Before attempting to operate the S-ICX, please read these
instructions completely.
S-ICX Version 6.4
Issued April 2002
Revision A Issued April 2002
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by the Matsushita Communication Industrial Co. Ltd. (MCI). MCI
reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to equipment design as advances in engineering and manufacturing methods warrant.
The software and hardware described in this document may be used or copied only in accordance
with the terms of the license pertaining to said software or hardware.
Reproduction, publication, or duplication of this manual, or any part thereof, in any manner,
mechanically, electronically, or photographically, is prohibited without permission of the Matsushita Communication Industrial Co. Ltd. (MCI).
Copyright 2002 by Matsushita Communication Industrial Co. Ltd. (MCI)
S-ICX-64-700S-ICX (International) issued April 2002 11
ContentsSection 700 - Operation
12S-ICX (International) issued April 2002S-ICX-64-700
S-ICX-64-700S-ICX (International) issued April 200213
Chapter 1. About This Manual
If you are using this manual for a single System, make note of its software version in the following
table. This information may be referenced by technicians or owners of the System.
This manual contains detailed descriptions of features. The feature descriptions are organized
according to the following categories:
* See Appendix B
Software version information for systems shipped with this document
CPC Model: Software Version:
Feature CategoriesDescription
System Features
System Features are either available on a systemwide basis or aid in the overall administration of the
User MaintenanceUser Maintenance Features are used by the end user
to maintain the System. These items include setting
time and date, Personal Speed Dial (PSD) numbers
and names, System Speed Dial (SSD) numbers and
names, extension names, Verified ID codes, Call
Forward ID codes for Voice Mail, Message Key ID
codes, Mode schedule, Special Day mode, Exception Day mode, and Day of Week mode.
Key Telephone FeaturesKey Telephone Features are available to System Key
phones. System Key phones are proprietary digital
sets that provide feature access through a combination of feature keys and access codes.
Digital Single-Line Telephone (DSLT) Features
DSLT Features are available to DSLTs. DSLTs provide digital audio quality and limited feature key
access in a single-line set.
Single Line Telephone
(SLT) Features
SLT Features are available on a standard analog
push button telephone set. Since SLTs are not
equipped with feature keys, most features are
accessed by using the dialpad and/or the switchhook.
*SBS/A-Series (UK)
Beginning with Version 1.0, the ICX system can be
used with SBS/A-Series (UK only) telephones. See
Appendix A for a list of differences between S-ICX
key telephone features and those available on the
SBS/VB-9, A-Series telephones.
14S-ICX (International) issued April 2002S-ICX-64-700
Chapter 1. About This ManualSection 700 - Operation
The purpose of this manual is to provide an overview of feature operations and requirements. Where
applicable, the following types of information are provided for each feature:
Abbreviation List
ACDAutomatic Call Distributor
ARSAutomatic Route Selection
BGMBackground Music
BLFBusy Lamp Field
BRIBasic Rate Interface
CFWD Call Forward
COSClass of Service
DDIDirect Dial Inward
DIDDirect Inward Dialing
DILDirect In Line
DISADirect Inward System Access
DLDirect Line
DNDirectory Number
DPDial Pulse
DSLTDigital Single Line Telephone
DSSDirect Station Selector
DSUDigital Service Unit
DTMF Dual Tone Multifrequency
FFFlexible Function
HDHigh Density
LCDLiquid Crystal Display
LCRLeast Cost Routing
MCOMultiple CO (Pooled Trunk Access)
MISManagement Information System
MOHMusic On Hold
PNPDNPhantom Non-Primary Directory Number
PRI Primary Rate Interface
PSDPersonal Speed Dial
SLT Single Line Telephone
SMDR Station Message Detail Recorder
SPIService Provider Interface
SSD System Speed Dial
TRSToll Restriction Service
Types of InformationPurpose
DescriptionProvides an overview of how the feature works and,
in some cases, what it is typically used for
OperationIncludes step-by-step instructions on how to use the
Hardware RequirementsLists any special hardware that is required to use the
Related ProgrammingLists the programming subsystems associated with
the feature
ConsiderationsProvides details on feature interactions and limita-
S-ICX-64-700S-ICX (International) issued April 200215
Chapter 2. List of Features
This chapter contains the following tables which list the features available with the System:
System Features
Maintenance Features
Extension Features
16S-ICX (International) issued April 2002S-ICX-64-700
Chapter 2. List of FeaturesSection 700 - Operation
Table 1.System Features
AEC Disconnect
Attendant Groups
Automatic Call Distributor
Automatic Route Selection
Automatic Exchange Line to Exchange Line Transfer
Background Music/MOH Separation
Battery Backup
Call Progress Tones
Caller ID
Caller ID Alpha Tagging
Centrex/PBX Compatibility
Class of Service
Data Security
Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time)
Day/Night System Mode
Digital Pad
Direct Inward System Access
Distinctive Ringing
Extension Interface
Flexible Numbering Plan
Flexible Slot
Hunting Groups
Internal Hold Tone
MCO Tenant Group
Memory Backup
Name Assignments
Network BLF
Network Facilities
Non-Blocking Architecture
Power On Maintenance
Programming Devices
Ringing Modes
Section 700 - OperationChapter 2. List of Features
S-ICX-64-700S-ICX (International) issued April 2002 17
Table 2.Maintenance Features
System Speed Dial TRS (Call Barring) Override
Station Message Detail Recording (Call Logging)
Trunk Access Groups
Trunk Interface
Trunk Ringing Types
Vir tual Por t
Voice Mail
Voice over IP Trunk Lines
Set Absence Messages
Set Call Forward Busy Destination Extension
Set Call Forward ID Codes for Voice Mail
Set Call Forward No Answer Destination Extension
Set Caller ID Logging Extensions
Set Day of Week Mode
Set Exception Day Mode
Set Extension Names
Set Message Key ID Code
Set Mode Schedule
Set Personal Speed Dial Names
Set Personal Speed Dial Numbers
Set Send Text Messages
Set Special Day Mode
Set System Date/Time/Day
Set System Speed Dial Index
Set System Speed Dial Names
Set System Speed Dial Numbers
Set Text Message Replies
Set Verified Account Codes
Set Walking TRS (Call Barring) Codes
18S-ICX (International) issued April 2002S-ICX-64-700
Chapter 2. List of FeaturesSection 700 - Operation
Table 3.Extension Features
Absence Message120
Account Codes122
Attendant Group Calls124
Auto Repeat Dial125
Background Music126
Busy Override127
Callback Request128
Call Forwarding129
Call Hold132
Call Transfer
Caller ID Call Log
Camp-on (Call Waiting)
Conference Calls
Directory Numbers
Display Information
DP to DTMF Signal Conversion
DSS/72 Console
EM/24 Console
Flexible Function Keys
Handsfree Answerback
Handsfree Operation
Headset Operation
Hot Dial Pad
Hot Line
Intercom Calling
Last Number Redial
Line Appearances
Message Key
Message Waiting/Callback
Mute Function
Offhook Monitor
Offhook Signalling176
Offhook Voice Announce177
Section 700 - OperationChapter 2. List of Features
S-ICX-64-700S-ICX (International) issued April 2002 19
One-Touch Keys
Onhook Dialling
Ringing Line Preference
Room Monitoring
Silent Monitor
Speed Dialling
Station Lockout
Step Call (Reset Call)
Timed Reminder Call
Trunk Access
Trunk Queuing
Universal Night Answer to Page
Voice Recognition
Vo l um e Co nt r o l
Walking TRS (Call Barring) Class of Service
Zip Mode
20S-ICX (International) issued April 2002S-ICX-64-700
Chapter 2. List of FeaturesSection 700 - Operation
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S-ICX-64-700S-ICX (International) issued April 200221
Chapter 3. System Features
System Features are either available on a system-wide basis or aid in the overall administration of the
This chapter contains detailed descriptions of the following System Features:
AEC Disconnect24
Attendant Groups24
Automatic Call Distributor25
Automatic Route Selection26
Automatic Exchange Line to Exchange Line Transfer27
Background Music/MOH Separation27
Battery Backup27
Call Progress Tones28
Caller ID28
Caller ID Alpha Tagging29
Centrex/PBX Compatibility30
Class of Service30
Class of Service - Trunk/Tie30
Class of Service - Ext/Ext Restriction31
Class of Service - Extension Feature31
Class of Service - Exchange Line to Exchange Line
Class of Service - Extension (Station) Timers33
Data Security34
Daylight Saving Time34
Day/Night System Mode35
Manual Day/Night Mode36
Automatic Day/Night Mode38
Digital Pad38
Direct Inward System Access39
Distinctive Ringing40
Doorphone Sensor41
Extension Interface41
Digital Telephones41
Analog Device Capability42
22S-ICX (International) issued April 2002S-ICX-64-700
Chapter 3. System FeaturesSection 700 - Operation
ISDN/BRI S-Point Interface42
ISDN/PRI S-Point Interface42
Flexible Numbering Plan43
Flexible Slot43
Hunting Groups44
Internal Hold Tone46
MCO Tenant Group46
Memory Backup46
Name Assignments47
Extension Name Assignments48
Speed Dial Name Assignments51
Network BLF53
Network Facilities54
Network Attendant Reversion54
Network Call Routing55
Network Call Transfer55
Network Centralized Voice Mail56
Network Extension Calling56
Network Flash Transfer56
Network Hold56
Network Paging56
Network Transfer Recall56
Tandem Connection56
Non-Blocking Architecture56
Power On Maintenance57
Programming Devices57
Telephone Programming57
Ringing Modes58
Day 1/ Day 2/Night Ringing58
Day 1/ Day 2/Night Delayed Ringing59
DDI (DID) Day/Night Ringing59
DDI (DID) Day/Night Busy/Delayed Ringing59
Busy Lamp Field Ringing60
Busy Lamp Field Delayed Ringing60
Section 700 - OperationChapter 3. System Features
S-ICX-64-700S-ICX (International) issued April 2002 23
Slide Ringing60
Alarm Ringing61
Station Message Detail Recording (Call Logging)62
System Speed Dial TRS (Call Barring) Override64
Trunk Access Groups65
Trunk Interface66
Trunk Interface - DDI (Not Available on UK Model)66
Trunk Interface - ISDN BRI66
Trunk Interface - ISDN-PRI66
Trunk Interface - Loop Start67
Trunk Ringing Types67
DDI Ringing67
Direct Line Ringing68
DIL Delayed Incoming Ring Enhancement69
Direct Inward System Access Ringing68
Multiple Ringing69
Virtual Port70
Virtual Port used for Floating Hold70
Virtual Port used for Virtual Extension70
Voice Mail71
PanaVOICE -- Panasonic’s Digital Voice Mail System71
Built-In Voice Mail with Two-Way Call Recording71
Third Party Voice Mail Support71
Voice over IP Trunk Lines76
24S-ICX (International) issued April 2002S-ICX-64-700
Chapter 3. System FeaturesSection 700 - Operation
AEC Disconnect
This feature allows the System to send a disconnect signal of 1 second to an analog device indicating
that the calling party has hung up (terminated the call). This feature is useful with a Third-party Voice
Mail or an Answering Machine. By default this feature is disabled.
Hardware Requirements
•AEC port
•The 1 second time duration of the disconnect signal is fixed. (It cannot be changed.)
Attendant Groups
An attendant phone is often used as a central answering point for other extensions. In addition,
attendant phones frequently have special capabilities for monitoring and programming extensions.
You can reach the assigned attendant group by dialling the feature access code for Attendant Calls
(usually 0). If an attendant phone is available but does not answer within a set time, the call will move
to the next available attendant phone. If all members of the attendant group are busy for a specified
time, the call can be forwarded to other extensions or another hunt group. The system allows up to 20
extensions to be included in an attendant group.
Hardware Requirements
•The System allows one attendant group for each system mode (Day 1, Day 2, and Night).
•An attendant group can contain both real extensions and virtual extensions. If virtual, several
phones can be made to ring at the same time.
•Attendant groups can use only Pilot Terminal Hunt Group or Pilot Distributed Hunt Group. For
more information, see “Hunting Groups” on page 44.
•The pilot number for an attendant group is flexible (i.e., any extension number can be designated
as the pilot [not a real extension]).
•If a member of the attendant group has Do-Not-Disturb (DND) or Call Forwarding - All set, that
phone is temporarily removed from the attendant group.
•If a member of the attendant group has Call Forwarding - Busy set and the extension is busy, the
call goes to the next phone in the attendant group.
•If all members are busy for the duration of the busy queuing timer, the call can be forwarded to
another hunt group or another extension.
•Attendant groups support the following call types:
• CLI (Called Line Identification) / Direct Dial Inward (DDI)
• Direct Inward System Access (DISA)
• Extension calls
Section 700 - OperationChapter 3. System Features
S-ICX-64-700S-ICX (International) issued April 2002 25
• Private network attendant calls
• Call reversion
• Call forwarded to Attendant Hunt Group
Automatic Call Distributor
CPC Version 4.5 and higher
The System provides an optional Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) for efficient presentation,
handling, and management of incoming calls to one or more groups of specialized users.
This optional Built-in ACD is contained on a single circuit card that is installed in the System. This
“built-in” capability eliminates the need for custom wiring and other installation.
Each specialized user is known as an ACD agent. Each agent position is equipped with a large display
telephone (VB-44225/VB-D411LDSUK) that provides Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) messages to
assist the agent in handling calls.
The Built-in ACD provides:
•Up to 3 agent groups (ACD Version 3.0 and higher)
•Up to 2 agent groups (ACD Version below 3.0)
•Up to 32 agent IDs per group
•Up to 64 agent IDs per system (ACD Version 2.0 and higher)
•Up to 32 agents
•Up to 6 supervisor IDs per system (ACD Version 3.0 and higher)
•Up to 2 supervisor IDs per system (ACD Version below 3.0)
•Up to 4 voice ports per group
•Up to 4 voice ports per system
•1 Music-On-Hold (MOH) source (Main System MOH source)
•1 Management Information System (MIS) Monitor Port (RS-232C)
•Abandoned Call Report counter available with MIS reports (This is not the same as the
Abandoned Call Timer added to the Station Message Detail Recorder [SMDR] reports.)
•2-week memory for MIS reports
•Up to 6 recorded messages (flexible length, max. 96 sec. per system) (ACD Version 3.0 and
•In Version 4.5 and higher, the Silent Monitor feature has been added. This feature allows an
ACD supervisor to monitor a call between an ACD agent and a caller without the knowledge
of either party. For more information, See “Silent Monitor” on page 186, Section 400 Programming, and Section 520 - Built-In ACD Reference Manual.
•In addition to MOH, ACD Version 4.5 provides up to eight analog extension ports that can be
connected to a recorded announcement device. See Section 520 - Built-In ACD Reference Manual.
•Up to 6 recorded messages (max. 14 sec. per message) (ACD Version below 3.0)
•Zip Mode, which automatically answers calls when an agent is using the Headset mode
•Wrap Mode which allows an agent to complete any paperwork before becoming available to
take another call.
26S-ICX (International) issued April 2002S-ICX-64-700
Chapter 3. System FeaturesSection 700 - Operation
Hardware Requirements
•See Section 520 - Built-In ACD Reference Manual.
•For more information, see Section 520 - Built-In ACD Reference Manual.
Automatic Route Selection
When Automatic Route Selection (ARS) is enabled, the system follows a preselected route for calls.
Usually the selected routing is the least cost route.
ARS works in conjunction with Toll Restriction Service (TRS) (Call Barring). Calls can be denied
based on the programmed TRS (Call Barring) level for the originating party. (For more information,
see “Ringing Modes” on page 58.)
•Three levels of ARS checking are available based on the dialled number following the ARS
access code:
• Direct Route Selection: The simplest form of ARS routing that upon ARS entry
(enter 9) directly selects an Exchange Line group and any dialled number
• Route List Selection: A more complex routing that includes up to 5 alternative
levels of route selection and includes TRS (Call Barring) level checking.
• Time List Selection: The most complex routing that determines the appropriate
route list based upon the day and time.
•Forced ARS is available on an Extension Class of Service (COS) basis.
•A special day list provides tailored ARS routing for up to 20 holidays, vacation days, etc.
•Automatic modification of dialled numbers is available. This includes deleting up to 24 prefix
digits and adding up to a 10-digit prefix and a 10-digit suffix. The modification of dialled
numbers can include pauses, Dual Tone Multifrequency (DTMF) conversion, itemized code
(extension number) and an authorization code. (Itemized code and authorization are not used
in some areas.)
•Up to 8 authorization codes are available.
Hardware Requirements
Section 700 - OperationChapter 3. System Features
S-ICX-64-700S-ICX (International) issued April 2002 27
Automatic Exchange Line to Exchange Line Transfer
The System can be set to automatically transfer exchange line calls out to another exchange line
without requiring the call to be answered internally. This transfer may be either exchange line based
or extension based (i.e., call forward outside).
Hardware Requirements
Background Music/MOH Separation
Not available with CPC-HS
Separate inputs are provided for Background Music and Music-on-Hold (MOH). This allows one
music or sound source to be used for background music and another music or sound source to be used
for music on hold.
A typical advantage of this is playing a pre-recorded promotional tape to held parties (since many
may be customers) while providing a selected background music for use in the office.
CPC-HS has only 1 input that is used for both BGM and MOH.
Hardware Requirements
•Both Background Music and Music on Hold (if using external MOH) require a sound source.
Battery Backup
When backup batteries are installed, the System will continue to operate in the event of a power
failure. If using Battery Backup, backup batteries must be installed in each CCU.
A fully loaded System will operate at least 15 minutes for the S-ICX .
Hardware Requirements
•Back-up battery unit (VB-44026)
28S-ICX (International) issued April 2002S-ICX-64-700
Chapter 3. System FeaturesSection 700 - Operation
•Any device connected to the System but that does not derive its power from the System must
have a backup power source to operate. These devices include any System Message Detail
Recording (SMDR) (Call Logging) printer (or recorder), fax machine, answering machine,
modem, cordless telephone, etc.
Call Progress Tones
The System supplies a full array of call progress tones. These tones provide audible indications of the
status of calls and include dial tone, busy tone, ringback tone, error tone, confirmation tone, and
splash tone. The complete specification for these tones may be found in Section 300 - Installation.
In addition to call progress tones, Direct Station Select (DSS) Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) and the
display provide additional indication of the status of calls.
Hardware Requirements
Caller ID
(Note: Analog Caller ID is not available in the UK model).
A properly equipped system supports Caller ID, a service offered by the network telephone service
provider. The Exchange sends calling number information to the system after the first ring. Users with
display telephones can see Caller ID information as incoming calls ring at their extension. They can
also access previous calls via the Caller ID Call Log feature. The Caller ID number is recorded in Call
Prior to Version 4.5, the system would not display Caller ID information for an extension that was in
use when a call was received. In Version 4.5 or higher, Caller ID information is displayed on the
second line of an LCD display when an incoming call is received during conversation. If the second
incoming call is from another extension, the LCD displays the extension name or
Hardware Requirements
•ISDN (PRI = VB-44540UK, BRI = VB-44530UK)
•ISDN (STBRI = VB-44531UK)
•ISDN (PRI/BRI - T Point) can get calling party information.
•Caller ID service must be ordered from the local telephone operating company or the
interexchange carrier.
Section 700 - OperationChapter 3. System Features
S-ICX-64-700S-ICX (International) issued April 2002 29
•Caller ID data is usually sent between the first and the second rings of the incoming exchange
line call. The exchange line may be programmed to immediately ring at the station or wait until
after the Caller ID digits are received before ringing at the station. If the exchange line is
programmed to ring immediately, the Caller ID digits will not display until after they are
received and processed.
•Caller ID numbers may be denied from being sent for some callers (private). Some long distance
carriers may not provide Caller ID data (out of area).
•Caller ID only support the single format (number only). Multiple format (number and name) is
not supported.
•Prior to Version 4.5, Caller ID supported only the number format. Version 4.5 and higher
supports selection of the number or
•In Version 4.5, Caller ID displays the highest ringing priority call (call queued to ring at the
target extension immediately after the present call terminates).
Caller ID Alpha Tagging
If the received Caller ID phone number matches any number in the System Speed Dials (SSD)
(SSD000-SSD199), then the associated SSD name can be displayed as the Caller ID information
instead of the Caller ID phone number. Alternatively, the Direct Dial Inward (DDI) name may be
displayed instead.
In Version 4.5 and higher, Caller ID information will be shown on the second
line of the LCD display
when an incoming call rings a display phone with a conversation already in progress. Second
incoming calls include extension Camp-on, extension Call Wait, queued DIL, both Appearance and
non-Appearance calls (Exchange Line, MCO, virtual or DN, recall, BLF).
Hardware Requirements
•ISDN (PRI = VB-44540UK, BRI = VB-44530UK)
•ISDN (STBRI = VB-44531UK)
•The system may be set to display Caller ID in one of two priorities as follows:
Priority Choice 1
• CID name (future feature)
• Alpha tagging if matched
• DDI name
Priority Choice 2
• DDI name
• CID name (future feature)
• Alpha tagging if matched
•Currently Caller ID only supports the single format (number only). Multiple format (number and
name) is not currently available but is planned as a future feature.
•Caller ID Call Logging only shows the CID number.
30S-ICX (International) issued April 2002S-ICX-64-700
Chapter 3. System FeaturesSection 700 - Operation
Centrex/PBX Compatibility
Centrex/PBX Compatibility allows the System to be connected behind centrex or PBX lines.
When connected behind a PBX or Centrex, Automatic Route Selection (ARS) and To ll R es t r ic t io n
Service (TRS) (Call Barring) must be used to restrict calls.
The System also supports transmission of a flash signal over the centrex or PBX link.
Hardware Requirements
Class of Service
A Class of Service (COS) allows or restricts access to a group of features or functions. For instance,
an Extension COS may allow Call Forwarding features. In the System, both extensions and exchange
lines use classes of service.
The System supports the following COSs for exchange lines and extensions:
•COS - Exchange Line/Tie
•COS - Ext/Ext Restriction
•COS - Extension Feature
•COS - Exchange Line to Exchange Line Restriction
Class of Service - Trunk/Tie
Tie/Trunk COS allows or restricts access to various features. Each trunk is assigned to one of 16
exchange line classes of service (00-15).
The following table shows the features that can be enabled/disabled for each exchange line COS.
Table 4. Exchange Line COS
1Intercom Ringing Tone (Exchange Line or intercom ring tone)
2Dial Tone to Tie Lines (Enable/Disable)
3Forced Recover on Fast-Busy Tone (Send fast busy or disconnect line)
4DDI Dialled Number Conversion Table (DDI/CLI Table A or B)
5Paging on DISA/Tie-Line Call (Allow/Restrict)
6DISA Security Code Verification
7Network Flash Forwarding
8Network Flash Receive
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