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Changes and enhancements to the product and to the inf ormation herein will be document ed and issued as a new
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Contact yo ur loc al sales r eprese ntati v e, service r epresent ativ e , or dist ribut or di rec tly f or an y hel p need ed. F or addit ional
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— Within the U.S.A., call 1-800-870-2221
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ACCULINK, COMSPHERE, F rameSaver, Hotwire, MVL, Ne xtEDGE, OpenLane, and Performance Wizard are
registere d trademark s of Par adyne Corpor ation. Gra nDSLAM, Gr andVIEW, ReachDSL, and True Put are tradem arks of
Par adyne Corporat ion. All other prod ucts and services m ention ed herein are the tradem arks, service marks , register ed
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Patent Notificati on
Fr ameSaver products are protected by U.S. P atents: 5,550,700 and 5,654,966. Other patents are pending.
This document contains information needed to properly set up, configure, and
verify operation of the FrameSaver SLV (Service Level Verifier) 9126, 9126-II, and
9128-II CSU/DSU, and 9126-II Router running firmware release 2.0.3 or above. It
is intended for system designers, engineers, administrators, and operators.
You must be familiar with the functional operation of digital data communications
equipment and frame relay networks.
Document Organization
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2,
Basic Operation
Chapter 3,
Chapter 4,
Chapter 5,
FrameSa ver SLV Router
Chapter 6,
Chapter 7,
About the FrameSav er
User Interface and
Configurat ion Options
Configuring the
Security and Logins
Operation and
Identifies how the FrameSaver SLV 9126, 9126-II,
and 9128-II CSU/DSU , and 9126-II Router, fi t i nto
Paradyne’s Service Level Management (SLM)
solution, and describes their featur es.
Shows how to navigate the menu-driven user
Shows how to access and sav e conf igur ation opti ons .
Provides configuration informati on for the
FrameSa ver SLV 9126, 9126-II, and 9128-II
CSU/DSU, and 9126 -I I Rout er.
Describes the router’s interfaces and features, and
shows typical set ups and configurations.
Provides procedures for controlling access to t he
FrameSa ver SLV and setting up logins.
Provides procedures to display uni t i dentification
information and perform file tr ansfers, as well as how
to display and interpret status and statis tical
Chapter 8,
9128-A2-GB20-80September 2002
Provides device prob lem resolutio n, alarm, and other
information, as wel l as troubleshooting and test
About This Guide
Chapter 9,
Setting Up OpenLane
for FrameSaver Devices and
Activating SLM Features
Chapter 10,
Setting Up NetScout
Manager Plus for FrameSaver
Chapter 11,
Setting Up Network
Health for FrameSaver Devices
Appendix A,
Appendix B,
Menu Hierarchy
Traps, and RMON Alarm Defaults
Appendix C,
Router CLI
Commands, Codes, and
Appendix D,
Router Command
Line Summaries and Shortcuts
Identifies where i nstallation and setup in formation is
located and how FrameSaver units are supported.
Describes setup of the NetScout Manager Plus
application so it supports FrameSaver units, and so
you can change alarm and histo ry file defaults.
Describes setup of Concord’s Network Health
application so r eports can be cre ated f or FrameSaver
units, and identifies those reports that apply to
FrameSa ver units.
Contains a graphi cal representation of ho w the user
interfa ce screens are organize d.
Identifies the MIBs su pported and how they can be
downloaded, describes the unit’s compl iance with
SNMP format standards and with its special
operational trap features, and describes the
RMON-specific user history groups, and alarm and
event defaults.
Describes the configuration options available for the
router, and the minimum access level for each
Provides a summary of router CLI commands,
showing syntax and defaults.
Appendix E,
Connec to rs, Cables,
and Pin Assignments
Appendix F,
Shows the rear panel, tells what cables are needed ,
and provides pin assignments for interfaces and
Technical Specifications.
Appendix G,
Equipment List
Equipment List.
Lists key terms, acronyms, concepts, and sections.
A master glossary of terms and acronyms used in Paradyne documents is
available on the World Wide Web at
NetScout Probe User Guide
NetScout Manager/Plus User Guide
NetScout Manager/ Plus & NetScout Server Administrat or Guide
NetScout Manager Plu s Set Up & Installation Guide
Network Health User Guide
Netw ork Hea lth Installa tion Gu ide
Network Health – Traffic Accountant Reports Guide
Network Health Reports Guide
Complete Paradyne documentation for this product is available at
. Select
Library →Technical Manuals.
To order a paper copy of this manual:
Within the U.S.A., call 1-800-PARADYNE (1-800-727-2396)
Outside the U.S.A., call 1-727-530-8623
9128-A2-GB20-80September 2002
About This Guide
Conventions Used
Convention UsedWhen Used
Menu sequence:To provide an abbreviated method for indicating the
(Path: )To provide a check point that coincides with the menu path
Brackets [ ]To indicate multiple selection choices when more than one
Text highlighted in blueT o ind icate a h yperl ink t o addit ional inf ormati on when vi e wing
To indicate variable information (for example, DLCI
selections to be made from a men u or selections from within
a menu before performing a procedural step.
For exam ple,
Main Menu →Status →System and Test Status
that you should select Status from the Main Menu, then
select System and Test Status.
shown at the top of the screen. Always shown within
parentheses so you can verify that you are referencing the
correct table (e.g., Path: main/config/alarm).
selec ti on is available (e .g .,
this manual online. Click on the highlighted text.
denotes a 4-digit number)
September 20029128-A2-GB20-80
About the FrameSaver SLV
This chapter includes the following:
System Overview
Our system solution consis ts o f:
This solution provides increased manageability, monitoring, and diagnostics so
customers can identify problems more efficiently, troubleshoot those problems
faster, and maximize their network to control costs. It is also compatible with
Concord Communication’s Network Health software.
System Ov erview
FrameSav er Diagnostic and SLM Feature Sets
FrameSav er Diagnostic Feature Set
FrameSav er SLM Feature Set
OpenLane SLM System
NetScout Manager Plus and NetScout Probes
FrameSaver® SLV (Serv ice Level Veri fier) units
OpenLane® SLM (Service Level Management) system
NetScout Manager Plus application
Standalone NetScout Probes, if needed
, below
on page 1-4
on page 1-5
on page 1-10
on page 1-11
on page 1-12
The FrameSaver SLV 9126-II Router and 9126, 9126-II, and 9128-II CSU/DSUs
operate with other FrameSaver devices, and when teamed with internationally
based FrameSaver devices in multinational applications, provide a complete global
frame relay management solution.
9128-A2-GB20-80September 2002
1. About the FrameSaver SLV
CSU/DSU-Specific Features
The following features only apply to the FrameSaver SLV 9126, 9126-I I, and
9128-II CSU/DSUs:
Router-Specific Features
The following features only apply to the FrameSaver SLV 9126-II router :
Two Interfaces.
Provides two interfaces for traffic:
— Synchronous DTE port for user data
— Ethernet Interface for management data
Upstream Pipelining.
Provides pipelining capability into the Wide Area
Network (WAN) for reduced latency, where groups of bytes are transmitted as
soon as they are received, rather than waiting for the entire frame to be
collected before sending.
LMI Protoco l Support.
Automatically detects and initializes the Local
Management Interface (LMI) protocol type on the user data port.
De vice Mig ration.
The FrameSav er SLV 9126-II Router can be converted to a
FrameSav er SLV 9126-II CSU/DSU with a firmware download.
In-Ba nd Router Manage m ent.
Permits the router to be managed via
customer data PVCs and EDLCIs by assigning an IP address for router
management that is different from the IP address generally used for the
network interface.
Inverse ARP for User Data.
Provides Inverse ARP (Address Resolution
Protocol) support for user data, as well as management data. The router
responds to Inverse ARP requests, and can acquire the IP address of a
FrameSaver device at the far end of a customer PVC. ARP information is
retained for both customer data and management data.
September 20029128-A2-GB20-80
1. About the FrameSaver SLV
CLI Access and Configuration.
Provides a router Command Line Interface
(CLI), along with the menu-driven user interface, for configuring and managing
the router. It is accessed from the Main Menu via a direct COM port
connection or Telnet.
The following feat ures are con figurable using the CLI:
— NA T (Network Address Translation) support provides the means to bind IP
addresses in a private network to addresses in a public, or global, network
for transparent routing between the two domains on all PVCs. Up to 30
NAT pools are support ed.
— Routing table configuration permits configuration of static routes. Up to
32 entries can be made.
— IP forwarding to forward multicast IP packets and customer datagrams.
— Filtering on the Ethernet and frame relay interfaces, configurable from the
CLI access list, allows the router to filter MAC frames and prevent
unwanted inbound connections. Two filter access lists are support ed per
interface, one for the transmit and one for the receive direction.
The following protocol is supported:
— DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) support for dynamic
allocation of IP addresses and automatic cleanup when a subinterface is
deleted, as well as allowing multiple IP address ranges for DHCP deny
capability. The DHCP server and relay cannot be enabled at the same
time. Up to 253 DHCP clients can be supported. One DHCP pool of
addresses, and one IP address range per pool is supported.
9128-A2-GB20-80September 2002
1. About the FrameSaver SLV
FrameSaver Diagnostic and SLM Feature Sets
Depending upon the model ordered, the FrameSaver unit has the basic
FrameSav er frame relay and diagnostic capability, or it is enhanced with additional
SLM (Service Level Management) reporting capabili ty. These are referred to as
feature sets, which pro vide different le vels of intelligence f or monitoring, managing,
and reporting performance of the unit.
The two feature sets include:
Basic Diagnostic Feature Set.
FrameSaver capabilit ies , w hic h inc lu de:
— Leased Line mode for standard DSU installation and operation
— Device health and status
— Layer 1 (Physical) and Layer 2 (Frame Relay) performance statistics
— Basic physical testing and non-disruptive PVC diagnostics
— A troubleshooting DLCI (Data Link Connection Identifier) for service
diagnostic capability, plus advanced Service Level Management features.
When additional SLV dat a is collected and the unit is accessed from an
OpenLane SLM system, Web access to the following information is available:
— TruePut™ Technology using Frame and Data Delivery Ratios (FDR and
Models with this feature set provide basic
on page 1-5 for other features and
Models with this feature set provide all the basic
— Web browser access to all diagnostic and reporting functions
— Historical SLA (Serv ice Level Agreement) verification and trend reports
— Real-time RMON (remote monitoring) alarms and configurable alarm
— Real-time and historical network performanc e graphs
— Multiplexed customer PVCs
the additional SLM capability.
If the unit does not have the SLM feature set, full SLM capability can be activated
at any time by ordering a Feature Activation Certificate. The OpenLane SLM
system Release 5.3 or above is required to schedule activation of advanced SLM
features in units, and to manage activations.
September 20029128-A2-GB20-80
FrameSaver SLM Feature Set
on page 1-10 for more information about
To obtain a Feature Activation Certificate, provide the model to be upgraded, your
OpenLane system license key number , and the number of FrameSaver units to be
upgraded to SLM capability. You can order the certificate for a single unit or for
many units. Your Feature Activation Certificate will include an Activation Certificate
Number, the Feature Group Number for the additional SLM features, your
OpenLane license key number, and the number of device activations ordered.
When the Feature Activation Certificate arrives, add the Activation Certificate
Number to your OpenLane SLM application’s database . Activations can occur at
any time, for as many units as desired, until no activations remain for the
certificate. When ready to activate units, simply select the units to be activated and
schedule the activations. The activations occur when scheduled, and OpenLane
updates the certificate information. The OpenLane system also provides a
Certificate Summary Report to assist you in the management of the cert ificate.
FrameS aver Diagnostic Feature Set
A FrameSaver SLV unit with the basic diagnostic feature set provides the following:
1. About the FrameSaver SLV
Easy Installation.
Provides a straightforward installation menu that requires
minimal configuration to get the unit up and running quickly, and to set up
remote configuration and management via Te lnet access from the NOC
(Network Operations Center).
Fram e Relay Aware Management.
Supports diagnostic and network
management features over the frame relay network. The unit’s frame relay
capability also supports:
— Inband managem ent channels over the frame relay network using
dedicated PVCs.
— Unique nondisruptive diagnostics.
— CIR monitor ing on a PVC basis.
— Multiple PVCs on an interface.
— Multiplexing management PVCs with user data PVCs.
— Multiplexing multiple PVCs going to the same location onto a single
network PVC.
Router Independence.
Unique diagnostics, performance monitoring,
PVC-based in-band network managem ent, and SNMP con nectivity is not
dependent upon external routers, cables, or LAN adapters.
Inverse ARP and Standard RIP Support.
Provides Inverse ARP (Address
Resolution Protocol) support so the frame relay router at one end of a
management PVC can acquire the IP address of a FrameSaver unit at the
other end of the PVC. Standard RIP (Routing Information Protocol) allows the
router to automatically learn the routes to all FrameSaver units connected to
that FrameSaver unit.
to the unit.
9128-A2-GB20-80September 2002
Provides multiple levels of security to prevent unauthorized access
1. About the FrameSaver SLV
. Provides the following automatic configuration features:
— Time Slot Discovery – For automatic configuration of all network DS0
— Frame Relay Disco very – For automatic discovery of network DLCIs and
configuration of a user data port DLCI, the PVC connection, and a
management PVC, which is multiplexed with user data DLCIs.
— LMI Protocol Discovery – For automatic configuration of the protocol being
used by the network.
— DLCI Deletion – For automatic removal of configuration of unused DLCIs
from the unit’s configuration and statistical databases.
— CIR Determination – For automatic recalculation of the committed rate
measurement interval (Tc) and excess burst size (Be) when a DLCI’s CIR
— Excess burst size (Be) and committed burst size (Bc) are recalculated
when Committed Burst Size Bc (Bits) is set to CIR. The committed rate
measurement interval (Tc) is recalculated when Committed Burst Size Bc
(Bits) is set to Other.
Maximum Number of PVCs and Management PVCs S uppor ted .
SLV 9128-II
SLV 9126-II
SLV 9126
SLV 9126-II
Multiplexed Management PVCs.
81664 120
22 2 2
Provides a method of multiplexing
management data with customer data transparently over a single PVC
(Permanent Virtual Circuit) when FrameSaver devices are at each end of the
circuit. This feature also makes it possible to run nondisruptive PVC tests.
Extensive Testing Capability.
Provides a variety of tests to identify and
diagnose device and network problems, including nondisruptive PVC
loopbacks and end-to-end connectivity. Tests can be commande d from the
unit’s menu-driven user interface or the OpenLane system.
These tests include V.54 or FT1-ANSI data channel loopba ck suppor t so the
frame relay network service provider can perform a physical loopback from its
own switch without having to contact the local service provider for loopback
LMI Packet Capture.
Provides a way of uploading data that has been
captured in a trace file so the data can be uploaded and transferred to a
Network Associates Sniffer for analysis, or viewed via the menu-driven user
interface. When viewed from the menu-driven user interface, the twelve most
recent LMI messages are displayed via the LMI Trace Log.
September 20029128-A2-GB20-80
1. About the FrameSaver SLV
Integral Mo de m .
Provides an internal 14.4 Kbps modem to support dialing in
to the unit for out-of-band management and automatic dialing out of SNMP
Modem PassThru.
Provides access to another device’s VT100-compatible
user interface over a dial connection. When this feature is enabled, a logical
connection between the unit’s modem and COM ports is created, allowing
access to a collocated device’s serial port via the FrameSaver unit’s internal
modem. This feature is sometimes referred to as the Router Assist feature.
Configurable FTP Transfer Rate.
Allows you to control the transmit rate
when downloading firmware into the FrameSaver unit and uploading user
history statistics to an NMS (Network Management System) via the COM port
connection or a management PVC so the data can be transferred as a
background task using the standard File Transfer Protocol (FTP) over
extended periods of time using low bandwidth.
RMON User History Performance Statistics via SNMP Polling.
access to the physical interface and basic frame relay performance statistics
by polling the FrameSaver unit using SNMP (Simple Network Management
Protocol). These statistics are available real-time via the Enterpri se MIB and
historically as an RMON2 User History object.
Frame Relay Traffic P o li cing.
Ensures proper alignment and correlation of
CIR (Committed Information Rate) values between the Fram eS aver unit and
the network switch. When this feature is enabled, the unit can enforce CIR and
EIR (Excess Information Rate), marking frames that exceed CIR as DE
(Discard Eligible) using the same method used by the switch.
Service P rovider S upport.
Provides information and tools useful to network
service providers, which includes the following:
— IP Routing Table – Shows the IP routing table for the FrameSaver unit,
with network as well as host routes, the number of hops to the destination,
the method by which the route was added to the table, the interface used
to get to the destination, and how long the route has been in existence.
— Tr ap Event Log – Displays the SNMP (Simple Network Management
Protocol) trap event log for the F rameSav er unit fr om the menu-driven user
interface, with the most recent events first, keeping a running total for all
trap events stored, the amount of time since the event was logged, plus a
description of the trap.
— Troubleshooting PVC – Provides a dedicated troubleshooting
management link that helps service providers isolate problems within their
AT M VPI/VCI and DLCI Correlation.
For networks with both ATM and frame
relay-access endpoints, allows the FrameSaver unit to report the origina ting
Virtual Path and Channel Identifier (VPI/VCI) in the far-end ATM-access
endpoint where the local DLCI is mapped so they can be correlated for
OpenLane SLV reports.
Dual Flash Memory.
Allows software upgrades while the unit is up and
running. Two software loads can be stored and implemented at the user’s
9128-A2-GB20-80September 2002
1. About the FrameSaver SLV
DSX-1 Drop/Insert Port.
Allows DTEs/PBXs that support the DS1 signal
format to share the T1 network with other high-speed equipment so that voice
traffic can share the same local access circuit as the frame relay data.
Back-to-Back Operation.
Allows two FrameSaver devices to be connected
via a leased-line network or simulation so a point-to-point configuration can be
Enhanced Ping Operation.
FrameSaver devic es can check connectivity and
roundtrip response time to any remote device in either direction, via the
FrameSav er internal management network or the data path.
Payload Management.
Any standard, non-management DLCI can be
designated as payload managed, providing management directly from a user
data PVC, and support for Telnet, ping, SNMP, and FTP.
Optional ISDN Backup.
FrameSaver SLV 9126 and 9126-II CSU/DSUs can
be equipped with a BRI DBM, which supports up to two channels. The
channels may have different destinations. The DBM may be field-installed in
the FrameSaver SLV 9126 CSU/DSU, and must be factory-installed in the
9126-II CSU/DSU.
FrameSaver SLV 9128-II 1-slot units can be equipped with a PRI DBM, which
supports up to 23 B-channels, or a BRI DBM. Carrier-mounted FrameSaver
SLV 9128-II NAMs support a PRI DBM only.
When an ISDN BRI or PRI DBM (Basic Rate Interface or Primary Rate
Interface Dial Backup Module) is installed, the following ISDN backup features
are provided:
— Provides automatic dial backup through the ISDN for data when primary
frame relay network or access line failures occur, then automatically
restores data to the primary route when service returns to normal. Backup
is supported regardless of whether or not Caller ID is provisioned on the
ISDN circuit. A secondary backup phone number is also available to call
when a backup link cannot be established with the primary backup site.
— Supports simultaneous origination, answering, or origination and
answering backup calls, as needed, based upon how the ISDN Link
Profile is set up. This feature is also known as peer-to-peer calling.
— Provides automatic configuration of an alternat e route and DLCI for
automatically created PVCs at either the remote site or central site based
upon the learned far-end DLCI number. When the automatic backup
feature is enabled, backup and restoration occur automatically.
— Provides backup timers that can be configured to better control the
amount of time required before backup is initiated, when a backup call will
be terminated once the failure condition clears, and a delay before normal
service is restored. These features are useful during periods of frequent
service disrup tion.
In addition, round trip latency thresholds can be configured that will initiate
backup when configured thresholds are exceeded.
— Supports backup call groups, where redundant PVCs can be assigned to
a specified call group. Using this feature, the unit only goes into backup
soon as
PVCs in the group are down, and it returns to norm al service as
PVC in the group is operational again. This feature is useful
when multiple PVCs are going to redundant central sites.
September 20029128-A2-GB20-80
1. About the FrameSaver SLV
— When the SLV Sample Interval is set to 10 seconds, provides advance
detection of network problems before a DLCI Down indication is received,
to minimize data loss.
— Provides customer premises equipment (CPE ) with a Backward Explicit
Congestion Notification (BECN) when backup bandwidth is not sufficient
for the traffic, allowing the CPE time to slow traffic to the ISDN before the
network starts discarding data.
— Supports Frame Relay Forum Multilink Frame Relay Implementation
Agreement – FRF.15 so backup bandwidth can be increased by
aggregating multiple B-channels over the ISDN link.
— Supports collection of call and call attempt statistical information that can
be viewed from the menu-driven user interface or via SNMP, and supports
alarm generation and call security, as well.
— Provides test call capability on ISDN backup links so ISDN and DBM
function can be verified before there is an actual primar y link failure and
switched over to the backup link. Periodic tests are recommended, which
can be performed from the menu-driven user interface, or through SNMP
commands. Multiple Last Cause Values are also provided to assist in
troubleshooting ISDN problems.
Additional FrameSaver SLV 9126-II and 9128-II Features
Ethe r ne t I nt e rf ac e.
CSU/DSUs units have a 10/100 BaseT Ethernet LAN interface for
management, with automatic sensing of the operation rate of 10 Mb or
100 Mb, conforming to ANSI/IEEE 802.3.
FrameSav er SLV 9126-II Routers and 9126-II and 9128-II
Additional FrameSav er SLV 9128-II Featur es
The following feat ures are unique to FrameSaver SLV 9128-II units:
Multiple Data Ports.
standard connectors so no special-order cables are required.
Carrier-Mounted Models.
FrameSaver SLV 9128 s and 9128-IIs can be ordered as multislot units, called
Network Access Modules (NAMs), for insertion in the 14-slot 9000 Series
Access Carrier.
Provides two data ports instead of one, which have
For customers with high-density requirements,
9128-A2-GB20-80September 2002
1. About the FrameSaver SLV
FrameSaver SLM Feature Set
A FrameSaver SLV unit with the advanced SLM feature set provides the following
features in addition to those provided with the basic set:
TruePut™ Technology.
Using Frame Delivery Ratios (FDR) and Data
Delivery Ratios (DDR), throughput (within and above CIR, as well as between
CIR and EIR, and above EIR) can be measured precisely, eliminating
inaccuracies due to averaging.
Intelligent Service Level Verification.
Provides accurate throughput, latency ,
and availability measurements to determine network performanc e and
whether service lev el agreements (SLAs) are being met, along with SLA
RMON Alarms and Configurable Alarm Thresholds.
Provides the ability to
change SLA parameter and RMON alarm thresholds via the OpenLane
system to correct them in real-time, before the SLA is violated.
Multiplexed Customer PVCs.
Provides a method of multiplexing customer
management data and user data with network management data
transparently over a single PVC when FrameSaver devices are at each end of
the circuit.
FTP User History Poller.
Provides a bulk collector using FTP through the
OpenLane system that generates a file for data at the time that data is
uploaded using FTP.
Network User History Synchronization.
Allows correlation of RMON2 User
History statistics among all SLV devices in a network. Using a central clock,
called the network reference time, all SLV device user history statistics are
synchronized across the network, further enhancin g the accuracy of
OpenLane SLV reports.
RMON-Based User History Statistics Gathering.
Provides ever ything
needed to monitor network service levels, plus throughput with accurate data
delivery, networ k latency, and LMI and PVC ava ilability. Continuous roundtrip
latency testing and reporting, as well as CIR to transmitted and received data
performance statistics, are included.
In addition, port bursting statistics are kept for all frame relay links for accurate
calculation of utilization.
September 20029128-A2-GB20-80
OpenLane SLM System
Being standards-based, the OpenLane SLM (Serv ice Level Management) system
can be used with other management applications like HP OpenView or IBM’s
NetView. OpenLane includes HP OpenView adapters for integrating OpenLane
features with the OpenView Web interface.
Being Web-based, the OpenLane system provides Web access to the data
contained in the database to provide anytime, anywhere access to this information
via a Web browser.
Some of the OpenLane system’s features include:
Real-time performance graphs provide exact performance measurem ent
details (not averages, which can skew performance results) of service level
agreement (SLA) parameters.
Port bursting and EIR (Excess Information Rate) performance monitoring
graphs are availab le when the software release f or the OpenLane SLM system
is Release 5.2, or later.
Historical SLV graphs provide service level management historical reports so
frame relay SLAs can be verified.
1. About the FrameSaver SLV
Diagnostic troubleshooting provides an easy-to-use tool for performing tests,
which include end-to-end, PVC loopback, connectivity, and physical interface
For units with ISDN backup capability, provides ISDN ph ysical interface and
PVC testing when the software release for the OpenLane SLM system is
Release 5.2, or later.
Basic configuration allows you to configure FrameSaver devices. Network
DLCI Circuit IDs can also be assigned.
Automatic SLV device and PVC discovery allows all SLV devices with their SLV
Delivery Ratio configuration option enabled to be discovered automatically,
along with their PVCs.
A FrameSaver unit can be reset from the OpenLane system.
Firmware downloading provides an easy-to-use tool for downloading to an
entire network or a portion of the network.
On-demand polling of FrameSaver devices, and SNMP polling and reporting
are available.
The maintenance scheduling feature allows for the scheduling of multiple
periodic maintenance per iods, and provides a record of all scheduled
maintenance periods – past, present, and future.
9128-A2-GB20-80September 2002
1. About the FrameSaver SLV
NetScout Manager Plus and NetScout Probes
Provides complete LAN and WAN traffic analysis and monitoring functions for
FrameSav er devices.
The following features are supported using this application:
Thresholds for RMON 1 (Remote Monitoring, Version 1) alarms and events
can be config ured.
Performance monitor ing can be performed using colle cted RMON 2
(Version 2) data. NetScout Manager Plus’s Protocol Directory and Distribution
functionality allows FrameSaver devices to measure up to eleven
network-layer protocols and report the amount of traffic generated by each. Its
IP Top Talkers and Listeners reporting identifies the devices using network
bandwidth for traffic and protocol analysis, identifying the network’s top six
users. In addition, it collects performance statistics from FrameSaver devices.
Up to 900 samples can be stored in 15-minute buckets, with 96 buckets in a
24-hour period, for up to five days worth of data.
Optional standalone NetScout Probes can be used with FrameSaver devices
at sites where full 7-layer monitoring, an unlimited number of protocols, and
advanced frame capture and decode capabilities are des ired.
September 20029128-A2-GB20-80
User Interface and Basic Operation
This chapter contains information about how to access, use, and navigate the
menu-driven user interface and the Router’s Com man d Line Interface (CLI). It
includes the following:
Logging On
Main Menu
Screen Work Areas
Navigating the Screens
Keyboard Keys
Function Keys
Selecting from a Menu
Switching Between Screen Areas
Selecting a Field
Entering Information
Screen Contents
Navigating the Router’s CLI
CLI Keyboard Ke ys
on page 2-2
on page 2-4
on page 2-5
on page 2-6
on page 2-10
9128-A2-GB20-80September 2002
2. User Interface and Basic Operation
Logging On
Start a session using one of the following methods:
Telnet session via:
— An in-band managem ent cha nnel through the frame relay network.
— A local in-band management channel configured on the DTE port between
Dial-in connection using the internal modem.
Direct terminal connection over the COM port.
When logging on, the User Interface Idle screen appears.
If no security was set up or security was disabled, the Main Menu screen
appears (see
If security was set up and is enabled, you are prompted for a login. Enter your
login ID and password.
the FrameSaver unit and the router.
Main Menu
on page 2-4). You can begin your session.
When the user interface has been idle, a session is automatically ended and the
screen goes blank when the unit times out. Press Enter to reactivate the interfac e.
To log in when security is being enforced:
1. Type your assigned Login ID and press Enter.
2. Type your Password and press Enter.
— Valid characters – All printable ASCII characters
— Number of characters – Up to 10 characters can be entered in the Login
ID and Password fields
— Case-sensitive – Yes
An asterisk ( *) appears in the password field for each character entered.
September 20029128-A2-GB20-80
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