Panasonic PT-RZ670LBE User Manual

P T- RZ670 Series
1-Chip DLP™ Projectors
P T- RZ670 P T- RZ670L P T- RW630 P T- RW630L
World’s First* Laser Light Source 1-Chip DLP™
Projectors with 6,500 lm** of Brightness
For 1-chip DLP™ projectors, as of July 2014.
Panasonic standard value when shipped.
An Answer to the Critical Demands for Long-Term Operation
The PT-RZ670/RW630 peak-performing 1-chip DLP™ projectors were developed with the goal of achieving the highest possible image level as flagship models. Joining the ranks of Panasonic’s SOLID SHINE projectors, The PT-RZ670 Series offers the world’s first* 1-chip DLP
6,500*2 lm of brightness in a laser light source
projector. Panasonic’s original “Quartet Color Harmonizer” reproduces optimally efcient colors and images that approach those of high-end agship models. Plus, the unprecedented reliability of the solid-state light source maintains
image quality for 20,000 hours*
has also entered a new dimension with the PT-RZ670 Series.
In addition, starting with the professional features in our
agship models for large-venue applications, a host of functions reect the technology and know-how that Pana­sonic has accumulated over more than 30 years of projec-
tor development. The PT-RZ670 Series is setting new 21st
century standards for reliable, high-quality projectors that
easily meet the demands of critical professionals.
or more. Installation exibility
6,500 lm 6,500 lm6,500 lm 6,500 lm
ThePT-RZ670LB/RZ670LWandPT-RW630LB/RW630LWarenot equippedwith alens.
The cabinet for each model is available in black (PT-RZ670B/RW630B) or white (PT-RZ670W/RW630W).
Superb Image Quality Superb Durability
High Brightness of 6,500 lm
A new heat-resistant material is used in the phosphor wheel to withstand the high output of the laser light source. Combined with a drive system that is also optimized for the light source, this made it possible to achieve the world’s
6,500 lm*2 of brightness in a 1-chip DLP™
rst* projector. In our Quartet Color Harmonizer, opti­mal engineering of the color wheel mechanism has improved color reproduction by reducing energy loss from the light source. This has resulted in a per­ceived brightness that even exceeds the specication val-
A materi al with exc ellent he at resis ­tance i s used in the phospho r wheel. This ach ieves bot h high brig htnes s and long-lasting reliability.
Comparison of Color Brightness
ues, regardless of the projected con­tent, opening the door to a wide range of applications for the PT-RZ670 and
1-chip DLP™
of colors
PT-R Z67 0
Dynamic Light Control for High 10,000:1* Contrast Ratio
The PT-RZ670 Series projectors directly control the output of the laser light source itself, enabling faster response than lamp-based pro­jectors. Frame-by-frame scene-linking modulation with complete digital control makes it possible to adjust the light output with higher precision. This gives the PT-RZ670 Series its remarkable 10,000:1*
contrast without lowering the bright-
ness in bright scenes. This enables highly pre-
cise contrast control even when bright and dark scenes suddenly or frequently interchange. There is also almost no reduction in contrast when the projector is used for extended periods of time.
Ideal White Balance for All Picture Modes: Superior Color Reproduction.
Unique, optimal Panasonic engineering eliminated the white segment from a conventional color wheel and achieved an ideal mixture of the four R, G, B, and Y colors to give the color wheel mechanism in the PT-RZ670 Series a greatly improved white balance. This takes full advan­tage of the SOLID SHINE Series to produce almost pure white even in Dynamic mode (bright­ness 6500 lm). And in other modes as well, optimally balanced, high-denition images are projected with little loss of brightness. Color reproduction approaches the level of our high-end agship models.
Detail Clarity Processor 3 Gives Natural Clarity to Even the Finest Details
This unique Panasonic circuit optimizes the sharpness of each image, based on the super­high-, high-, medium-, and low frequency compo­nents of the extracted image information. The resulting images have more natural, lifelike
Advanced Technologies for Excellent Image Quality
• 3D color management system • Full 10-bit image processing • Progressive cinema scan (3:2 pulldown) • Dynamic sharpness control
• Digital noise reduction • IP conversion
• AI scene control • 2:2 pulldown mode
• sRGB compatibility
Dual Drive Laser Optical Engine for Reliable 24/7 Operation
It is almost impossible to imagine that a laser light source would suddenly go blank. The Dual Drive Laser Optical Engine uses two sets of light sources that group laser diodes into a number of mod­ules. Based on redundant design, the laser diodes are put to considerable use, so over the long term, if a laser diode were to stop function­ing, a protective circuit would activate to keep the brightness drop extremely small. Even if this were to happen during 24/7 operation, it would not result in downtime. The dual drive structure also keeps the optical engine output uniformly bright and colorful even if the light source’s original brightness is different due to aging degradation.
Long-Lasting Image Quality Featuring Constant Brightness Modes
While the brightness of a conventional lamp­based projector drops rapidly due to deterioration over time, the brightness of the laser light source decreases gradually (exhibiting a linear decrease over the time of usage). The PT-RZ670 Series maintains high brightness for 20,000 hours* more. In addition, built-in brightness and color sensors optimally maintain brightness and color balance with high precision, to dramatically suppress the effects of time-related deterioration. Together with a durable optical system, the PT-RZ670 Series maintains excellent picture quality for a long period of time. In many cases, this means no maintenance for about 20,000 hours.*
• Approx. 20,000 Hours*3 of Continuous
NORMAL mode with brightness of 6,500 lm,
In the PT-RZ670 Series projector requires no main­tenance for approximately 20,000 hours.*
In ECO mode with brightness of 5,200 lm, this is further reduced, with no need to change the light source for approximately 24,000 hours.*
These modes are suitable for frequent but not continuous usage, such as education or signage applications.
Brightness Deterioration Comparison
4,000 hr s
0 20,00010,000
• Constant Brightness Modes for Long-
Term Applications for up to 10 Years*
PT-R Z67 0/RW 630
20,000 hrs
Installation conditions for surveillance applications such as control rooms, simulations, and museum exhibits do not always require the high bright­ness of 6,500 lm.*
Lowering the output of the
laser light source extends its life span. With this
Constant Brightness Modes
43,80 0 hrs
1,800 lm
5 yrs
61,320 hrs
87,600 hrs
1,30 0 lm
10 yrs7 yrs
2,30 0 lm
feature in mind, the PT-RZ670 Series has been equipped with operating modes that lengthen the usage time and maintain a constant brightness. For instance, in to 87,600 hours* about 10 years*
LONG LIFE 3 mode, it boasts up
of continuous operation, i.e.,
of 24/7 projection, while main-
taining xed brightness and picture quality.
• User Operating Mode
In addition to the preset operating modes, the PT-RZ670 Series can be customized to match your application—with greater brightness or a longer life. You can set the brightness to range from 1,500 to 6,500 lm,* a maximum of 10 years,*
Powerful Cooling System Maintains Stable Operation up to 45°C*
or set the lifetime for
whichever you choose.
The PT-RZ670 Series employs a specially devel­oped cooling system for the laser light source to suppress temperature rises, allowing stable oper­ation up to an ambient temperature of 45°C
The use of this cooling system also achieves quiet operation of 35 dB, enabling viewers to concentrate on the projected content. And the system is also well suited to installation in libraries and museums.
• Liquid Cooling System for Laser Light
The liquid cooling system directly cools the laser light source modules. This enables the PT-RZ670 Series to operate even in an ambient tempera­ture of up to 45°C (113°F).*
The system is hermetically sealed for stable operation.
Dust-Resistant Structure with an Airtight Optical Block
The area between the laser light source to the
chip and prism is sealed to form an air-
DLP tight structure for the optical block, the heart of the projector. The PT-RZ670 Series is tested in harsh environments with dust levels of
0.15 mg/m
.*7 This has made it possible to achieve a construction that minimizes the decrease in brightness due to dust. This resists the effects of dust and other particles in the air, and enables use of the projector in a wide range of environments.
1 For 1-chip DLP
2 Panasonic standard value when shipped.
3 At this time the brightness will have decreased to
approximately 1/2 of its original level. Have the store where you purchased the unit perform cleaning after approximately 20,00 0 hours. The light source’s life­time may be shortened due to environmental condi­tions. Dustproof tests are conducted to confirm effec­tiveness, under conditions of 0.15 mg/m late matter (based on tests by the A merican S ociety of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHARE), and the Japanese Building Maintenance Association). Measurements are made using acceleration tests.
4 With
5 With
of other par ts than the light source may be required in a shorter period. 24 hours/day × 365 days/year × 10 years = 87,600 hours.
6 If the ambient temperature exceeds 3 5°C (95°F )
when used in locations from 0 m to 2,700 m (0 f t to 8,858 f t) above sea level, or if it exceeds 25 °C (77 °F) when used in locations from 2,700 m to 4,2 00 m (8,858 ft to 13,780 ft ) above sea level, the light out­put may be reduced to protect the projector.
7 Based on tests by the A merican Society of Heating,
Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (
ASHARE), and the Japanese Building Maintenance
projectors, as of July 2 014.
of particu-
DYNAMIC CONTRAST mode set to 3. OPERATING MODE set to LONG LI FE 3. Replacement
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