Panasonic S70 User Manual [en, de, es, fr]



Multi-Scan Color Monitor
These Operating Instructions are for units for sale and use in
the United States of America and Canada only.
Read these instructions completely before operating this display monitor.
ТЪе power cord for this unit has been packed separately and has been selected according to the country of destination and must be used to prevent electric shock. Use the following guidelines if it is necessary to replace the original cord set.
The female receptacle of the cord set must meet CEE-22 requirements and will look like Figure 1:
Das Netzkabel für diese Geräteeinheit wird separat verpackt geliefert und entspricht jeweils den landesspezifischen Anforderungen. Aus Gründen der Unfallverhütung ist die Benutzung dieses Netzkabets zwingend. Beachten Sie bitte folgende Hinweise, wenn ein Austausch des Origirtalkabels erforderlich ist. Der geräteseitige Stecker des Netzkabets muß den CEE-22 Anforderungen sowie dem in Abb. 1 gezeigten Beispiel entsprechen.
El cable de suministro eléctrico de esta unidad ha sido empacado en forma separada, ha sido seleccionado de acuerdo con el país de destino y debe ser usado para prevenir sobrecargas eléctricas. Use las guías descritas a continuación, sí es necesario reemplazar el cable original. El receptáculo hembra del cable debe cumplir los requerimientos CEE-22 y se verá como aparece en la Figurât.
Le cordon d'alimentation conçu pour cette unité a été conditionné dans un emballage distinct et il a été choisi en fonction du pays de destination. Son utilisation vise à vous prévenir de toute décharge électrique. Si vous devez remplacer le cordon initial, veuillez suivre les informations ci-dessous mentionnées. Le receptacle femelle du cordon doit satisfaire aux normes CEE-22 et comporter les caractéristiques présentées au schéma 1.
For the United States and Canada
In the United States and Canada the male plug is a NEMA 5-15 style (Figure 2) and is UL Usted and CSA Labelled. For units which are mounted on a desk or table, type SVT or SJT cord sets may be used. For units which sit on the floor, only SJT type cord sets may be used. The cord set must be selected according to the current rating for your unit. Please consult Table A for the selection criteria for power cords used in the United States and Canada. (The cord set is marked with its Cord Type.)
U,S.A. und Kanada:
ln den U.S.A, und Kanada verfügt das Kabel netzseitig über einen Stecker des Typs NEMA 5-15 (Abb. 2), der den UL­Sicherheitsbestimmungen entspricht und die Markierung CSA trägt. Für Geräte, die auf einer Arbeitsfläche wie Tisch oder Schreibtisch installiert sind, können Netzkabel des Typs SVT oder SJT benutzt werden. Die Auswahl des Netzkabels muß gemäß dem für das Gerät zutreffenden Stromaufnahme-Nennwert erfolgen. Tabelle A enthält eine Aufstellung der Kriterien, die bei der Wahl des Netzkabels in den U.S.A. und Kanada zu berücksichtigen sind. (Der Kebetsatz ist mit dem Kapbeltyp markiert.)
Para los Estados Unidos y Canadá
En los Estados Unidos y en Canadá el conector macho es estilo NEMA 5-15 (Figura 2), está listado UL y etiquetado CSA. Para tas unidades que están montadas sobre un escritorio o sobre una mesa, debe usarse el cable tipo SVT o SJT. Para unidades que están sobre el piso, sólo se debe usar el cable tipo SJT. El cable debe ser seleccionado de acuerdo al tipo de voltaje de su unidad. Consulte en la Tabla A los criterios de selección de los cables de suministro eléctrico usados en los Estados Unidos y en Canadá. (El juego de cables está marcada con su tipo de cables.)
Etas-Unis et Canada
Aux Etats-Unis ainsi qu’au Canada, la prise mâle est de type NEMA 5-15 (schéma 2): elle est mentionnée dans la liste UL et porte la mention CSA. En ce qui concerne les unités qui sont placées sur une table ou sur un bureau, il est possible d'utiliser des cordons de type SVT ou SJT. Quant aux unités qui sont placées à même le sol, seuls des cordons de type SJT peuvent être utilisés. Le choix du cordon doit s'effectuer en fonction de l'ampérage de votre unité. Veuillez consulter le tableau A suivant les critères de selection des cordons d'alimentation utilisés aux Etats-Unis et au Canada. (Le jeu de cordon est marqué du type du cordon.)
For European Countries:
In Europe you must use a cord set which Is appropriate for the receptacles In your country. The cord set Is HAR* Certified, and the marie < HAR > wdll appear on the outer sheath, or on the insulation of one of the inner conductors.
If you have any questions concerning the proper power cord to use, please consult with the dealer from whom you purchased your unit.
In den europäischen Ländern ist das fûr den AnschluB an das jeweilige Netz erforderliche Kabel zu verwenden. Das Kabel muB den HAR-Anforderungen entsprechen und auf der AuBenisolierung oder auf der Isolierung einer der Kabeladern die Markierung d HAR > aufweisen.
Sollten Sie hinsichtlich der Anwendung des richtigen Kabels irgendwelche Fragen haben, so konsultieren Sie bitte Ihren Händler, von dem Sie Ihr Gerät enworben haben.
Para los países europeos:
En Europa debe usar el cable apropiado al receptáculo usado en su país. El cable es HAR certificado y la marca
d HAR P aparecerá en el forro extemo o en la cubierta aislante de uno de los conductores Internos.
Si tiene dudas acerca del cable apropiado que se debe usar, consulte la tienda donde adquirió su unidad.
Pays européens:
En Europe, vous devez utiliser des cordon appropriés aux prises de votre pays. Les cordons doivent être de marque
d HAR > et ceileM:! doit apparaître sur la gaine plastique externe ou sur la partie Isolante d’un des conducteurs
Si vous avez des questions concernant le bon cordon à utiliser, vous êtes priés de consulter le concessionnaire chez qui vous avez acheté votre appareil.
Table A Tabelle A Tabla A Tableau A
Cord Type Kabeltyp
Tipo de cable Tamaño de los conductores del
Type de cordon Taille des conducteurs dans le
Size of Conductors In Cord Maximum Current Rating of Unit Größe der Kabeladern Max. Stromaufnahme des Geräts
Máximo voltaje de acuerdo a la
unidad Ampórage maximum de l’unitó
lOAmps 12Amps
Figure 1 Abb. 1 Rgura 1 Schéma 1
Figure 2 Abb. 2 Figura 2 Schéma 2
— Ill—

Federal Communications Commission Requirements

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class B digital devices, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interfer ence by one or more of the following measures
- Reonent or relocate the receiving antenna
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
FCC Warning*
To assure continued FCC compliance, the user must use the provided grounded power supply cord and shielded interface cable with bonded fernte cores Also, any unauthonzed changes or modifications to this monitor would void the user’s authority to operate this device

CE Conformity

This device complies with the requirements of the EEC directive 89/336/EEC as amended by 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC Art 5 with regard to "Electromagnetic
Required item
ESD #2
radiated RF fil" #3
#2 #3 #4
Handle correctly in accordance with the instruction manual
EMI Electromagnetic Interference ESD Electrostatic Discharge
RF Radio Frequency F/B Fast Burst
compatibility”, and 73/23/EEC as amended by 93/68/EEC Art 13 with regard to “Safety”
Relative to Standard Value Relative to those Exceeding Standard Value Remarks
#1 #3 #1
Satisfies standards with no problems in performance and reliability Effects may appear temporanly on the screen but there will be no problem in reliability There IS fear of the product breaking down If a signal cable other than that specified is used, it will be the cause of electromagnetic wave interruption of peripheral devices To assure continued CE compliance the user must use the provided 1 5 m shielded video signal cable with bonded ferrite cores at both ends of the cable
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— tv—
To avoid the risk of severe eiectrical shock including death, do not remove covers (or back) of monitor. No user serviceable parts are inside.
Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
To prevent risk of electric shock and possible fire: Never place any object on the monitor, AC line cord, or cause the cords to make
sharp bends, or otherwise do anything that can affect the integrity of the cords. Always remove the line cord from the socket by holding the plug, not the cord.
Do not place anything containing any liquid (even a wet or damp cloth) on the monitor as the introduction of fluids can create an electrical hazard. Do not expose the monitor to rain or moisture.
Do not place the monitor with less than the recommended clearance (see Precautions, 1 Installation Page 2). Do not block the ventilation openings with anything. Do not insert any objects into the ventilation openings.
Customer’s Record
The serial number of this product is printed on its back cover label.
Note this serial number in the space provided and retain this booklet as a permanent record of your purchase to aid in identification of the unit in the event of theft or loss.
Model number : S70 Serial number
Table of Contents
Important Notice Concerning Power Cord Selection.........................................i
Federal Communications Commission Requirements.....................................iii
CE Conformity.................................................................................................. iv
Customer’s Record...........................................................................................1
Table of Contents.............................................................................................1
Precautions 1) Installation................................................................................2
Precautions 2) Usage.......................................................................................2
Precautions 3) Product Care............................................................................2
Pin Assignment.................................................................................................6
External View....................................................................................................7
On-Screen Adjustment......................................................................................8
Operation .........................................................................................................9
Power Management System
Timing Specifications......................................................................................14
Trouble Shooting.............................................................................................17
Technical Support ..........................................................................................18
Index ..............................................................................................................18
Notice for Germany.........................................................................................19
Notice for Japan..............................................................................................19
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1) Installation
• Install the monitor in a well ventilated place. Avoid exposing to direct sunlight, a heater, or any other heat source. Heat will adversely affect the cabinet and the parts inside.
• Position the display unit so that the holes in the cabinet will not be blocked during use.
• Keep the display unit away from the kitchen, bathroom, washing machine, or other sources of exposed to water, steam or moisture.
• In order to use the display unit safely, use only the supplied AC line cord. The AC line cord must be used with a properly grounded and polarized power supply socket. The AC line cord supplied is for the USA (UL) and Canada (CSA) for use with the display unit. For use in other countries, make sure the AC line cord meets the safety standards of the country.
• Place the AC line cord where it will not be subject to stress.
• Use only Panasonic provided accessories or the exact equivalent.
2) Usage
• Pulling on the AC line cord or VGA Signal Cable can damage the display unit
(monitor) and can cause the unit to fall and possibly cause personal injury.
“ Receiving trouble.
If there is a television set or other display unit nearby, keep your display unit as far
away from it as possible. Mutual intederence can cause image distortion or noise.
• Long exposure to rubber or vinyl products can stain the cabinet.
• Keep the monitor from physical shock when moving. Be careful of the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT).
• Do not place anything on the monitor.
• Also take good care of the power cable.
Do not place any objects on the power cable. Do not attempt to extend, shorten on tie it into a knot.
3) Product Care
• Prior to cleaning your display unit, disconnect the AC line cord and the VGA Signal
Cable from the display unit.
" Use a clean, soft, dry cloth to clean the outside of the monitor or the CRT surface.
If the monitor or CRT surface is very dirty, wet a clean, soft cloth with neutral detergent (such as dishwashing detergent) and water, squeeze it tight until almost dry,
wipe the monitor or CRT surface with it, and finish by wiping with a clean dry cloth.
Do not use any solvents.
• Do not rub or strike the monitor with anything hard or harsh as this may scratch, mar
or damage the monitor permanently.
• Do not use a chemical duster or polish-cleaner because it can adversely affect the unit
and peel the paint coat.


Digital adjustment using the on-screen display
• The on-screen menu is available in 5 languages. English, French, German, Spanish or Italian can be selected.
• Custom adjustments can be made quickly and easily through the on-screen menu utilizing four buttons on the front panel.
• The on-screen main menu allows these adjustments to be made easily by scrolling through the icons to select an adjustment menu. The choice bar is located at the bottom of the main menu and it shows the currently selected adjustment menu’s name.
• Set the on-screen menus at any one of six locations on the display screen.
The Plug & Play S70 is a ODC 1/2B* compatible monitor that uses VESA* (Video Electronics Standards Association) DDC ^“(Display Data Channel) standard. This allows the S70 to inform a compatible host of its capabilities which meet the Microsoft* / Intel* Plug & Ptay Definition used by Windows*95.
Power Management
• A power management circuit conforming to the VESA DPMS standard is incorporated into the monitor. Power consumption of the monitor can be lowered when using it in combination with a video board that meets the DPMS standard.
• This product conforms to the Energy Star program. As an Energy Star partner, Panasonic Communications & System Company has determined that this product meets the Energy Star
guidelines for energy efficiency.
Environmentally Friendly
• All the plastic parts are recyclable.
Low emissions and static prevention
• The display unit meets the strict Swedish (SWEDAC) MPR II guidelines for lower ELF and VLF magnetic fields and alternating electric fields.
• The S70 meets the requirements of Swedish confederation of professional employees TCO'92.
• Anti-static coating of the cathode ray tube (CRT) reduces electrostatic charge buildup. This prevents electrostatic shocks when touching the CRT screen and reduces dust buildup.
Color adjusting function
• The white balance of an image can be adjusted as desired by individual adjustment of the red(R) and green(G) and blue(B) signals. This feature enables color matching.
• The white reference color temperature is 9300K + 8 MPCD, 7500K, 6500K, 5000K, or a user color can be selected. For example, the monitor colors can be adjusted to match the colors of output generated on a color printer.
PanaSync digital multi-scan
• Horizontal frequencies of 30 kHz to 70 kHz and vertical frequencies of 50 to 180 Hz can be automatically tracked. The display unit is suited to VGA, SVGA, VESA, and high-resolution video boards of 1280(H)x 1024(V)/60 Hz.
• Eight timing (1 preset and 7 reservation) selections have been preset by the factory lor image size and position. In addition there are 13 user programmable selections of timing.
Self-Test menu
• The display unit can be checked via the self-test menu displayed on the screen. This menu can be accessed without a computer.
DQ-DAF Electron Gun with Hyperbolic focus compensation circuit
• The exclusive DQ-DAF electron gun with a hyperbolic focus compensation circuit that controls the electron beam is combined with an invar mask to display fine images over the entire area on the 17-inch, 0.27mm dot pitch, flat and square screen.
10) Other features
• Automatic selection of synchronized input signals (separate, composite or sync-on-green).
• An ergonomically designed tilt and swivel base to complement virtually any office design. The pan angle is 90 degrees at the right and left, and the tilt angle is 13 degrees up and 4 degrees down.
• The monitor stand can be removed and the monitor can be installed upon a desktop computer.
The S70 is a VESA DDC 1/2B type of display. The S70 is capable of continuously transmitting its EDID (Extended Display Identification) using a uni-directional DDC1 communications channel. In addition, the S70 can respond to a request for EDID, or complete VDIF (Video Display Interface), to be transmitted using DDC 2, Level B commands. The EDID data contains the display identity and the basic display specifications. The VDIF data contains full display specifications as defined in the VESA VDIF standard. If a DDC 2 capable host is detected by the S70, it will switch to a bi-directional DDC 2 communications channel. As required by the VESA DDC standard, once the S70 has switched from DDC 1 to DDC 2 it is incapable of switching from DDC 2 back to DDC 1 unless the power is turned off.
~3 -
CRT Size
Dot-pitch Phosphor Surface treatment
Input signals Video signaling
Signal level 0.7 Vp-p (without sync, signal), 1.0 Vp-p (with sync, signal) Sync signal
Horizontal frequency Allowable frequency range: 30.0 kHz to 70.0 kHz Vertical frequency
Preset mode 1 preset and 7 reservation (See page 15) Video Pixel Clock Resolution 1280 dots(H) X 1024 lines (V) at 60 Hz Viewable Image Size Factory preset (H X V, Diagonal) Full scan (Typical)
Display Color
Connectors Signal
Power supply Input power
Power consumption
Controls Front
On screen display
Tilt/swivel Dimensions (W x H x D)
Weight (monitor only) Approvals
Environmental conditions
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Windows*95 Plug & Play
•The on-screen image may flicker if the display is operated with the Vertical freq. under 60 Hz
‘•Section on signal timing used, see page 14 .
**• Number of colors depends on the Video Board used, memory installed, and RAMDAC
{Random Access Memory Digital to Analog Converter).
Specifications and design are subject to change without notice.
This product may be subject to export control regulations.
17" CRT (16.0740.6 cm Viewable Image Size) Flat Square
0.27 mm RGB short persistence (Hi-EU RED)/Dark TINT Anti-glare, anti-static, anti-reflective coating (New AGRAS coat) RGB analog
HA/ separation (TTL level), HA/ composition (TTL level), Sync-on-green
Allowable frequency range: 50.0 Hz to 180.0 Hz
108 MHz max.
11.81* X 8.86“, 14.8" Diagonal *
12.80" X 9.60", 16.0" Diagonal *
Analog input, unlimited number of colors **
15-pin mini D-Sub connector (female pins)
CEE 22 type 3-pin connector
100 to 240VAC (50 or 60Hz)
95W typ. / < 15W stand-by, < 4W sleep mode (See page 13)
Power ON/OFF, |Tj, a, B, (T) keys
Contrast, Brightness, Size & Pos (Horizontal position. Horizontal Size, Vertical Position, Vertical Size), Geometry (V. Pincushion, Side Pincushion, Trapezoid, Parallelogram), Tilt (Rotation), Color temp. (9300 K + 8 MPCD, 7500 K, 6500 K, 5000 K / User color), Color Temp, Recall, Video Level (0.7V/1,0V), Language select, OSD Position, Degauss, Signal, Monitor Self Test
13® up, 4® down, 90° each to right and left
(16.1"x 16.4" X 17.5") 410 mm X 416 mm x 444 mm
16.7 kg (36.7 lbs) FCC Class B, UL1950, MPR ll/SEMKO, CSA 22.2 No 950, CE VCCI Class B, TCO ’92, TUV/GS, TUV/ERGONOMICS, NORDIC 1 fixed signal cable for VGA,SVGA.
1 detachable AC power supply cord. Tilt +13, -4 and Swivel +90 Operating Instructions, Warranty card
Oto 40°C (32 to104°F) 5 to 90% (no condensation)
10,000 ft
-20 to +60°C (-4 to 140®F)
5 to 90% (no condensation)
40,000 ft
VESA DDCI^B meets Winodws^S Plug & Play Requirements
4 -


^Connecting Procedures
Turn off your computer. Connect the signal connectors as shown below. Turn the monitor on, then turn on the computer.
A. IBM PS/2 or compatible models
Rear view
(D Connect the supplied signal cable to the
monitor’s port.
@ Connect the other end of this cable to the
a power outlet.
B. Apple computer
Use a UNIMAC-82D MAC adapter.
Panasonic MAC adapter If you need an adapter and one is not provided by your dealer, call 1-800 PANASYS (1-800-726-2797).
m MAC adapter
AC power cord
To prevent the cable from coming loose, the cable connectors must be securely fastened with screws.
15-pin mini D-sub cable
^Connection of AC Power Suppiy
If the AC power supply voltage is in the range 100 to 240V, either 50Hz or 60Hz frequency can be used. There is no AC100V/240V selector switch.
• In order to use the display unit safety, use a power cable that is properly grounded.
• AC plug cords for the following countries are supplied in the same package.
For use in other countries, make sure the AC cord meets the safety standards of each country.
U.S.A... UL Canada ... CSA
— 5 —

Pin Assignment

Follow the instructions below to connect the S70 to a computer.
A. Signal connector: 15-pin mini D-sub (PS/2 or PC/AT compatible model)
Connect the signal cable to the 15-pin mini D-sub connector on the display unit.
B. Signal COnnector:i5-pin D-sub (Apple computer)
Convert a MAC 15-pin D-sub connector to a 15-pin mini D-sub connector using a Panasonic MAC adapter, and connect it to the 15-pin mini D-sub connector on the display unit.
Pin assignments of 15-pin mini D-sub connector
Pin number
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8
Red video signal Green video signal Blue video signal Ground Ground* Ground for Red video signal Ground for Green video signal Ground for Blue video signal
Signal name
9 Unused
12 13 14
Ground Ground SDA* (Bi-directional Data) Horizontal sync, signal Vertical sync, signal
15 SCL* (Data Clock)
*"VESA”s Display Data Channel (DDC) Standard.
-6 -

External View

Width Height Depth
410mm (16.1") 416mm (16.4") 444mm (17.5")
Pan/Tilt range
Up Down Left, right
13 degrees
4 degrees 90 degrees each
-7 -

On-Screen Adjustment

[Basic operation]
Control panel
' For a detailed description of the functions of the Q] key, left key, right key, and [S key, refer to
page 9*12.
‘Since contrast is the most commonly adjusted parameter, we have provided direct
access to this menu item. By pressing the 9 or B key during normal operation the contrast menu is displayed instantly.
-8 --


< Onscreen Display>
Monitor Self-Test
See figure A.
No Signal
fH —.—kHz fV —.— Hz
See figure B.
fH 74.9kHz fV 60.0 Hz
The adjusted items are represented by icons. When the [U key is pressed, the menu screen appears. Use the a • B keys to move the cursor
to the item to be adjusted, then press the {2} key to call the adjustment menu.
m ^ m
0 0 0
111 F\
a ;©
< Function and Operation>
This display indicates that the monitor is operating normally. When one of the following conditions occurs, press one of the 4 front panel keys to call the appropriate display.
1) No signal (The computer is not connected or the mains power to the computer is disconnected). See figure A.
2) The horizontal or vertical sync, signal are outside of the permitted range (the value of
the horizontal sync, signal will be displayed in
red and the value of the vertical sync, signal
will be displayed in white). See figure B.
3 E3
0 Rotation
Contrast Adjustment Brightness Adjustment Size & Pos.
H.Position Adjustment H.Size Adjustment
V.Position Adjustment
V.Size Adjustment
Geometry V.Pincushion Adjustment
Side Pincushion Baiance
Trapezoid Adjustment
Paraiieiogram Adjustment
Coior Temp. Recali
Video Level Selection ?t
Language Selection OSD Position.
Degauss Signal.
3 Contrast adjustment
-)}f Brightness adjustment
CD ^
Adjust the screen contrast to match the brightness level in the room. Press the B key to make the image lighter, the 3 key to make it darker.Pressing the d] key toggles between brightness and contrast. Direct operation: Even it the menu screen does not appear, the contrast can be adjusted by pressing the 3 or B key. If the 3 and B keys are pressed at the same time on the Contrast adjustment screen, the maximum level (100) will be set.
Adjust the brightness to match the brightness
level in the room. Press the 3 key to make the
background darker, the B key to make it lighter.
Pressing the [U key toggles between brightness
and contrast.
* If the 3 • B keys are pressed at the same time
on the Brightness adjustment screen, the standard level (50) will be set.
-9 -
< Onscreen Display >
\*i* Size & Pos.
< Function and Operation >
Press the [H key to amend the Horizoni Vertical Size adjustments.
fpj Horizontal Position
H. Position
[QJ B @ □] : (3
B Horizontal Size adjustment
H . Size
[B3B Q m :[3
|Bl Vertical Position adjustment
V. Position
[B3 B Q H] :[3
tal Position / Horizontal Size / Vertical Position /
The horizontal position of the image can be adjusted. Press the S key to move it to the left, the E key to move it to the right.
* Press the IT] key to save the adjustment.
The horizontal size of the image can be adjusted. Press the H key to make the image smaller, the B key to make it larger. Then press the [j] key to save the adjustment. * Setting the image in the center of the screen will
make the size adjustment easier.
The vertical position of the image can be adjusted. Press the S key to move it downward, the B key to move it upward.
* Press the [D key to save the adjustment.
m Vertical Size adjustment
csi B Q m ;
The vertical size of the image can be adjusted.
Press the 9 key to make the image smaller, the B key to make it larger. Then press the D] key to save the adjustment.
* Setting the image in the center of the screen
wilt make the size adjustment easier.
¡n Geometry
Press the [T] key to amend the Vertical Pincushion / Side Pincushion Balance / Trapezoid / Parallelogram adjustments.
O Vertical Pincushion
V. Pincushion
The image can be corrected for barrel distortion.
Press the 9 key to decrease the barrel distortion
of the image, the B key to increase it.
naO^n :[2
-10 -
< Onscreen Display>
< Function and Operation>
Q Side Pincushion Balance
Side Pin. Bal.
O Q QZ7 :
r\ Trapezoid adjustment
Trapezoid 50
O □ Q ¿7 :[g]
[J Parallelogram adjustment
POQ^ :|
to Rotation (Image tilt)
Rotation 50
The image can be corrected for barrel balance distortion. Press the 3 key to expand to the left of the image, the B key to expand to the right it.
The image can be corrected for trapezoidal distortion.
Press the 3 key to make the top edge narrower,
the B key to make the bottom edge narrower.
The image can be corrected for parallelogram distortion.
Press the 3 key to collapse the parallelogram to
the left, the B key to collapse it to the right.
Use this to adjust for tilt on the screen. Press the 3 key to rotate the image slightly counterclockwise, the B key to rotate the image slightly clockwise. ‘Pressing the 3 and B keys simutaneously adjusts
rotation to its factory preset level (50).
l3 Color Temp.
Color Temp
D 2 3 4 5
User Color adjustment
Note:Record the initial values of R,G and B here before making any adjustments: R ( Red) G ( Green ) B ( Blue)
-------------------------------­___________________ ___________________
The white in the image can be adjusted.
1) Use the 3 • B keys to select 1: 9300 K + 8 MPCD, 2: 7500 K, 3: 6500 K, 4: 5000 K or 5 : the user’s preferred color.
2) If ” 5 : user’s color" is selected, “ tH ” appears in the lower right of the On-Screen Display. Press the front [U key to call the User Color adjustment screen.
The white in the video image can be adjusted to
the user’s preferred color.
1) Use the H] key to select R (red) or G (green)
or B (blue).
2) Use the 3 • B keys to adjust the color as desired.
‘ Recall of the user’s color is not possible,
so make a note of the initial setting before adjusting.
< Onscreen Disp)ay>
< Function and Operation>
^ Recall
OK ?
D]: Yes
1© Video Level
Video Level
0.7 V
Language selection
No : [2]
0.7/1 V :(5]
To return to the initial settings (the settings at the time of factory shipment).
1) When the Q] key (Yes) is pressed, the settings are recalled and the menu screen returns. (Recall = return to settings at time of factory shipment.)
2) When the \H key (No) is pressed, the menu screen returns without the settings being recalled (the settings return to what they were immediately before the recall).
*: If no operations are performed for about 30
seconds, the screen goes off without recall.
The video input signal level can be matched to the computer being used. Either 0.7V or 1 .OV can be selected with the [D key.
Note : 0.7V is typical. (If wrong level is selected image may be too dim
or too bright.)
The language used by the On-Screen Display can be selected can be selected with the "3" and "B" keys from among German, French,
English, Italian and Spanish. DEU: German
FRA; French ENG: English ITA ; Italian ESP; Spanish
ill OSD Position
y\ Degauss
Degaussing operation can be selected. After this is selected, the degaussing action takes place for approximately 5 seconds. Key operation is not possible while demagnetization is performed.
S Signal
1024 X 768
fH 60.2kHz fV 74.8 Hz
It is possible to adjust the position that the on screen panel is to be displayed. The panel will rotate in a counter-clockwise direction every time the iU key is pressed.
Signal displays the computer's approximate horizontal sync frequency (fH) and vertical sync frequency (fV).
If the fH or fV are outside the specified range then the Monitor Self-Test function will auto matically display the Signal Error menu (See Page 9).
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Power Management System
This monitor conforms to the VESA DPMS standard. This function can suppress power consumption by the display unit. The computer and video board being used must also conform to the VESA DPMS standard. * Consult the Operation Manuals for the hardware being used.
Modes change in response to input signals as indicated in the table below.
APM State
ON STATE STAND-BY SUSPEND without display yellow <15 watts < 3sec. OFF STATE without display
Note : As an Energy Star partner, Panasonic Communications & System Company has determined
that this product meets the Energy Star guidelines for energy efficiency.
Screen status
with display green normal without display
<15 watts
< 4 watts < 20 sec. no no no
Return time
— < 3 sec.
video yes yes yes no no yes no
How to release the system from the power management function.
1) Read the Operation Manuals for the hardware you are using.
2) Press one of the D] • a - B • HI l<eys on the front panel. The No Signal screen appears, and the monitor side power management function is released (only in OFF STATE).
Input signals
horizontal sync.
vertical sync.
This display has two types of memory to store the data sets that control the on-screen image. The first type of memory is the Preset Memory which is set by the factory. The second type is the User Memory which is set by the user. Both memories store the Horizontal Position, Horizontal Size, Vertical Position, Vertical Size, Vertical Pincushion, Side Pincushion Balance, Trapezoid and Parallelogram adjustments of the displayed
Preset Memory
There are 1 preset (7 reservation) timings that are set by the factory. The preset timing will automatically size
and center the image with video boards which use these timings. Please see page 14 for Timing Specifications.
User Memory
• There are 13 memory locations that allow for user timing. The image size, position, geometric distortion are adjusted by the user. Please see page 15 for recommended timings that the display supports.
• If the User Memory is completely full, and a new set of data is saved, the oldest data set in the User Memory will be deleted.
• The User Memory has priority over the Preset Memory.
• When the user timing is input, the Vertical, Horizontal frequencies and sync polarities of the signal are compared with the previous data stored in memory. The input signal will be stored as a new data set if one of its parameters is different from the previous stored one.
• The new input signal must have a frequency difference greater than that shown in the table below or a different sync, polarity from that already stored. If the new timing data includes frequency changes greater than those shown in the table below or sync, polarity changes, a new user memory setting will be stored. If the frequency difference is smaller than that of the chart and the sync, polarities are the same, the existing settings will be retained.
Horizontal frequency
Low 30 kHz ± 0.4 kHz
Hi 70 kHz ±1.0 kHz
Please note if the timing does not meet the display specifications, the size and position adjustment may not appear as desired. Be sure the horizontal and vertical timing are within the monitor specification range. See page 14 for Timing Specifications. And pages 15 and 16 for preset, reservation and recommended timing.
Vertical frequency
Low 50 Hz ± 0.6 Hz
Hi 180 Hz ±1.8 Hz
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Timing Specifications

Separate Sync.


HA^ Composite Sync.

J Video I
J Video I
_ _

Sync, on Green

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Reservation timing**
VESA 640x480 at 75 Hz
26.667 us ( 840dots)
6.349 us ( 200dots)
13.333 ms (SOOlines)
0.533 ms ( 20lines)
0.080 ms ( 3lines)
12.800 ms (480lines)
0.027 ms ( nine)
Dot clock fH
cB c
H-Sync width
H'Back porch
H'Front porch
■ C Ф
V-Sync width
R V-Back porch
S T V-Front porch
Sync polarity (H/V)
Preset timing*
VESA 1024x768 at 75 Hz
78.7500 MHz
60.0203 kHz
16.660 us (1312dots)
3.657 us ( 288dots)
1.219 us ( 96dots)
2.235 us ( 176dots)
13.003 us (1024dots)
0.203 us( 16dots)
75.029 Hz
13.328 ms (eoolines)
0.533 ms ( 32lines)
0.050 ms ( 3lines)
0.466 ms ( 28lines)
12.795 ms(768lines)
0.017 ms ( nine) Positive/Positive
VGA 640x480 at 60 Hz
25.1750 MHz
31.469 kHz
31.778 us { 800 dots)
6.356 us (160 dots)
3.813 us ( 96 dots) 2.032 us ( 64dots)
1.907 us ( 48 dots) 3.810 us ( 120dots)
25.422 us ( 640 dots) 20.317 us ( 640dots)
0.636 us ( 16 dots) 0.508 us ( 16dots)
59.940 Hz 75.000 Hz
16.683 ms (525 lines)
1.430 ms ( 45 lines)
0.064 ms ( 2 lines)
1.049 ms ( 33 lines) 0.427 ms ( leiines)
15.253 ms (480 lines)
0.318 ms (10 lines) Negative/Negative Negative/Negative
Reservation timing**
VESA 800x600 at 75 Hz
Dot clock
49.5000 MHz
fH 46.875 kHz
A « c
H-Period H-Blanking
F В H-Sync width 1.616 us ( 80 dots)
H-Back porch
H-Active H-Front porch
V-Period V-Blanking
V-Sync width 0.064 ms ( 3 lines)
V-Back porch V-Active 12.800 ms (600 lines)
V-Front porch
21.333 us (1056 dots)
5.172 us (256 dots)
2.232 us ( 160 dots)
16.162 us (800 dots)
0.323 us ( 16 dots)
75.000 Hz
13.333 ms (625 lines)
0.533 ms ( 25 lines)
0.448 ms ( 21 lines)
0.021 ms ( 1 line )
Sync polarity (H/V) Positive/Positive
VESA 1024x768 at 75 HzVESA 1280x1024 at 60 Hz
Dot clock
80.0000 MHz 108.0000 MHz 31.5000 MHz
MAC (16‘) 832 x 624 at 75 Hz*"
57.2832 MHz
49.725 kHz
20.111 us(1152dots)
5.587 us ( 320dots)
1.117 us ( 64dots)
3.910 us ( 224dots)
14.524 us ( 832dots)
0.559 US ( 32dots)
74.550 Hz
13.414 ms ( 667lines)
0.865 ms ( 43lines)
0.060 ms ( 3tines)
0.784 ms ( 39iines)
12.549 ms ( 624lines)
0.020 ms ( nine ) Negative/Negative
Reservation timing**
VESA 1024x768 at 70 Hz
17.707 us (1328dots)
4.053 us ( 304dots)
1.813 us ( 136dots)
1.920 us ( 144dots)
13.653 us (1024dots)
0.320 us ( 24dots)
14.272 ms (806lines)
0.673 ms ( 38lines)
0.106 ms { 6lines)
0.513 ms ( 29lines)
13.599 ms (768lines)
0.053 ms ( 3lines) Negative/Negative
Recommended timing
640x350 at 84 Hz
fH 60.241 kHz 63.981 kHz 37.861 kHz
c о
H-Period 16.600 us (l328dots) 15.630 us (l688dots)
H-Sync width
c H-Back porch
H-Front porch 0.400 us ( 32dots) fV
о ф
V-Blanking V-Sync width
V-Back porch
V-Front porch
3.800 us ( 304dots)
1.200 us ( 96dots)
2.200 us ( 176dots)
12.800 us (1024dots)
74.926 Hz
13.346 ms (804lines)
0.598 ms ( 36lines)
0.050 ms ( 3lines)
0.498 ms ( 30lines)
12.749 ms (768lines)
0.050 ms ( 31ines)
3.778 us ( 408dots)
1.037 us ( 112dots) 1.270 us ( 40dots)
2.296 us ( 248dots) 4.063 us ( 128dots)
11.852 us(1280dots)
0.444 us ( 48dots) 0.762 us ( 24dots)
60.020 Hz 84.1350 Hz
16.661 ms (1066iines) 11.886 ms (450lines)
0.656 ms ( 42lines)
0.047 ms ( 3lines)
0.594 ms ( 38lines) 1.638 ms ( 62lines)
16.005 ms (1024lines)
0.016 ms ( nine )
26.413 us ( 832dots)
6.095 us ( 192dots)
20.317 us ( 640dots)
2.641 ms ( lOOlines)
0.079 ms ( 3lines)
9.244 ms (350lines)
0.924 ms ( 35lines)
Sync polarity (H/V) Negative/Negative Positive/Positive Positive/Negative
* Factory Presets have exact size & centering. ** Factory Reservation have approximate size & centering. *** Requires the use of Optional MAC Adapter UNIMAC-82D
31.5000 MHz
37.500 kHz
75.0000 MHz
56.476 kHz
70.069 Hz
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