Panasonic TI114A User Manual

The device under test is manufactured by the grantee (Panasonic Corporation of North America), and sold as an OEM product. Per 47 CFR 2.909, 2.927, 2.931, 2.1033, 15.15(b) etc…, the grantee must ensure the end-user has all applicable / appropriate operating instructions. When end-user instruc ti o ns ar e re qui r e d, as in th e cas e o f this pr oduct, the gra ntee must noti fy t he OEM to notify the end-user.
Panasonic Corporation of North America will supply this document to the reseller/distributor dictati n g what mus t b e include d in the e nd user’s ma nu al f or t he c om m er cial prod uc t .
The following information (in blue) must be included in the end product user’s manual to ensure continued FCC regulatory compliance. The ID numbers must be included in the manual if the device label is not readily accessible to the end user. The compliance paragraphs below must be included in the use r's m anual.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This dev ice may n ot cause h ar mful int erference, and
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesir ed o pera tio n.
Note: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could v oi d t h e us er ' s a ut hor i ty to op er ate the e q ui pment.