Panasonic CU-E9DKR, CU-E12DKR Installation Instruction

10 Installation Instructions
Required tools for Installation Works
1 . P hilips screw driv er 5 . S panner 9 . G as leak detector 1 3 . M ultimeter
2. L ev el g aug e 6 . P ipe cutter 1 0 . M easuring tape 1 4 . Torque wrench 1 8 N .m (1 .8 kg f.m) 4 2 N .m (4 .2 kg f.m) 5 5 N .m (5 .5 kg f.m)
3 . E lectric drill, hole core drill
(ø7 0 mm)
4 . H ex ag onal wrench (4 mm) 8 . K nife 1 2. M eg ameter 1 6 . G aug e manifold
10 .1. S afe ty P re cautions
Read the following S A F E TY P RE C A U TIO N S carefully before installation.
E lectrical work must be installed by a licensed electrician. Be sure to use the correct rating of the power plug and main circuit for the model to be installed.
The caution items stated here must be followed because these important contents are related to safety. The meaning of each indication used is as below. Incorrect installation due to ig noring of the instruction will cause harm or damag e, and the seriousness is classified by the following indications.
This indication shows the possibility of causing death or serious injury.
This indication shows the possibility of causing injury or damag e to properties only.
The items to be followed are classified by the symbols:
S ymbol with backg round white denotes item that is P RO H IBITE D from doing .
C arry out test running to confirm that no abnormality occurs after the installation. Then, ex plain to user the operation, care and maintenance as stated in instructions. P lease remind the customer to keep the operating instructions for future reference.
1 . E ng ag e dealer or specialist for installation. If installation done by the user is defectiv e, it will cause water leakag e, electrical shock or fire.
2. Install according to this installation instruction strictly. If installation is defectiv e, it will cause water leakag e, electrical shock or fire. 3 . U se the attached accessories parts and specified parts for installation. O therwise, it will cause the set to fall, water leakag e, fire or
electrical shock.
4 . Install at a strong and firm location which is able to withstand the sets weig ht. If the streng th is not enoug h or installation is not properly
done, the set will drop and cause injury.
5 . F or electrical work, follow the local national wiring standard, reg ulation and this installation instruction. A n independent circuit and sing le
outlet must be used. If electrical circuit capacity is not enoug h or defect found in electrical work, it will cause electrical shock or fire.
6 . U se the specified cable (1 .5 mm2) and connect tig htly for indoor/outdoor connection. C onnect tig htly and clamp the cable so that no
ex ternal force will be acted on the terminal. If connection or fix ing is not perfect, it will cause heat-up or fire at the connection.
7 . Wire routing must be properly arrang ed so that control board cov er is fix ed properly. If control board cov er is not fix ed perfectly, it will
cause heat-up at connection point of terminal, fire or electrical shock.
8 . When carrying out piping connection, take care not to let air substances other than the specified refrig erant g o into
refrig eration cycle. O therwise, it will cause lower capacity, abnormal hig h pressure in the refrig eration cycle, ex plosion and injury.
9 . When connecting the piping , do not allow air or any substances other than the specified refrig erant (R4 1 0 A ) to enter the
refrig eration cycle. O therwise, this may lower the capacity, cause abnormally hig h pressure in the refrig eration cycle, and possibly result in ex plosion and injury.
1 0 .
When connecting the piping , do not use any ex isting (R22) pipes and flare nuts. U sing such same may cause abnormally hig h pressure in the refrig eration cycle (piping ), and possibly result in ex plosion and injury. U se only R4 1 0 A materials.
Thickness of copper pipes used with R4 1 0 A must be more than 0 .8 mm. N ev er use copper pipes thinner than 0 .8 mm.
It is desirable that the amount of residual oil is less than 4 0 mg /1 0 m.
1 1 . D o not modify the leng th of the power supply cord or use of the ex tension cord, and do not share the sing le outlet with
other electrical appliances. O therwise, it will cause fire or electrical shock.
5 0
C S - E 9 D K R W C U - E 9 D K R / C S -E 12 D K R W C U -E 12 D K R
1. The equipment must be earthed. It may cause electrical shock if grounding is not perfect.
2. Do not install the unit at place where leakage of flammable gas may occur. In case gas leaks and accumulates at surrounding of the unit, it may cause fire.
3. Carry out drainage piping as mentioned in installation instructions. If drainage is not perfect, water may enter the room and damage the furniture.
1. Selection of the installation location. Select a installation location which is rigid and strong enough to support or hold the unit, and select a location for easy maintenance.
2. Power supply connection to the room air conditioner. Connect the power supply cord of the room air conditioner to the mains using one of the following method. Power supply point shall be the place where there is ease for access for the power disconnection in case of emergency. In some countries, permanent connection of this room air conditioner to the power supply is prohibited.
1. Power supply connection to the receptacle using a power plug.
Use an approved 15A/16A power plug with earth pin for the connection to the socket.
2. Power supply connection to a circuit breaker for the permanent connection. Use an approved 16A circuit breaker for the permanent
connection. It must be a double pole switch with a minimum 3.5 mm contact gap.
3. Do not release refrigerant. Do not release refrigerant during piping work for installation, reinstallation and during repairing a refrigeration parts. Take care of the liquid refrigerant, it may cause frostbite.
4. Installation work. It may need two people to carry out the installation work.
5. Do not install this appliance in a laundry room or other location where water may drip from the ceiling, etc.
Attached accessories
Applicable piping kit
CZ -3F5, 7BP (E9DK)
CZ -4F5, 7, 10BP (E12DK)
There should not be any heat source or steam near the unit.
There should not be any obstacles blocking the air circulation.
A place where air circulation in the room is good.
A place where drainage can be easily done.
A place where noise prevention is taken into consideration.
Do not install the unit near the door way.
Ensure the spaces indicated by arrows from the wall, ceiling, fence or other obstacles.
Recommended installation height for indoor unit shall be at least 2.3 m.
If an awning is built over the unit to prevent direct sunlight or rain, be careful that heat radiation from the condenser is not obstructed.
There should not be any animal or plant which could be affected by hot air discharged.
Keep the spaces indicated by arrows from wall, ceiling, fence or other obstacles.
Do not place any obstacles which may cause a short circuit of the discharged air.
If piping length is over the rated length, additional refrigerant should be added as shown in the table.
Indoor/O utdoor Unit Installation Diag ram
This illustration is for explanation purposes only. The indoor unit will actually face a different way.
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