communication with the SX-Key/Blitz, and that the serial cable is correctly
connected to the PC, and to the SX-Key/Blitz on the other end. Also make sure that the SX-Key/Blitz is
correctly placed on the 4-pin programming header, and that the SX Tech board is powered, i.e. the
power indicator LED is active.
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4 The SX-Key/Blitz Interface
4 The SX-Key/Blitz Interface
The SX-Key/Blitz interface is an integrated editor, programmer, and debugger. All the functions of the
SX-Key and the SX-Blitz are available through this single software interface.
Throughout the rest of this manual, the SX-Key/Blitz interface will be referred to as the SX editor, or
more simply, the editor.
4.1 Starting the SX-Key/Blitz Software
Figure 5 - The SX-Key Icon
During installation, a shortcut was automatically placed on the Windows desktop. Double-click on the
SX-Key icon to launch the SX-Key/Blitz interface. In case, the Icon has been deleted from the desktop,
you can also start the software via the Windows Start button. Navigate to the Parallax Inc. program
group and select “SX-Key v2.0” there.
4.1.1 Command Line Switches
It is also possible to start the SX-Keys software together with parameters from a command line, e.g.
using the Windows “Run…” option, or from the DOS command line. The Syntax is:
SxKey /<switch> {/<switch>…} <File name>
When you specify a file name with a “.src” extension, the editor window will open, displaying the
contents of the source code file. When you specify an “.sxh” extension instead, the hex file will be
opened into the device window.
The /r switch is used to open a file in read-only mode, i.e. it can be displayed but not modified in the
editor or in the device window.
For example
SxKey /r test.src
opens the source file named “test”, and displays it in the editor window and
SxKey /r test.sxh
opens the hex file named “test”, and displays the device window. In both examples, the files are opened
read-only, i.e. they cannot be modified.
In addition to the /r switch, the switches /1, /2, /3 and /4 are also defined. They are used to select the
COM port where the SX-Key/Blitz is attached. This will override the setting that has been recently
SX-Key/Blitz Development System Manual 2.0 • Parallax, Inc. •Page 19
4 The SX-Key/Blitz Interface
made in the Configure window. It is recommended not to use these switches; they have been
implemented for compatibility reasons only.
4.2 The SX Editor
Figure 6 - The SX Editor
The SX editor (see Figure 6 – The SX Editor, above) consists of a window containing a menu at the top,
several shortcut buttons in a tool bar, a list of files that are currently open to the left, and a large text
area to the right. In the status bar at the bottom, there is the row/column indicator, telling you at which
row and column the cursor is currently located. The editor window is where your SX source code will
be entered and edited. Standard Windows editing shortcut keys listed in Table 1 – Editor Shortcut Keys, below, may be used in addition to the commands in the Edit menu and the tool bar buttons to
manipulate the source code.
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4 The SX-Key/Blitz Interface
Table 1 - Editor Shortcut Keys
Copy Ctrl-C Copies selected text to the clipboard.
Cut Ctrl-X Cuts selected text to the clipboard.
Paste Ctrl-V Pastes clipboard contents.
Page Up PgUp Moves editor window one page up.
Page Down PgDn Move editor window one page down.
Begin of Line Home Move the cursor to column 1 in the current line
End of Line End Move the cursor behind the last character in the line.
Begin of Text Ctrl-Home Moves the cursor to row 1, column 1 in the editor window.
End of Text Ctrl-End Moves the cursor behind the last character of the text in the editor.
Tab Tab
Moves cursor to the next tab position. The tab position can be set in the configuration dialog.
4.3 The Menus
The SX editor menu bar contains four menus: File, Edit, Run and Help. These menus and their associated
menu items are each described below. The most important functions can be also selected with one of the
shortcut buttons in the tool bar that are also shown below. You will find details to some of the functions
that can be selected via the menus later in this manual.
4.3.1 The File Menu
NewCreates a new, empty edit window. Use this item to start a new source code
editing session. You may also click the shortcut button to create a new file. When
you start the editor software, a blank session will be opened automatically, called
“Blank 1”.
When you select “New” while another editing session is already open, it will be
moved to the “background” but it will still remain open. The open files list to the
left displays the names of all open sessions.
Open…Opens a browse window to locate and load source code files. As an alternative,
click the shortcut button, or type Ctrl-O to open an existing file.
Again, if there is another session already open, it will be moved to the
The names of all currently open files are listed in the open files list to the left of
the editor window. To switch between the sessions, left-click on the name of the
file you want to see in the foreground.
SX-Key/Blitz Development System Manual 2.0 • Parallax, Inc. •Page 21
4 The SX-Key/Blitz Interface
CloseCloses the source code file currently displayed in the editor window. You may
also right-click on the file name in the open files list, and then left-click on the
prompt that is displayed to close a file.
When the file to be closed has been modified since the last save, a dialog box will
open allowing you to select whether or not to save the file or abort the close
operation; i.e. keep the file open in the editor.
SaveSaves the source code file currently displayed in the editor window. The shortcut
button or Ctrl-S can also be used to save the file.
Save As…Opens a Save As dialog box to save the source code currently displayed in the
editor window with a designated name.
ReopenDisplays a list of the files that were most recently edited. You may then click on
one of the list items to open any of these files directly.
Print…Opens a print dialog box to print the source code currently displayed in the
editor window.
ExitTerminates the SX-Key/Blitz editor.
4.3.2 The Edit Menu
UndoThis menu selection remains inactive until you make a change to the text in the
editor window. You can then revert the recent changes you have made to the
text. Ctrl-Z also activates the Undo function.
RedoThis is the opposite of the Undo function. It allows you to restore any changes
that were reverted by previous Undo actions. This selection remains inactive
until you have used the Undo function at least once. Ctrl-Y also does a redo.
After you have re-done an operation, you may undo it again.
CutCuts the selected text from the editor window and stores it in the Windows
clipboard. Ctrl-X is the equivalent keyboard entry.
To select text, use one of the standard Windows methods, like moving the mouse
pointer across the text to be marked with the left mouse button pressed, or move
the cursor with the cursor keys while the Shift key is held down.
In order to select complete lines in the text, move the mouse cursor to the left
margin of the text area until it turns into an arrow, and then click the left mouse
button. To mark two or more lines, mark the first line, and then drag the mouse
up or down.
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CopyCopies the selected text from the editor window and stores it in the Windows
clipboard. Ctrl-C is the equivalent keyboard entry.
PastePastes the text from the Windows clipboard into the editor window starting at
the current cursor location. Alternatively, type Ctrl-V to paste text.
FindOpens the Find dialog box. Ctrl-F is the shortcut key for this function. Enter the
text (or part of it) you are looking for. If necessary, you may select the options to
search for whole words only, or to match upper- and lower-case characters. You
can also specify the search direction, i.e. if the search shall be performed beginning at the current cursor position towards the beginning or end of the text.
Find NextFinds the next occurrence of the specified text from the most recent Find
operation. F3 also performs this function.
Find/Replace…Opens the standard Windows replace dialog box. Ctrl-H is the shortcut key for
this function. Again, you have the options to search for whole words only, or to
match upper- and lower-case characters.
Go to Line NumberOpens a dialog box where you can enter a line number. Ctrl-G is the shortcut key
for this function. Click “Ok” to close the dialog, and to position the cursor to
column 1 in the specified line.
Clear ErrorsWhen errors are encountered while assembling a source code file with the “new”
default SASM assembler, the lines with errors are highlighted, and the errors
found are displayed in the status area. Use this menu selection to clear all error
4.3.3 The Run Menu
AssembleAssembles the code. You may also press Ctrl-A, or click the shortcut button to
start the assembly. When the code in the editor window could be assembled
without errors, the message “Assembly Successful” will show up in the status
When you use the default “new” SASM assembler and if there are any errors
encountered in the code, a message box will open, telling you that errors were
found. Click “Ok” to close the box. At the bottom of the editor window, you will
notice a new area that contains a list of all errors found during assembly. The first
error message line is highlighted, and the offending line in the source code is also
automatically highlighted.
When there are two or more error lines, double-click on a line in order to jump to
the offending line in the source code.
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Make the necessary corrections to the source code, and assemble the code again,
until no more errors are reported.
The assembler may also generate warning messages that are shown in the same
area, together with any errors. With warnings, the code will be assembled, but it
is a good idea to make the necessary corrections to the source code in order to
avoid warnings.
NOTE: Before assembly, the current file will be saved automatically. If you have
entered code into a new blank editor window, use the Save function to save the
window contents under a specific name before starting the assembler.
ProgramAssembles the source code and programs the SX microcontroller (when the
assembly was successful). Ctrl-P also starts programming.
RunAssembles the source code, programs the SX and generates a clock signal. Ctrl-R
also runs a program.
DebugAssembles the source code, programs the SX, generates a clock signal and
initiates the debug mode. (Not used on the SX-Blitz). Ctrl-D also starts the
debugging mode.
Debug (reenter)Assembles the source code, assumes that the SX device is already programmed
with the recent code to be debugged (i.e. does not program the SX again),
generates a clock signal and enters the debug mode. (Not used on the SX-Blitz).
Ctrl-Alt-D also re-enters the debugger.
This option is handy when you have previously terminated a debug session that
you want to continue later without having made changes to the source code in
the meantime.
As long as you add, remove or change WATCH or BREAK directives in the
source code, you may still use this function to reenter the debugging session
without downloading the program to the SX.
Any other changes to the source code require a new download, i.e. you must use the
Debug option instead, to start the debugger.
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View ListAssembles the source code, and then opens another window that shows the
contents of the list file generated by the assembler. Ctrl-L also displays the list
file. The list file will be described in detail later in this manual (see Chapter 7.10 – Files Created by SASM).
Clock…Opens the clock control dialog box to allow the modification of the clock activity
and frequency. (Not used on the SX-Blitz). Ctrl-K also opens the clock dialog.
With this function, the SX device’s clock is supplied by the SX-Key, and you may
test the functionality of an application at various clock rates.
Device…Opens the device dialog box to allow modification of the SX microcontroller pa-
rameters. Ctrl-I also opens the device dialog box.
Configure…Opens the configuration dialog box to allow modification of the SX-Key/Blitz
programming interface. See Chapter 4.4.5 – Configure Window for configuration
details. Ctrl-U also performs this operation.
4.3.4 The Help Menu
Contents Displays information on how to use the WATCH and BREAK directives.
About Displays the SX-Key/Blitz Development System information box.
4.4 The Windows
Many menu items open up a separate window for further configuration or monitoring. These windows
are described below.
4.4.1 Print Window
The print window is accessed via the Print… item on the File menu. It is the standard Windows Print
dialog box that you know from other applications. It allows you to select which printer shall be used,
and depending on the printer type, various options can be selected.
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4.4.2 Find Window
Figure 7 - The Find Window
The Find window is accessed via the Find item on the Edit menu. Enter the text to be searched for in the
“Find what” field. By default, the search direction is from the current cursor position to the bottom of
the text. You may change this direction by clicking the “Up” radio button in the “Direction” group.
You may also specify if the search shall match whole words only and if upper/lower case characters
shall be distinguished.
Click the “Find Next” button to start the search. When the pattern you have entered was found in the
text, it will be highlighted.
Clicking “Find Next” again continues the search, and the next match will be selected in the text (if any).
The Find window remains open, until you click the “Cancel” button.
After you have closed the Find window, you may still continue searching for the pattern most recently
entered by selecting “Find Next” in the Edit menu, or simply hit the F3 key to continue the search.
4.4.3 Find/Replace Window
Figure 8 - The Find/Replace Window
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This window is similar to the Find window. Again, you can enter the text pattern to be searched for. In
addition, you also can enter the replacement text.
Also, you may select if only whole words should be found and if the search shall be case-sensitive, or
Click the “Find Next” button to start the first search. When the pattern was found, it will be highlighted
in the text.
Click the “Replace” button to replace the highlighted text with the replacement you have entered, or
click “Find Next” to not alter the text, and to continue the search for the next matching pattern in the
When wish to replace all occurrences of the search pattern, click the “Replace All” button. You should
use the replace all feature with extra caution because it replaces the search pattern in the whole text
without further confirmation. You might consider activating the “whole words only” option to avoid
unwanted replacements. Also note that “Replace All” always performs the search from the top of the
text down to the bottom, where the find next always continues towards the bottom of the text.
4.4.4 Goto Line Number Window
Figure 9 - The Goto Line Number Window
This window is accessed via the Goto Line Number item on the Edit menu. Enter the line number where
the cursor shall be positioned and click Ok. If necessary, the text in the editor window will be scrolled
so that the line you have addressed will be visible and the cursor is placed in column 1 of this line.
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4.4.5 Configure Window
Figure 10 - The Configure Window
This window is accessed via the Configure item on the Run menu and allows you to setup various
properties of the software.
We have already addressed the Serial Port section at the top of the window. Click one of the radio
buttons to select the COM port where your SX-Key/Blitz is connected.
When the option Create backup (.bak) files is selected, the editor will save a copy of the previous version
whenever a modified source code file is saved.
The group Assembler Options allows you to configure the SASM assembler.
When Use SASM is selected, the editor will call SASM to translate the source code in the editor window
into SX machine code. SASM is an enhanced version of Ubicom’s SASM assembler that has been
adapted to the SX-Key Version 2 software. When you un-check this option, the original Parallax
assembler will be invoked instead. Because there are some differences in language syntax between the
two assemblers, it might be necessary to use the Parallax Assembler with older, legacy, source code (see
Chapter 7 – The SASM Assembler and Chapter 8 – The Parallax Assembler for the differences
between the assemblers).
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Nevertheless, we strongly recommend that you use the SASM assembler for all new, or recently revised,
source code. There are only a few modifications necessary to make legacy source code compatible with
SASM (see Chapter 9 – Upgrading Existing Code for SASM).
When you choose to use the Parallax Assembler, by un-checking the "Use SASM" box, you will notice
that a new group is shown at the top of the Options window, called IRC Calibration. Since the Parallax
Assembler does not accept directives in the source code to set the value for IRC calibration, it is
necessary to do this “outside” of the source code (see Chapter – Internal RC Mode for details
on IRC calibration).
When the option SASM files to “SASM Output dir” is selected, the files generated by SASM will be
stored in the folder named “SASM Output” that is located in the folder where the SX-Key software has
been installed. When the option is de-selected, the files will be stored in the folder where the source
code files are located. See Chapter 7.10 – Files Generated by SASM for an explanation of the output
files generated by SASM.
The option Local Labels Must Start In Col. 1 controls how SASM searches the source code for local labels
(see Chapter 7.6 - Labels for more details on local labels). When the option is selected, local labels must
start in the first column of a source code line. Otherwise, local labels may be indented.
When the Use New Editor option is un-checked, the text editor will change its style into the editor format
that was part of earlier versions of the SX-Key software. As this “old” editor has much less features, it is
recommended to always use the “new” editor. You will notice that the remaining selections in the
Configure window will become invisible when you select the “old” editor.
The Enhanced Editor Options group contains various selections that allow you to configure the “new”
Use the upper left and right arrow buttons to change the Font size of the text displayed in the editor
window between 6 and 32 points.
The left and right arrow buttons below let you define the Tab size, i.e. by how many columns text shall
be indented on TAB characters in the text (2, 4, 6, or 8 columns).
When Colored Code Keywords is checked, the editor will perform “syntax highlighting”, i.e. keywords in
the source code text are displayed in color. Click on the colored button to the right of this option to open
the Color dialog box. Here you can select the color that shall be used to highlight the keywords.
The Boldface Code Keywords gives you the option to let the editor display keywords in boldface.
Boldfacing and color highlighting may also be combined.
When the Colored Comments option is checked, any comments in the source code text, i.e. text that starts
with a semicolon, will be displayed in the color indicated to the right of this option. The color can be
changed by clicking on the colored button.
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The next option, Error BG Color, allows you to select the background color that shall be used to highlight
any lines with errors after assembly. Again, click on the colored button to open the Color dialog box.
When the Jump To Assembly Error Line option is checked, the cursor will be positioned on the first line in
the source code text after assembly, when errors were encountered. In addition, this line will be
highlighted with the background color you have selected for the previous option.
After you have selected the required options, click “Okay” to accept them and to close the Configure
window. Click “Cancel” instead, when you want to keep the options unchanged.
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