Panasonic PT-RZ370U, PT-RZ370 Specification

Pro du c t Nu mb e r : PT-RZ370
Pro du c t Na me : DLP
As of D ecemb er 201 2. Specifications and appearance are subject to change without not ice.
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Specifi cat ions

Main unit
Power supply Power consumption
DLP™ chip Panel size
Display method
Pixels Lens Throw ratio Light source Screen size Brightness* Center-to-corner uniformity* Contrast* Resolution
Scanning frequency HDMI/DVI-I (digital)
Optical axis shift Keystone correction range Installation Terminals HDMI IN
DVI-I (analog)/RGB
R, G, B
Y, PB, PR (Y, CB, CR )
P T-RZ370
100 – 240 V AC, 5.2–2.0 A, 50/60 Hz 460 W (470 VA) (250 W*1with LI GHT P OWE R set to NO RMAL , 200 W*1with LI GHT P OWE R set to Ecosave1, 178 W*1with LI GHT P OWE R set to Ecosave2. 0.5 W with
16.5 mm (0.65 in) diagonal (16:9 aspect ratio) DLP™ chip × 1, DLP™ system 2,073,600 (1,920 × 1,080) × 1, total of 2,073,600 pixels Manual zoom (2.0×), manual focus, F 2.0–3.4, f 21.5–43.0 mm
1.46–2.94:1 LED/laser-combined (R, B: LED; G: laser diode)
1.02 – 7.62 m (40 – 300 inches) diagonally, 16:9 aspect ratio 3,500 lumens 90% 10,000:1 (full on/off) 1,920 × 1,080 pixels (Input signals that exceed this resolution will be converted to 1,920 × 1,080 pixels.) fH: 27– 100 kHz, fV:24–120 Hz, dot clock: 25–162 MHz fH: 15– 100 kHz, fV :24–120 Hz, dot clock: 162 MHz or lower 480i (525i): fH 15.75 kHz; fV 60 Hz, 576i (625i): fH 15.63 kHz; fV 50 Hz, 480p (525p): fH 31.50 kHz; fV 60 Hz, 576p (625p): fH 31.25 kHz; fV 50 Hz, 720 (750) /60p: fH 45.00 kHz; fV 60 Hz, 720 (750)/50p: fH 37.50 kHz; fV 50 Hz, 1035 (1125)/60i: fH 33.75 kHz; fV 60 Hz, 1080 (1125)/60i: fH 33.75 kHz; fV 60 Hz, 1080 (1125)/50i: fH 28.13 kHz; fV 50 Hz, 1080 (1125)/25p: fH 28.13 kHz; fV 25 Hz, 1080 (1125)/24p: fH 27.00 kHz; fV 24 Hz, 1080 (1125)/24sF: fH 27.00 kHz; fV 48 Hz, 1080 (1125)/30p: fH 33.75 kHz; fV 30 Hz, 1080 (1125)/60p: fH 67.50 kHz; fV 60 Hz, 1080 (1125)/50p: fH 56.25 kHz; fV 50 Hz fH: 15.75 kHz, fV: 60 Hz [NTSC/NTSC4.43/PAL-M/PAL60] fH: 15.63 kHz, fV: 50 Hz [PAL/PAL-N/SECAM] Vertical: +73%, -48% (manual), horizontal: +27%, -35% (manual) Vertical: ±40° Ceiling/floor, front/rear HDMI 19-pin × 1, HDCP compatible, Deep Color compatible
480p (525p), 576p (625p), 720 (750)/60p, 720 (750)/50p, 1080 (1125)/60i, 1080 (1125)/50i, 1080 (1125)/25p, 1080 (1125)/24p, 1080 (1125)/24sF, 1080 (1125)/30p, 1080 (1125)/60p, 1080 (1125)/50p, VGA (640 × 480) – WUXGA*4(1,920 × 1,200), compatible with non­interlaced signals only, dot clock: 25–162 MHz, audio signal: linear
PCM (sampling frequencies: 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 32 kHz) DVI-I 29-pin × 1 DVI 1.0 compliant, HDCP compatible, for single link only
480p, 576p, 720/60p, 720/50p, 1080/60i, 1080/50i, 1080/24p,
1080/24sF, 1080/25p, 1080/30p, 1080/60p, 1080/50p,
VGA (640 × 480) – WUXGA*4(1,920 × 1,200), compatible with non-
interlaced signals only, dot clock: 25–162 MHz R: 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ohms, G: 0.7 Vp-p (G: 1.0 Vp-p for sync on G), 75 ohms, B: 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ohms HD/VD, SYNC: TTL, high impedance, positive/negative automatic
NOT E: HD/S YNC , and VD term ina ls do not acc ept tri- level sync signa ls .
Y: 1.0 Vp-p (including sync signal), PB/PR (CB/CR): 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ohms
, 8Wwith STAND BY MO DE set to NOR MAL)
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Power cord length Cabinet materials Dimensions (W × H × D)
Weight* Operation noise*
Operating temperature Operating humidity
R, G, B
B, PR (Y, CB, CR )
P T-RZ370
D-sub HD 15-pin (female) × 1 R: 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ohms, G: 0.7 Vp-p (G: 1.0 Vp-p for sync on G), 75 ohms, B: 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ohms HD/VD, SYNC: TTL, high impedance, positive/negative automatic
NOT E: HD/S YNC , and VD term ina ls do not acc ept tri- level sync signa ls .
Y: 1.0 Vp-p (including sync signal), PB/PR (CB/CR): 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ohms RCA pin × 1, 1.0 Vp-p, 75 ohms M3 (L, R) × 1, 0.5 Vrms M3 (L, R) × 1 (monitor out: 0– 2.0 Vrms, variable) D-sub 9-pin (female) × 1 for external control (RS-232C compliant) RJ-45 × 1 for network and DIGITAL LINK (video/audio/network/serial control) connection, 100Base-TX, compatible with PJLink™,
HDCP compatible, Deep Color compatible, 480p (525p), 576p (625p), 720 (750)/60p, 720 (750)/50p, 1080 (1125)/60i, 1080 (1125)/50i, 1080 (1125)/25p, 1080 (1125)/24p, 1080 (1125)/24sF, 1080 (1125)/30p, 1080 (1125)/60p, 1080 (1125)/50p, VGA (640 × 480) – WUXGA*4(1,920 × 1,200), compatible with non­interlaced signals only, dot clock: 25–162 MHz,
3.0 m (9 ft10 in) Molded plastic 455 × 137*5× 415 mm (17-29/32 × 5-13/32*5× 16-11/32 inches) (lens included) Approx. 11.0 kg (24.3 lbs) 35 dB (LI GHT S OURC E MOD E: NORMAL ), 29 dB (LI GHT S OURC E MOD E: LOW) 0 – 45 °C (32–113 °F)* 20%– 80% (no condensation)
Wireless remote control unit
Power supply Operation range*
3 V DC (R6/LR6/AA type battery × 2) Approx. 15 m (49 ft3 in) when operated from directly in front of the
signal receptor Dimensions (W × H × D) Weight
48 × 163 × 24.5 mm (1-13/32 × 6-5/8 × 31/32 inches)
Approx. 117 g (4.1 oz) (including batteries)
Supplied accessories
Power cord with security lock (× 1) (Power cord × 2 for PT-RZ370EA)
Wireless remote control unit (× 1)
Batteries for remote control (R6/LR6/AA type × 2)
Software CD-ROM (Logo Transfer Software, Multi Projector Monitoring
& Control Software) (× 1)
Optional accessories
Digital Interface box Ceiling mount bracket
ET-PKR100H (for high ceilings)
ET-PKR100S (for low ceilings)
Wei ght s and dime nsi on s sho wn are appro xi ma te. Spec ifica ti ons and app ea ran ce are subj ec t to cha nge with ou t noti ce .
1 In STAN DAR D/ GRAPH IC picture mode. Meas ure d bas ed on the pow er con su mp tio n rat e and a mea surem ent meth od fo r the TV recei ve r.
2 Whe n the
can be rece ive d f or exte rn al con tr ol usi ng the ser ial term inal.
3 Mea su rem en t, mea su ri ng con di tions , and me th od of not at io n all com pl y with ISO 211 18 in te rn ati on al st an dar ds .
4 WUX GA re sol ut io n is supp or ted only when th e sig nal s are co mp lia nt with VE SA CV T-RB (Co ord in at ed Vid eo Ti mi ng- Re du ced Blan ki ng) .
5 Wit h leg s at shor te st po sit io n.
6 Ave rag e val ue . May dif fe r depe nd ing on the act ua l unit .
70–40 °C (32–10 4 °F) betw een 1,40 0 m and 2,700 m (4,5 93 ft and 8,8 58 ft) abov e sea le vel. If the ambi ent temp er atu re ex ce eds 35 °C (95 °F) , the
lig ht outp ut may be redu ced to prot ect the projec to r.
8 Ope ra tio n ran ge di ffe rs dependi ng on envi ron me nts .
STAN DBY MOD E is set to ECO, netw ork func ti ons such as power on over the LAN ne tw ork will not ope rat e. Also, only cert ain comm an ds
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415 (16-11/32)
409 (16-3/32)
455 (17-29/32)
23 45

Dimensi ons

P T-RZ370
uni t : m m (in ch) NOT E: This il lu str at io n is not dra wn to sc al e.


1 LAN / D IGI TAL LINK c onnector
2 HDMI i npu t
3 DVI-I input
4 Computer input
5 Vi deo input
6 Audio input
7 Audio outpu t
8 Serial in put
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