Panasonic FP2, FP2-MW Technical Manual

FP2 Multi-wire Link Unit
Technical Manual
Safety Precautions
If critical situations that could lead to user’s death or serious injury is assumed by mishandling of the product.
-Always take precautions to ensure the overall safety of your system, so that the whole system
remains safe in the event of failure of this produ
-Do not use this product in areas with inflammable gas. It could lead to an explosion.
-Exposing this product to excessive heat or open flames could ca or other electronic parts.
If critical situations that could lead to user’s injury or only property damage is assumed by mishandling of the product.
-To prevent excessive exothermic heat or smoke generation, use this pro the maximum of the characteristics and performance that are assured in these specifications.
-Do not dismantle or remodel the product. It could ca
-Do not touch the terminal while turning on electri
-Use the external devices to function the
-Connect the wires or connectors securely. The loose connection could cause excessive exoth
-Do not allow foreign matters such as liquid, flammable materials, metals to go into the inside of the
duct. It could cause excessive exothermic heat or smoke generation.
-Do not undertake construction (such as connection and di It could lead to an electric shock.
emergency stop and interlock circuit.
d this User’s Manual thoroughly before use.
ct or other external factor .
use damage to the lithium battery
duct at the values less than
use excessive exothermic heat or smoke
city. It could lead to an electric shock.
ermic heat or smoke generation.
sconnection) while the power supply is on.
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Table of Contents FP2 Multi-wire Link Unit

Table of Contents

Before You Start
Chapter 1 General Specifications
1.1 How the Multi-wire Link Unit Works 1 - 3.................................
1.1.1 MEWNET-W Mode 1 - 4.........................................
1.1.2 MEWNET-W2 Mode 1 - 5........................................
1.1.3 MEWNET-F Mode 1 - 6.........................................
1.2 Specifications 1 - 8....................................................
1.2.1 General Specifications 1 - 8......................................
1.2.2 Transmission Specifications 1 - 9.................................
1.2.3 Performance Specifications 1 - 10................................. W and W2 Modes 1 - 10................................ F Mode 1 - 11.........................................
1.2.4 Transmission Cable Specifications 1 - 12...........................
1.3 Restrictions When Combinations Are Used 1 - 14..........................
1.3.1 Restrictions on the CPU 1 - 14....................................
1.3.2 Restrictions on the Installation Position 1 - 14.......................
1.3.3 Restrictions on the Number of Units that can be Installed 1 - 15.......
1.4 Confirming the Design Contents 1 - 16...................................
1.4.1 Confirming the Current Consumption 1 - 16.........................
1.4.2 Confirming I/O Allocations 1 - 16..................................
1.4.3 Confirmation When Multiple Units are Installed 1 - 17................
Chapter 2 Parts and Its Functions
2.1 Parts Terminology 2 - 3................................................
2.1.1 Status Indicator LEDs 2 - 5.......................................
2.1.2 Slave Station Number Display Selector Switch 2 - 6.................
2.2 Switch Settings 2 - 7...................................................
2.2.1 Station Number Selector 2 - 7....................................
2.2.2 Mode Selector Switches (1) 2 - 8..................................
2.2.3 Mode Selector Switches (2) 2 - 9..................................
Chapter 3 Wiring
3.1 Wiring 3 - 3..........................................................
3.1.1 Transmission Cable Wiring 3 - 3..................................
3.1.2 Crimp Terminal Specifications 3 - 4................................
FP2 Multi-wire Link Unit
Chapter 4 MEWNET-W Mode
4.1 W Mode Functions 4 - 3................................................
4.1.1 PC Link Function 4 - 3...........................................
4.1.2 Data Transfer Function 4 - 3......................................
4.1.3 Remote Programming Function 4 - 3...............................
4.2 PC Link 4 - 4.........................................................
4.2.1 Preparing to Use PC Link 4 - 4....................................
4.2.2 Link Area Allocations 4 - 4.......................................
4.2.3 Link Area Allocation Example 4 - 5................................
4.2.4 Sample PC Link Program 4 - 8....................................
4.2.5 Precautions When Allocating Link Areas 4 - 10......................
Appendix A What to Check If a Problem Occurs
A.1 If the CPU ERROR LED Lights 5 - 3.....................................
A.2 Confirming the Mode Being Used 5 - 4...................................
A.3 What to Check When the ERR LED Is Lighted or Blinking 5 - 5..............
A.4 What to Do If a Transmission Error Occurs 5 - 6...........................
Table of Contents
Appendix B Dimensions
Record of changes

Before You Start

FP2 Multi-wire Link Unit
Before You Start
CPU Versions Supported
This unit supports CPU Ver. 1.05 and subsequent versions. Confirm the version on the side panel seal on the CPU, or on the [STATUS DISPLAY] in the [MONITOR] menu of the NPST-GR.
Selecting Cables
Cables which can be used with this unit vary depending on the mode being used. For information on cable connections, refer to section 3.1.
Mode Cables used MEWNET-W
Twistedpair cable Twistedpair cable, VCTF cable
About Selecting MEWNET-W2
In order to use the FP2 Multi-wire link unit in MEWNET-2 mode, the user must write a program on a level of about 300 steps. Proceed only after carefully going over the specifications. Please inquire about more detailed materials regarding MEWNET-W2.
FP2 Multi-wire Link Unit
Before You Start
Reference Manuals
The following reference manuals are available for use with this unit, and should be used in conjunction with this manual.
Manual name Manual number Description FP2 Hardware
This introduces the hardware configuration, wiring methods, I/O allocation, maintenance methods, and other information pertaining to the FP2 series.
This introduces the hardware configuration, wiring methods, I/O allocation, maintenance methods, and other information pertaining to the MEWNET-W. Refer to this manual when using the MEWNET-W mode.
This introduces the hardware configuration, wiring methods, I/O allocation, maintenance methods, and other information pertaining to the MEWNET-F. Refer to this manual when using the MEWNET-F mode.

Chapter 1

General Specifications
1.1 How the Multi-wire Link Unit Works 1 - 3........
1.1.1 MEWNET-W Mode 1 - 4...............
1.1.2 MEWNET-W2 Mode 1 - 5..............
1.1.3 MEWNET-F Mode 1 - 6................
1.2 Specifications 1 - 8............................
1.2.1 General Specifications 1 - 8............
1.2.2 TransmissionSpecifications 1 - 9........
1.2.3 Performance Specifications 1 - 10....... W and W2 Modes 1 - 10........ F Mode 1 - 11.................
1.2.4 Transmission Cable Specifications 1 - 12.
1.3 Restrictions When Combinations Are Used 1 - 14.
1.3.1 Restrictions on the CPU 1 - 14..........
1.3.2 Restrictions on the Installation
Position 1 - 14........................
1.3.3 Restrictions on the Number of Units
that can be Installed 1 - 15.............
1.4 Confirming the Design Contents 1 - 16...........
1.4.1 Confirming the Current
Consumption 1 - 16...................
1.4.2 Confirming I/O Allocations 1 - 16........
1.4.3 Confirmation When Multiple Units are
Installed 1 - 17........................
General Specifications FP2 Multi-wire Link Unit
1.1 How the Multi-wire Link Unit Works
1.1 How the Multi-wire Link Unit Works
General SpecificationsFP2 Multi-wire Link Unit
An overview of the multi-wire link unit
The following functions can be accessed with a single FP2 Multi-wire link unit (FP2-MW), by changing the positions of the mode selector switches (2).
D MEWNET-W network: Hereafter referred to as the W mode. D MEWNET-W2 network: Hereafter referred to as the W2 mode. D MEWNET-F network: Hereafter referred to as the F mode.
Name Order number FP2 Multi-wire link unit
General Specifications FP2 Multi-wire Link Unit
1.1 How the Multi-wire Link Unit Works
1.1.1 MEWNET-W Mode
A system can be configured economically between programmable controllers, using twisted pair cables.
Link communication can be carried out between various programmable controllers, us­ing link relays and link registers.
Communication is possible with conventional FP series devices capable of using the MEWNET-W.
Thelinkrelaysand link registersusedforPCLinkcommunicationarespecifiedusingthe system register.
FP2 Multi-wire link unit (W mode)
Twisted pair cable
FP3 and
type link unit
FP10SH and
link unit
Item Description Communication method Transmission method Communication path Transmission distance Transmission speed
(Baud rate) Functions/number of
stations PC link capacity per one
unit Other functions
Interface R.A.S. function
Token bus Baseband transmission Twisted pair cable Total length: 800 m/2,625 ft. 500 kbps
PC link function: max. 16 stations Data transfer function: max. 32 stations Link relay: 1,024 points Link register: 128 words Remote programming Conforming to RS485 Hardware self-diagnostic function
FP2 Multi-wire link
unit (W mode)
FP-C and
link board
General SpecificationsFP2 Multi-wire Link Unit
1.1 How the Multi-wire Link Unit Works
1.1.2 MEWNET-W2 Mode
Large volumes of data can now be transmitted over long distances.
Linkcommunication can becarried out betweenvariousFP2units, using linkrelays and link registers.
Communication limited to only FP2 units is possible. Using the MEWNET-W mode increases the volume of data that can be handled. UsingtheMEWNET-Wmodeextendsthetransmissiondistance(whensetto250kbps). Thelinkrelay and link registerareasusedfor PC link communicationarespecifiedusing
user programs.
FP2 Multi-wire link
unit (W2 mode)
Twisted pair cable
FP2 Multi-wire link
unit (W2 mode)
Item Description Communication method Transmission method Communication path Transmission at 250 kbps
distance Transmission speed
(Baud rate) Functions/number of
stations PC link capacity per one
unit Other functions
Interface R.A.S. function
at 500 kbps
Token bus Baseband transmission Twisted pair cable Total length: 1200 m/3,937 ft. Total length: 800 m/2,625 ft. 500 kbps or 250 kbps
PC link function: max. 32 stations Data transfer function: max. 32 stations Link relay: 4,096 points Link register: 4,096 words Remote programming Conforming to RS485 Hardware self-diagnostic function
FP2 Multi-wire link
unit (W2 mode)
When using the PC Link in the MEWNET-W2 mode, the default settings must be obtained from the user program.
General Specifications FP2 Multi-wire Link Unit
1.1 How the Multi-wire Link Unit Works
1.1.3 MEWNET-F Mode
Dual-core cables reduce the amount of wiring in the remote I/O system.
Remote I/O control is possible, using the FP2 as the master station. Communicationwithconventionalslavestationsispossible,usingtheFP2asthemaster
FP2 Multi-wire link unit
(F mode)
Master station
Slave station
Commercially available manifold solenoid valve
Twisted pair cable/VCTF
I/O terminal board
(remote I/O) slave unit
I/O terminal unit
FP1 I/O link unit
FP0 and FP-M can also be connected using slave station units or boards.
Item Description Communication method Synchronization method Communication path Transmission distance Transmission speed
(Baud rate) Number of slave stations Controllable I/O points Interface Transmission error check
Two-line, half-duplex transmission Start-stop synchronous system Twisted pair cable or VCTF cable Total distance: max. 700 m/2,296.59 ft 500 kbps
Max. 32 stations Max. 2,048 points Conforming to RS485 CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) method
The user should avoid mixing different types of transmission cables in a single network. The same type of transmission cable should be used throughout the network.
General SpecificationsFP2 Multi-wire Link Unit
1.1 How the Multi-wire Link Unit Works
General Specifications FP2 Multi-wire Link Unit
1.2 Specifications
1.2 Specifications
1.2.1 General Specifications
Item Descriptions Ambient temperature Storage temperature Ambient humidity Storage humidity Breakdown voltage
Insulation resistance
Vibration resistance
Shock resistance Noise immunity
Operating conditions Current consumption
0to55qC/32 to 131qF
-20 to +70qC/-4 to +158qF 30 to 85 % RH (non-condensing) 30 to 85 % RH (non-condensing) 500 V AC, 1 minute between external terminal and frame
ground terminal 100 MΩor more (measured with a 500 V DC megger testing)
between external terminal and frame ground terminal 10 to 55 Hz, 1 cycle/min: double amplitude of 0.75 mm/
0.030 in., 10 min on 3 axes 98 m/s2or more, 4 times on 3 axes 1,000 Vp-p with pulse widths 50 ns and 1μs
(based on in-house measurements) Free from corrosive gases and excessive dust 220 mA or less (at 5 V DC) (*Note)
110 g/3.880 oz
For information concerning restrictions on current consumption, refer to section 1.4.1.
1.2.2 Transmission Specifications
General SpecificationsFP2 Multi-wire Link Unit
1.2 Specifications
Communication method Transmissionmethod Transmissionspeed
(Baud rate) Transmissiondistance
(*section 1.2.4)
Number of slave stations
Error check method Synchronized method
Interface Communication path
RAS function
Descriptions W mode W2 mode F mode
Token bus method Polling method Baseband transmission method 500kbps 500kbps/250kbps 500kbps
Overall distance: max. 800m/2,625 ft.
Max. 32 stations One master unit
CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) method Start-stop synchronous system Conforming to RS485
Twisted pair cable Twisted pair cable,
Hardware self-diagnostic function
Overall distance: max. 1200m/3,937 ft. (at 250 kbps) 800m/2,625 ft. (at 500 kbps)
Overall distance: max. 700m/2,296.58 ft.
and max. 32 slave stations
VCTF cable
General Specifications FP2 Multi-wire Link Unit
1.2 Specifications
1.2.3 Performance Specifications W and W2 Modes
Communication functions
Functions/number of PC link stations
PC link Area of
Setting method
Capacity Link
Movement status/ error alert
Data transfer capacity
Area of use
Setting method
Other functions
Link relays
Link registers
relays Link
Specification W mode W2 mode
PC link Computer link Data transfer Remote programming Hierarchical link
Max. 16 stations Max. 32 stations Max. 32 stations
Fixed at WL Set by selecting among
WL, WR, LD, DT and FL.
Fixed at LD
Specified using system register.
Max. 1,024 points Max. 4,096 points (*Note)
Max. 128 words Max. 4,096 words (*Note)
Special internal relays Special data registers
Specified using
Max. 16 words Max. 1,020 words
Specified using user program.
Special internal relays Special data registers Detailed information is output to WL, WR, LD, DT, or FL, depending on the setting.
Use a program to keep WL, WR, LD, DT and FL settings within the PC link capacity. F Mode
Item Specification Controllable points per one CPU Controllable points per one unit Controllable slots per one CPU Controllable slots per one unit Controllable master units per one CPU
Max. 2,048 points Max. 2,048 points Max. 128 slots Max. 64 slots Max. 4 units
General SpecificationsFP2 Multi-wire Link Unit
1.2 Specifications
General Specifications FP2 Multi-wire Link Unit
1.2 Specifications
1.2.4 Transmission Cable Specifications
The user should avoid mixing different types of transmission cables in a single network. The same type of transmission cable should be used throughout the network.
Table of cables
Shielded twisted pair cable
Shielded twisted pair cable
VCTF cable (*Note 3)
Sectional view
Fig.1 below
Fig. 2 below
Insulator Material Polyethylene
Cable diameter Approx. 8.5 mm/
Cable diameter Approx. 7.8 mm/
Insulator Material Polyvinyl choride
Cable diameter Approx. 6.6 mm/
Size Min. 1.25 mm
Resistance Max. 16.8Ω/km
Thickness Max. 0.5 mm/
Size Min. 0.5 mm
­Resistance Max. 33.4Ω/km
Material Polyethylene Thickness Max. 0.5 mm/
Size Min. 0.75 mm
Resistance Max. 25.1Ω/km
Thickness Max. 0.6 mm/
(AWG16 or more)
(at 20qC/ 68qF)
0.020 in.
0.335 in.
(AWG20 or more)
(at 20qC/68qF)
0.020 in.
0.307 in.
(AWG18 or more)
(at 20qC/68qF)
(*Note 1)
0.024 in.
0.260 in.
Guaranteed transmission distance W mode W2 mode F mode
500kbps 250kbps
700 m/ 2,296.59
800 m/
2,296.59 ft.
800 m/
2,296.59 ft.
Not available
1200 m/
3,617.24 ft.
(300 m/
984.25 ft.)
600 m/ 1,968.50
(300 m/
984.25 ft.)
400 m/ 1,312.34 ft. (200 m/
(*Note 2)
Sectional view of cable
Fig. 1
Shielded twisted pair cable
Fig. 2
VCTF cable
next page
General SpecificationsFP2 Multi-wire Link Unit
1.2 Specifications
(*1):Because polyvinyl chloride has poorer electrical character-
istics than polyethylene, the overall transmission distance is shorter.
(*2):If products with the order numbers listed below are in-
cluded in the network when the F mode is used, the maxi­mum transmission distance is the distance noted in paren­theses. Information on the various types of commercially available manifold solenoid valves should be confirmed with the manufacturing company.
Product name Order number 12 V DC type I/O terminal board 24 V DC type I/O terminal board FP3 remote I/O slave unit FP5 remote I/O slave unit Manifold solenoid valve
AFP87441 AFP87442 AFP3741 AFP5741
(*3):If transmission is adversely affected by noise in the envi-
ronment, shielded twisted pair cables should be used.
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