For Technical Support: www.panduit .com/resources/install_maintain.asp
(8) #10 Split Lock Washers
Step 1: Power Supply Installation
1.1 Install the 24 VDC Power Supply to the 35mm DIN rail.
Refer to the power supply instruction sheet for proper
wiring techniques and safety.
1.2 Run a lead from the inside "+" position on the output
side of the power supply to the switch.
1.3 Run a lead from the inside "-" position on the output
side of the power supply to the switch.
1.4 Terminate the leads to the switch per the instructions
provided by the switch manufacturer.
Note: Verify the switch being installed is 24 VDC.
1.5 If installing the optional fan, complete the following after
the fan has been installed and wired.
Use the Adhesive Backed Mounts and P
manage the wires and secure them to the inner panel.
Save a couple adhesive mounts and P
AN-T YS to
manage and secure the incoming power lines to the
inner panel.
Note: Refer to figure 1 for an example of how the wires
can be routed.
Area for Switch
Adhesive Mount
(Previously installed cables removed from view for clarity)
2.1 Insert the studs of the gland plate through the holes
on the enclosure.
2.2 Verify the gland gasket is flat and positioned evenly
between the plate and the enclosure.
2.3 Secure the plate to the enclosure using the supplied
#10 Flat Washers, #10 Split Lock Washers and #1032 Nuts. Torque the nuts to 5 in-lbs.
Step 2: Gland Plate Installation (sold separately)
PANDUIT Part #’s:
IAECGP - Industrial Automation Enclosure Connector Gland Plate
IAEBGP - Industrial Automation Enclosure Blank Gland Plate
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3.1 Remove the cover plates from the enclosure.
3.2 Snap the IP54 Fan from the outside into the bottom
opening near the gland plate. Make sure the louvers
are angled toward the bottom of the enclosure.
3.3 Snap the IP54 Exhaust Filter from the outside into the
top opening of the enclosure. Make sure the louvers
are angled toward the bottom of the enclosure.
3.4 Install the Thermostat to the DIN rail of the enclosure.
Step 3: Optional Fan Kit Installation (sold separately)
IAEFK54 - Industrial Automation Enclosure Fan Kit
(Previously installed cables removed from view for clarity)
(1) Gland Pl ate
(1) Gland Plate Gasket
(14) IP67 Bulkheads
(14) Patch Cords
(1) Blank Gland Plate
(1) IP54 Fan
(1) IP54 Exhaust Filter
(1) Thermostat
(8) #10-32 Nuts
(8) #10 Flat Washers
(1) Gland Plate Gasket
(8) #10 Flat Washers
(8) #10 Split Lock Washers
(8) #10-32 Nuts