Panasonic PAN9026 Quick Start Manual

Wi-Fi Dual Band 2.4/5 GHz and Bluetooth Module
Quick Start Guide
Wireless Modules
PAN9026 Wi-Fi/BT Module
Quick Start Guide Rev. 1.1 Page 2
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PAN9026 Wi-Fi/BT Module
Quick Start Guide Rev. 1.1 Page 3
Table of Contents
1 About This Document ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Purpose and Audience .............................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Revision History ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Use of Symbols ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Related Documents ................................................................................................................... 5
2 Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Wi-Fi Features ........................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Bluetooth Features .................................................................................................................... 6
3 Installation ........................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Boot Card Setup ........................................................................................................................ 8
3.2 Device for Remote Control ........................................................................................................ 8
3.2.1 Disabling a Mobile Data Plan....................................................................................... 9
4 Basic Usage ...................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Basic Setup ............................................................................................................................. 10
4.2 Connecting to the Access Point ............................................................................................... 11
4.3 Remote Controlling the PAN9026-IMX .................................................................................... 12
4.4 Exploring the Wi-Fi Features ................................................................................................... 12
4.5 Exploring the Bluetooth Features ............................................................................................ 14
4.5.1 Bluetooth Low Energy AltBeacon .............................................................................. 15
4.5.2 Bluetooth Basic Rate A2DP audio sink ...................................................................... 16
5 Full Usage .......................................................................................................................................... 19
5.1 Full Setup ................................................................................................................................ 19
5.2 Login ........................................................................................................................................ 20
5.3 Audio Configuration ................................................................................................................. 21
5.4 Wi-Fi Configuration .................................................................................................................. 21
5.5 Network Access ....................................................................................................................... 23
6 Managing the Software Package ..................................................................................................... 24
6.1 Recreating the SD Card Image ................................................................................................ 24
6.1.1 Using Windows .......................................................................................................... 24
6.1.2 Using Linux ................................................................................................................ 24
6.2 Updating the Installation .......................................................................................................... 25
7 Troubleshooting................................................................................................................................ 29
7.1 Resize the Root Partition to Maximum Size ............................................................................. 29
7.2 Fix a Non-Booting System ....................................................................................................... 29
7.3 Update the System .................................................................................................................. 29
8 Contact Details .................................................................................................................................. 30
8.1 Contact Us ............................................................................................................................... 30
8.2 Product Information ................................................................................................................. 30
PAN9026 Wi-Fi/BT Module
1 About This Document
Quick Start Guide Rev. 1.1 Page 4
1 About This Document
1.1 Purpose and Audience
This Quick Start Guide explains how to setup the PAN9026-IMX which consists of a Wandboard Dual (WB-IMX6U-BW) and the PAN9026-MSD.
It describes the basic usage modes and gives an introduction to the software that is provided. The document is intended for software engineers.
1.2 Revision History
Initial version
Formal and structure changes
1.3 Use of Symbols
Indicates important information for the proper use of the product. Non-observance can lead to errors.
Indicates important notes that, if not observed, can put the product’s functionality at risk.
Tip Indicates useful information designed to facilitate working with the module.
[chapter number]
[chapter title]
Cross reference
Indicates cross references within the document.
Description of the symbols used in this document  1.3 Use of Symbols.
Indicates a requirement that must be met before the corresponding tasks can be completed.
Result Indicates the result of a task or the result of a series of tasks.
This font
GUI text
Indicates fixed terms and text of the graphical user interface.
Example: Click Save.
PAN9026 Wi-Fi/BT Module
1 About This Document
Quick Start Guide Rev. 1.1 Page 5
Menu > Menu item
Indicates a path, e.g. to access a dialog.
In the menu, select File > Setup page.
This font
File names, messages, user input
Indicates file names or messages and information displayed on the screen or to be selected or entered by the user.
pan1760.c contains the actual module initialization. The message Failed to save your data is displayed. Enter the value Product 123.
[ Key ]
Key Indicates a key on the keyboard, e.g. [ F10 ].
1.4 Related Documents
Please refer to the Panasonic website for more information as well as related documents
8.2 Product Information.
PAN9026 Wi-Fi/BT Module
2 Overview
Quick Start Guide Rev. 1.1 Page 6
2 Overview
The PAN9026-IMX is a development platform for the Wi-Fi/BT PAN9026 module. The PAN9026 module requires a fairly powerful host processor that executes both the low-level
Wi-Fi driver as well as some high-level Wi-Fi application software. Because of this, the Wandboard was chosen as the hardware platform. It is based on the
well-known and powerful NXP i.MX6 processor and provides a separate µSD card slot for attaching peripheral devices like the PAN9026-MSD.
A Linux-based installation was chosen as the software platform. The Linux kernel provides an established environment for running a Wi-Fi driver and the available Wi-Fi applications make it possible to use the PAN9026 module to its full extend.
Two different software environments are available for the PAN9026-IMX. First, an Ubuntu Linux based environment is available to showcase all the different possibilities
of the PAN9026 module, which also allows the user to experiment with the system using a graphical user interface. This environment is described in this Quick Start Guide.
Second, a Yocto Project Linux based environment is available to showcase the easy integration into a customer-specific build environment. This environment is described in the Development Guide which is available separately.
Both environments provide access to the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth features of the PAN9026 module by supplying a web server running on a Wi-Fi access point. After a connection to that access point has been established, it is possible to interact with the PAN9026 module with the browser.
The Ubuntu Linux based environment additonally provides a graphical user interface that many are familiar with and that allows the user to explore the PAN9026 module using a full-featured Linux desktop environment.
Please refer to the Panasonic website for related documents  8.2 Product Information.
2.1 Wi-Fi Features
The PAN9026 module provides a web server interface through a Wi-Fi access point that devices can connect to.
It can simultaneously connect to another Wi-Fi access point and relay any internet connectivity from there.
All Wi-Fi features can be controlled from the GUI as well.
2.2 Bluetooth Features
It is possible to select different Bluetooth applications through the user interface provided by the web server.
The Bluetooth Basic Rate A2DP profile allows the PAN9026-IMX to become a Bluetooth audio sink. It is possible to playback audio from a remote device that is connected via Bluetooth Basic Rate.
Alternatively the PAN9026-IMX may become a Bluetooth Low Energy proximity beacon using the AltBeacon Protocol, which may be used for indoor navigation.
All Bluetooth use cases have been implemented using Blue SDK from OpenSynergy.
PAN9026 Wi-Fi/BT Module
3 Installation
Quick Start Guide Rev. 1.1 Page 7
3 Installation
The PAN9026-IMX consists of the following components:
PAN9026-MSD – µSD card form factor  Wandboard Dual (WB-IMX6U-BW)  USB Power cable as power supply  µSD card with Ubuntu Linux image (already inserted)
The following additional components are not included, but may be required depending on the use case:
USB hub (the Wandboard only has a single USB connector)  RS232 serial connection cable (interface the built-in UART port to a control PC)  HDMI cable and HDMI monitor or TV set (show the GUI of the Ubuntu Linux)  USB mouse and USB keyboard (interface with Ubuntu Linux)  USB memory stick (transfer data to and from the PAN9026-MSD)  Headphones with 3.5 mm jack (listen to Bluetooth audio)
Some Wi-Fi capable device like a mobile phone or a tablet
PAN9026 Wi-Fi/BT Module
3 Installation
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3.1 Boot Card Setup
The Wandboard actually consists of two separate parts: the Baseboard that contains all the connectors and a system-on-module that contains the i.MX6 processor.
The system-on-module is located on the back of the Wandboard and may have a heat-spreader covering the processor.
The Wandboard has two µSD card slots: one for the boot medium, which is located on the system-on-module, and one for peripheral devices, which is located on the Baseboard.
Ideally the µSD card with the Ubuntu Linux image is already inserted in the µSD card slot on the system-on-module so that the Wandboard will boot from it.
If not, please notice that the µSD card slot of the system-on-module can be found on the left side when the Wandboard is turned around and the audio connectors are facing downwards:
If the µSD card needs to be changed, gently press the connector and the µSD card will spring out.
Please remember the orientation of the contacts – the contacts must face upwards when the µSD card is inserted.
3.2 Device for Remote Control
Certain functions of the PAN9026-IMX can be remote controlled via Wi-Fi, so a Wi-Fi capable device for controlling is needed.
For the sake of simplicity it is assumed that an Android mobile phone is used for this purpose, but other devices may be used as well.
PAN9026 Wi-Fi/BT Module
3 Installation
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3.2.1 Disabling a Mobile Data Plan
If you are using a mobile device that has a SIM card which supports a mobile data plan for accessing the internet, then it is recommended to switch off the mobile data plan while working with the PAN9026-IMX.
The main reason to do so is that the Wi-Fi access point provided by the PAN9026 module initially does not provide access to the internet.
If a mobile plan is available then Android may route any network traffic through the mobile data plan to the internet, instead of using the seemingly non-functional access point.
In order to avoid confusion, and force Android to route the network traffic through the access point of the PAN9026, it is recommended that the mobile data plan is switched off.
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