Panavise Indash 75128-905 Installation Instructions Manual

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Right side of the radio JR
(2)Hook tools, (MB type) T-15 Torx Driver T-20 Torx Driver & Extension
PART#: 75128-905
C-Class 2001-04(Incl.) (Pg.1)
CLK-Class 05-09(Pg.3)
Read instructions completely prior to starting installation. All InDash Mounts are designed so that after installation, phone is facing normal driver position for left­hand drive vehicles. This mount is not designed to be used in foreign countries with right-hand drive vehicles. Use extreme care when working around the plastic components on the dash. Excess force, can cause breakage of the plastic components.
STEP #1: Remove air vents. This is done by locating a (1) small set of lock clips on the left side of each air vent. First, release the lower clips by inserting hook tool, Pry just enough to pivot the air vents up one at a time and allow access to the Torx screws inside the air vent assembly. (2) Unscrew screws just enough to release from dash, you do not need to remove screws completely. Release the upper clips in the vents to turn the vents down by (3) inserting hook tool into lower clips, and pry out slightly. With flashlight locate the (2) catch lugs at the upper corners of the vent assembly. Use Torx driver to insert into catch lug and press down to release the top of the air vent assembly. Remove air vent assembly by working it out carefully, and set aside.
(1) Lock Clips
STEP #2: Remove shifter bezel by pulling up the front of the bezel to release (2) clips. Pull up again to release (2) more clips. Slide the bezel once released towards the front of the car, from under the arm rest sleeve. Remove the ashtray, with hook tool by prying (2) plastic clips at the front of the ashtray assembly. There are (2) metal spring clips between where the ashtray was and below the climate control. Use hook tool to pivot them down, as this will release the bezel With the Torx driver remove the screw to the right side of the radio. This screw is directly above a small plastic pin, and about 2-1/2" deep into the dash. Place the top hole of the InDash by PanaVise Mount over the screw hole, and the bottom hole over the pin. Reinstall the screw, and tighten.
STEP #3: Replace the bezel in reverse order, making sure that the spring clips at the bottom of the bezel are fully engaged before putting the ashtray back in. Replace the air vents by inserting the assembly back in, and align the screws to the holes, push the top of the air vents in until they snap in. Release lock on air vent pivot, and pivot air vents up to tighten the screws inside the air vent assembly. Check operation of the center thumb wheel on the vent assembly for operation.
(2) Torx driver to screw
(3) Lower Lock Clip Prying
Screw and Catch Lug
C-Class Finished
Install Picture
Mounting screw
There may be recent updates to this Instruction Sheet, please visit our web-site or contact PanaVise Products, Inc. for the latest revision as well as for the
most complete up-to-date PanaVise InDash Applications List: 7540 Colbert Dr., Reno, NV, Phone: 800.759.7535, 775.850.2900, Fax: 800.395.8002, © 2002 PanaVise Products, Inc.
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Right side of the radio JR
Hook tool T-15 Torx Driver
PART#: 75128-905 MFG: MERCEDES-BENZ MODELS & YEARS: C-Class 05-07
(C-Class Instructions)
STEP #1: Remove air vents. This is done by locating a (1) small set of lock clips on the left side of each air vent. First, release the upper clips by inserting hook tool into upper clips. Pry just enough to pivot the air vents up one at a time and allow access to the Torx screws inside the air vent assembly. (2) Unscrew screws just enough to release from dash, you do not need to remove screws completely. Release the lower clips in the vents to turn the vents down by (3) inserting hook tool into lower clips, and pry out slightly. With flashlight locate the (2) catch lugs at the upper corners of the vent assembly. Use Torx driver to insert into catch lug and press down to release the top of the air vent assembly. Remove air vent assembly by working it out carefully, and set aside.
STEP #2: With T-20 Torx driver remove the (2) Torx screws above the switch panel above the radio. Pull out the switch panel releasing (2) clips. Open ashtray door. The (2) T-20 Torx screws to the lower right and left side of the climate control.. Remove these (2) screws that are angled towards the center with a extended shaft T-20 Torx driver. Set climate control off to the side. Remove the (4) T-20 Torx screws that hold the radio in place. Slide the radio out enough to get at the T-20 torx screw to the right of the radio.
Read instructions completely prior to starting installation. All InDash Mounts are designed so that after installation, phone is facing normal driver position for left-hand drive vehicles. This mount is not designed to be used in foreign countries with right-hand drive vehicles. Use extreme care when working around the plastic components on the dash. Excess force, can cause breakage of the plastic components.
(1) Lock Clips
STEP #3: With the Torx driver remove the screw to the right side of the radio. This screw is directly above a small plastic pin, and about 2-1/2" deep into the dash. Place the top hole of the InDash by PanaVise Mount over the screw hole, and the bottom hole over the pin. Reinstall the screw, and tighten.
STEP #4: Replace the bezel in reverse order. Replace the air vents by inserting the assembly back in, and align the screws to the holes, push the top of the air vents in until they snap in. Release lock on air vent pivot, and pivot air vents up to tighten the screws inside the air vent assembly. Check operation of the center thumb wheel on the vent assembly for operation.
Torx screwdriver insert
InDash Mounting ScrewInDash Installed Showing Location
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