System Test ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ..... 18
Your DigiplexNE Sabota ge-P roof High-S ecurity S ystem i s an ad vanced technolo gy security system that will provide
you with reliab le security protecti on an d power ful featu res that a re ea sy to use. Th e ele gant and user-f rien dly LC D
keypad will allow you ea sy access to your s ecurit y sys tem 's functions and i nform ation at the to uch of a button. The
32-character LCD screen will display messages and menus to guide you through the system’s operations. Your
Installer can even customize the me ssag es for your ho m e or busine ss.
Since you will communicate your instruc tion s to yo ur syst em th roug h the ke ypad, please re ad t his ma nua l carefully
and have your Installer explain basic system operation.
If you have the InTouch Voice Assisted Arm/Disarm Module (APR3-ADM2) connected to your DigiplexNE system,
please refer to page 2 1 for operating instruction s.
SQU AREBRACKETS] Indicates in formation that mu st be entered on the keypad.
Indicates a warning or an important note.
Indicates u sefu l information or a tip.
The following sections will in troduce you to the ro les of the buttons, lig hts, and messages on your LCD keypad.
Figure 2.1: Basic Overview
ON = AC power
OFF = Power failure
When Green:
ON = All zones are closed.
OFF = One or more zones are open.
FLAS H = Exit Delay
When Red:
ON = Area(s) armed
OFF = Area(s) disarmed
FLASH = System in Alarm
Each button’s function is explained in the following sections of the manual.
[CLEAR] = Erases current data entry
or reverts to the preceding step.
Wh en you enter information o n the keypad, the keypad will g uide you with b eep tones to commun icate the
acceptance o r r ejection of your entries.
The LCD screen will guide you
with detailed messages.
Use the arrow buttons to scroll
through the current menu when
the arrows appear in the LCD
[ENTER] = Saves current data and
exits current menu.
Confirmation Beep: When an operation (i.e. arming/disarming) is successfully entered or when the system
switches to a new status/ mode, the ke ypad em its an interm i ttent beep ton e ( “
LCD Keypa d 3
Rejection Beep: When the system revert s to a previou s sta tus, or wh en an ope ration is in correctly entered, the
keypad e mits a continuous beep tone (“
Your Installer can pro gram keypads to not d isplay the status o f your system automatically by chang ing t he LCD
screen to Confidential Mode. In Confid ential Mod e:
• The zones and status messages will NOT be displayed
• The indicator lights will N OT illuminate
• Depending on how your keypad w as programmed by your ins taller, you must either press a butto n or enter y our User
Access Code to illuminate the indicator lights and activate Normal Mode.
A separated system is called a Partitioned S ystem, which can be useful in situation s wher e shared security systems
are more pra ctical. Your installer can de sign yo ur syste m to recogn iz e u p to eight separate protected areas. For
example, a company that h as both an office area and a wareh ous e ar ea can arm an d disarm ea ch area s epa rately
and control the access to e ach area.
If you ha ve access to m or e than o ne a rea, an d you ne ed t o sele ct a sp ecific ar ea(s ) when prompted by your LCD
keypad, follow either o ne of the following three methods to make your se lection:
• Press the keypad button corresponding to the area you wish to select (i.e. 1, 2,...8).
• Press the
• Use the
button for all areas.
SSSS] and [TTTT] buttons, and press
when the area you want to select appears on the screen.
The Area Status Display
allows you to view the status
of th e selected areas in a
Partitioned System (Refer to
section 2.3 on page 4).
In Are a Status Display mode, the followi ng information will scroll on the LCD scree n:
• “ready”: if all zones in the selected area are closed.
• “not ready”: if zones in the selected area are open.
• open zones within that area (i.e. “Front Door Open”).
• “Trouble(s)”: (section 7.0 on page 15) if a trouble has occurred.
• “Alarms in Mem ory”: (section 4.3 on page 7) if an alarm has occurred.
• “Armed” ; “Force Armed” ; “Instant Armed” ; “Stay Armed”: displays the arming status of the selected area.
Wh en your system is a rmed, it can re spond to any breach in the protected zones by causing an a larm an d se nding
a report to your Cen tral Mo nitoring Station.
Wh en you arm your system, i t will trigger the Exit D elay Timer to pro vide yo u with e noug h time to exit the pr ot ected
area before the system is armed.
How do I see the status of the areas?
1) En ter you r [AC CESSCODE], an d then press th e [1] button.
2) Pre ss the button corr esponding to the area (i.e. 1, 2,...8), or use t he [SSSS] and
[TTTT ] bu tton s and press [
the screen.
3) Pre ss [CLEAR] to exit.
ENTER] w hen the area you want to view appears on
4 Us er’s M anu al
This method is used for the
everyday arming of yo ur
system. All zones within the
protected are a must be
closed to Regular arm the
Stay armin g will partially arm
you r system to perm it y ou to
remain in your home or offic e
by arming the outer zones
(perime ter) of the protec ted
area (i.e. doors an d
Thi s feature is the sam e as
Stay arming except that there
is n o Entry Delay. Therefore,
any armed zone that is
breache d will immediately
generate a n alarm.
How do I Reg ular arm the system?
1) En ter you r [AC CESSCODE].
2) Press the [ARM] button.
3) If you have access to more than one area, select the area(s) you wish to
Regu lar arm (refer to section 2.3 on p age 4).
How do I Stay arm?
1) E nte r yo ur [ACCESSCODE].
2) Press the [STAY] but ton.
3) If you have access to more than one area, select the area(s) you wish to
Stay arm (re fer to sectio n 2.3 o n page 4) .
How do I Instant arm?
1) E nte r yo ur [ACCESSCODE].
2) Press the [5] bu tton .
3) If you have access to more than one area, select the area(s) you wish to
Instant arm (re fer to sectio n 2.3 o n page 4) .
For ce a rming allows you to
quickly arm your system
whe n zones ar e o pen.
However, once the open zone
is closed, your system will
the n arm that zone as well.
You can bypass certain zones
whe n you arm the p rotected
area(s). When a zone is
bypassed, it will be ignored
the next time your syst em is
armed. Once your area is
disarmed, the system will
unbypass the zon e.
A zon e’s area must be disarmed befor e the zon e ca n be bypass ed.
Fire Zones cannot be bypassed.
How do I Force arm?
1) E nte r yo ur [ACCESSCODE].
2) Press the [FORCE] button.
3) If you have access to more than one area, select the area(s) you wish to
Force arm (refer to se ction 2 .3 on page 4).
How do I Bypass a zone?
1) E nte r yo ur [ACCESSCODE].
2) Press the [BYP] bu tton .
3) Enter the zone n umber (i.e. 01, 0 2,...96), or use t he [SSSS] and [TTTT] butto ns an d
press [
BYP] o nce the zone you wa nt to bypass appears o n the screen. If
“bypa ssed” does no t appear on the screen and the keypad emits a Rejection
Beep, you may not have access to bypass that zo ne.
4) Repe at step 3 until all zones you want to bypass have been selec ted.
5) Press the [ENTER] butto n to sav e and e xit.
LCD Keypa d 5
Bypass Recall reinstates the
zon es that were bypassed the
last time your system was
If enabled by your Installe r, you can access the fo llowing features w ithout using yo ur User Access Code by pre ssing
and holding the desired One-Touch button.
ARM]Regular arm[DIS ARM ]Disarm a Stay/Instant armed area
STAY]Stay arm[5]Instant arm
FORCE]Fo rce arm[6]Chan ge display settings
BY P]Bypa ss Prog ramming[7]Vie w Even t Rec ord di sp l ay
How do I activate Bypass Recall?
1) E nte r yo ur [ACCESSCODE].
2) Press the [BYP] button.
3) Press the [MEM ] bu tton.
Zone s bypassed the last time your system was armed are bypa ssed .
4) Press the [ENTER] butto n to sav e and e xit.
A key can be used to arm and disarm your system using two forms of keyswitches. With a Maintained Keyswitch,
place the key in the “O N” posit ion to ar m your system, and place the key in the “O FF” position to disarm you r
system. With a Momentary Keyswitch, place the key in the “O N” position br iefly then plac e it bac k in t he “ OFF ”
position to arm the system. Repeat this pro cess to disarm with a Momen tary Keysw itch .
If enabled by your Installer, you can set the time th at an area will arm itself automa tically.
Your installer can set Timed
Auto-Ar ming to function in
either Force o r Stay arming
mode. A sixty-second Exit
Del ay sequen ce will beg in
prior to your system
automatically arming itself at
the progra mmed time.
Your system can be p rogr ammed to send a rep ort to your Centra l Monitorin g Station a nd/or arm the system if there
is no activity in the a rea d uring a specified period of time. Your in stalle r can s et N o Mov ement Au to-Arm in g to
fun ction in eith er Regular or Stay arming mod e.
How do I set the Auto-A rming timer?
1) E nte r yo ur [ACCESSCODE].
2) Press the [0] bu tton.
3) Press the [MEM] button.
4) If you have access to more than one area, pre ss the area’s numbe r, or use
the [SSSS] and [TTTT ] bu ttons and press the [
to program appears o n the screen.
5) Enter the time you want the ar ea to be arme d a ccord ing to the 24-hour clock
(i.e. 9 a.m. i s 09:00 and 9 p.m. is 21:00).
6) Press the [ENTER] but ton to save and exit.
AC C] button wh en the a rea you wa nt
Wh en your system is disar me d, it dea ctivat es any a larms in progre ss, and it deactivates the zones so the alarm will
not be triggered if zones are br eached.
6 Us er’s M anu al
Your installer will prog ram designated entry po ints ( i.e. the fro nt doo r) w ith an Ent ry D ela y Timer. This dela y giv es
you time to e nter th e armed premises and enter your code to disarm your system before the alarm is trigge red.
You can o nly d isarm an are a
to w h ich yo ur U s er A cce ss
Cod e is assigned. User
Access Codes with the “Arm
Only” (section 5.7 o n pag e
12) option ena bled cannot
disarm an armed system.
How do I disarm the system?
1) E nte r yo ur [ACCESSCODE].
2) Press the [DISARM] button.
If you have access to more than one area, select the area(s) you wish to
disar m (refer to section 2.3 o n page 4 ).
How do I disarm a system in alarm?
1) E nte r yo ur [ACCESSCODE].
2) In th e case of a false alarm, cal l your Ce ntr al Monitorin g Station quickly to
advise them of the false alar m.
In t he case of a burglar alarm, leave the prem ises and call the Police f rom a sa fe place.
Your system will recor d all the
alarms that occurred during
the last armed period. The
zon es in alarm will remain in
the Alarm Memory until the
next time that area is armed.
How do I view the list of alarms that occurred?
Whe n an alar m has occurre d, the LCD screen will display “Ala rms in Memo ry
MEM ] to View”.
1) Press the [
appear below “Alar m in:”.
2) Press the [
MEM] button. E ach zo ne that was brea ched while armed will
CLEAR] button to exit the Ala rm Mem o ry Displa y.
Access Codes allow access to the system. Your system supports up to 999 User Access Codes. Codes are gi ven a
User Number bet ween 00 2 and 99 9 (U ser Nu mber 001 is the Sy ste m Mast er Code) . Yo ur Installer will progr am
User Access Code s to be four, six, or var iable s o f one t o six digi ts in le ngth. Each d igit can be any valu e bet ween
zer o an d n ine. If your I nstal ler p rogr amm ed your sys tem to accept a variable code len gth, you have to press the
ENTER] bu tton after entering yo ur User Access Co de.
5.1SYSTEM MASTER CODE (Default 123456)
The System Master Code wi ll
give you access to all the
fea tures available on you r
system, as we ll as the ability
to ad d, modify, o r dele te any
User Ac ce ss C o des . We
sug gest that you chan ge this
code to prevent others from
accessing and cha nging
options without authorization. Your In stalle r can set The System Master Code to b e either 4 or 6 digits in length.
The S yst em Master Code has access to all Access Control Door s and all Access Co ntrol
features at all tim es. Only the c ard’s seri al n umb er an d t he cho ice of armi ng m ethod can be
changed. If the other options are manually changed, the System Master Code will immediately
revert to its original programming.
You can assign a lab el (name) to a User Access Code at any point duri ng the “prog ram ming
User Access Code” process. Refer to section 5 .4 on p age 8 to assign a Us er La bel.
How do I change the System Master Code?
1) Enter the Curren t [ACCESSCODE] (d efault : 12 3456).
2) Press the [0] button.
3) Press the [
4) Enter the numbe rs [0] [0] and [1 ].
5) Enter a [
6) Press the [
AC C] button.
ENTER] bu tton t o save an d exit.
LCD Keypa d 7
Thi s feature automatically
searches your syste m for the
next avai lable unassigne d
User Access Code.
Thi s fea ture allows you t o
copy the User Options,
Access Control Options, and
Area Assignme nts fro m one
User Access Code to another.
All User Options are copie d
except the User Code, Card
Assignment, an d User L abel.
How do I find the next free user?
1) En ter you r [AC CESSCODE] (System Master Code or User Access Code with
Master feature).
2) Press the [0] button, and then the [ACC] button.
3) Press the [BYP] b utt on .
4) Program the User Access Code as detailed in Figure 5.1 o n pa ge 10 starting
from step 5.
How do I copy u ser options?
1) En ter you r [AC CESSCODE] (System Master Code or User Access Code with
Master feature).
2) Press the [0] button, and then the [ACC] button.
3) Enter the 3-digit User Numb er yo u wish to copy TO.
4) Press the [MEM] button.
5) Enter the 3-digit User Numb er yo u wish to copy FROM.
6) E nter a User Cod e. If the User Code is of variab le leng th, press the [ENTER ]
button after enterin g the User Code. If necessary, assign an Access card
(step 10 in Figur e 5.1 o n p age 10 ) and User Labe l (section 5 .4 on page 8).
7) Pre ss [ENTE R] to save and exit.
User labels personalize User
Access Co des and can b e
assigned by pressing [
at any point after step 4
during the pro gramming of
User Access Codes (Figu re
5.1 on pa ge 10) . For
Example, the LCD keypad
can display “John Smith
Select Action”.
Every numeric button on you r LCD ke ypad is assigne d a set o f lette rs. To obtain the desired letter usin g the numeric
buttons on your keypad, press the button until the de sired let ter app ears on the s creen. For ex ample, if you wan ted
to enter the letter “C” you would pr ess the [1] button three times (re fer to Table 1 on page 8). If using a Hebr ew
keypad, refer to Tab le 4 in Ap pend ix 1: Hebrew Spe cial Characters on page 24. If using a Russian keypad, refer to
Table 6 in Appe ndix 2: Russian S pecial Char acte rs on pa ge 25.
How do I program a user label?
At any point after step 4 in Figure 5.1 on page 10:
Ke y
[3]GH I
[8]VW X
1) Press the [
ENTER] b ut ton .
2) Type the desir ed characters as d etailed in section 5.4.1 on page 8 and
section 5.4.2 on page 9.
3) Press the [SSSS] button to mo ve the cursor to a new spac e.
4) Repe at steps 2 a nd 3 until th e desired la bel is co mplete.
5) Press the [EN TER] b utton to save and exit.
Table 1:
Keypad Letter Assignments
Pre ss Ke y
Onc e
Pre ss Ke y
Tw i ce
Pre ss Ke y
Th re e Ti m es
8 Us er’s M anu al
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