Dinnissen offers you one-stop-shopping,
in bulk solids applications
Dinnissen Proces s Tech n o l o g y
Dinnissen is a special i s t in the w o rld o f
bulk m a t e r i als an d process technolog y.
Wi th over 115 permanent empl o y e e s
and an e x t e n s i v e network o f agents, we
operate w o r l d-wide i n the most d i v e rse
industries. We look for in n o v ations
and marke t developments t h a t have a
demonstrable benefit for our cus t o m e r s
and help us develop new products.
Improved ergono m i c s , e fficiency and
hygiene are of paramount imp o r t a n c e i n
this. Our proces s k n o w - how, in-hou s e
manufacturing, systems in t e g r ation,
custom-made products, wide ra n g e
of specially de v e l oped machines an d
excellent s e r v i c e ultimately m a k e us
what we a r e. D i nnissen – t he s p ecialist
in process techn o l o g y !
Pa ckagin g
Details make the dif fer e n c e
Due to the arrival of advanced packaging, fi lling
possibilities have increased tremendously. Dinnissen
can help you package your goods effi ciently,
hygienically and safely so that an optimal logistical
solution is reached - as part of a total process or as
a project in itself. Whether you are fi lling one Big Bag
per week or 50 every hour. And in particularly if your
food, feed, chemical or pharmaceutical requirements
are more specifi c - Dinnissen is the company for
Fast and accurate feeding
Do you want to feed large amounts quickly from a
weighing silo or direct using feeding elements, a
feeding valve, a screw or chain conveyor, vibratory
feeder or rotary valve? We can provide you with the
most effi cient solution for your application.
Dust emission and the prevention of product loss
Of course, it is essential to minimise dust emission
and product loss during the packaging process.
The solutions we apply here are among others a
sophisticated extraction system, the correct design of
the fi lling head or the sealing of Big Bags.
Inert packaging
We can help you package sensitive,
hygroscopic, toxic and other critical products
under special gas conditions (e.g. CO2 and
N2). Specially ventilated or conditioned areas
with fast-closing doors are included in our
Reliable volume and weight measurement
We offer a range of solutions for the optimal
determination of the correct contents of
your Big-Bag - weighing systems, high-level
detectors and level sensors.
Effi cient operation and hygiene
Speed and effi cient operation are important
factors in ensuring your production process
is as effi cient as possible. For this reason we
pay a great deal of attention to ergonomics.
Aspects such as arranging operating elements
on one level, the accessibility of hooks,
swivelling fi ller heads and twister heads are
given due attention.