Control expressions .................................................................................. 93
14 Short circuit isolators____________________________________________________ 94
15 Interlocking function ____________________________________________________ 96
15.1 Programming of interlocking function ...................................................................... 96
15.4 Interlocking control expressions ............................................................................ 100
16 Fire Door Closing (MDH) ________________________________________________ 101
17 Functions / Services / Features ___________________________________________ 102
17.1 Sensor value ........................................................................................................ 102
17.2 Week average sensor value ................................................................................. 102
17.3 Decision value ...................................................................................................... 103
26.1 COM loop Cable length ........................................................................................ 170
26.2 Cable Length Calculations for 1728 and 1736 ....................................................... 172
Technical Manual
FT1020G3 Rev 2.2.1
27 Current consumption ___________________________________________________ 174
28 Power supply _________________________________________________________ 177
Table 20 List of FT1020G3 block wiring diagrams ................................................................. 183
1 Introduction
1.1 General introduction
FT1020G3 Technical / Programming Manual is a document with information of special
interest for planning engineers as well as service / commissioning engineers.
This document should be read in conjunction with FT1020G3 Operation Manual since most
of the information in one of the documents is not found in the other document and vice
It should also be read in conjunction with the FT1020G3 connection diagrams according to
the drawings / connection diagram list on Table 20 page 183.
When planning a fire alarm installation, the Australian standard AS1670.1 requirements
must be followed. Detector type, detector coverage area, detector spacing and special
applications in the building, etc. are concerns for the planning engineers and are not
covered in this document.
Due to continual development and improvement, different S/W versions are to be found.
This document is valid for S/W version V2.2.x. On the date / revision date of the document x = 0.
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FT1020G3 Rev 2.2.1
A product may be one of the following:
FT1020G3 CIE Configured for 510 or 1020 alarm points and with or without printer.
FT1020G3 CIE without front configured for 510 or 1020 alarm points.
FT1020G3 CIE with 2 x 5010 and one front to increase the number of COM loops
to 8 and optional I/O matrix board applications.
Hardware H/W:
A H/W (e.g. a printed circuit board) has:
a part number (e.g. 5010)
a product name (e.g. FT1020G3 Main Board 512 alarm points)
a PCB number (e.g. 9290-2B) and can also have a configuration (e.g. CFG: 2)
and a revision (e.g. REV: 1)
sometimes a S/W
Software S/W:
A S/W has:
A version number (e.g. V2.2.x)
Sometimes additional information, such as Convention (different functions /
facilities), Language, etc. added.
A PC S/W is a program used for programming, commissioning, etc. e.g. EBLWin. It has a
version number e.g. V2.2.0.
1.2 Definitions / Explanations
Definitions / explanations / abbreviations / etc. frequently used, refer to FT1020G3
operation manual.
Refer to FT1020G3 Operation Manual for more details.
FT1020G3 Rev 2.2.1
Product type no.
Product name
8 zones expansion board
8 relay outputs expansion board
Inputs and outputs expansion board
2 Overview
2.1 The FT1020G3 system
FT1020G3 is a microprocessor controlled intelligent fire alarm system, intended for
Analogue addressable smoke detectors, as well as conventional detectors and manual call
points. Programmable control outputs and output units are available. Up to 1020
addresses can be connected to each Control Unit (CIE). Figure 1 presents an overview of
the FT1020G3 System.
FT1020G3 is available in several types, versions and configurations. It can be used as
stand-alone Control Unit or connected to a TLON network, i.e. in a "system" with up to 30
Control Units. Each Control Unit has access to all information.
FT1020G3 is designed and assessed to the Australian Standard AS7240.2, AS7240.4 and
NZS4512:2010. The Fire Brigade Panel controls and indicators are incorporated as part of
the faceplate and conform to AS4428.3:2010.
2.1.1 Printer
Technical/Programming Manual
The Control Unit FT1020G3 can be fitted with an optional printer1.
2.1.2 Expansion boards
Up to six expansion boards can be mounted in FT1020G3 CIE. The following expansion
board types are available:
For more details, refer to chapter "Expansion boards 458x”, page 24 and drawings F728,
F729 and F731.
2.1.3 Power supply
The primary power source is a switch mode power supply, 230 VAC / 24 VDC, 6.5 A (150
The standby power source is a backup batteries (2 x 12 V). In the standard cabinet, up to
24 Ah batteries can be fitted. Larger batteries (up to 65 Ah) require additional battery box.
The batteries and the switch mode power supply are connected to the Main board (5010).
See chapter "Power supply", page 177 for more information.
2.2 Software (S/W) versions
Due to continual development and improvement, S/W versions are being updated from
time to time. When a new FT1020G3 Control Unit is required to be installed in a network
system with "older" Control Units, the software in the older Control Units must be updated
(or download an older version in the new Control Unit). The S/W version must be the same in all Control Units in a TLON network.
Printer 5058 is a spare part for the FT1020G3 with a printer, i.e. it comes without a mounting frame etc.
Information found in one document is normally not to be found in another document, i.e.
the documents complement each other. Product Leaflet for FT1020G3 and other units
are available on Brooks web site: http://www.brooks.com.au.
Some important information might be exist in the operation manual as well as this
manual e.g. specifications / limitation, SSD and software download, etc.
2.4 Applications
The FT1020G3 system is intended for small, medium and large size installations. The
intelligent Control Units offer the system designer and end user a technically sophisticated
range of facilities and functions. Programming (PC software EBLWin and TLON Manager)
and commissioning of the Control Units / system is very easy.
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FT1020G3 Rev 2.2.1
Start with one Control Unit and then when it is required, add more units. The TLON network
makes it possible to install the Control Units in one building or in many buildings.
Separate documents are available for TLON Manager, Web-server, etc.
2.5 PC software (S/W)
The following PC programs are used together with the FT1020G3 system. For standalone
FT1020G3, the TLON Manager is not used.
2.5.1 EBLWin
The PC program EBLWin is used for programming and commissioning of one or more
Control Units, i.e. to:
Autogenerate, i.e. to identify the units connected on a COM loop and make default
settings, which can be edited, saved and used as site specific data (SSD).
Create, download and backup (upload) of site specific data (SSD)
Download new system software version, settings, conventions, configurations,
Control Unit & system properties, etc.
Create and download the user definable alarm text messages shown in the display
in the Control Units and other Display Units (1728 & 1736).
Display the fire alarms, faults and disablements as well as reset, acknowledge and
re-enable, etc.
Configure the Web-server II (5098); create and download / make a backup (upload)
of the configuration data as well as download of Web-server software.
The EBLWin must have the same version number as the system software EBL512 G3
version number e.g. 2.2.x and 2.2.x respectively. Only x may be different, it indicates a
small correction and is not required to be the same.
Old SSD files can be opened in a newer (higher) version of EBLWin, saved, edited and
thereafter downloaded to an FT1020G3 units with the corresponding version.
EBLWin key 5094 is a USB dongle that is required on your PC in order to gain access to
log on and download SSD files.
Notes: The SSD files saved in one version of EBLWin is not backward compatible with
any other earlier versions of PC configuration e.g. WinG3.
It is highly recommended to backup (upload) the SSD file before the system
software (EBL512 G3) can be downloaded,
2.5.2 TLON Manager
The PC program TLON Manager is used for the TLON Network programming, installation,
etc. (TLON Manager 1.2 and TLON Manager 2.0.x can be used).
For more information refer to the TLON Manager technical manual and the next chapter.
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FT1020G3 Rev 2.2.1
3 TLON Network
For further details refer to “TLON Technical / Operation Manual” M437, see also chapter
“TLON connection board 5090” page 50.
3.1 FT1020G3 TLON network
FT1020G3 system can be one Control Unit (CIE) or up to 30 Control Units connected in
a TLON Network.
In a TLON Network, each Control Unit operates independently but has nevertheless total
access to all information in the system.
In a system with two or more Control Units in a TLON Network, pay attention to the
A zone must not be distributed over the system, i.e. all alarm points in a zone
have to be connected to one CIE
When the "Fire door closing" function is used, the alarm points and the outputs
activated by these alarm points must be connected to the same CIE
Technical/Programming Manual
When the interlocking function is used, the input, output and the Interlocking
Combination (area-point) must be connected to one CIE. An input and an output
can only be used in one Interlocking combination.
When the AAF function is used, all devices within the same AAFC zone must be
connected to the same CIE.
3.2 Redundant TLON Network
The FT1020G3 system can be build up as a single TLON Network or as a redundant
TLON Network.
A single TLON Network is only allowed when more than one main board (5010) are
mounted in the same cabinet. In this case, only one TLON connection board (5090) is
required to be plugged in the main board. Whereas in a distributed systems, redundant
TLON Network must be used, 2 TLON connection boards (5090) have to be used in each
Control Unit.
In the single TLON Network, only one network (Network no. 0) connection is used but in a
redundant TLON Network, two networks connections (Network no. 0 and Network no. 1)
must be used. In normal conditions, Network no. 1 is only supervised / monitored until
Network no. 0 fails to establish the communications between the control panels.
The redundant TLON Network supports full functionality. In case of a network fault (i.e.
open circuit or short circuit) in one of the TLON networks, a fault for this TLON Network is
generated as shown in the following fault message:
Where network x = Network no. 0 or Network no. 1.
3.3 Routers
In a TLON network, it is recommended to use TP/FT routers in order to split the TLON
network into separate FTT-10 channels / segments with the following objectives:
Provide galvanic isolation between TLON segments.
FAULT: Control Unit xx has no contact
With control unit xx, network x
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FT1020G3 Rev 2.2.1
Increase the maximum cable length between TLON segments.
Reduce unnecessary communications traffic on the respective network links.
Improve efficiency of the communications channel.
Up to 6 control panels can be connected to one channel i.e. one segment.
When the TLON is divided into more than one segment, the short circuit will affect the
communication between the Control Units in this segment only, the communication
between Control Units in other segments are not affected. The fault messages will be
generated in every Control Unit. However In a redundant system, the network will continue
to communicate via the second TLON network.
Dividing the TLON network into segments may assist in fault finding, faults on the network
e.g. disturbances etc., will be easier to locate and service.
Note: In retrofit network application where the cable integrity is uncertain, routers may
also be required to improve the communications between the TLON segments.
The recommended TP/FT10 router is LPR10, Brooks stock number FTG3 ROUTER. It is
also recommended to use the DIN rail mounting plate, stock number FTG3 ROUT PLATE.
3.4 Network connections
The communications between control panels in a network system can be established using
one of the three following options:
3.4.1 Twisted pair TLON network
The twisted pair cable connection between control panels and cable specifications are
shown in drawings F738-01, F738-02 and F738-03.
The recommended cable is twisted pair 1.5 mm², Brooks stock number BCA0898 or
equivalent. 1 mm² Twisted pair cable can also be used depending on the distance between
the control panels. If a screened cable is used, the shield must be connected to the CIE
earth point.
3.4.2 Fibre optic TLON network
Third party TP/FT10 to fibre optic routers have become obsolete e.g. LRW112 series.
However LRW102 series repeaters are still available.
It is possible to connect a TP/FT10 channel to a fibre optic channel using a Fibre Optic to
TP/FT10 repeater.
A fibre optic network communications can be achieved by using fibre optic repeater e.g.
LRW102 in conjunction with a TP/FT10 router e.g. LPR10. This combination replaces the
fibre optic routers LRW112 series when more than 10 control panels connected in a TLON
network. Great care shall be taken during planning, installation and commissioning.
The fibre optic link offers an easy way to extend the distance between TLON network
segments using high speed back bone fibre optic network link. The maximum distance
between the fibre optic routers varies between 5 Km to 30 Km depending on the type of
The fibre optic solution to network FT1020G3 control panels is shown in Figure 2 and
Figure 3 below. The LPR10 router must be used when the number of networked control
panels is more than 10 panels as shown in Figure 2.
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Figure 2 Redundant fibre optic network for more than 10 control panels
When a number of control panels less than 10 is required in a TLON network, the traffic
will not be very heavy and the LPR10 router may not be required as shown in Figure 3
Figure 3 Redundant fibre optic network for up to 10 control panels
The type of fibre optic repeater is dependent on the cable type e.g. single or multi-mode,
distance between C.U.’s, etc. Care must be taken when selecting the repeater type.
Note: A TLON network of FT1020G3 control panels may consist of fibre optic segments
and twisted pair segments.
3.4.3 TCP/IP TLON network
LonWorks Internet server such as iLon 600, can be used as an internet (or any IP-based
LAN or WAN) pathway for TLON.
The transition from TP/FT10 to IP network opens the opportunity to use a large range of
infrastructure products e.g. fibre optic converters.
Note: a network of fire alarm system is always connected via a dedicated network wiring,
great attention must be taken when choosing an IP network as a pathway for TLON
should be used for autonomous Control Units only. The efficiency of the IP based
communication is dependent on the efficiency of the infrastructure of the IP network.
Technical/Programming Manual
Mains Voltage
230VAC (176-264), 1.6A
System Voltage
24VDC @ 6.5A
Current Consumption
Quiescent / alarm current is dependent on other equipment fitted
in FT1020G3, type and number of expansion boards, connected
external equipment, etc.2.
Ambient Temperature (⁰C)
Operating 0 to + 40, Storage -40 to +70
Ambient humidity (%RH)
Maximum 90, non-condensing
Size (mm)
Standard cabinet 920H x 450W x 210D (with metal door closed)3
Enclosure Material
1.5 Zinc anneal steel
Enclosure Colour
Oyster, powder coated, ripple finish
AS7240.2, AS7240.4, AS4428.3:2010 and NZS4512:2010
Standard Inputs / Outputs4
Four COM loops (0-3), each loop can connect up to 255 devices
Four non-supervised inputs
Four programmable Supervised voltage outputs, 0.75 Amp each
Two programmable relay outputs, contact rating 2 Amp
Four programmable clean contact (N/O or N/C) inputs (I0-I3)5
Two non-programmable relay outputs for ASE (fire & fault)
Six x 24V outputs for Web server, ASE, remote display units,
external applications 2-4 Amp.
Expansion Boards
Max. 6 of 4580, 4581 or 45836
I/O Matrix 4582 board
Max. 24, 6 per COM loop if no expansion boards on Loop 07 fitted.
Up to 6 modules can be used as zone or generic + 18 Fan control
modules (4 fans per module)8
FT1020G3 Rev 2.2.1
4 Control & Indicating Equipment
4.1 FT1020G3 Specifications
The specifications of FT1020G3 Control Panel are shown in Table 1 below and the system
limitations are shown in Table 2 next page.
Table 1 Control Panel Specifications
Refer to chapter “Current consumption” page 173 and the current calculation spread sheet.
Medium size enclosure 630H x 450W x 210D can be used to fit limited number of options. A combination of large and medium
size enclosures can be used if more options required. In 19” rack cabinets, a series of 19” face plates are also available.
Refer to G3 block wiring diagram, drawing no. F765
First input I0 cannot be used in NZ convention, only 3 programmable inputs are available.
Expansion boards are internally connected to COM loop 0, ensure total number of expansion boards and I/O matrix boards
connected to COM loop 0 does not exceed 6. Software 2.1.1 allows to use 6 x 4583.
Reduce the number of 4582 connected to COM loop 0 by one for every expansion board used.
If no expansion boards fitted, up to 24 fan control modules can be used i.e. 96 individual fans
Table 2 Control Panel Limitation
Network System
General fire alarm via programmable input
100 External fault via programmable input
30 x 50
Programmable inputs
Programmable outputs (= control expressions)9
Technical warnings
30 x 100
Addressable 2 voltage outputs unit 3364
40 External display units
30 x 16
Interlocking Combinations
Presentation numbers / alarm points11 that can be presented
in the display(s) in case of fire alarm
Presentation numbers8 that can be programmed
30 x 512 = 15 360
Zones that can be programmed
999 Faults
Disabled zones
Disabled alarm points (zone/address) + Disabled COM loops
Disabled outputs
Disabled interlocking outputs
Sensors activating SERVICE signal
AAF zones (Max. 5 detectors per AAF zone.)16
30 x 100
Total number of expansion boards 4580, 4581 and 458317
30 x 6
Number of I/O matrix boards 458218
30 x 24
Total number of 4582 for zone control and generic applications
30 x 6
Number of user definable text message programmed per 1728
and 1736
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FT1020G3 Rev 2.2.1
Approx. 4000 trigger conditions can be used in these control expressions, more outputs can be used without control expression
(V2.1.1 and higher).
Max. 100 user definable texts can be displayed "at the same time".
Presentation number is a ZONE only or ZONE – ADDRESS.
Any zone number between 001 and 999 can be used for the 512 zones.
Zone/address disabled via time channel not included.
Control outputs disabled via menu H2/B3 and Alarm devices disabled via menu H2/B4 are not included.
Interlocking outputs disabled via menu H2/B3 are not included.
Used in conjunction with the Alarm Acknowledgement Module (AAM).
Expansion boards 4580, 4581 and 4583 are physical connected to COM loop 0
Reduce no. of 4582 boards by one for every expansion board used (4580, 4581 or 4583).
FT1020G3 Rev 2.2.1
4.2 FT1020G3 CIE Layout
The FT1020G3 available in many configurations depending on the number of options fitted
in the CIE.
Technical/Programming Manual
Figure 4 The FT1020G3 Control Unit, with printer
The FT1020G3 control and indicating equipment (CIE) shown in Figure 4 is housed in a
powder coated metal cabinet, colour is oyster. The cabinet has an inner and outer door.
The outer door is fitted with 003 keys to provide access level 1 and is made of tinted high
impact plastic and allows easy viewing of all indicators and controls.
Access to the inner door is gained by opening the outer door which then provides access
to the inner door fixing screws. Opening the inner door allows access to the Control Unit
hardware for the purpose of maintenance or servicing
The fire brigade panel (FBP) forms integral part of the control panel (CP) as shown in
Figure 5 below, it is used by the fire brigade or fire services personnel to see which alarm
point(s) / zone(s) having activated fire alarm and to take required operational control of the
system. In the graphical display, the information displayed in the upper part is dependent
on how many alarm points / zones having activated fire alarm. In the middle part, the fire
alarms will be shown, i.e. one alarm point or one zone together with a user definable alarm
text (if programmed) plus some other information.
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FT1020G3 Rev 2.2.1
Figure 5 FT1020G3 front display
The CP is used to "communicate" with the system, i.e. for commissioning, routine tests,
maintenance, etc. Access codes for different access levels are required. A keypad is used
to get access to the system (a menu tree with main and sub menus) and for operational
control of the system. Up to ten User names can be used for three different User level types. A Password (six digits) for each User name is required19.
The CP has several system status LEDs and a keypad.
Note: Regarding LED indicators, keypad / push buttons / soft keys, user level types and
for more information, see FT1020G3 Operation Manual.
Each FT1020G3 Control Unit has the following basic configuration:
Oyster metal cabinet with acrylic door
MMI board (5011), see drawing F727
FT1020G3 front with display
Main board (5010), see drawing F726
Four COM loops (0-3) to which the loop units are connected, for
connections and more information, see drawing F784-01, F784-02 and
Four programmable supervised voltage outputs (S0-S3), for connections
and more information, see drawing F732-02.
Two programmable relay outputs (R0-R1), for connections and more
information, see drawing. F732-02.
Four programmable inputs (I0-I3)20, for connections and more information,
see drawing F732-02.
The same User names and Passwords (for the different user levels) can be used for logon to the Web-server.
In NZ convention, only I1, I2 and I3 are available i.e. Input I0 cannot be used
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FT1020G3 Rev 2.2.1
Six x 24 VDC power supply outputs for Web-server II (1598), routing
equipment and external equipment requiring battery backed supply.
Connections and more information, see Drawing F732-01.
Two non-programmable relay outputs for routing equipment (Fire alarm
output for Fire Brigade TX and Fault output for Fault TX). For connections
and more information, see drawing F732-02.
Space and connectors for two TLON connection boards 5090, See
drawing F726 and F732-03.
RS485 and 24VDC outputs for Display Units (1728 & 1736), for
connections and more information, see drawing F765.
Connector for expansion boards (4580, 4581 & 4583), for connections and
more information, see drawing F728, F729 and F731.
Connectors for Web-server (1598), for connections and more information,
see drawing F734.
Connectors for Battery charger DC in and battery termination.
Power supply, see chapter "Power supply", page 177. Connections and more
information, see drawing 765.
Switched mode supply, 230VAC / 24VDC (150 Watt).
Space and connection cables for two Sealed Lead-Acid backup batteries.
Battery temperature sensor.
Space for up to six optional expansion boards (458x) mounted on two expansion
boards mounting kits.
Space for different brigade (ASE) interface brackets e.g. Romtec, Tyco ASE, etc.
Depending on the system requirements and the space available, the following
options can be added to FT1020G3:
Occupant Warning System, 60W, 120W or 250W
AS1668 Fire Fan Control Card
Zone status indications and control card
Gaseous Extinguishing System
NZ Fire Brigade mimic display
MDH control
See following chapters for more and detailed information.
4.2.1 Mounting plates
The FT1020G3 control panels are equipped with different front and rear mounting plates
to suit mounting of compatible equipment, optional application boards and the optional
4.2.2 Mounting plate for 19" mounting rack
When FT1020G3 units are required to be mounted in a 19" mounting rack or cabinets, the
standard mounting plates can be replaced with 19” rack mounting plates.
4.3 COM loops
Each FT1020G3 has four COM loops (0-3) to which the loop units are connected.
Connections according to drawing F733.
On each COM loop, up to 255 COM loop units can be connected (COM loop address 001
– 255). The exact number of loop units and the cable length are dependent on the cable
type (cable resistance) and the total COM loop unit current consumption (i.e. the type and
number of loop units). Regarding type and number of COM loop units in relation to the
cable length / type, see drawing F733 and chapters "FT1020G3 cable length", page 170
and "Current consumption", page 174.
NOTE: In total, up to 1020 (4 x 255) COM loop units can be used.
Each COM loop unit has a COM loop address (e.g. 123) and depending on the loop number
(e.g. 0) and the Control Unit number (e.g. 04), each COM loop unit has a technical number
(040123). Each alarm point and zone line input has a fire alarm presentation number
(Zone-Address), e.g. 001-01. See FT1020G3 Operation Manual for more information.
Normally the communication (and power supply) direction alternates every 22 second.
When the communication is in the COM loop A-direction, the COM loop voltage is checked
when the COM loop cable returns to the Control Unit. The voltage has to be > 12 V DC. If
not, a fault will be generated.
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FT1020G3 Rev 2.2.1
4.4 Programmable voltage outputs (S0-S3)
The 24VDC outputs S0-S3 are supervised (monitored)21. One to five 33K resistors can be
connected, for connection diagram, refer to drawing F732-02. When all connections are
completed, a calibration has to be performed, see chapter "Calibration of supervised
outputs" (menu H5/A1)", page 122 and the FT1020G3 Operation Manual. The calibration
value should be 1K-50K.
Each output has to be programmed via EBLWin for the following:
Type of output (Control, Alarm devices, etc).
Output signal period (steady, pulse, delay, etc.).
Supervised / non-supervised.
Logic, i.e. normally low (default) or normally high (24VDC).
Control expression (contains one or more trigger conditions).
See also chapter "Programmable outputs", page 79.
4.5 Programmable relay outputs (R0-R1)
Connections according to drawing F732-02. Each output has to be programmed (via
EBLWin) for the following:
Type (Control, Alarm devices, etc.).
Output signal period (steady, intermittent, pulse, delay, etc.)
Logic, i.e. normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) contacts22.
Control expression (one or more trigger conditions).
The outputs in EBLWin are set by default as supervised however, it is possible to change the setting of S0-S3 individually to be
not supervised.
A normally high output cannot be supervised. The supervision voltage is 1.5 – 3.6 VDC (depending on the number of supervision
resistors) and the polarity is reversed compared to activated output.
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FT1020G3 Rev 2.2.1
See also chapter "Programmable outputs", page 79.
4.6 Programmable inputs (I0-I3)
Connections according to drawing F732-02. Each input has to be programmed (via
EBLWin) for the following:
Type (trigger condition).
Logic, i.e. normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) contacts.
Additional information when required, depending on the selected trigger condition
Open = R > 20K. Closed = R < 500.
An input has to be activated > 0.5 sec.
See also chapter "Programmable inputs", page 72.
4.7 Relay outputs for routing equipment (TX)
Two dedicated non-programmable relay outputs are used for routing equipment. The
outputs can be tested via menu H1. For more information refer to the FT1020G3 Operation
Manual. Connections according to drawing F732-02.
4.7.1 Fire alarm output
This output is normally used for fire alarm routing equipment (Fire brigade TX). It is a
change-over relay contact that is activated when a fire alarm is generated in the system 23.
De-activated output is (normally) indicated by the LED "Fire brigade TX” 24.
When a specific zones or alarm points required to call the brigade, any programmable relay
can be used and type should be “Fire Brigade TX”.
4.7.2 Fault condition output
This output is normally used for fault warning routing equipment (Fault TX). It is a changeover relay contact that is normally activated and will be de-activated in case of a fault 25 in
the Control Unit (CIE) 26. De-activated output (i.e. fault condition) is indicated by the LED
Routing equipment "Fault TX activated".
The output can be disabled via "door open" (not recommended) or via menu H2/B5. See also chapter "Alert Annunciation",
page 115.
This output and programmable outputs with type of output = Fire brigade TX, will normally turn on the LED but a programmable
input with trigger condition = Activated routing equipment, can turn on the LED instead.
Also when the control unit is powered down (i.e. power supply and batteries are disconnected) or Watch-dog fault.
The output can be disabled via "door open" or via menu H2/B5.
FT1020G3 Rev 2.2.1
5 Expansion boards 458x
FT1020G3 cabinet provides space for expansion boards holder, up to 4 boards can be
mounted on one holder. Another holder can be mounted inside the cabinet for the additional
2 expansion boards. The maximum number of the expansion boards of types 4580, 4581 and 4583 used in each FT1020G3 is six. An expansion board connection cable is to be
used to connect expansion boards (connector “J12”) to the main board 5010 (connector
“J9”). See drawing F728, F729 & F730.
Figure 6 Expansion boards 4580, 4581 and 4583.
Technical/Programming Manual
I/O Matrix board 4582 is a special type of expansion boards that plugs (piggy
back) onto an Application board (Fan, Generic or Zone). The Application board is
connected to the COM loop and to 24 VDC. On each COM loop 0-3, up to six 4582
boards can be used (i.e. up to 24 boards in total per FT1020G3 control panel). Refer to
drawing F730 for more details.
Note: COM loop 0 is however a special loop, since the expansion boards 4580, 4581 and
4583 are internally connected on this loop. On COM loop 0, up to a total of six 4580, 4581,
4583 and 4582 boards can be used. This means that for each expansion board 4580, 4581
or 4583 used, the number of 4582 boards is reduced by one.
Figure 7 I/O Matrix board 4582.
Maximum six of the I/O Matrix boards 4582 can be programmed as type Generic and/or
Zone control.
Note: Maximum 512 programmable outputs per CIE can be used.
Each expansion board 4580-4583 must have an expansion board address (0-5) set via
jumpers on the expansion board. The jumpers "JP2-JP4" are used on boards type 4580,
4581 and 4583, and jumpers "JP1-JP3" are used on board type 4582, see Table 3 page
25. Refer to drawings F728, F729, F730 and F731.
EBLWin is used for all expansion board programming.
The expansion board address is set via jumpers on the expansion board as shown in Table
3 below.
X=Shunted, Blank = Open
Address 6 & 7 are not currently used
Technical/Programming Manual
5.1 8 zones expansion board 4580
Each board has to be programmed via EBLWin with an address (Board no.) which is set
via the jumpers "JP2-JP4", see Table 3 above.
The 4580 board has eight conventional zone line inputs (0-7) intended for conventional
detectors, MCP, flow switch input or any N/O clean contact. The end-of line device must
be connected in the last alarm point on each zone, depending on the selected "Type of
zone line input", see below.
Connections to "J1:1-16" and "J2" according to drawing F728.
Each zone line input has to be programmed via EBLWin for the following:
Type of zone line input (see below), depending on detectors / end-of-line device
(capacitor or resistor), i.e. different threshold levels etc.
Alarm at short circuit i.e. whether a short- circuit on the zone line input generates
a fault or a fire alarm.
Zone number (address optional)
AVF (Alarm Verification Facility), if required
Text (Alarm / fault text when required)
Alert annunciation time channel
Disable time channel
5.1.1 Type of zone line input
Two-unit dependency time channel
Type of detectors connected to the zone line input (see “Fire alarm type A and Fire
alarm type B” page 118 for an explanation of A and B)
The terminals support a wire size up to 1.13 mm2 (1.2 mm).
Each input must be selected either as ”Not used” or as one of the following types / modes.
FT1020G3 Rev 2.2.1
SW Version
EOL Resistor to Use
Version 1
Version 2
4K7Ω Zone line input (EOL capacitor)
This mode should normally be used. It has the lowest zone line current consumption since
the End-Of-Line device is a capacitor, 470 nF (±10 %).
Maximum allowed cable resistance is 50 ohm.
Maximum allowed cable capacitance is 50 nF.
Maximum allowed zone line current consumption is 1.5 mA. EX zone line input (EOL resistor)
This mode must be used when the zone line input is intended to be connected to
intrinsically safe devices e.g. intrinsically safe detectors or manual call points via the
Galvanic isolator MTL5061 (2820). The end-of-line device is a resistor, 10K (±5 %) with a
body surface area > 230 mm2 (supplied with the Galvanic isolator).
Maximum allowed cable resistance is 40 ohm.
Maximum allowed cable capacitance is 70 nF.
Total zone line current consumption is < 1.0 mA. Zone line input (EOL resistor)
Technical/Programming Manual
This mode is typically used in New Zealand where only EOL resistors are allowed. It has
to be used when any of the other types cannot be used (e.g. for some older type of
detectors and not Panasonic detectors). The EOL resistor has the highest zone line current
consumption since the end-of-line device is a resistor, 4K7 (±5 %).
Maximum allowed cable resistance is 50 ohm.
Total zone line current consumption is 2.0 mA.
Note: Older version of 4580 boards PCB9287-2B requires 10K end-of-line resistor while
the newer version PCB9287-3A requires 4K7. Table 4 and Figure 8 illustrate the two
distinctive differences between the two PCB versions in both hardware and software.
Table 4 4580 Versions with EOL Values to Use
Figure 8 Expansion board top side differences
5.1.2 Input states
Each input will be in one of six different states. Normal state
The normal zone line input state, i.e. no alarm, no fault, etc. and the nominal voltage is
. From this state any other state can be reached / activated.
DC High current state
The maximum current consumption limit28 for the zone line input is exceeded, which is
indicating that e.g. too many alarm points are connected. This state generates a fault
condition in FT1020G3. From this state any other state can be reached / activated except
the open circuit state. Alarm state
One alarm point (or more) on the zone line is in alarm state and the alarm limit28 for the
zone line is exceeded which activates a fire alarm in FT1020G3. In this state short-circuit,
open circuit, high current and low voltage states cannot be reached / activated. After alarm
reset, the zone line input will return to the normal state.
Technical/Programming Manual
FT1020G3 Rev 2.2.1 Short-circuit state
The short circuit current limit 28 is exceeded, indicating short-circuit on the zone line which
normally generates a fault condition in FT1020G3 but instead, a fire alarm can be activated,
if this option is selected via EBLWin. Open circuit state
The open circuit current limit 28 is passed, indicating very low zone line current consumption
or no current, i.e. the End-Of-Line device is not detected which generates a fault condition
in FT1020G3. From this state any other state can be reached / activated. Disconnected state
Via menu H8/S1 (Disconnect loop / zone line input) the zone line input can be
disconnected29, i.e. there is no voltage on the zone line. From this state no other state can
be reached / activated.
5.2 8 relays expansion board 4581
Each board has to be programmed via EBLWin for Address (Board no.), set via jumpers
"JP2-JP4" as shown in Table 3 page 25.
The 4581 board has eight programmable relay outputs (Output 0-7).
Connections to "J1:1-16" and "J2" according to drawing F729.
Each output has to be programmed via EBLWin for the following:
Type, i.e. output for Control, Alarm devices, etc.
Output signal period (steady, pulse, delay, etc.)
Logic, i.e. normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) contacts30
Control expression (contains one or more trigger conditions)
Voltage range 15-28 V DC.
This limit is dependent on the selected input mode.
This is indicated in FT1020G3 by the LED Fault / Disablements "General disablements".
Relay contact ratings: Max. 2A @ 30 V DC.
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