This document describes mainly the software issues about Panasonic Color Laser Printer KX-P8420 including the
explanation of basic features, software problems, troublesh ooting, etc.
Troubleshootings included in this document are also included in Panasonic KX-P8420 home page where the
customers can access to.
The most of the content of this document also applies to the printer part of Panasonic latest CSP model KX-P8100.
Please note that this document can be disclosed exclusively for persons in charge of services on KME color
products at Panasonic sal es companies because some information is related to the Service mode or factory setting.
The content itself can be reve ale d to the customers except for the items mentioned above.
Please refer to this document for your service activities regarding KX-P8420 software problems.
We hope that this document will be helpful and thank you in advance for your reading this document attentively.
1. KX-P8420 Color Features
2. KX-P8420 Color Calibration methods
3. KX-P8420 Consumables management
4. KX-P8420 Driver Features
5. KX-P8420 Driver and Utilities Setup
6. KX-P8420 Font Management
7. KX-P8420 WebTools
8. KX-P8420 Network General/Setup
9. Application Notes
10. KX-P8420 related miscellaneous topics
1.KX-P8420 Color fe ature
The KX-P8420 uses a simple and flexib le color architecture that produces e xcel lent color results with def ault settings .
It also allows you to customize your color results using various color co ntrols.
Settings for the following KX-P8420 options can be specified via print dialog box options when you send a job.
This document describes how these options work on the color quality.
Color rendering Dictionaries(CRD)
Before an RGB image can be printed, the file color data must be converted to the printer CMYK color space.
Color rendering dictionaries (CRDs) are used to perform color conversions on RGB color space to CMYK color
space. The follo wing table describes the CRDs for KX-P8420 software and provides guid elines on when to use ea ch
one. Each color rendering style uses a different gamut mapping method, such as Photographic or Presentation,
designed for a particular kind of color usage.
Rendering styleBest used for
rendering style maps out-of-gamut RGB colors to printable colors in a way that retains
differences in lightness. Color accuracy is sacrificed slightly in favor of presenting color
relationships in the way the human eye perceives them. Photographic rendering typically
gives less saturated output wh en printing out-of-gamut RGB colors than
Presentation Color rendering does.
printed colors precisely to displayed colors but instead provides vibrant, dense colors.
Photographic images, ho we ver, are treated the similar wa y a s by the Photog raphi c rendering
transparency paper.
—Preserves tonal relationships in images rather than exact colors. This
—Creates bright saturated colors. This rendering style does not try to match
— Improves the co rresponden ce betw een monito r colors and printed color on
Continuous tone
including scans and
images from stock
photograph y CDs
Artwork and graphs
in presentations and
normal text file.
Artwork and graphs
printed on
transparency paper
-The rendering styles referred to in the table cannot be used when selecting host based color management system
such as ColorSync or ICM.
-Color rendering dictionaries cannot be used with CMYK files.
If you select ColorWise tab in Windows95 KX-P8420 Printer properties. In this tab, you can specify the various
P8420 color features described below. The screen is different depending on the platfor m you use, but the available
features are basically the same .
ColorWise Business Color
This option is available only with Windows95 driver and selected as the default option in ColorWise tab of the
Driver. Select ColorWise Business Color to automatically apply the Presentation color rendering dictionary to
illustration and text objects in a document, and the Photographic CRD to photographic objects. These CRDs
selection are also applied to the driver on ot her platforms(Win3.1,NT,Macintosh) as the def ault selections of CRDs.
ColorWise Business Color is ideal for plain paper documents containing a mixture of graphic and text elements .
Thus in most cases this option suits well for printing the document created using standard applications.
- If ColorWise Business Color is chosen, and Transparency is selected as the media type to print on, the
Transparency CRD will be automatically applied to text, illustrations, and photographic objects in the document.
ColorWise Expert Mode
Although selecting ColorWise Business Color produces excellent color quality in most cases, there may be times
customers want to adjust the color quality to their preferences.
By selecting ColorWise Expert Mode, KX-P8420 Windows95 driver enable them to do so using advanced options
such as CRDs selection, RGB source, Press simulation. The setting of these options can be changed without
selecting ColorWise Expert Mode with the driver on other platforms(Win3.1,NT,Macintosh).
- Applying Photographic CRD to illustration and text objects may cause the unexpected print quality such as the
obscure characters.
- In most cases, applying Presentation CRD to image objects does not make the obvious difference on the color
quality, but the subtle difference.
- Selecting CRD is not effective when you print CMYK files.
RGB Source
PostScript RGB data is converted to CMYK data using the specified CRD. This type of RGB data contains its own
source color space information which is used as a reference point for the conversion. The RGB Source option is
used to provide a source color space definition for RGB data in your document.
RGB sourceDescription
Apple Standard
In general, selecting Apple Standard produces the brightest color output followed by EFIRGB, then sRGB.
The source color space defined by this setting is optimal for color conversions that will be sent
to a KX-P8420 print device. It also allows for consistent output across different operating
The sRGB (PC) setting specifies the source space of a generic Windows computer monitor.
The Apple Standard setting specifies the source space of all standard Macintosh computer
- Selecting RGB source is not effective when you print CMYK files.
If you are using the KX-P8420 to print proofs for an offset press job, select the appropriate CMYK Simulation setting.
The CMYK Simulation setting specifies the offset press standard that you want to simulate. The CMYK Simulation
setting you should specify depends on the press standard for which the CMYK data was separated. For example, f or
images that were separated for SWOP-Coated paper, select SWOP-Coated as the CMYK Simulation setting. Select
SWOP-Coated to simulate printing to a standard American offset press; Euroscale to simulate a European offset
press, or DIC to simulate a standard Japanese offset press. For images that were separated using a custom
separation (such as a device -specific separation or a separation produced with an ICC-profile), select None as
the CMYK Simulation setting
- no simulation adjustments are made to the CMYK color data.
is a Japanese offset press standard of specifications for printing separations and proofs.
is a standard of specifications for printing separations a nd p roofs on coated paper.
is a European offset press standard of specifications f or printing separations and proofs.
- Simulation selection is applicable only to CMYK file.
Use the Brightness setting to increase or decrease the overall brightness of a document by a maximum of 15
percent. When you select 115%, the print outcome become darkest while you get the brightest outcome by selecti ng
ICM or ColorSync
ICM (Image Color Matching), ColorSync is a feature that allows closer color matching between what you see on the
screen and your printed output. Use ICM or ColorSync if you want to match printed pictures and bitmaps (for
example .bmp and .tif images) to the colors on the monitor. Clic k the O ption b utton to select an imag e color matching
method and rendering intent.
ICM is available only on Windows 95/98. Windows95 supports ICM1.0 and Windows98 supports ICM2.0. Both ICM
version support different CMM(color management module) and the pr int quality may differ slightly. P8420 supports
ICM version1.0, but can be used with ICM2.0. ColorSync version must be 2.01 or later.(MacOS7.6 or later).
If you want to use ColorSync, select “ColorSync Color Matching” or “PostScr ipt Color Matching” as Print Color after
selecting “Color Matching” from the pop-up menu under the Printer pop-up menu in the Print dialog box sho wn when
you select “Print” from file menu within application. If you do not want to use ColorSync, select “Color/G rayscale”.
To utilize these features, ICM or ColorSync ICC profile have to be installed. Please follow the instruction on the
Operating instruction.
Some advanced applications (ex. Photoshop,CorelPhoto) have proprietary CMS(color management system).
You can use P8420 profiles with those CMS. Please ref er to application manuals for more detail.
- It is not recommended to use these feature s be cause in m ost cases , you get the almost same output as you get by
using Colorwise Business color mode.
- When printing from Microsoft Office 97 applications, make sure the KX-P8420 ICM profile is not installed in the
Windows¥System¥Color f older. If the ICM profile is installed, Microsoft Office9 7 files importing JPEG, BMP, and TIFF
images may not be printed correctly. (Printed bluish) The same pro blem also happens when you create pdf file using
Adobe distiller after making ps file using P8420 driver.
- ICM profile is copied to the folder named Color under Windows System directory after installation. But you have to
activate it before using this feature. 1)Right click the ICM Profile named “Pakx2010.icm” 2)Click “Install in Place.”
- ICM is not copied if you install the KX-P8420 printer driver by using the Add Printer wizard. Copy the ICM profile
manually from KX-P8420 Driver & Utility CD-ROM (English¥Prntdrvr¥Disk1) to Windows¥System¥Color folder.
Install the ICM profile using the instructions above .
- ICM or ColorSync does not work with some features(CRD selection,GrayScale,RGB source) at the same time.
- ICM effect may differ from application to application.
Select Grayscale to print a document using 256 levels of gray. This option is useful for quickly producing preliminary
copies of color documents, or for producing documents to be fax ed.
- Many applications offer black and white or grayscale printing options. Use the application’s grayscale option, if
available, for more efficient processing time.
- To enable Grayscale in Windows 3.1, select None in all three CRD options in the Features tab.
- To enable Grayscale in Windows NT 4.0, select Document Defaults from the File menu in the Printers folder, and
select None in all three CRD options in the Advanced tab.
Three Color Mode
Select Three Color Mode to pr int a document using Cyan, Magenta and Yellow. Gray or Black are printed using
C,M,Y toner. Thus the darker area of the print outcome may have the poorer quality than normal printing mode using
CMYK toner. This option is useful for quickly producing draft copies of color documents.
- This option is only availa ble when the printer’s print resolution is set to 600 x 600 dpi.
- This option uses only the same default combination of CRDs used for ColorWise Business Color—the
Photographic CRD for photographic objects, and the Presentation CRD for illust ration and text objects.
Color Mode (CMYK/CMY/Grayscale)
With Windows3.1,NT,Macintosh driver, GrayScale or Three Color Mode can be selected by changing color Mode
Reference file
With PostScript applications, you can create colors using any of the color models supported by the application. All
PostScript applications support the CMYK model; some also suppor t the RGB model and other color models based
on monitor display values. PostScript applications also allow you to select named colors using one or more color
libraries, such as PANTONE. CMYK and PANTONE color reference pages are provided on the KX-P8420 to help
you specify the desired color in the application.
Driver & Utility CD-ROM includes the reference pages in the form of downloadable PostScript files.
CMYK Color Reference
The CMYK Color Reference is a PostScript file (, which can be printed using a PostScript downloader
utility, such as Fiery WebDownloader or from DOS prompt through parallel port by copy command (ex. copy prn). If the file has not already been installed in the Panasonic KX-P8420 directory on your hard disk
drive, you can copy it from the English>Clrfiles directory on the KX-P8420 Driver & Utility CD-ROM to a directory of
your choice.
Each of the 11 pages display swatches in graduated combinations of yellow, magenta, and cyan, and smaller
patches that include 25%, 50%, and 75% black. The process colors are shown in 10% increments. You can specify
these colors, and colors in between, in any application that allows you to define colors as CMYK percentages—and
use the pages to see how they will be printed on your particular printer.
The color output may not be fully match to the color y ou confirmed in the sw atches beca use the color output ma y
be affected by many aspects (driver settings, printer settings etc.), but should be very close to the color in the
swatches in normal usage.
PANTONE Coated Color Reference
The PANTONE Coated Color Reference is a PostScr ipt file (, which can be pr inted using a PostScr ipt
downloader utility, such as Fiery WebDownloader or from DOS prompt through parallel port by copy
command (ex. copy prn). If the file has not already been installed in the Panasonic KX-P8420 directory
on your hard disk drive , you can copy it from the English>Clrfiles directory on the KX-P8420 Driver &
Utility CD-ROM to a directory of your choice.
The PANTONE color matching system is a standard color system within the graphic arts and prepress industries. It
specifies hundreds of spot colors, each identified with a unique number. Each PANTONE color is simulated on the
printer by printing an appropriate combination of process (CMYK) colors. The ability to simulate PANTONE colors is
a basic form of color management.
You can choose PANTONE colors in any application that allows you to define colors as named PANTONE colors—
and use the pages to see how the y will be printed on your particular printer. This applies to Vecor graphic application
such as CorelDraw. For how to choose PANTONE colors in applilcations, please refer to the manual.
The Pantone color No. Is transmitted to the Printer with PS data and then conver ted to CMYK color using inter nal
Pantone color conversion table. Thus the color looks very similar to the color you confirmed in the swatches.
As for Raster graphic application such as Adobe Photoshop, PANTONE color is converted to CMYK color using the
table residing in the application. So the color output are not similar to the color in the swatches compared to the case
of Vector graphic application.
The output of Pantone color may be affected by driver settings. Please use the default colorwise settings. Select
“None” as simulation setting if selected otherwise. Select 100% as Brightness setting is selected otherwise. Or if you
have used the color adju stment on the front panel menu, reset the setting.
Trouble: The color of the printout is m uch differ from the color you see on the screen.
Possible Cause: Driver settings is n ot used.
Corrective Action: Please select 100% as “Brightness” setting in the Driver properties or select None as “Simulation”
setting in the Driver properties.
Possi ble Cause: Correct RGB source is not used.
Corrective Action: In the driver properties, you can define RGB source from one of 3 options. (AppleStandard,
EFIRGB, sRGB). If you are using Macintosh, it is most recommended to select AppleStandard. If you are using
standard PC, select EFIRGB or sRGB. If you are using Windows95 KX-P8420 driver, select ColorWise Expert mode
to check which RGB source are being used. Please note that this setting does not affect when you print CMYK file.
Possible Cause: Printer is not correctly calibrated.
Corrective Action: KX-P8420 provides 2 methods for calibr ating the printer (Bias Adjustment, Visual Calibration) and
another method to adjust the color output for the customer’s preference (Color Adjustment). Follow the instruction
described in the application manual.
Possi ble Cause: Screen monitor is not correctly calibrated.
Corrective Action: Some application like Photoshop can let you calibrate the monitor setting or specify monitor color
specification Follow the instruction described in the application manual.
2.KX-P8420 Color Calibration methods
Output from color print devices is subject to changes in temper ature and humidity , and is pron e to drift over time , with
a resulting loss in color predictability. Where color accuracy and consisten c y are crucial, regular
calibration of the KX-P8420 is necessary. The color output of your KX-P8420 color printer is adjusted using three
different methods: Bias Adjustment, VisualCal, and ColorWise Color Adjustment.
Bias Adjustment
Used to adjust the overall color density. The overall density drift slightly as the number of printed pages increases.
Especially, the overall density tends to increase gradually as the number of pages printed for current Imaging Unit
increases. Bias adjustment is used to compensate for this kind of density drift. If you think color output has become
too dark or too bright compared to previously printed pages, perform the Bias Adjustment. It is also recommended
that you perform the Bias Adjustment after replacing the color imaging unit and/or the toner cartridge(s).
Used to optimize the printer’s range of color density and to adjust gr a y balance. If y ou think the gr a y color in a printed
image does not appear to be a pure gray, perform the VisualCal after performing the Bias Adjustment.
Color Adjustment
Used to adjust the overall brightness of color output and saturation ofeach color. Perform the Color Adjustment
after the Bias Adjustment and VisualCal calibration to adjust color output to your preference.
Please note that Bias Adjustment and VisualCal is for calibrating the printer to obtain the best color performance
while color adjustment is for adjusting the color to the preference. Please be careful in doing color adjustment
because adjusting to the preference for a certain purpose does not always works well for the other pur pose. It is
more recommended to adjust color by using driver setting or Application feature than using Color Adjustment.
- You cannot perform VisualCal or ColorAdjustment if the printer display error or warning message(s). If you
encounter the message(s), be sure to troubleshoot them in advance.
- You cannot perform VisualCal or ColorAdjustment while you are opening KX-P8420 WebTools. Please close
WebTools in advance.
- If you unintentionally enter incorrect value(s) dur ing VisualCal or ColorAdjustment, you may see the unexpected
color output quality. In this case, Reset or redo VisualCal or ColorAdjustment.
Bias adjustment
The printer’s Bias Adjustment feature pro vide s basi c cont rol over the printer’s color production. The Bias Adjustment
screens, accessible via the front panel, allow you to override the printer’s current toner density and brightness
settings. Using the Bias Adjustment and calibration offset control s, y ou can increase or decrease the density of cy an,
magenta, yellow or black, and increase or decrease the overall brightness of all toner colors.
- Visual Calibration and Color Adjustment settings may affect the settings of Bias Adjustment.
— Reset VisualCal before performing the Bias Adjustment.
— Restore the settings in Color Adjustment to the default values (all 0) before using the Bias Adjustment.
- Changes made using Bias Adjustment are retained until the printer is recalibrated.
- The color density setting affect s the average life of toner.
- Save the Color Calibration Card for future calibrations.
Visual calibration
VisualCal TM is a calibration method that allows you to calibrate your printer to an ideal color output standard.
The calibration calculations performed by the controller softw are are base d on a series of values entered th rough the
front panel. The values used in the calculations are determined by evaluating toner densities and color combinations
produced on two specially designed calibration pages printed from the front panel.
Limit, 30% match calibration
The first VisualCal page, Limits, 30% Match, provides the basis for calculating the most acceptable luminosity
(brightness) of the toners. This page contains rows of CMYK dots in a graduated range of toner densities.
The variables needed to recalc ulate the
that can be fully distinguished against their fields in each row, and sequentially entering their
corresponding numeric values via the front panel. The variable needed to recalculate the
determined in a slightly different way- the user is required to identify the black dot which best matches a 30% dot
gain field. When all values have been entered, the printer’s toner density and luminosity settings are recalculated.
The human eye cannot distinguish the color very well if it is too bright or dar k. By eliminating the color range that is
difficult to distinguish, P8420 can take the most advantage of the available color density range and thus overall color
quality improves.
of the colored toners are determined by identifying the leftmost dots
of the toners is
1.Enter number of the first circle virtually separated from the blank background.
2.Enter number of the first circle virtually separated from the solid color background.
3.Repeat step1.2. for K,C,M,Y.
4.Hold the page at the arms length. Enter the n umber of the circle that best blends with the background.
*If any of the entered values for any colors are 9, the Limits and 30% Match page is reprinted automatically.
Repeat step1.2,3.4.
The second VisualCal page, Gray Balance, provides the basis for calculating a neutral gray balance, that is, a CMY
gray that as closely as possible matches a pure K (BlacK) gray produced by the printer’s engine. This page consists
of rows of CMY gray patches on a field of gray produced solely from black. The variables needed to calculate the
printer’s most neutral gray balance are deter mined by identifying the CMY patch that best matches this field, and
entering its row and column location on the front panel. When the values have been entered, the printer’s gray
balance is recalculated.
By pressing continue key on the front panel, the 2
line LCD shows the color corresponding each row of a
graybal an ce page succe ssively. Select the row that you think is the most suitable and enter press ke y. The sequence
of the color shown on LCD equals to the sequence of the color printed on graybalance page. For English, R(red)>Y(yellow)->G(green)->C(cyan)->B(blue)->M(magenta)->All.
1.Determine which patch composed of CMY toners have the most neutral gray that close to the background gray
composed of K toner.
2.Enter the value of row and column in front panel.
3.If the number of row is not 0, the Gray balance page is printed again. Repeat from 1.
4.When the current gray balance that is printed at row 0 matches most the background, gray balance is achieved.
Select 0 and continues.
Apply changes
Before applying the calibration changes compare the Color Test that uses the or iginal calibration values against the
Color Test that uses the new values. If you are satisfied with the printer’s calibration based on the new values, select
Yes from the Apply Changes screen that appears, and press the Enter button to recalibrate the printer based on the
previously entered values. If you are not satisfied with the printer’s calibration based on the new values, select No
from the Apply Changes screen that appears. Or if you want to reset the calibration, select Default.
Because the density level or color balance does not shift much in normal usage, the effect of VisualCal may not be
obvious in most cases. But if you feel the print quality has really deter iorated in a certain condition, this tool must
help improve the quality.
Operatin flow
The chart attached “<Char t of Panel & Key Operation - Visual Calibration - >” illustrates the flow of VisualCal. As
you can see, the operation has some flexibility such as enabling bypassing of Color Test Printing. You can also see,
at the end of the operation, you can make the selections effective or abort all selections or return to the default
- If you select other languages than English in front panel language menu, the language used in the printouts
change accordingly. For Graybalance selection, Italian and Spani sh version of a printout has a translation problem.
In Italian, Yellow and Green is not translated in the front panel and shown as “Y” and “G” whereas shown as “G” and
“V” in the printout.
In Spanish, Blue is shown as “N” in front panel whereas sho wn as “A” in the printout. Because the order shown in the
front panel and the printout is the same, select the value on the front panel considering the order.
- The color o utput might become a little darker after calibration.
- Though GrayBalacne page can be skipped in Operation, GrayBalance setting should not be skipped.
- You can check whether visual calibration is performed or not by looking at configuration page.
Color adjustment
The printer’s color adjustment feature provides additional creative control over printer’s color production. The color
adjustment screens, accessible via the front panel, allow you to override the printer’s current toner density and
brightness settings. Using the color adjustment controls, y ou can also increase or decrease the
brightness of an image, or you can increase or decrease the density of each the following colors: red, yellow, green,
cyan, blue or magenta. For example, you may choose to make the blues in an image look surreal
by increasing the density of the blue and the cyan in the image, and increasing the brightness setting.
- You can check how color adju stme nt is performed or not by looking at configuration page.
- You can adjust only one color at a time.
- If you increase Brightness value, the output become brighter while increasing Brightness value in Printer Driver
makes the output darker.
- Changes made using Color Adjustment are retained until the printer is recalibrated. Or reset the adjusted colors to
the last calibration made using the Reset All to 0 option in the Adjust Color screen; or recalibrate
the printer using VisualCal.
The chart attached “
In below chart,
Select “Reset All” to reset the adjustment of Colors.
<Chart of Panel & Key Operation - Color Adjustment - >”
illustrates the flow of Color
Select “Yes” to “ApplyChange” if you want to enable the selections or “No” if you do not.
Trouble: Visual Calibration or Color Adjustment can not be performed.
Corrective Action:
1)If error or warning messages are shown on front panel LCD, troubleshoot them.
2)If WebTools are used, close them first.
3)If still cannot be performed, turn off/on the printer and try again.
Trouble: A single color appears faded.
Possi ble Cause: The toner is almost depleted. Check the LCD message or maintenance menu on the front panel.
Corrective Action: Replace the color toner cartridge soon (depending on the complexity of your prints, you can
continue to print up to 100 more pages).
Possible Cause: The color density is set incorrectly in the printer panel.
Corrective Action: See “Chapter 7 Color Calibration” in Operating Instr uctions Manual. Color adjustment settings
may aff ect the color output. Reset the settings.
Trouble: Prints have dull, faded colors.
Corrective Action: Adjust or calibrate colors. See “Chapter 7 Color Calibration” in Operating Instructions manual.
Corrective Action: Make sure that the color imaging unit stays covered until immediately before installing it in the
printer. Exposure to light for more than 45 seconds can damage the color imaging unit.
Corrective Action: Make sure that the toner cartridges are installed correctly.
Corrective Action: Make sure that you use a high-quality laser paper: 60–105 g/m 2 (16-28 lbs.) paper in the media
trays and 75–165 g/m 2 (20–44 lbs.) paper in the multi-purpose tray.
Gray BalanceBest Patch (row)
Best Patch (row)0 * (-4 to 4)
Gray BalanceBest Patch (col)
Best Patch (col)R
Color T estColor Test
Color T est
Best Patch (col)
Best Patch (col)
Apply ChangesReady
Apply ChangesReady
Apply ChangesReady
<Chart of Panel & Key Operation - Color Adjustment - >
Color AdjustmentBrightness
Brightness0 * (-5 to 5)
1 (-5 to 5)
-1 (-5 to 5)
Adjust ColorRed
Red0* (-5 to 5)
Adjust ColorYellow
Yellow0* (-5 to 5)
Adjust Color
Adjust None
1 (-5 to 5)
-1 (-5 to 5)
Adjust ColorReset All
Reset AllNo
Reset All
Color T estColor Test
Color T est
Apply ChangesReady
Apply ChangesReady
3.KX-P8420 Consumable management
User replaceable components
When the printer panel indicates that a supply needs to be replaced, make sure that you have replacement supplies
on hand. The printer may continue to print until the supply is completely used up; but then it stops until you replace
the indicated supply.
1.Printer component:
“Image Unit wearing out.”
- Change the color imaging unit soon.
- Monochrome 57,000 pages or color 14,250 pages. Also uses pixel counter value (96B pixel) to check wearing out
status. When the number of pages reaches above numbers or pixel counter value reaches above value, it shows
wearing out status.
“Imaging Unit Worn out.”
- Change the color imaging unit now.
- Monochrome 60,000 pages or Color 15,000 pages. Also uses pixel counter value (101B pixel) to check worn out
status. When the number of pages reaches above numbers or pixel counter value reaches above value, it shows
worn out status.
2.Printer component:
“Low <Color> Toner”
- Change the color toner cartridge soon.
- 12,000 pages (Black) or 10,000 pages (CMY) * These figures are based on an average of 5% coverage of the
printable area and standard density for any one color.
Color Imaging Unit *1
Toner Cartridge *1, *2
- Low toner status is detected by the sensor inside the printer engine , so the number of pages vary depending on the
“<Color> Toner Empty”
- Change the color toner cartridge now.
- When 1.2B pixels are consumed after Toner low messa ge is shown.
After the toner is replaced while Low <Color> toner or <Color>Toner empty message are shown, KX-P8420
recognizes the toner replacement if the sensor detects “not toner empty” status for more than 400 image.
Fuser unit*3 (oil supply roll installed)
“Fuser Unit wearing out ” alternates with “Oil Roll wearing out “
- Change the Fuser unit soon.
28,500 pages
Also uses pixel counter v alue which corresp onding to 30K sheet a v era ging 5% cov er age to chec k w earing out status.
When the number of pages reaches above numbers or pixel counter value reaches above value, it shows above
“Fuser Unit and Oil Roll Worn out”
- Change the Fuser unit now.
- 31,000 pages
*Paper 2
side,transparency,coated paper,Label,envelope are counted as 2 pages for 1 copy.
4. Oil supply roll*3
“Oil Roll wearing out”
- Change the Oil supply roll now.
- 15,000 pages
“Oil Roll Worn out”
- Change the Oil supply roll now.
- 15,500 pages
*coated paper is counted as 2 pages for 1 copy.
*It is recommended to replace the cleaning pad when “Oil Roll W earing out” or “Oil Roll W orn out” message is sho wn.
The cleaning pad comes with Option Oil supply roll.
5. Transfer unit*4
“Transfer wearing out “
- Change the Transfer unit soon.
- 80,000 pages
* 1 These figures are based on an average of 5% coverage of the pr intable area and standard density for any one
color (refer to Example A below left: Monochrome 5% coverage). 4 colors (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and
Black) are used for full color print. The frequency of replacement will vary, depending on the complexity of the prints
and the percentage of coverage of each color and pr int density. Example B below r ight is the case of full color print.
The percentage of coverage of each color is as follows. Cyan: 40%, Magenta: 22%, Yellow:
35%, Black: 20% If you continuously print with this setting, the average life of the Color Imaging Unit will be
shortened to about 2,500 pages. You can get the idea how much percentage of coverage is used in your document
by checking the values shown on Front panel “Image Area” menu. Please refer to the later chapter in this document.
*2 The star ter car tr idges that ship with the printer have an average life of approximately 3,000 pages, based on an
average of 5% coverage.
* 3 Specialty media (Transparencies, coated paper, etc.) will result in shortening the life of a consumab l e to maintain
better print quality. When replacing the fuser unit, replace the oil supply roll as well. Do not insert
the used oil supply roll into the new fuser unit; it may damage the new fuser unit.
4 When you have just replaced Transfer unit, you must select Yes in the New Transfer Unit menu. See next section.
- If you print with high density when Low <Color> Toner is displayed, you may get faded printout before <Color>
Toner Empty is displayed.
- Please use the consumables specified by Panasonic sales company because these parts may differ depedinging
on the model No or the region.
Displaying the life of supplies and coverage of toner
KX-P8420 has a front panel menu function to show ho w much percentage of each consumable life remains to
be used. Please note that the values shown here is just the approximate value and are not always correct. So the
consumable wearing warning message might occur regardless of the displayed values.
Maintenance menu
Page Count - sho ws the pages your KX-P8420 has printed since your
purchase of the printer.
Toner Cartridge - shows the percentage of CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW and BLACK toner cartridges remaining.
- The remaining value of Toner become 0% when Low <Color> Toner message is shown. The value retur n to 100%
after the toner is replaced. Or may become 100% before replacement because of toner low sensor instability.
The printer recognize the toner replacement if low toner is not detected more than 400 pag es.
- The value become incorrect when the replaced cartr idge is a starter kit because P8420 assumes new cartridge is
not a starter kit.
- If you replace the toner cartridge before Low <Color> Toner or <Color> Toner Empty is displayed, the value of the
toner cartridge remaining will be incorrect.
- The rem aining value depends on how much coverage in the printable area are used.
- Theoretically the remaining value should be around 0% just before Low <Color> Toner message is shown. But
actually it does not especially when an average of coverage is too large or small. Because actual toner usage
depends on many factors(ex. coverage, printing pattern, temperature) When the average is too large, the value tend
to become 0% long before Low <Color> Toner message is shown.
Imaging Unit - shows the percentage of the life of color imaging unit remaining.
Transfer Unit - shows the percentage of the Transfer unit remaining.
It shows the percentage of the Transfer unit remaining.
New Transfer Unit (No/Yes)
You must select Yes when you have just replaced Transfer unit. The life will be reset to 100% remaining by selecting
Fuser Unit - shows the percentage of the Fuser unit remaining.
*The remaining value may not be correct if high duty printing (large coverage) continues because this percentage
is only calculated using the number of sheet consumed and pixel counter values are not used.
Oil Roll - shows the percentage of the Oil roll remaining.
Image Area
Last— shows the percentage of the whole printable area covered by each toner in the previously printed page. This
menu cannot show the value correctly just after the printer was turned on.
CYAN: ###%
YELLOW: ###%
BLACK: ###%
Average— shows the average percentage of the printable area covered by each toner of all pages printed since the
toner replacement.
CYAN: ###%
YELLOW: ###%
BLACK: ###%
Service mode menu related to the consumables
Service mode has a menu that shows the number of sheets or pixels for each consumable as below. These menus
are located below Display Information/Display Counter menu.
Imaging Unit: Image = #: Shows the number of images used since last Imaging Unit replace ment.
Pixel = #; Shows the number of pixels used since last Imaging Unit replacement.
Transfe r Unit: Sheet = #; Shows the number of pages used since last transfer unit replacement.
Pixel = #: Shows the number of pixels used since last transfer unit replacement.
Oil roll: Shows the number of pages used since last oil roll replacement.
MPT cork pad: shows the number of pages printed through Multi purpose tray since your purchase of the printer.
Total Page: sh ows the n umber of pages y our KX-P8420 h as printed since your purcha se of the printer. Same as user
mode menu “P age Count”.
Black toner cartrage: Shows the number of black toner pixels used since last black toner cartridge replacement.
Cyan toner cartrage: Shows the number of cyan toner pixels used since last cyan toner cartridge replacement.
Magenta toner cartrage: Shows the number of Magenta toner pixels used since last Magenta toner cartridge
Yellow toner cartrage: Shows the number of yellow toner pixels used since last yellow toner cartridge replacement.
*The values for toner cartridges are shown in K(1000).
The printing area for each paper size is: Letter 4917x6400, A4 4758x6850, Legal 4917x8164 (HxV).
So if the whole printable area is printed, the value shown in above menu will be: 3146 9K for 1 letter sheet.
(4917x6400/1000) , 32592K for 1 A4 sheet, 40142K for 1 Legal sheet.
Based on these values together with the values shown in service mode/Display counter menu, the values shown on
user mode maintenance menu or Image area menu are calculated.
How the values show n on “Image Area” or “Maintenance menu are calculated.
*How the values shown on “Last” of “Image Area” menu is calculated.
The value = 100 x The number of pixels turned on for the last printed page/the number of total pixels for the default
paper size.(If default paper size is Letter, 4917x6400. Default paper size is Letter for America and A4 for other
*How the values shown on “Average” of “Image Area” menu is calculated.
The value = 100 x The number of pixels turned on for the total printed pages with the current toner cartridge/the
number of total pixels for the default paper size multiplied by the number of the printed pages with the current toner
So if 10% image is printed for 100 times after the toner replacement, (letter size)
100 x (4917x6400x0.10) x 100/(4917x6400) x 1 00
*How the values shown on “Toner Cartridge” of “Remaining” menu is calculated.
The value = 100x(1 – the number of pixels turned on for the total printed pages with the current toner cartridge/the
life e xpectancy of current toner cartridge(3k for starter kit,10k for C , M,Y,12K for K) x the number of total pixels for the
default paper siz e x 0.05)
So if 10% image is printed for 100 times after the toner replacement, (letter size, k toner)
100 x (1 – (4917x6400x0.10) x 100/12k x (4917x6 400) x 0.05)
**The value is calculated assuming that the average coverage of each toner should be around 5%. So the more
actual coverage differ from 5%, the more remaining value become incorrect.
*How the values shown for other consumables on “Remaining” menu is calculated.
For other consumables, the values are calculated with the number of sheets instead of the number of pixels and the
value of the lif e expectancy. For instance, the remaining value of fuser unit is calculated,
The value = 100 x (1 – the number of sheets printed with the current fuser unit/31000)
ID protection of consumables
KX-P8420 has a system by which prevents the Imaging unit and the fuser unit of another Panasonic product
(ex.KX-P8410) or other printers which use the same engine (ex.Phaser560) from being used with KX-P8420.
The Imaging unit and the fuser of each product has a unique ID number stored inside. KX-P8420 checks these ID
numbers. Then it shows error message and does not allow them to be used with if the ID number is not correct.
In addition, the ID number of the KX-P8420 Imaging unit is different between the one for America and the one for
other regions. So for example, the Imaging unit shipped to the U.S.A cannot be used with KX-P8420 shipped to
4.KX-P8420 driver features
The printer drivers that come with your printer have been customized to provide additional print options specific to
your KX-P8420 printer . Although the PostScript printer driver interfaces vary between Windows 95, Windo ws NT 4.0,
Windows 3.1 and Macintosh operating systems, the pr inting features available from each driver, on each platfor m,
are virtually the same. This document describes KX-P8420 specific print options and settings available using the
PostScript printer driver with Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 3.1 and Macintosh platform except color
related features.
KX-P8420 Windows95 driver is developed based on Adobe PS driver version 4.2.3.
For Macintosh platform, AdobePS driver 8.5.1 and P8420 PPD is used as a P8420 driver.
PPD(PostScr ipt printer description) is a file that descr ibes printer specific features and is provided for all platforms
KX-P8420 supports.
For Windows3.1, Adobe PS driver 3.1.2 and P8420 PPD is used. For WindowsNT4.0, PSCRIPT.dll (Microsoft
PostScript driver) and P8420 PPD is used.
KX-P8420 Driver&Utility CD-ROM has a readme file for each versions of Adobe PS driver which include various
information common in all Adobe PS driver such as troubleshooting, know problems or others. Please also refer to
Help files included in each Adobe PS driver that giv es you the helpful hint as well.
System requirement:
Windows3.1x,Windows95,WindowsNT4.0 with SP3 (intel version) or later.
Contrary to P8410, P8420 does not require much resources(RAM size, HDD remaining size) on PC. Only when you
need to use ATM and PS3 fonts, you need more than 20MB as a remaining HDD size.
The version of KX-P8420 Win95 d river is 4.2.3, which is certified as Win95 compatible b y Adobe and the latest driver
is 4.2.4 certified as Win98 compatible. The customer can use 4.2.4 version driver after they download from Adobe
home page together with KX-P8420 PPD file and as far as we have confirmed, it should work as Windows98 driver
with no problem although P8420 specific driver properties tab (Colorwise, Device Options) are replaced with Adobe
ddriver generic tab. In addition, the current driver 4.2.3 also shoul d work well with Windo ws98. Because there seems
not to be much different between these 2 versions and so far we have not found any problems related to the Adobe
driver version with Windows98 printing.
Though this document does not describe the functions common in all Adobe printers, please note the follo wings as a
reminder when you use those functions. See also the Readme file included on the KX-P8420 Driver & Utility CD-
1) PS error print
Even when the “Print PostScr ipt Error Infor mation” option is disabled (inthe PostScript tab of the Windows 95)
Printer Properties dialog box for Windows 95, a PostScript error page may be printed.
2) Pure binary data
Selecting “Pure binary data” as the data format (in the “Advanced PostScript Options” section of the PostScript tab
of Printer Propertiesdialog box for Windows 95 or the equivalent setting in Windows3.1 printer driver) might cause
a printer error. Avoid using this option.
3) Print as Negative image, Print as mirror image
Selecting these options (in the Graphics tab of the Printer Properties dialog box for Windows 95) does not always
produce the correct result.
4) Halftoning
The halftoning settings Screen angle and Screen frequency (in the Graphics tab of the Printer Properties dialog box
for Windows 95) are not supported by the KX-P8420.
5) With Window s 95, a Resolution option also appears in the Gr aphics tab of the Properties dialog box or Print dialog
box shown b y selecting print menu from applicatio n, but has no effect if set. Be sure to set the Resolution option from
the Device Options tab.
6) Selecting EPS format as PostS cript output format may produce the unexpected print outcome. Because EPS is f or
exporting graphic data to other applications, it is not recommended to use otherwise. To create EPS file, it is
recommended to use an application that has a feature exporting to EPS format.
The following descriptions are based on Windows95 Printer Properties structure. But the Printer Properties for other
platforms hav e the basically same functions.
Paper handling
Paper size:
KX-P8420 supports 4 paper size(Letter,A4,Legal,Env#10). Please note that Env#10 can be pr inted only from MPT
tray and so MPT Envelope should be selected as a “Paper Source” selecti on.
Be sure to use the right size or media type cassette or MPT tray for other paper size.
Paper sour ce:
This has following options. AutoSelectTray, Auto(Paper),Auto(Transparency),Upper,Middle,Lower,MPT Plain Paper
source, MPT Transparency,MPT Label,MPT Coated Paper,MPT Envelope,MPT 2
Please specify MPT <Media Type> when you want to print on a paper or special media type from MP tray.
Select AutoSelectTray or Auto(Plain paper) when you want to print Plain paper from a cassette. Be sure to use the
right size cassette. The printer automatically searches for the proper cassette.
Select Auto(Transparency) when you want to print on a transparency from a casstte. Be sure to use the right size
transparency cassette.
Select Upper or Middle or Lower when you want to print from a particular cassette.
Please note that these 3 options are availab le only when y ou specif y 2
feeder as a installed option in De vice Optio n
The “Paper Source” option s are listed in the following sequence for the English version of KX-P8420 driver.
AutoSelect Tray, Auto(Paper), Auto(Transparency), Upper, Middle, Lower, MPT Plain Paper, MPT Transparency,
MPT Label, MPT Coated Paper, MPT Envelope, MPT Paper 2
The other language version of driver shows the translated words instead with the above sequence.
The translated words corresponding to MPT Plain paper and MPT Coated Paper in Italian and French is too long to
be distinguished from each other.
Graphics settings
Windows95 driver Graphic tab has the following settings.
This setting is not effective. Please change the resolution by the Resolution setting in Device Options tab.
Though this setting always shows 1200dpi, KX-P8420 print a document 600x600dpi at a default. The resolution can
be changed by resolution setting in device option tab.
KX-P8420 does not support custom screens. It supports only built-in screen. So changing this setting is not eff ectiv e .
Printing Watermarks
The Watermar k feature of the Adobe Printer Driver lets you print text, independent of that provided by the printing
application, across the first page or every page of a document.
From the Printers folder, you can view and change all water mark options. The New and Edit options allow you to
define watermarks. The watermark definitions you specify in the New and Edit dialog boxes can be used for all
printers using Adobe PS driver and all documents. The selections you ma k e in the Watermarks properties dialog box
apply only to the current document.
You can select printing watermark in foreground or background. In windows95 driver, enable the option “In
background” if you want to print watermarks in background.
- Not all applications support watermark printing. Please see AdobePS driver readme file.
- WindowsNT and Macintosh driver does not sup port watermark.
Printing resolution
By selecting 1200x600, 1200x1200dpi printing, you can get the more excellent print quality than you get from
600x600dpi printing.
- With Windo w s 95, a Resolution option also appe ars in the Graphics tab of the Properties dialog box or Print dialog
box shown by selecting print menu from application, but has no effect. Be sure to set the Resolution option from the
Device Options tab.
- A minimum of 48 MB of SDRAM is required for printing at 1200x 600 or 1200x1200 dpi.
- Though Gr aphi c tab or App lication dialog box shows 1200dpi, KX-P8420 print a document 600x600dpi at a default.
The resolution should be changed by the resolution setting in device option tab.
The Semi Automatic Duplex option allows you to print on two sides of a single page. The procedure for Semi
Automatic Duplex printing varies depending on whether your printer has a hard disk installed. If your printer has a
hard disk drive installed and the Semi Automatic Duplex option is selected, the printer spools and pr ints all evennumbered pages in a job and, when the Continue/Forward button is pressed at the printer, pr ints all odd-numbered
pages in the job. If your printer does not have a hard disk dr ive and this option is selected, the printer prints an oddnumbered page and, when the Continue/Forward button is pressed, prints the subsequent even-numbered page in
the job. Thus it is strongly recommended to install HDD if you use this function often. For the detailed procedure,
refer to “Semi Automatic Duplex Printing” in Driver/Utilities Reference Guide.”
- When paper JAM occurs during Duplex process, the jammed pages are not printed again after JAM recovery.
- When the printer does not print the even-numbered pages after a press of Continue/Forward button, remove the
odd-numbered pages and reload them in the m ulti-purpose tray.
- We strongly recommend that you follow the guidelines for normal two-sided printing.
— Do not load more than 50 sheets in the multi-purpose tray.
— Before loading paper in the multi-purpose tray, adjust it so that the edges of the media are lightly touching the
media guides of the multi-purpose tray.
— Use heavier paper, at least 95 to 165 g/m 2 (28 to 44 lbs. Bond) for reliable feed. Do not load a thin sheet of paper
in the multi-purpose tray. It may cause a paper jam.
— It is strongly suggested to use color laser bond paper.
— Avoid printing photograph or graphic in solid color to prevent paper jamming. It may cause a damage to the
— Before printing on the first side, set the unprintable area [at least 15 mm (0.59") in length] on the top of paper.
(See below.)
Electronic collation allows the pages of each copy of a print job to be printed in sequence. If chosen, a file is
downloaded to the hard disk drive, stored, and printed multiple times. This feature is automatically enabled only if
a hard disk drive is installed in the controller. You also ha v e to sp ecify HDD a s a installed o ption in driv er p roperties.
If there is no hard disk installed and electronic collation is chosen, then a “Conflict” screen will appear that alerts the
user that a hard disk is required if you are using Windows95 driver. If the user misrepresents to the controller that a
hard disk is installed when it truly is not, then the job will print without collation.
Some application have a collation feature in its print dialog, but it takes longer time because application hav e to se nd
all pages for all copies to the printer while only one copy need to be sent to the printer with Electronic collation.
To avoid unexpected results, alwa ys specify collation using this option, and turn off any collation option that ma y e xist
in your application. If application collation and electronic collation works at the same time, the number of pages
printed will multiply.
Interaction Between Application and Electronic Collation.
OnOffElectronic Collation.
OnOnBoth application collation and electronic collation work.
OffOffCollation does not work.
OffOnApplication collation work.
The Check and Print option allows the user to print a single copy of amultiple copy job. This single copy can be
visually checked before print-ing addi tional copies . When the Chec k and Print copy has been printed, the user can
specify the number of additional copies to print by using the printer’s LCD panel.
The Check and Print option requires a hard disk. You also have to specify HDD as a installed option in driver
properties. If the user chooses the Check and Print option when no hard disk is installed, a “Conflict” screen will
appear in Windows95 driver.
1)Enable Check&Print in printer properties and print a document.
copy is printed.
3)Specify the document and how many more copies y ou want to print on the fro nt panel, Chec k&P rint menu. You can
also cancel the printing by specifying zero as number of copies. Check&Print menu shows the Document name and
user name by which y ou can specify the desired document.
- The Check&Print menu shows User name and then Document name. Because LCD can show only upto 24
characters, the document may not be recognizable if the user name is too long.
- When you print from Microsoft Word, the document name become long such as “Microsoft Word-xxx.doc”.
4)The additional copies are printed.
Check and Print jobs are also listed in “Check and Print” queue when you open WebSpooler screen and can print
these jobs by manupulating jobs on the WebSpooler.
Other platform
You can specify the KX-P8420 specific features by selecting “Printer Specific Options” in Print dialog of the
You can specify the KX-P842 0 specific f eature by selecting “Advaced tab” in KX-P8420 document properties opened
from Print dialog of the Applications.
You can specify the KX-P8420 specific feature by selecting “Feature tab” in KX-P8420 document properties opened
from Print dialog of the Applications.
Other NOTES related to printer driver functions.
- The font downloader button that Windows3.1 driver has is not supported.
- In WindowsNT driver properties, there are many paper sizes not suppor ted by KX-P8420 but listed under paper
size list. These other paper sizes are provided by Window s and should be shown in the driver.
Trouble shooting related to printer driver.
Trouble: Printing via Parallel port sometimes produces PS error page saying IO error/interrupt error.
Possible Cause:
Something is wrong with Parallel cable or cable connection.
Corrective Action:
Check the Cable connection at both side (Printer, PC). If the problem still persi sts, try replacing the cable.
Trouble: Cannot make a print.
Possi ble Cause: Printer not operating.
Corrective Action: Make sure that you plugged in the printer and turned it on.
Corrective Action: Make sure that you connected the interface cable(s) properly.
Possi ble Cause: The appropriate driver is not used.
Corrective Action: If the communication link between your computer and the printer is working but the printer ejects a
blank page when printing from your application or through Windows. Make sure that the appropriate driver is
installed and that you have selected the printer correctly. Reinstall the driver again.
Trouble: Windows shows Time Out error during printing.
Possi ble Cause: The amount of printing data to be sent to the printer is too large by LPT port.
Corrective Action: Not use Windows print spooler or increase timeout value.
1)Select Start menu->Settings->Printers. 2)Select the icon “Panasonic KX-P8420”.
2)Click Right mouse button and select “Properties”. 4)Select “Detail” tab.
+ 66 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.