Panasonic ES881 User Manual [en, es, fr]



Wet/Dry Rechargeable Shaver
Before operating this unit, please read these instructions completely.


When using an electncal appli ance, basic precautions should always be followed,
including Ihe following
Read all instructions before
using this appliance
Do not reach for the appli ance that has fallen into
water Unplug immediately Do not place or store charg ing adaptor where it can fall inlo a tub or sink Do not place in or drop into water or other liquid Before charging the shaver,
Та reduce Ihe risk of electric ehcck
Wipe off any moisture from
Ihe shaver and pharging
Do not USB this shaver with damaged shaving blades and/or foil, as facial injury may occur Close supervision is neces sary when this shaver is used by, on or near children □r invalids Use this appliance only for
Its intended use as de­scnbed in this manual Do not USB attachments not recommEnded by the manu facturer
Never operate this appli ance if it has a damaged
Та reduce Ihe risk af burns, fire, eleclric shack, or Injury to persans
adaptor Always handle with dry hands Always charge the shaver in a cool, dry place Except when charging, al ways unplug Ihe charging adaptor from the electncal outlet Unplug this appliance be fore cleaning
cord or plug, if It IS not work ing properly, if It has been dropped or damaged or dropped into water Return the appliance to a service center for examination and repair Never drop or insert any ob
ject into any opening
Do not use outdoors or op erate where aerosol (spray) products are being used or
where oxygen is being ad
ministered Keep the cord away from heated surfaces



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и (А)
Before use
This Wet/Dry shaver can hs used la wBl shave wilh shaving lalher or as a dry shaver This walerproal shaver can be cleaned in waler and used while lading a shower Use warm waler and shaving lalher la gel cicser and smnolher shaves Trsat ynurself !□ wel lalher shaves Гаг al leasl Ihree weeks and notice Ihe difference Start □ul shaving wilh genlle pressure on у cur face Ycu may genlly increase ihe amounl of pressure as yeur skin becomes adjusted !□ Ihis shaver Ap plying unnecessary pressure, how
ever, does nol mean a closer shave Stretching skin face with free hand may help in shaving process Your Panasonic Wal/Dry shaver re quires a littls lime lo gel used lo Ycur skin and beard need about 3D days lo
adjust to any new shaving malhod Shave only with this Panasonic Wel/Dry shaver for one month After
that, you may not ever want to shave with anything else
Parts identification
(see fig 1)
@ Protective cap (fl Syslem outer foil release bul-
tone © Foil frame © Syslem oLitBr foil © Lift strip © Inner blades
© Inner blade mount 0 Foil frame release button 0 On/Off switch
© Swilch Inch button
(E) Battery capacity monllor
© Charge slatus lamp ® Trimmer 0 Trimmer swilch © Charging adaptor wilh aulo-
Charging (sea lig
This shaver has a battery Capacity monitor that displays the remaining battery capacity in five levels Charge the shaver fully lor eight hours before using it for the lirsl lime, cr when it has not been used for more than SIX months For normal use,
charge it fully for one hour when re maining battery capacity flashes down to the 20% level (see lig 2A) A full charge will supply enough power
for about t4 shaves (three minutes per shave) Swilch the shaver to Ihe
into the charging adaptor Keep the adaptor level Plug Ihe adap
tor into an AC ouLIbL It will adjust au-
lomalically to voltages between
tDD-12D and 220-240V AC In soma
areas, special plug adaptor may be re
The charge slatus lamp will glow red
and It will turn lo green when the
charging is completed Al the same lime, Ihe monitor will display fully
[diarged condition (see fig 2B)
In case your shaver IS disdiarged you
rriay quick charge il for one shave in
about nve minutes
mallc Voltage adjusimeni
• charge" pcsilian and set it firmly
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