Panasonic CF-71GYXXXXX, CF-71DJXXXXX User Manual

Reference Manual


Personal Computer
CF-71 Series
Illustrations in this Reference Manual
Key Combinations.............................................
LED Indicators................................................... 3
Panasonic Hand Writing (Touch Pad) ..................... 4
Suspend/Hibernation Functions ...................... 6
Security Measures ............................................ 9
Computing On the Road ................................ 14
Battery Power ................................................. 17
Using a Multimedia Pocket Device................ 21
Using PC Cards .............................................. 23
Adding Memory .............................................. 25
Port Replicator................................................ 26
Using a Printer................................................ 27
Using an External Display ............................. 28
Using USB Devices ........................................ 29
Infrared Data Communications ..................... 31
Hard Disk Drive............................................... 32
Setup Utility .................................................... 34
Technical Information .................................... 39
List of Error Codes......................................... 42
DMI Viewe r ...................................................... 43
Dealing With Problems................................... 44
NOTE: NOTE provides a useful fact or helpful information. CAUTION: CAUTION indicates a condition that may result in minor or moderate injury. WARNING: WARNING indicates a hazard that may result in moderate or serious injury.
[Start]-[Shut Down]: This illustration means to click [Start], then to click [Shut Down].
(For some applications, you may need to double-click.)
Enter : This illustration means to press the [Enter] key. Fn + F5 : This illustration means to press and hold the [Fn] key, then press the [F5] key.
page: When the cursor is moved to an item under [Contents] or to page (green display), the
shape of the cursor will change to . Under this condition, if characters are tapped (or a click is made), the corresponding page in the Reference Manual will be displayed.
: This illustration means to refer to the Operating Instructions.
We recommend that this Reference Manual be printed.

Key Combinations

Do not press the following key combinations repeatedly in (quick) succession. Do not press the following key combinations while using the touch pad (mouse) or other keys.
Fn + F2
Fn + F3
Fn + F4
Fn + F5 Fn + F6
LCD brightness control
Display change
Speakers on/off s witch
Volume contr ol ( down)
Volume control ( up)
Holding down on the ke ys changes the sound level.
Hold down the Fn key and press F2 to change the brightness.
By pressing this key combination when the external display is connected, you can select either an exter­nal display, LCD or simultaneous. Pow ering the com­puter off and then back on enables the display set­ting of the Setup Utility.
Pressing this key combination tur ns off audio from the internal speakers and headphone jack. Pressing it again or restarting the computer turns audio back on. Pressing it again, or powering the computer off and then back on enables the speaker setting of the Setup Utility.
When disabling the speakers with this key com­bination, the warning beep is also disabled.
Pressing this key combination adjusts the volume of the internal speakers and headphone jack.
This key combination cannot be used to adjust the volume of the warning beep. A dull elongated sound may be heard while adjusting the volume.
Popup Window
When the bright­ness is at its maxi­mum value.
Do wn
Fn + F7
Fn + F8
Fn + F9
Fn + F
Power off using the suspend function
P ower management enable/disable switch
Remaining capacity of the battery pack
ECO mode for conserv-
ing power
Pressing this key combination causes the current screen on the display to be saved to memory, and powers off the computer . When the computer is po w­ered on again by sliding the power switch or press­ing the sleep switch, this sav e screen will be display ed. (The computer must be plugged into the AC adapter or have a battery pack with sufficient remaining po w er installed.)
Pressing this key combination temporarily disables the power management feature of the Setup Utility. Pressing it again, or powering the computer off and then back on enables the power management set-
ting of the Setup Utility. page 16
Pressing this key combination displays the remain­ing battery capacity on the screen. page 17
Pressing this key combination cuts off power to the LCD and turns off the hard disk motor until operation is resumed by pressing any ke y.
Enable (Advanced)
Enable (Standard)
Disable (OFF)
Remaining capacity (%) display
Battery pack is not installed.
* When [Disable] is set for [Fn+F7/Fn+F10] with the Setup Utility, these key combinations become inoperable.

LED Indicators

Caps Lock
(Numeric key)
ScrLk (Scroll lock)
KeyPad (Arrow key)
Multimedia pocket device status
Hard disk status
This indicator lights green when Caps Lock is pressed. Subsequent non­shifted input is capitalized.
These indicators light green when NumLk is pressed and then Key Pad is pressed while holding down the Fn key. This causes a portion of the key­board to function as a numeric keypad. The [Enter] key functions differ­ently depending on the application.
This indicator lights green when ScrLk is pressed. Scroll lock functions differently depending on the application.
This indicator lights green when Key Pad is pressed while holding down the Fn key. When the indicator is not lit, a portion of the keyboard func­tions as arrow ke ys. The [Enter] key functions diff erently depending on the application.
This indicator lights when the multimedia pocket device (floppy disk drive, CD-ROM drive or SuperdiskTM drive) is accessed. (When using the floppy disk drive as an e xternal flopp y disk drive , only the access lamp on the side of the floppy disk driv e is lit.)
This indicator lights when the hard disk drive is accessed.
Battery pack sta­tus
Power status
Not lit : AC adapter not connected or charging not being per-
f ormed.
Orange : Charging in progress. Green : Charging finished. Red : Battery is low
(remaining battery capacity is approx. 9% or less).
Flashing red : Battery pack or charging malfunction. Flashing orange five times after the AC adapter is connected :
Charging on standby. (The ambient temperature is outside the allowab le range. Once the allo wab le range requirement is satisfied, charging begins automatically .)
Not lit : Power off Green : Po wer on Flashing green : Suspend mode

Panasonic Hand Writing (Touch Pad)

Drawing Characters or Figures
Simple characters and figures like signatures and arrows can be made b y using the w ork surface of the touch pad, and can be saved to a file as a bitmap (.bmp) format. Positions on the work surface of the touch pad have corresponding positions in the Panasonic Hand Writing window . For e xample, a character or figure made in the top-left part of the work surface of the touch pad will be displayed in the top-left part of the Panasonic Hand Writing window.
To draw, an object with a rounded tip (e.g., a pen for tablets) can be used. Do not use any of the following objects, as they may damage the work surface.
• Objects with an extremely sharp tip, like screwdrivers and nails.
• Objects that leave marks, like ball-point pens. In the Hand Writing mode , an external mouse or trackball connected to the exter­nal keyboard/mouse port will not operate. Therefore, before switching over to the Hand Writing mode, remove the external device that is connected. If a switch is made to the Hand Writing mode without disconnecting the external device and the external device stops working, reconnect the device after quitting the Hand Writing mode. If the device still does not work, try restarting the computer.
Select from the taskbar or select [Panasonic Hand Writing] from [Start] - [Program] - [Panasonic]
Change to the Hand Writing mode
The following two methods are available.
• Select from the tool bar.
• Select [Hand writing mode] in [Option].
Draw a character or figure using the work surface of the touch
Determine the position to begin drawing:
Determine the position to begin drawing while pressing down on the right but­ton of the touch pad. After determining this position, release your finger from the button and dr aw. Dra wing is not possible while the right button of the touch pad is being pressed. Data can be copied to the clipboard with [Edit] - [Copy]. Copied data can be added to other applications that support the bitmap format by using the paste function. P asting is not possib le to applications that do not support the bitmap format.
(To next page)
Panasonic Hand Writing (Touch Pad)
Close the Hand Writing mode
Confirm that the [Panasonic Hand Writing] window is active, and then press the left button of the touch pad.
In the following cases, the Hand Writing mode is automatically cancelled.
• When a switch is made to another application
• When the computer resumes operation from the suspend or hibernation mode
• When the settings window for [Panasonic Hand Writing] is sho wn.
Select [Save As] or [Save] from [File].
The file size of a bitmap image to be saved or pasted to another application can be changed with [Option] - [Window size].

Suspend/Hibernation Functions

Starting Up Your Computer Quickly
If you want to immediately start up and continue an application after shutting down y our computer, you can do so by using the suspend or hibernation function.
Differences between the suspend function and hibernation function
Function Where data is saved to Speed
Requires power supply
Suspend function Hibernation function Memory Hard disk Fast Somewhat slow
Yes (if power is cut, all data is lost) Power not required to maintain data
Setting the Suspend or Hibernation Function
[Hibernation] is factory set.
Run the Setup Utility ( page 34)
Using and , select [Power Management], then press
Enter Using and , select [Sleep Switch], set [Suspend] or
[Hibernation] with , then press Esc Close the Setup Utility
( page 34)
Shutting Down Using the Suspend or Hibernation Function
The computer should be set for suspend or hibernation ( see the above procedure).
Press the sleep switch; at the "beep*" sound, release your finger.
(After releasing your finger from the sleep switch, while the computer is in the suspend or hibernation mode, do not touch the sleep switch or the power switch.)
At the "beep*" sound, release your finger from the sleep s witch. If y ou continue to press down on the s witch and hold it for more than four seconds, the "beep*" sound will come out again and the power will go off. Data not previously saved will be lost. Slide the power switch to power on. The power will not go on by pressing the sleep switch. Even when [Sleep Switch] is set to [No Action] with the Setup Utility, if the sleep switch is pressed, a beep will sound and the power will go off if the button is pressed for more than four seconds. If the computer will not be operated for an extended period of time, it is recom­mended that hibernation mode is used instead of suspend mode.
* When the speaker function is disabled, e.g., by setting [Disable] for [Speaker] with the
Setup Utility ( page 34) or by the key combination Fn + F4 , there will be no beep sound.
Suspend Mode
Hibernation Mode
Suspend/Hibernation Functions
With the method below, you can shut down the computer b y using the suspend function.
Fn + F7 ( page 2) Select [Suspend] from the [Start] menu.
[Suspend] is deleted from the [Start] menu by unchecking [Allow Windows to manage power use on this computer.] in [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] ­[Po wer] or by unchec king [Show suspend command on Start menu] in [Advanced].
Resuming Operation
Push the sleep switch
Slide the power switch
If the security indicator ( ) is displayed, your password has been set.
After the display returns, the computer needs a short period of time to reinitialize. This takes about 15 seconds. Do not shut down or restart Windows, or use suspend or hibernation function again during this time, as this may subsequently cause Windows to operate abnormally. Do not install or remove peripherals while your computer is in the suspend or hibernation mode; abnormal operation may result. When operation resumes, serial devices such as a mouse or modem, or your PC Cards may not work. In such cases, you will need to restart your computer or reinitialize the individual devices.
Suspend/Hibernation Functions
Precautions for Using the Suspend or Hibernation Function
Save all data before powering off your computer. When restarting from or shutting down to the suspend or hibernation mode, do not touch the touch pad (or move the mouse (serial or PS/2 type) if one is connected). These devices may fail to operate, you will then need to restart your computer using the keyboard. Do not pow er off during the following periods (you may corrupt your data or file):
• While the MP indicator ( ) or HDD indicator ( ) is on.
• While playing/recording audio files.
• While communications software is being used. Do not use the suspend or hibernation function when using an operating system other than the one that comes with your computer, the Setup Utility, or when experiencing static electricity or noise. If you hold down on the Alt , Ctrl or Shift key to enter the suspend or hibernation mode, after resuming operation, you must press the same key. For ex­ample, if you hold down on the key while pushing the sleep switch, upon resuming, if you do not press the key again, only capital letters will result from typing. Only when the computer stops operating or locks up should the sleep switch be held more than four seconds to power off the computer. Slide the power switch to po wer on and data not previously saved will be lost. In the suspend mode, power is consumed. If PC Cards (e.g., a modem card) are inserted, more of that power is consumed. When all power has been consumed, all data at shut down is lost since it is retained in memory. We therefore recommend plugging in the AC adapter when using the suspend function. Repeatedly using the suspend or hibernation function will use up a lot of the system resources and the computer may not wor k proper l y. Shut down Windows ([Start]­[Shut Down]) on a regular basis, e.g., about one time a week, without using the sus­pend or hibernation function. Doing so will restore the system resources. Do not use the suspend or hibernation function during the following periods. The suspend or hibernation function, or peripherals may not work.
• When a file in external devices such as a CD-ROM drive, external hard disk, or ATA card is opened, the suspend or hibernation function may not work. In such cases, close the file.
• SCSI cards may not recover after entering the suspend or hibernation mode. If this occurs, restart the computer.
After a Windows 95 USB device driver has been installed, do not use the suspend or hibernation function. If the suspend or hibernation mode is activated, the computer ma y not function properly. Power off, then on, using the po wer s witch to resume proper operation. If you want to use the suspend or hibernation function after the USB driver is installed, disable the USB device function of the computer by following the procedure below.
In [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [System] - [Device Manager], select [Intel 82371AB/EB PCI to USB Universal Host Controller] in [Univ ersal serial b us control­ler].
Add the check mark for [Disable in this hardware profile] in [Properties] - [Gen­eral], press [OK], and then press [Close].
In [Start] - [Shut Down], select [Restart], then press [OK]. If you want to enable the USB device function again, delete the check mark for [Dis­able in this hardware profile] in step 2. When the message appears asking whether to
reboot the computer, select [Yes]. If the message is not displayed, go to step 3.

Security Measures

To prevent unauthorized access of your computer , the various security measures are provided below.
Situation Function to use Reference
You do not want your computer to be used without permission Same as above, but while you’ re away temporarily
User Password below Coffee break Passw ord page 10
You want to prevent theft or damage to data by using a flopp y disk
You do not want your Supervisor Setup changed without permission
You want to prevent theft of your computer
Pre vent operation by using a floppy disk
Supervisor Passw ord page 12
Use security locks
page 12
"Names and Functions of Pa rts"
When you do not want y our computer to be used without permission
Set the User Password. Without the passw ord, access to your computer is impossible.
When the User Password is set
Upon entering your User Pass­word and pressing Enter .
* If you are starting from the suspend mode, if after
three attempts the correct password is not input, or if no password is entered for about a minute, the computer returns to the suspend mode.
If the correct password is input,
Over three incorrect attempts,
Will Start
Will Not Start*
(Power off)
Setting the user password (enabling, changing, disabling)
Run the Setup Utility ( page 34) Using and , select [System Setup], then press Enter
Using and , select [User Password], then press Enter
To enable or change your password
Enter your password at the [Enter User P assword], then press .
Your password will not be displayed on the screen. Please limit your password to seven characters. Note that there is no distinction between upper and low er case letters. White colored keys can be used. Note that the space bar and function keys cannot be used. Do not input your passw ord while holding down on Shift or Ctrl . Use only the upper horizontal row of numeric keys to input your user password. Do not forget your password. If a password is forgotten, you will be unable to use your computer. Please contact P anasonic Technical Sup­port.
(To next page)
Security Measures
To disable your password
Using the and , keys, select [Delete User Password], then press
Enter . Go to step 7.
Re-enter your password at the [Enter User Password Again]
(This is for confirmation purposes.)
Using and , select [Set User Password], then press Enter
At the confirmation screen, press Enter
Press Esc to end the password setting procedure
8 9
Close the Setup Utility ( page 34)
To prevent the changing of your password without permission
• When running the Setup Utility, do not leave your computer e v en for a short time.
• Set the User Pass word Protection option ( page 13).
When you do not want your computer to be used without permission while away temporarily
You should set the “Coffee break Password” (Note that you must first set the User Pass­word). When you input your selected key combination, the computer locks (key input, use of the touch pad and use of an external mouse are no longer possible).
When the coffee break password is set
When leaving your desk Alt + Ctrl + F9
The computer is locked
In the case of the coffee break password, the password key indicator will not change even if the password is inputted.
(Example of a selected key combination)
Input the correct password used at startup and press Enter .
When an incorrect password is inputted,
Operation resumes
Operation does
not resume
Key Indicator
Do not leave your computer just after sensitive data had been shown on the screen. It is impossible to loc k your computer from an external de vice , such as a mouse connected through the serial port or the USB keyboard.
Security Measures
Setting the Coffee break Passwo rd (enabling or disabling)
Set the User P assw ord ( page 9 to 10 step
To enable the Coffee break Password
Using and , select [Coffee break Password], then set [Enable] with
To disable the Coffee break Password
Using and , select [Coff ee break Pass word], then set [Disable] with
. Go to step 4.
Using and , select [Key Combination for Coffee break], then set your combination of keys with
Press Esc to end the password setting procedure
Close the Setup Utility ( page 34)
to 7 )
Security Measures
Preventing theft of damage to data using a flopp y disk
You may choose to protect the data on your computer from being accessed illegally or overwritten accidentally by using a floppy disk. You can also set your computer to be unbootable from a floppy disk.
Preventing the use of a floppy disk
This error message is displayed when access to the floppy disk drive is attempted.
Run the Setup Utility ( page 34) Using and , select [Supervisor Setup], then press Enter
Using and , select [Boot Up Drive], then set either [HDD
FDD] or [CDD FDD HDD] with
Using the and , select [Floppy Operation], set [Disable]
with , then press Esc
Close the Setup Utility ( page 34)
When you do not want y our Supervisor Setup changed without permission
Set the Supervisor Password. After it has been set, no changes can be made to the Supervisor settings unless the password is entered.
When the supervisor password is set
When changing the Supervisor Setup, if is displayed after the power has been turned on, or if [Enter supervisor password] is displayed in the Setup Utility ( page 34),
Input the correct supervisor password and press .
Supervisor Setup
May be
When the supervisor password is incorrect or when the user password is entered, (Or, ev en when the correct supervisor pass word
is entered). page 46
(There are cases in which the Supervisor Setup does not appear on the main screen).
Supervisor Setup
Can not be
page 34
Security Measures
Setting the Supervisor Password
(enabling, changing, disabling)
Run the Setup Utility ( page 34)
Using and , select [Supervisor Setup], then press Enter
Using and , sel e c t [ Super visor Password ] , then press Enter
To enable or change your supervisor password
Enter your passw ord at the [Enter Supervisor Password], then press .
Your password will not be displayed on the screen. Please limit your password to seven characters. Note that there is no distinction between upper and low er case letters. White colored keys can be used. Note that the space bar and function keys cannot be used. Do not input your password while holding down on Shift or Ctrl . Use only the upper hori zontal row of numeric keys to input your user password. Do not forget your password. If a password is forgotten you will be unable to use your computer . Please contact P anasonic T echnical Sup­port.
To disable your supervisor password
Using and , select [Delete Supervisor Password], then press Enter . Go to step 7.
Re-enter your password at the [Enter Supervisor Password Again]
(This is for confirmation purposes.)
When you do not want the User Password enabled, changed, or dis­abled without permission,
use and , to select [User Password Protection], then set [Enable] with .
Using and , select [Set Supervisor Password], then press Enter
At the confirmation screen, press Enter
Press Esc to end the password setting procedure
Close the Setup Utility ( page 34)

Computing On the Road

Conserving Power
One of the main features of notebook-type computers is that you have the power of computing away from your home or office. In the following, information is provided on how to maximize use of the battery pack which is necessary for such computing.
Four Important Poin t s
Be sure to charge your battery before and after use.
To get the maximum use of your battery, set the power man­agement mode.
Check to see that you have your AC adapter with you before leaving your home or office.
Purchasing an extra battery (CF-VZS351A) and the optional bat­tery charger* is highly recommended.
* for U.S.A. and Canada: CF-VCB252 (with AC adapter)
for Europe: CF-VCB251A
Always watch your battery level!
Things to Remember
Leave your computer off when it is not in use
( "Starting Up/Shutting Down")
Adjust the brightness (dark) with
By repeatedly pressing the keys to maximize the brightness ( will be dis­played), following this, if the keys are pressed again, the brightness will be mini-
mized, thereby lowering the power consumption.
Fn + F2
Before stepping away from your computer, press Fn + F10
to put your computer in the ECO mode
The ECO mode helps you conserve power by cutting off power to the LCD and turning off the hard disk motor. To resume, you may press any ke y.
In the power management mode, the setting of [Advanced] is
With the Setup Utility , y ou can set the [Adv anced] mode. This mode allows you to maximize power save regardless of whether you are using only the battery pack or the AC adapter.
( page 15)
Setting the suspend/hibernation timeout ( page 15)
The suspend or hibernation function ( page 6) allows you to save power by automatically cutting off power when the computer is idle or there is no access to
individual devices for 4 or 16 minutes. If [Advanced] or [Standard (Battery/AC Adapter)] is selected for [Power Saving], the suspend/hibernation timeout func­tion will go into effect for both the battery pack and the AC adapter. If, however, [Standard (Battery)] is selected for [Power Saving], it will go into effect only dur­ing operation by the battery. The ECO mode timeout function is automatically set when [Advanced] or [Standard] is set. Note that the ECO mode timeout pre­cedes the suspend/hibernation timeout. It should be noted that for some applications, the suspend/hibernation timeout will not work properly.
Computing On the Road
If you plan to use only the battery pack or set the power management, it is neces­sary to check [Allow Windows to manage po w er use on this computer] in [Start]
- [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Power]. If the check is removed, the time may not be displa yed properly when operation is resumed from the suspend or hibernation mode or the operating time with the battery pack may become short (the power management function of Windows does not work).
Setting Power Management
(How to set [Advanced] and the suspend/hibernation timeout)
Run the Setup Utility ( page 34)
Using and , select [Power Management], then press
Using and , select [Po wer Saving], then set [Advanced]
(To avoid setting the suspend/hibernation timeout, press Esc and proceed on to step 6.)
Using and , select [ Sleep Switch], then set [Suspend] or
[Hibernation] with
Using and , select [Suspend/Hibernation Timeout], set
either [4 min] or [16 min] with , then press Esc
Close the Setup Utility ( page 34)
+ 33 hidden pages