Natural-like 3D eect
Excellent 3D eect and image quality are best suitable for end oscopic surgery allowing quick recognition of aected areas an d
smooth saturation procedures. Bright icker-free images throug h light weight 3D glasses greatly reduce 3D related nausea and
eye fatigue. Fine adjustment of 3D eect is possible with inc luded parallax adjustment function.
Excellent image quality
Advanced IPS (In-Plane-Switching) technology allows accurate co lor reproduction and consistent performance not aected by
environment of usage, which improves eciency in operation p rocedures in combination with better visibility with large scre en and
full-screen display mode function.
Flexible switching to 2D
Panasonic's medical 3D LCD monitor features exible selection from 2D/3D modes and multiple display modes via OSD,
function key, GPI and RS232C interfaces.
Enter the world of Panasonic
3D Medical Images
The new Medical 3D Full HD LCD Monitor makes an
incredible viewing experience for surgeons possible.
Take advantage during more complicated surgeries
as well as medical trainings and increase eciency
through an optimum of three-dimensional orientation. The natural-like 3D eect and excellent image
quality is suitable for endoscopic surgery as well as
microscopy. Due to light weight polarized glasses a
good wearability is assured in any situation.
Medical 3D LCD Monitor: EJ-MDA series
3D Feature
∙ Technology: Passive 3D with Xpol®polarization lter
∙ Compatible 3D Input Format:
∙ 3D Input Terminal: HD-SDI / DVI-D
∙ 3D Function: Odd/even line selection / Parallax adjustment
∙ 3D displayable Input Signal:
1080/60p(DVI), 1080/50p(DVI), 1080/30p, 1080/25p, 1080/24p, 1080/24PsF
1080/60i, 1080/50i, 720/60p, 720/50p
Xpol is registered trademark of Arisawa Co., Ltd
Line-by-line Top & bottom
Dual stream
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