Before operating this product, please read these instructions carefully and save this document
for future use.
Read Me First
Thank you for purchasing the Handheld Computer JT-H300HT series.
This operating instructions describes the instructions for the Handheld Computer.
Before connecting, operating or adjusting this product, please read this instruction completely,
and save this manual for future use.
Hereby, we declare that this Handheld Computer is in compliance with the essential requirements and
other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
Česky [Czech]
My tímto prohlašuje, že tento Handheld Computer je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími
příslušnými ustanoveními směrnice 1999/5/ES.
Dansk [Danish]
Undertegnede vi erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr Handheld Computer overholder de væsentlige
krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
Deutsch [German]
Hiermit erklären wir, dass sich das Gerät Handheld Computer in Übereinstimmung mit den
grundlegenden Anforderungen und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG
Eesti [Estonian]
Käesolevaga kinnitab meie seadme Handheld Computer vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja
nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele.
Español [Spanish]
Por medio de la presente nosotros declara que el Handheld Computer cumple con los requisitos
esencialesy cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Ελληνική [Greek]
∆ια του παρόντος, θα δηλώνει ότι αυτό το Handheld Computer είναι σύµφωνα µε τις βασικές
απαιτήσεις και άλλες σχετικές διατάξεις της οδηγίας 1995/5/EC.
Français [French]
Par la présente me déclare que l'appareil Handheld Computer est conforme aux exigences essentielles
et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE.
Italiano [Italian]
Con la presente noi dichiara che questo Handheld Computer è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle
altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE.
Latviski [Latvian]
Ar šo mēs deklarē, ka Handheld Computer atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK būtiskajām prasībām un citiem
ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem.
Lietuvių [Lithuanian]
Šiuo mes deklaruoja, kad šis Handheld Computer atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB
Direktyvos nuostatas.
Nederlands [Dutch]
Hierbij verklaart we dat het toestel Handheld Computer in overe enstemming is met de essentiële eisen
en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG.
Malti [Maltese]
Hawnhekk, aħna, jiddikjara li dan Handheld Computer jikkonforma mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u ma
provvedimenti oħrajn relevanti li hemm fid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC.
Magyar [Hungarian]
Alulírott, mi nyilatkozom, hogy a Handheld Computer megfelel a vonatkozó alapvetõ
követelményeknek és az 1999/5/EC irányelv egyéb elõírásainak.
Polski [Polish]
Niniejszym my oświadcza, że Handheld Computer jest zgodny z zasadniczymi wymogami oraz
pozostałymi stosownymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC.
Português [Portuguese]
Nós declara que este Handheld Computer está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras
disposições da Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Mi izjavlja, da je ta Handheld Computer v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi določili
direktive 1999/5/ES.
Slovensko [Slovenian]
Slovensky [Slovak]
My týmto vyhlasuje, že Handheld Computer spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia
Smernice 1999/5/ES.
Suomi [Finnish]
Me vakuuttaa täten että Handheld Computer tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten
vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden
ehtojen mukainen.
Svenska [Swedish]
Härmed intygar vi att denna Handheld Computer står I överensstämmelse med de väsentliga
egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG.
Íslenska [Icelandic]
Hér með lýsir we yfir því að Handheld Computer er í samræmi við grunnkröfur og aðrar kröfur, sem
gerðar eru í tilskipun 1999/5/EC.
Vi erklærer herved at utstyret Handheld Computer er i samsvar med de grunnleggende kravog øvrige
relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
Norsk [Norwegian]
The declaration of conformity may be consulted at
Importer’s name and address to follow EU rules:
Panasonic Testing Centre
Panasonic Marketing Europe GmbH
Winsbergring 15, 22525 Hamburg, F. R. Germany
CAUTION: Use of controls adjustments or performance of procedures other than
those specified herein may result in hazardous laser light exposure.
Class 2 Laser scanners use a low power, visible light diode. As with any very bright light
source, such as the sun, the user should avoid staring into the beam directly. Momentary
exposure to a Class 2 laser is not known to be harmful.
VORSICHT: Durch die von dieser Bedienungsleitung abweichende Verwendung und
Einstellung von Reglern oder Ausführung von Vorgängen kann sich der Benutzer
gefährlichem sichtbarem Laserlicht aussetzen.
Laserscanner der Klasse 2 arbeiten mit einer Kleinleistungsdiode im sichtbaren Bereich.
Wie auch bei anderen sehr hellen Lichtquellen wie der Sonne sollte vermieden werden,
direkt in den Strahl zu blicken. Schädliche Auswirkungen bei kurzzeitiger Belichtung durch
einen Laser der Klasse 2 sind nicht bekannt.
DİKKAT: Burada belirtilenlerin dışındaki ayarların kullanılması veya işlem süreçlerinin
uygulanması durumunda tehlikeli görünür lazer ışığının üretilmesine neden olabilir.
Sınıf 2 Lazer tarayıcıları düşük güçlü, görülebilir ışık diyotu kullanır. Kullanıcı, güneş gibi çok
parlak ışık kaynaklarına olduğu gibi doğrudan ışına bakmaktan kaçınmalıdır. Sınıf 2 lazere
anlık maruz kalmanın tehlikeli oluşturduğu hususu hakkında bilgi yoktur.
(Laser Module or Laser Marker
output window)
WELLENLÄNGE : 640-660 nm
DALGA UZUNLUĞU : 640-660 nm
WAVELENGTH : 640-660 nm
Warranty Policy
The warranty period and what is covered are according to applications, contracts or distributors.
Please ask our sales rep.
The following damages are not covered by the warranty.
-Any secondary damages, including without limitation, business chances.
-Any damages by user including dropping, water contact or any other wrong use, other than the
purpose designed for.
Safety Precautions
Handheld computer : JT-H300HT-E1,-E2,-E3
Do not stare into the beam directly.
There is the risk of damage to the eyes when prolonged directly viewing.
Do not operate this product during walking, bicycle riding, or car driving.
There is the risk of falling or a traffic accident.
Do not place a microSDHC card within the reach of infants.
There is the risk of accidental swallowing.
In case that a memory card is likely to be swallowed, contact a doctor immediately.
Do not put this product on an unstable place.
This can cause damage to the unit or injury by falling.
Do not put this product on a place with moisture, dirt, greasy fumes, or steam.
There is the risk of injury.
Do not look inside the code reading portion or aim that area at people.
There is the risk of damage to the eyes when directly viewing of white light for a long time.
Do not hold this product for too long when the power is on.
There is the risk of a serious low-temperature burn.
Do not put this product close to a medical equipment.(Do not bring this product into operating room, intensive
care units (ICU) and coronary care units (CCU))
Do not use this equipment close to automatic control equipment like an automatic door fire alarm and so on.
Radio waves from this equipment may cause the trouble by a malfunction for medical equipment or automatic equipment.
Cautions for handling the product equipped with 3G module (JT-H300HT-E3).
Turn off the product on airplanes.
It may cause a trouble to flight. Cancel the function of automatic power-on in case of using it by application software.
Turn off the product at a hospital and the place close to medical equipment. (Do not bring this product
into operating room, intensive care units (ICU) and coronary care units (CCU)
Radio waves from this equipment may cause the trouble by a malfunction for medical equipment or automatic equipment.
Cancel the function of automatic power-on in case of using it by application software.
Turn off the product at crowded places. In case a person with pace maker is around, it may cause trouble for it.
Radio wave may cause trouble for pacemaker. Cancel the function of automatic power-on in case of using it by application
Battery pack : JT-H200BT-30
This battery pack is designed for the specified handheld computers. Do not use the battery pack with
any other device. Use the specified device to charge the battery pack.
There is the risk of heat generation, fire, or explosion.
Do not throw the battery pack into fire or heat the battery pack. The same applies to the used battery pack.
There is the risk of heat generation, fire, or explosion.
Do not insert sharp objects into the battery pack, apply impact on the battery pack, or
disassemble/modify the battery pack. The same applies to the used battery pack.
There is the risk of heat generation, fire, or explosion.
Do not short positive (+) and negative (-) contact.
Dispose of the used battery pack after insulating positive(+) and negative(-) contacts by friction tape.
There is the risk of heat generation, fire, or explosion.
Do not carry or store the battery pack along with articles such as necklaces or hairpins.
There is the risk of heat generation, fire, or explosion.
Do not charge, use, or leave the battery pack where temperatures are high such as a place close to fire
or a place under the hot sun. The same applies to the used battery pack.
There is the risk of heat generation, fire, or explosion.
Do not splash water on the battery pack or moisten the battery pack with water.
There is the risk of heat generation, fire, or explosion.
If the battery pack leaks liquid or smells, do not bring the battery pack close to fire.
There is the risk of heat generation, fire, or explosion.
Do not touch the electrolyte leaked from the battery pack.
Entry of the electrolyte into an eye may lead to blindness. In such a case, rinse the affected eye thoroughly with clean water, and
then seek medical attention immediately.
Do not put the battery pack into a microwave oven or a pressurized chamber.
There is the risk of heat generation, fire, or explosion.
Handheld Computer: JT-H300HT-E1,-E2,-E3
Nicht direkt in den Strahl blicken.
Längeres Blicken direkt in den Strahl kann zu Augenschäden führen.
Das Gerät nicht beim Laufen, Radfahren oder Autofahren betreiben.
Es besteht die Gefahr eines Falls oder Verkehrsunfalls.
microSDHC-Karten nicht in Reichweite von Kleinkindern herumliegen lassen.
Andernfalls könnte eine Karte versehentlich verschluckt werden.
Wenn der Verdacht besteht, dass eine Karte verschluckt wurde, sofort einen Arzt aufsuchen.
Das Gerät nur auf einer stabilen Fläche abstellen.
Andernfalls kann das Gerät beschädigt werden oder herunterfallen und Verletzungen verursachen.
Das Gerät an einem Ort aufstellen, wo es vor Feuchtigkeit, Schmutz, fettigen Schwaden und Dampf geschützt ist.
Andernfalls könnte es Verletzungen verursachen.
Nicht in den Codeleser blicken oder diesen auf Personen richten.
Längeres Blicken direkt in weißes Licht kann zu Augenschäden führen.
Das eingeschaltete Gerät nicht längere Zeit mit den Händen oder am Körper halten.
Andernfalls besteht die Gefahr schwerer Niedrigtemperatur-Verbrennungen.
Das Gerät von medizinischen Geräten fernhalten. Das Gerät nicht in Operationsräume oder auf
Intensivstationen oder kardiologische Intensivstationen mitnehmen.
Das Gerät nicht in der Nähe von automatischen Regelungen wie automatische Türen,
Feueralarmanlagen u.Ä. betreiben.
Vom Gerät ausgehende Radiowellen können Störungen bei medizinischen Geräten und automatischen Anlagen verursachen.
Vorsicht bei der Handhabung des mit einem 3G-Modul ausgerüsteten Gerät (JT-H300HT-E3).
Das Gerät im Flugzeug ausschalten.
Es könnte die Führung des Flugzeugs beeinträchtigen.
Die automatische Einschaltfunktion deaktivieren, falls eine solche Anwendung vorhanden ist.
Das Gerät in Krankenhäusern und in der Nähe von medizinischen Geräten ausschalten. Das Gerät nicht
in Operationsräume oder auf Intensivstationen oder kardiologische Intensivstationen mitnehmen.
Vom Gerät ausgehende Radiowellen können Störungen bei medizinischen Geräten und automatischen Anlagen verursachen.
Die automatische Einschaltfunktion deaktivieren, falls eine solche Anwendung vorhanden ist.
Das Gerät an belebten Orten ausschalten. Andernfalls könnten bei eventuell in der Nähe befindlichen
Personen mit Herzschrittmacher Probleme auftreten.
Vom Gerät ausgehende Radiowellen können bei Herzschrittmachern Störungen verursachen.
Die automatische Einschaltfunktion deaktivieren, falls eine solche Anwendung vorhanden ist.
Akku : JT-H200BT-30
Der Akku ist speziell für den angegebenen Handheld Computer bestimmt. Keinesfalls zum Betrieb
anderer Geräte verwenden.Zum Laden des Akkus das vorgeschriebene Ladegerät verwenden.
Es besteht Erhitzungs-, Brand- und Explosionsgefahr.
Den Akku nicht ins Feuer werden oder erhitzen. Dasselbe gilt fur einen verbrauchten Akku.
Es besteht Erhitzungs-, Brand- und Explosionsgefahr.
Keine spitzen Gegenstände in den Akku einführen, nicht auf den Akku schlagen oder ihn
zerlegen/verändern. Dasselbe gilt fur einen verbrauchten Akku.
Es besteht Erhitzungs-, Brand- und Explosionsgefahr.
Die Plus- (+) und Minusklemmen (-) nicht kurzschließen.
Vor der Entsorgung die Plus- (+) und Minusklemmen (-) des Akku mit Isolierband umwickeln.
Es besteht Erhitzungs-, Brand- und Explosionsgefahr.
Den Akku nicht zusammen mit Gegenständen wie Halsketten oder Haarnadeln herumtragen oder aufbewahren.
Es besteht Erhitzungs-, Brand- und Explosionsgefahr.
Den Akku nicht an heißen Orten, wie am Feuer oder in der starken Sonne, laden, betreiben oder
abstellen. Dasselbe gilt fur einen verbrauchten Akku.
Es besteht Erhitzungs-, Brand- und Explosionsgefahr.
Den Akku nicht mit Wasser bespritzen oder befeuchten.
Es besteht Erhitzungs-, Brand- und Explosionsgefahr.
Einen Akku, der Flüssigkeit oder Geruch abgibt, nicht in die Nähe eines Feuers bringen.
Es besteht Erhitzungs-, Brand- und Explosionsgefahr.
Aus dem Akku ausgelaufene Batteriesäure nicht berühren.
Batteriesäure darf nicht in die Augen gelangen. Erblindungsgefahr! Falls Batteriesäure in ein Auge gelang sein sollte, dieses mit
reichlich sauberem Wasser spülen und dann sofort einen Arzt aufsuchen.
Den Akku nicht in eine Mikrowelle oder eine Druckkammer legen.
Es besteht Erhitzungs-, Brand- und Explosionsgefahr.
Güvenlik Önlemleri
El Bilgisayarı : JT-H300HT-E1,-E2,-E3
Doğrudan ışına bakmayın.
Uzun süre doğrudan bakıldığında gözlerde hasar görme riski oluşur.
Bu ürünü yürürken, bisiklet sürerken veya araba kullanırken çalıştırmayın.
Düşme veya trafik kazası riski vardır.
microSDHC kartını çocukların ulaşabileceği yerlere koymayın.
Kazara yutma riski vardır.
Bellek kartının yutulması halinde hemen bir hekime başvurun.
Bu ürünü dengesiz bir yere koymayın.
Düşerek ünitenin hasar görmesine veya yaralanmaya neden olabilir.
Bu ürünü nem, kir, yağlı gaz veya buhar olan yerlerde bırakmayın.
Yaralanma riski vardır.
Kod okuma bölümünün (tarayıcının) içine bakmayın veya kod okuma bölümünü (tarayıcıyı) insanlara
doğru tutmayın.
Uzun süre doğrudan beyaz ışığa bakıldığında gözlerde hasar görme riski oluşur.
Bu ürünü güç açıkken çok uzun süre elinizde tutmayın.
Ciddi bir düşük ısı yanığı riski vardır.
Bu ürünü medikal ekipmanın yakınlarında bırakmayın. (Bu ürünü ameliyat odasına, yoğun bakım
ünitelerine (ICU) ve koroner bakım ünitelerine (CCU) götürmeyin.
Bu ekipmanı, otomatik kapı, yangın alarmı vs. gibi otomatik kontrol ekipmanının yakınlarında kullanmayın.
Bu ekipmandan yayılan radyo dalgaları medikal veya otomatik ekipmanı bozarak soruna neden olabilir.
3G modülüyle donatılmış ürünü (JT-H300HT-E3) kullanırken dikkat edilmesi gerekenler.
Uçaktayken ürünü kapatın.
Uçuşta sorun çıkmasına neden olabilir.Uygulama yazılımının kullanmasına karşı otomatik güç açık işlevini iptal edin.
Ürünü hastanede ya da medikal ekipmana yakın yerlerde kapatın. (Bu ürünü ameliyat odasına, yoğun
bakım ünitelerine (ICU) ve koroner bakım ünitelerine (CCU) götürmeyin.)
Bu ekipmandan yayılan radyo dalgaları medikal ekipmanı veya otomatik ekipmanı bozarak soruna neden olabilir.
Uygulama yazılımının kullanmasına karşı otomatik güç açık işlevini iptal edin.
Ürünü kalabalık yerlerde kapatın. Çevrede kalp pili kullanan biri olması halinde onun için sorun oluşabilir.
Radyo dalgası kalp pili için sorun oluşturabilir.
Uygulama yazılımının kullanmasına karşı otomatik güç açık işlevini iptal edin.
Pil takımı: JT-H200BT-30
Bu pil takımı, belirtilen el bilgisayarları için tasarlanmıştır. Pil takımını başka cihazlarla kullanmayın.Pil
takımını şarj etmek için belirtilen cihazı kullanın.
Isı oluşumu, yangın veya patlama riski vardır.
Pil takımını ateşe atmayın veya ısıtmayın. Aynı durum kullanılmış batarya paketleri için de geçerlidir.
Isı oluşumu, yangın veya patlama riski vardır.
Pil takımına keskin nesneler sokmayın, pil takımını çarpmayın veya sökmeyin/değiştirmeyin. Aynı
durum kullanılmış batarya paketleri için de geçerlidir.
Isı oluşumu, yangın veya patlama riski vardır.
Artı (+) ve eksi (-) kutuplar arasında kısa devre yapmayın.
Pozitif (+) ve negatif (-) uçları yalıtım bandıyla kapattıktan sonra kullanılmış batarya paketini atın.
Isı oluşumu, yangın veya patlama riski vardır.
Pil takımını, kolye veya toka gibi aksesuarlarla taşımayın veya saklamayın.
Isı oluşumu, yangın veya patlama riski vardır.
Ateşe yakın veya sıcak güneş altı gibi sıcaklıkların yüksek olduğu yerlerde pil takımını şarj etmeyin, kullanmayın
veya bırakmayın. Aynı durum kullanılmış batarya paketleri için de geçerlidir.
Isı oluşumu, yangın veya patlama riski vardır.
Pil takımına su sıçratmayın veya pil takımını suyla nemlendirmeyin.
Isı oluşumu, yangın veya patlama riski vardır.
Pil takımı sıvı kaçırırsa veya koku duyulursa ateşe yaklaştırmayın.
Isı oluşumu, yangın veya patlama riski vardır.
Pil takımından sızan elektrolite dokunmayın.
Göze elektrolit girmesi körlüğe neden olabilir. Bu durumda etkilenen gözü temiz suyla iyice yıkayın ve hemen tıbbi müdahale için başvurun.
Pil takımını mikrodalga fırınında veya basınçlı bir odada bırakmayın.
Isı oluşumu, yangın veya patlama riski vardır.
Requirement for Use
Observe the following to use this product correctly.
Handheld computer
– Do not open or modify the main unit case.
Battery pack
– The battery pack is a consumable. The battery life, which varies with using conditions, is approximately a
year as a guideline, and after a year or approximately over 300 times of recharging, the recharging capability
becomes weak. If the battery is exhausted in a short time after full recharging, replace the battery pack with
new one.
– Be sure to use the specified battery pack.
– Do not touch the contact portions of the battery pack. Failure to observe this may cause poor contact.
– Leaving this product turned off for a long time after recharging reduces the battery capacity.
– Recharge the battery pack at ambient temperatures from 5°C to 35°C.
– Store the battery pack at ambient temperatures from - 20°C to 35°C. Recharging or storing the battery pack
outside of the specified temperatures reduces the performance and life of the battery pack.
– Charge the battery pack before use.
– When the terminal of the battery pack becomes dirty, use a dry soft cloth to clean the terminal. Failure to
observe this may cause poor contact with the device and cut power supply.
– Once the terminal of the battery pack is clogged with foreign matter, the matter is hard to be removed,
resulting in damage to the device.
– If an anomaly such as heat generation, deformation, and abnormal odor is detected with respect to the
battery pack, do not use the battery pack.
– If recharging is not completed after the specified recharging time has passed, remove the battery pack from
the device. The battery pack protection device may be damaged.
– The rechargeable battery to be used to operate this product is a lithium-ion battery.
– Do not dispose of but recycle no longer needed batteries to protect precious resources.
Operating environment and service place
– Condensation may occur when this product is moved from a cold place to a warm place. In case of
condensation, do not use this product until water droplets disappear.
– Do not put this product where static is likely to be generated (such as a carpeted place) or where magnetism
generating devices such as a TV set and a radio are nearby.
– Do not leave this product under direct sunshine or at excessive high or low temperatures for a long time.
– Protect this product from rain or water.
Drop impact/damage
– Handle this product with care because this product is precision equipment. Do not apply impact on this
product, drop this product, or put a heavy object on this product.
– Do not damage the scanner reading portion.
– Do not damage the optical communication I/F connector.
Requirement for Use
System operation
– Be sure to turn off the power before battery pack replacement.
How to care
– Be sure to turn off the power before taking care of this product.
– Use a dry soft cloth to remove dirt from this product. When stubborn stains are observed, use a tightly
twisted water soaked cloth to wipe the point softly and use dry another cloth to wipe the point again.
– Do not use thinner, benzene, wax, kerosene, soap, polish, hot water, chemical cloth, and the like.
– Use a dry soft cloth to clean the scanner reading portion depending on the level of dirt.
– The dirty reading portion may cause barcode reading failure.
– When the scanner is cleaned, the wiping direction shall be vertical to the scanner reading portion.
– Use a dry soft cloth to clean the optical communication I/F connector depending on the level of dirt.
– The dirty connector may cause communication failure.
– Use a dry soft cloth to clean the power feeding terminal depending on the level of dirt.
– The dirty terminal may cause failure in charging the mobile terminal.
Models equipped with touch panel
– Use a finger or the supplied touch pen to enter data on the touch panel. Do not apply excessive load to the
touch panel. Do not use a sharp-pointed hard object (ex. ballpoint pen and mechanical pencil) to operate the
touch panel.
Confirmation of Accessories
Before using, check the following accessories.
• In case some items are missing, contact your dealer.
> Main unit
> Strap > Battery Pack JT-H200BT-30
> Stylus >Safety Precaution Sheet
>WEEE Sheet
Names of Parts and Their Functions
■ Main unit (front side)
LCD (Touch panel)
Center Trigger
USB port cover
Side Trigger
Optical communication interface connector
Name Details
Center Trigger / Side Trigger Use this trigger when scanning a barcode or a 2D code.
Optical communication
interface connector
Use this connector when communicating with a mobile
computer or another device (such as a cradle or mobile
USB port cover USB mini B connector is located under this cover.
LCD (Touch panel )
This LCD can be used as a touch panel, and input operation
is available.
During operation
Lights red or green: Scan succeeded.
(The color depends on applications to be performed)
During charging*
Lights green: Charging is complete.
Lights red: Charging is under way.
Flashes red: Charging error happened.
* When charging is complete, the indicator that was lighting red goes out once, and then
lights green.
The indicator may not be lit when charging the fully charged battery at first. But it will be
changed to green later.
When the temperature exceeds the ambient charging temperature (5 °C to 35 °C), charging
stops and the indicator goes out.
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