PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
User Guide
Overview 6
Features 6
How it works 7
Components 7
What is an account? 9
Main accounts and Subaccounts 9
Active and Inactive Accounts 10
Deleting accounts 10
Invoiceable and non-invoiceable print jobs 10
Comments for print jobs 11
Reporting and invoices 11
Setting up Acco unt s 14
Viewing and Searching for Accounts 14
Adding and Editing an Account 15
Viewing Account Statistics 16
Advanced Account Operations 18
Setting Printer Cost 18
Assigning Funds to a User 19
Security settings 85
Network shares created during install 85
NTFS File permissions required for PaperCut ChargeBack Install 87
Technical Facts 87
PaperCut Service command line options 87
Page Descr i ption Languages (PD L’s) 88
Connection Methods 89
Unsupported Connection Methods 89
Notes on individual printer models and manufactures 89
The Comma n d-Line Interface 92
Documentation - batchtool.exe 93
The COM Interface 95
The PCCBClientTool.AccountSelector Interface Definition 95
Examples 100
The script will run under any W ind ows operating system with the “Windows Scripting Host”
support installed and enabled. Software License Agreement 100
Software License Agreement 101
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
About This User Guide
The manual covers the use and installation of PaperCut ChargeBack. It is divided into a number
of sections:
xSection 1 – Overview of PaperCut ChargeBack - features, components, and how it
works. Introduction to accounts, and the data logged for each print job. Suitable for all
users of PaperCut ChargeBack (Chapters 1 & 2)
xSection 2 – Administrative tasks, suitable for the account and user administrator
(Chapters 3, 4 & 5)
xSection 3 – Client tools, suitable for all users of PaperCut ChargeBack (Chapter 6)
xSection 4 – Reports (Chapter 7)
xSection 5 – Implementation and installation, suitable for the system administrator /
IMPORTANT: It is especially recommended that both Chapter 2 (Accounts, print jobs and
invoices) and Chapter 8 (Possible Implementation Scenarios) are read before installation, as they
explain the ways in which PaperCut ChargeBack can be used, and how it can be configured to
achieve different results.
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
1. PaperCut Cha rgeBack 6.1
PaperCut ChargeBack provides advanced print tracking and cost recovery features by allowing
the tracking of print job costs by account (job number, client, project, department, etc) as well as
by user. It works by requesting the user to allocate each print job to an account or job number via
a mandatory Pop-Up window. This makes PaperCut ChargeBack especially suitable for
businesses and organizations that:
xNeed to track costs by account (job number), such as:
oaccounts for clients and their jobs/projects. (eg. for businesses that need to pass
on printing costs to their clients)
oaccounts for the service, purpose or category of a printout. (eg. for organizations
that might provide multiple services and need to gather printing statistics)
oaccounts for each department / faculty of an organization. (eg. a university or
school environment)
xNeed to track costs by user:
omonitoring employees’ pr int usage and applying quotas.
xA combination of tracking by account and/or user
If your organization in tracking user printing only, we recommend our PaperCut Quota
application. More information on PaperCut Quota is available from the
The installation and use of PaperCut ChargeBack will:
Provide accurate print job cost tracking
Enable easy cost recovery through powerful reports, such as the invoice report
Promote environmental and economic responsibility when printing.
xTrack print jobs by account and user
xHierarchical account structure to allow grouping – especially useful for reporting purposes
xFull archiving of print job details
xPowerful reporting and statistics
xReports are generated as HTML, or in Access 97, 2000, or later
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
xSupport for large and small networks, with multiple print server capability
xEasy setup. No special drivers to install. No backend databases to configure
xDifferential print charging allowing different costs for each printer
xAllows an appropriate cost to be set on Color Printers
xWorks with common laser and inkjet printers
xIntegrates into the network users and groups environment
xEasy account setup and simple administration
xFacility for the importing of accounts (which represent job numbers, cilents, departments,
xOptional integration with acc ounti ng pac kages
xUpgradeable Page Counting Machine allowing future printer/hardware support (similar to
virus protection “dat” updates)
xAbility to detect and delete duplicate print jobs and filter documents by type, cost or size.
xClient-side COM and command-line tools to assist with batch or scripted print tasks
How it works
PaperCut ChargeBack is a client-server application. Its core operation is described as follows:
xThe PaperCut ChargeBack Server consists of a Windows Service runs on each print
server. It monitors and intercepts incoming print jobs, counting the number of pages in each
print job. It then performs the following tasks:
xWait to be notified of the account for the print job (depending on configuration settings)
xDebits the cost of the print job from the appropriate user’s credit
xIncrements the page and cost counters for the appropriate printer
xIncrements the page and cost counters for the appropriate account (or job number)
xStores the print job information in its internal database
xThe PaperCut ChargeBack Client that runs on users’ workstations. It runs in the
background during users’ sessions, listening for print jobs that the user may print. When a
document is printed to a printer that requires account information, it pops up a window,
prompting the user to enter an account. The PaperCut ChargeBack Client runs
automatically when users log on.
PaperCut ChargeBack consists of the following components:
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
oThe Windows Service whic h operat es as des c ribed a bov e.
oAn Administration Console that runs on each print server. This allows the
administration of PaperCut, as explained in Chapters 2 to 4.
oAn Archive facility, which is an application that is scheduled to run daily. It
archives the print job logs from the working-database to archives for longterm storage and reporting capability.
oAn Automatic account import program, which enables system
administrators to schedule the bulk importing of accounts periodically. This
means that when new job numbers or clients are created, they can be
imported into PaperCut ChargeBack without the system administrator
manually entering in their details.
xClient components:
oThe PaperCut ChargeBack Client which oper ates as des cr ibed abov e.
oThe User Inquiry Tool, which is an application that shows users’ credit
oThe Report Generator, a tool which collates account and job log information
from all the print servers on the network into a single database which can be
used for reporting purposes.
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
2. Accounts, print jobs and invoices
This chapter explains in detail the structure of accounts, and the data that is captured by
PaperCut ChargeBack for each print job. It also explains how the data can be used for invoicing
What is an account?
Accounts in PaperCut ChargeBack can be used to represent your clients, departments, job
numbers, projects and/or expense accounts. (Note: this should not be confused with users or
user accounts on your network). Each account has the following attributes:
xMain account, or subaccount
xActive or inactive
xDeleted or not deleted
xWhether to allow non-invoiceable print jobs to be assigned to the account
xWhether to require comments / descriptions for each print job assigned to the account
These are explained below.
Main accounts and Subaccounts
Accounts in PaperCut ChargeBack are structured hierarchially. This means that there are two
types of account – main accounts and subaccounts. Each subaccount belongs to a main account,
and there are an unlimited number of main and subaccounts allowed in PaperCut ChargeBack.
This system allows you to group related accounts together for reporting and statistical purposes.
For example, main accounts can be created for clients, and subaccounts for each project/job for
each client. Alternatively, a main account can be created for each job number, and subaccounts
optionally created for sub-items within each job number.
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
Figure 1. Example of main an d su b - acc ou n ts
Active and Inactive Accounts
Over time, accounts may become redundant – for example, a project may be complete and no
further printing will occur. The account can then be marked as Inactive so that it does not appear
in the client-popup window. Thus, users will no longer be able to assign costs to it.
PaperCut archives all print jobs to allow for historical reporting. Active accounts are accounts that
may have costs assigned to them, whereas Inactive accounts may not.
Deleting accounts
When you delete an account from the PaperCu t Char geB ack Administration Console, it is
removed from view in the console. However, if costs are assigned to that account, the account
will still appear in the Report Generator.
Invoiceable and non-invoiceable print jobs
By default all print jobs are invoiceable. That is, once they are assigned to an account, they will
appear on the invoice report for that account, allowing for easy cost recovery.
However, some organizations require the ability to assign print jobs to accounts, but not all their
print jobs will be invoiceable.
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
n such cases, the relevant accounts can be set to allow print jobs to be non-invoiceable. Then
when a user prints and selects the account, the user will also be able to choose whether to
include the print job in the invoice report, or not.
This gives organizations extra flexibility when tracking costs. Reports can also be run on
invoiceable, and non-invoiceable print jobs, thus allowing reporting of costs that are recoverable
and not recoverable from clients or departments.
Comments for print jobs
You may choose to allow or require users to enter in a comment whenever they assign a print job
to a given account. These comments can then show up in reports – such as showing a
breakdown of costs for a client, or allowing a project manager to review costs.
By default, comments are not required for print jobs. However, you can change this default setting
to make comments either mandatory, or optional.
Each account has its own setting for comments. For example, you may wish to enforce
comments for internal expense accounts, but not require them for one particular job number. This
flexibility is provided to suit your needs.
Reporting and invoices
Please note: the reporting process is further explained in Chapter 7.
All but one of the reports can be run to show data for invoiceable print jobs, non-invoiceable print
jobs, or both. (The exception is the Invoice report, which will only show invoiceable print jobs in
the report.)
This allows the reporting of cost recoverable, or non-cost recoverable, or all expenses for a given
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
3. Navigating the Administration Console
The PaperCut Administration Console is divided up into seven sections; Users, Groups,
Printers, Accounts, Options, Event Log, and About. Each section may be viewed by clicking on
the appropriate icon on the navigation bar located on the left hand side. The options available
under each section are as follows:
xCreate and edit accounts.
xReset the account counters
xView statistics for accounts
xImport accounts using the Import Account Wizard
xSet default account settings
xView credit in each user’s account
xView total pages printed by each user
xAssign or add funds to a user’s account
xSelect whether a user has the privilege to continue printing after exceeding
their allocated funds
xView a users printing history
xBatch assign funds to members of a domain group
xQuery information about group members, such as the number of pages
xSet rules which govern the initial credit assigned to any new user added to
the network in the future
xSchedule tasks to top-up user’s accounts up at regular intervals
xSelect the cost users will be charged to use printers.
xSelect your internet charging method, based on either time or data usage
xSet the cost per page for the selected printers.
xSet filter rules and restrictions on selected printers.
xSet Internet charging costs, either cost per Megabyte or cost per time period.
xView the total number of pages printed on each printer.
xList recent print jobs and printing history
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
xSet your printing and Internet charging configuration.
xPerform maintenance on the PaperCut user database.
xSet system defaults
xCustomize “printing denied” WinPopup message
Event Log
xView detailed log of print jobs and Internet usage
xView detailed transaction logs to see a full audit trail credit changes
xView PaperCut application events and status
xImport, administer and track usage of TopUp cards
xExport detailed printing information to MS Access or MS Excel
xRun PaperCut’s customizable reports
xLicensing information
xVersion information
xEnter license/registrati on k e y
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
4. Administra tion Console – Basic Operatio ns
Setting up Accounts
Please ensure that you have an understanding of the concepts of main and sub accounts, active
and inactive accounts and invoiceable print jobs (refer to Chapter 2) before setting up accounts
on your system.
Accounts can be set up to suit different organizations’ needs, as explained in Chapter 8. It is
important that your organizations’ requirements are considered when deciding upon a structure
for accounts.
Each account may also be set to allow print jobs assigned to that account to have a comment
(description) associated with each job, and also whether to allow print jobs to be non-invoiceable.
These two features give organizations more control when reporting and invoicing.
Viewing and Searching for Accounts
To viewing and searching for accounts:
1. Click on the Accounts icon on the left-hand side of the PaperCut
ChargeBack Administration Console. You will see a screen similar to that
shown in Figure 2.
2. Accounts are displayed, grouped by main account. The main accounts are
sorted alphabetically, and the subaccounts for each group are also sorted
3. When the All Accounts option is selected, all accounts will appear in the
accounts list. When the Active Accounts option is selected, then active
main accounts and active subaccounts (together with their parent account)
are shown. The converse is true when the Inactive Accounts option is
4. When the Search option is selected, then accounts containing the search
string will be displayed, according to the following rules:
a. If a main account matches the search string, it and its subaccounts
will be displayed. For example, if main accounts are created for your
clients, then you can search for all accounts for a given client by
typing the client’s name in the search box.
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
. If a subaccount matches the search string, it will be displayed
together with its main account, so you can at once see the
subaccount’s parent.
Figure 2. Account administration
Adding and Editing an Account
To add an account:
1. Click the Add Account button.
2. Enter the det ai ls for your acc ount.
To edit an account:
1. Select the account you wish to edit from the list. Then double click the
account, or click the Edit Account button. This will bring up a screen similar
to Figure 3.
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
Figure 3. Editing account details
Viewing Account Statistics
PaperCut provides quick account statistics for print jobs that are printed to printers shared on the
server on which the administration console is running. This enables the quick viewing of statistics.
For more detailed information and statistics (and information that covers all print jobs across all
print servers), reports must be used (Chapter 7).
To view statistics for an account:
1. Select the account you wish to view statistics for, and click the Account
Stats button.
2. You may view statistics over a variety of time periods, grouped by users,
printers or view recent print jobs. If the selected account is a main account
that includes subaccounts, you also have to option of including subaccounts
in the statistics. (See Figures 4a and 4b.)
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
Advanced Account Operations
The advanced operations of setting account defaults and importing accounts are explained in
Chapter 5.
Setting Printer Cost
To begin charging for jobs printed on a particular printer:
xAdd the printer to the charging list.
xSet the cost per page for the printer.
xCheck the “Requires Account” checkbox according to your needs. Refer to
Chapter 8 for some examples where this feature is used.
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
1. Click on the Printers icon on the left-hand side of the PaperCut Administration Console.
2. Click Select Printers… to display a list of printers available on the server.
3. In the Available column, select the printer(s) you wish to add.
4. Click the Add button followed by the OK butt on.
The printer will appear in the charging list with a cost of $0.00 per page printed. This cost
should be changed to a more appropriate value.
To set the cost per page:
1. Select the printer in the charging list. The printer name will be displayed in
the top right-hand corner.
2. Edit the cost in the cost per page edit box.
3. Click the Set button or press Enter to apply the change.
Tip: If you would like to track printed on a printer, but don’t wish to charge users for its
use, add the printer to the charging list and leave its cost per page at zero.
Assigning Funds to a User
The funds in a user’s account can be changed with any one of the following methods:
xCredit can be set to any value
xFunds can be added with the Quick Add buttons.
xAny value of credit can be added to the funds currently in the users account.
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
Setting User Privileges
PaperCut gives you the option of tracking expenses by account and user, as expla ine d in Chapter
8. Users should be assigned Unrestricted privileges according to the following guidelines:
xUse Unrestricted privileges if:
oYou wish to charge for print jobs by account, and individual users have no
printing quotas
oYou wish to monitor printer costs incurred by users silently
xDo not use Unrestricted privileges if:
oYou wish to charge for print jobs by account whilst enforcing printing quotas for
individual users
oYou wish to institute a user-pays policy
For users without the Unrestricted privilege, PaperCut determines if the user has sufficient funds
when they attempt to print documents. If the cost of printing the document is higher than the
credit in their account, printing will be denied.
Note: In PaperCut ChargeBack, users are set to Unrestricted by default.
To set a user to Unrestricted:
1. Select the user’s logon name in the user list. The user’s name should be displayed in
the top right-hand corner.
2. Check the Unrestricted option located below the Quick Add buttons.
3. The user’s icon in the user list will change to an unlocked padlock.
Viewing a User’s Print History
PaperCut ChargeBack maintains a detailed audit of each user’s print activity. All printing activity
is logged in the PaperCut event log. All print job information can be viewed in the Event Log
section. For convenience, a user’s print history can also be accessed via the Users section.
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
5. Administra tion Console – Advanced Operations
Using Charge Rates
The Charge Rate button defined under the Global Options settings section provides a way for
Administrators to allow users to “discount” or “increase” the cost of a print job shown on an
account invoice or detailed report. By default, all print jobs are charged at 100%. Adding an
additional charge rate in addition to the “Default” (100%) will enable a drop-down box on the
Popup client.
Common uses of charge rates include:
xDiscounting draft prints printed on low quality paper
xCharging full rate or increased rates for “final prints”
xCharging a premium if printing is performed on good quality drafting film
Charge rates are a global option – they are made available to all users and can be applied to all
Figure 7.1. Editi n g Charge Rates
Setting the account defaults
Whenever a new account is created, whether through the administration console, web
administration or account importer, a number of fields are defaulted. To change these defaults,
click on the Account defaults button in the Accounts section of the Administration Console. This
will bring up the window shown in Figure 8.
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
Figure 8. Account default settings
You can change the default policy for comments and non-invoiceable print jobs to suit your
organization’s needs. All new accounts will then default to these settings. You can also apply
these settings to all existing accounts by clicking the Apply defaults to all accounts button.
Importing accounts
Organizations with large numbers of clients or job numbers will find it necessary to import the list
of accounts into PaperCut . This is achieved easily using the Account Import Wizard. To start this
wizard, click on the Impo rt Accounts button in the Accounts section of the Administration
Console. The wizard (Figure 9) will appear.
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
he wizard will guide you through the import process. Two different sources of data are available
in the standard PaperCut ChargeBack distribution:
1. Text file – the most versatile and flexible method of importing accounts
2. Directory structure – useful if your organization has a “clients” directory on your fileserver, and
you wish to synchronise accounts against that directory
Note: importing accounts will add accounts to your PaperCut database if they do not already
exist. It will not rename, remove or delete any existing accounts.
1. Text file importing
A text file can be used to represent the hierarchy of accounts, and inactive/active accounts. One
line is used per account, and a subaccount is represented by starting the line with a ~ character,
and an inactive account with a ^ character. This is best illustrated in the following example – the
following textfile gives the pr eview shown in Figure 10.
Project number 1
~^Task 1
~Task 2
~Task 3
Project number 2
~Task 1
~Task 2
Internal costing
~Promotion and marketing
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
Figure 10. Account importing from an example text file
2. Directory structure importing
All accounts imported via a directory structure are assumed to
be active. Importing the directory C:\Clients in the following
example will give the directory structure shown in Figure 11.
Note that you can also turn off the scanning of subdirectories so
that only main accounts, and not subaccounts, are imported.
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
Figure 11. Account import ing from an example directory structure
Once you have run the wizard for the first time, PaperCut will remember your settings for
subsequent imports. You can also choose to schedule regular imports – for example, you may
choose to import from a text file that gets updated whenever a new job number is created. A daily
scheduled import will ensure that that new job number will be added automatically to the
PaperCut database without any manual intervention. For more details, refer to Chapter 10.
Custom interfaces to accounting packages can also be built to suit your organization’s needs.
for more details.
Charging different amounts for page size, color and duplex documents
PaperCut has the ability to set different costs for documents printed on different paper sizes,
reduced cost for grayscale documents, and reduced costs for using duplex (double side printing).
The cost per page for a given document is determined by the PaperCut Job Attribut e Detector
(jad.dll). The JAD will analyze each print job and determine the cost as defined by the advanced
printer charging rules.
Accessing the advanced prin t chargin g ru le s:
1. Select the Charging section by clicking on the printer icon.
2. Select the appropriate printer from the printers list.
3. Click the Advanced… button. The Advanced Printer Options dialog box will appear.
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
NOTE: There is an Advanced Printer Options dialog for each printer in the charging list.
By default, the advanced options are disabled for each printer. The advanced options should
only be enabled for printers that support one of: duplex printing, different page size trays, or color.
There are three different ways of charging based on page size, duplex and color, which are
tailored to different scenarios:
1. Page size category charging– simple charging for printers with multiple paper trays
2. Page area charging – simple charging for printers and plotters with multiple paper trays
3. Charging by specific page sizes (grayscale and color), with a default cost set at a flat
rate, or by page area – the most powerful method suitable for design, architecture, engineering firms with advanced pri n ters and plotters
Page Size Category Charging
A practical example:
I have a color printer that supports A3/A4 printing and duplex. I would like to define rules
xCharge $1.00 per page for A4 (standard size) color printing.
xCharge $0.40 per page if the users select grayscale (black & white) – a $0.60
discount for grayscale
xCharge an extra $0.80 if they use large A3 paper
xOffer a 50% discount for duplex to encourage double sided printing.
To accomplish this complex set of charging rules, the user should setup the Advanced
charging options for the particular printer as defined in the screenshot below:
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
Note that in this example, the user’s printer does not support very large page size, so this option is
left at the default “zero”.
The PaperCut Advanced Printer Options offers a very powerful rule set to define a fair page cost.
Rules can be defined using fixed markups or discounts, or percentage based modifications. The
above example uses a mixture of fixed and percentage based modification of cost and should be
used as a guide for setting up appropriate cost.
Attribute Applies To
Documents printed with the “grayscale” or “black
& white” options selected from the printer
properties dialog box.
PaperCut ChargeBack 6.1 Advanced Print Tracking and Cost Recovery for Windows Networks
Page Area Charging
A practical example:
I have a color printer or plotter that supports a range of page sizes. I would like to define
rules to:
xCharge $10.00 per square metre of page size for color printing.
xCharge $4.00 per square metre of page size for grayscale
xThe printer does not support duplex, so the duplex discount is set to 0%
To accomplish this complex set of charging rules, the user should setup the Advanced
charging options for the particular printer as defined in the screenshot below:
Note that in this example, the user’s printer does not support duplex, so this option is left at the
default “zero”.
Charging by specific page sizes (grayscale and color)
This method is most suitable for design, architecture and engineering firms.
A practical example:
I have a color plotter that supports a variety of page sizes. I would like to define rules to: