3200 Series Owner Operator Manual
1 12 Volts DC from Power Converter
When 120 VAC is connected to Converter via commercial power of RV generator, Converter—via its
Automatic Relay—is instantly switched into the circuit to convert the 120 VAC to 12 VDC to run 12 volt
lights and motors in RV.
MODEL 3215—Utilizes Manual Switch in top panel of Converter-in place of Automa tic Relay. Put
This switch in “CONV” position to convert 120 VAC to 12 VDC.
Equipment limited to operation from pure 12 volt battery power—including 12 volt TV’s, radios, stereos,
unfiltered fluorescent lights—must be connected directly into RV storage battery line, or equipped with
filter—as Converters do not produce the “pure” 12 volt DC needed by these items.
A protective T hermal Breaker will “break” the 120 VAC power to Converter if Converter becomes
overheated—by operation above its maximum limit for an extended period of time or obstruction of
ventilation to unit.
Model 3220, 3230 or 3240—with Automatic Relay—will instantl y switch 12V lights and motors to
Model 3215 with Manual Switch—will simply interrupt the 120 VAC to Converter.
In either case, the Thermal Breaker will reset itself after a period of time, and the lights and motors will
again resume operation from Converter—only to shortly again “br eak”. When this occurs, take immediate
steps to correct cause of overheating. A portion of RV 12-volt load—lights or motors or both—should be
turned off to reduce total load. Also, inspect Converter to make certain ventilation is not obstructed.
A DC Distribution Panel is installed in front compartment of Converter—or is located adjacent to
Converter. This panel contains circuits with replaceable fuses for protection of RV 12-volt light and motor
If any line is loaded beyond the capacity of its fuse, the fuse will “blow”. A portion of the 12-volt load on
the line—lights and/or motors—must be turned off to reduce total load on the line below the capacity of the
fuse. Replace fuse with same size fuse. DO NOT put in larger fuse than indicated.
If this reduction of load on the line does not stop the “blowing” of the replaceable fuses, there may be a
“short” along the 12-volt line or at a nonfused 12-volt motor on the line. Check the RV 12-volt line and
equipment on the line. Locate the “short” and take the necessary steps t o repair it.
If 12 V lights and motors will NOT operate as indicated above, check to make certain 120 VAC power is
power is properly attached to RV.
With 120 VAC power disconnected from RV as a safety m eas ure, inspect electrical connection between
RV 120 VAC distribution box and Converter and make certain RV 12 volt light and motor lines are
properly wired to Converter—as per instructions in compartment. If necessary, check with your RV dealer
or contact our Customer Service Department as indicated in No. 4.
12 Volts DC from Storage B attery
When 120 VAC is NOT connected to Converter via commercial power or RV generator, the Converter--via its Automatic Relay—will switch RV battery into the circuit for power to operate 12-volt lights and