Panasonic CF-08 Operation Manual

Getting Started
Wireless Display
Model No. CF-08
Introduction........................................ 2
Precautions...................................... 10
Description of Parts .......................... 14
First-time Operation.......................... 17
Basic Operation
Starting Up/Shutting Down................29
LCD (Touchscreen) .......................... 33
Battery Power................................... 36
Useful Information
Buttons............................................. 38
Quick Menu...................................... 39
Software Keyboard .......................... 41
Signature Capture............................ 47
SD Memory Card.............................. 48
Bluetooth .......................................... 49
Control Panel.................................... 53
For Effective Use.............................. 54
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................. 55
LIMITED WARRANTY.................... 74
Please read these instructions carefully before using this product and save this manual for future use.
Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic wireless display. For optimum perfor­mance and safety, please read these instructions carefully.
Terms and illustrations in these instructions
Î : Page in these Operating Instructions.
z Some illustrations are simplified to help your understanding and may look dif-
ferent from the actual unit.
z Refer to the catalogs, etc. for the latest information about optional products.
This manual is copyrighted by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. with all rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. © 2006 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Wireless display specifications and manuals are subject to change without notice. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. assumes no liability for damage incurred directly or indirectly from errors, omissions or discrepancies between the wireless display and the manuals.
: Conditions that may result in minor or moderate injury.
: Useful and helpful information.
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Read Me First
Information to the User
This product and your Health
This product, like other radio devices, emits radio frequency electromagnetic energy. The level of energy emitted by this product however is far much less than the electromagnetic energy emitted by wireless devices like for example mobile phones. Because this product operates within the guidelines found in radio frequency safety standards and recommendations, we believe this product is safe for use by consumers. These standards and recommendations reflect the consensus of the scientific community and result from deliberations of panels and committees of sci­entists who continually review and interpret the extensive research literature. In some situations or environments, the use of this product may be restricted by the proprietor of the building or responsible representatives of the organization. These situations may for example include:
z Using this product on board of airplanes, or z In any other environment where the risk of interference to other devices or ser-
vices is perceived or identified as harmful. If you are uncertain of the policy that applies on the use of wireless devices in a specific organization or environment (e.g. airports), you are encouraged to ask for authorization to use this product prior to turning on the product.
Regulatory Information
We are not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unautho­rized modification of this product. The correction of interference caused by such unauthorized modification will be the responsibility of the user. We and its autho­rized resellers or distributors are not liable for damage or violation of government regulations that may arise from failing to comply with these guidelines.
Informations destinées aux utilisateurs
Ce produit et votre santé
Ce produit, comme tout autre appareil radio, émet de l’énergie radioélectrique. Toutefois, la quantité d’énergie émise par ce produit est beaucoup moins impor­tante que l’énergie radioélectrique émise par des appareils sans fil tels que les téléphones portables. L’utilisation de ce produit ne comporte aucun risque pour le consommateur du fait que cet appareil opère dans les limites des directives concernant les normes et les recommandations de sécurité sur les fréquences radio. Ces normes et recomman­dations reflètent le consensus de la communauté scientifique et résultent de
Read Me First
délibérations de jurys et comités de scientifiques qui examinent et interprètent con­tinuellement les nouveautés de la vaste littérature sur les recherches effectuées. Dans certaines situations ou environnements, l’utilisation de ce produit peut être restreinte par le propriétaire du bâtiment ou par les représentants responsables de l’organisation. Ces situations peuvent être les suivantes par exemple :
À bord d’un avion, ou z Dans tout autre environnement où les risques d’interférence sur d’autres appa-
reils ou services sont perçus ou identifiables comme dangereux. Si vous n’êtes pas sûr de la réglementation applicable à l’utilisation d’appareils sans fil dans une organisation ou un environnement spécifiques (par exemple dans un aéroport), nous vous invitons à demander l’autorisation d’utiliser ce pro­duit avant sa mise en marche.
Informations concernant la réglementation
Nous déclinons toute responsabilité pour toute interférence radio ou télévision causée par des modifications non autorisées apportées à ce produit. La correction d’interférences causées par de telles modifications non autorisées sera la seule responsabilité de son utilisateur. Nous-mêmes, les revendeurs officiels et les dis­tributeurs ne sommes pas responsable de tout dégât ou de toute violation des règlements de l’État pouvant découler du non-respect de ces directives.
Information on Disposal for Users of Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (private households)
This symbol on the products and/or accompanying documents means that used electrical and electronic products should not be mixed with general household waste. Please dispose of this item only in designated national waste elec­tronic collection schemes, and not in the ordinary dust bin.
For business users in the European Union
If you wish to discard electrical and electronic equipment, please contact your dealer or supplier for further information.
Information on Disposal in other Countries outside the European Union
This symbol is only valid in the European Union. If you wish to discard this product, please contact your local authorities or dealer
and ask for the correct method of disposal.
Models for U.S.A.
Federal Communications Commis­sion Radio Frequency Interference Statement
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protec­tion against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interfer­ence to radio communications. How­ever, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be deter­mined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to cor­rect the interference by one or more of the following measures: z Reorient or relocate the receiving
antenna. z Increase the separation between the
equipment and receiver. z Connect the equipment into an outlet
on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected. z Consult the Panasonic Service Cen-
ter or an experienced radio/TV tech-
nician for help.
To assure continued compliance, use only shielded interface cables when connecting to a wireless display or peripheral. Also, any changes or modi­fications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interfer-
ence received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Responsible Party: Panasonic Corporation of North America One Panasonic Way Secaucus, NJ 07094 Tel No : 1-800-LAPTOP5 (1-800-527-8675)
FCC RF Exposure Warning: z This equipment complies with FCC
radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
z This equipment must be installed
and operated in accordance with provided instructions and minimum
1.5 cm spacing must be provided between antenna and all person’s body (excluding extremities of hands, wrist and feet) during wire­less modes of operation.
z This transmitter must not be co-
located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmit­ter.
Notice for the products using LCD
This product uses one or more fluores­cent lamps containing a small amount of mercury. It also contains lead in some components. Disposal of these materi­als may be regulated in your community due to environmental considerations. For disposal or recycling information please contact your local authorities, or the Electronics Industries Alliance: <>
Read Me First
Models for U.S.A./Canada
For Use in Motor Vehicle
Warning: Wireless display may be installed in a motor vehicle and visible to the driver only if used to support vehicle related functions such as vehicle infor­mation, system control, rear or side observation and navigation. If used for entertainment purpose, such as televi­sion reception or video play, it must be installed to the rear of the driver’s seat where it will not be visible, directly or indirectly, to the operator of the motor vehicle. Check with individual state/provincial laws to determine lawful use of this product while operating within a motor vehicle.
Pour L’utilisation Dans Un Véhicule Motorisé
Avertissement : L’écran déporté sans fil peut être installé dans un véhicule
motorisé et dans le champ de vision du conducteur uniquement en tant que dis­positif d’aide aux fonctions du véhicule, comme par exemple pour fournir des informations sur le véhicule, comme dis­positif de contrôle de système, pour l’observation à l’arrière ou sur les côtés du véhicule, ainsi que pour fournir de l’information routière. Pour toute utilisa­tion à fin de divertissement, comme par exemple pour regarder la télévision ou jouer à des jeux vidéo, il doit être installé à l’arrière du siège du conduc­teur, en un emplacement où il ne sera pas visible, ni directement ni indirecte­ment, pour le conducteur du véhicule motorisé. Vérifiez les lois fédérales et nationales qui régissent l’utilisation légale de cet appareil à l’intérieur d’un véhicule motorisé.
Models for Canada
Canadian ICES-003
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Can­ada.
Industry Canada
This product complies with RSS210 Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions; (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device.
Models for Europe
(For models with a “CE ” mark on the bottom of the wireless display)
Declaration of Conformity (DoC)
“Hereby, we declare that this wireless display is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the Directive 1999/5/EC.”
Hint: If you want to get a copy of the original DoC of our products which relates to the R&TTE, please contact to our web address: Contact: Panasonic Services Europe A Division of Panasonic Marketing Europe GmbH Panasonic Testing Centre
Compliance Notice - CE Mark
This equipment is in conformance with the requirements of the European Council Directive listed below:
73/23/EEC Low Voltage Directive with amendment 93/68/EEC 89/336/EEC EMC Directive with amendments 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC 1999/5/EC R&TTE
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­Information of Countries intended for radio application: The United Kingdom The Netherlands Sweden The Federal Republic of Germany France Finland The Kingdom of Belgium Italy Norway The Swiss Confederation Spain Austria
For Use in Motor Vehicle
Warning: Check the following Commission Recommendation to determine proper installation and usage of this product while operating within a motor vehicle. "Commission Recommendation on safe and efficient in-vehicle information and communication systems: A European statement of principles on human machine interface." Commission Recommendation is available from Official Journal of the European Communities.
Models for U.K.
Warning This apparatus must be earthed for your safety.
To ensure safe operation the three-pin plug must be inserted only into a stan­dard three-pin power point which is
Read Me First
effectively earthed through the normal household wiring. Extension cords used with the equip­ment must be three-core and be cor­rectly wired to provide connection to earth. Wrongly wired extension cords are a major cause of fatalities. The fact that the equipment operates satisfactorily does not imply that the power point is earthed and that the installation is completely safe. For your safety, if you have any doubt about the effective earthing of the power point, consult a qualified electrician.
This appliance is supplied with a moul­ded three pin mains plug for your safety and convenience. A 3 amp fuse is fitted in this plug. Should the fuse need to be replaced please ensure that the replacement fuse has a rating of 3 amps and that it is approved by ASTA or BSI to BS 1362.
Check for the ASTA mark or the BSI mark on the body of the fuse.
If the plug contains a removable fuse cover you must ensure that it is refitted when the fuse is replaced. If you lose the fuse cover the plug must not be used until a replacement cover is obtained. A replacement fuse cover can be pur­chased from your local Panasonic Dealer. IF THE FITTED MOULDED PLUG IS UNSUITABLE FOR THE SOCKET OUTLET IN YOUR HOME THEN THE FUSE SHOULD BE REMOVED AND THE PLUG CUT OFF AND DISPOSED OF SAFELY. THERE IS A DANGER OF SEVERE ELECTRICAL SHOCK IF THE CUT
OFF PLUG IS INSERTED INTO ANY 13 AMP SOCKET. If a new plug is to be fitted please observe the wiring code as shown below. If in any doubt please consult a qualified electrician.
The wires in this mains lead are coloured in accordance with the follow­ing code: Green-and-yellow: Earth Blue: Neutral Brown: Live As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this apparatus may not corre­spond with the coloured markings iden­tifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows: The wire which is coloured GREEN­and-YELLOW must be connected to the terminal in the plug which is marked by the letter E or by the safety earth sym-
bol coloured GREEN or GREEN­and-YELLOW.
The wire which is coloured Blue must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured BLACK. The wire which is coloured Brown must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured RED.
The mains plug on this equipment must be used to disconnect the mains power. Please ensure that a socket outlet is available near the equipment and shall be easily accessible.
How to replace the fuse
Open the fuse compartment with a screwdriver and replace the fuse.
z This equipment is not designed for
connection to an IT power system.
(An IT system is a system having no
direct connections between live parts
and Earth; the exposed-conducive-
parts of the electrical installation are earthed. An IT system is not permit­ted where the wireless display is directly connected to public supply systems in the U.K.)
z Disconnect the mains plug from the
supply socket when the wireless dis­play is not in use.
This equipment is produced to BS800/
Pour la France
Bande de fréquences restreinte: Lors de l’utilisation de cet appareil sur le territoire français, vous ne pouvez le faire qu’en utilisant les bandes de fréquences 10 et 11 (respectivement 2.457 MHz et 2.462 MHz). L’utilisation de cet appareil sur une autre bande prise en charge par celui-ci est interdite. Une utilisation à l’extérieur n’est pas autorisée.
L’utilisation de Bluetooth est interdite pour les communications extérieures. N’utilisez pas la technologie Bluetooth à l’extérieur.
Per l’Italia
Per l’uso negli interni è necessaria una licenza. L’uso con le installazioni esterne non è permesso.
Le comunicazioni tramite l’uso di Bluetooth all’esterno sono contro la legge. Non usare il Bluetooth all’esterno.
Wireless Display
AIRCRAFT COCKPIT EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS include Class2 Electrical Flight Bag (EFB) Systems and Class1 EFB Systems when used during critical phases of flight (e.g., during take-off and landing) and/or mounted on to the aircraft. Class1 EFB Sys­tems and 2 EFB Systems are defined by FAA: AC (Advisory Circular) 120-76A or JAA: JAA TGL (Temporary Guidance Leaflets) No.36.
Panasonic cannot guarantee any specifications, technologies, reliability, safety (e.g. Flammability/Smoke/Toxicity/Radio Frequency Emission, etc) requirements related to aviation standards that exceed the specifications of our COTS (Com­mercial-Off-The-Shelf) products.
This wireless display is not intended for use in medical equipment including life­support systems, air traffic control sys­tems, or other equipment, devices or systems that are involved with ensuring human life or safety. Panasonic cannot be held responsible in any way for any damages or loss resulting from the use of this wireless display in these types of equipment, devices or systems, etc.
The CF-08 was developed based on thorough research into the real-world portable computing environments. Exhaustive pursuit of usability and reli­ability under harsh conditions led to innovations such has the magnesium alloy exterior and flexible internal con­nections. The CF-08’s outstanding engi­neering has been tested using the strict MIL-STD- 810F (for vibration and shock) and IP (for dust and water) based procedures. As with any portable wireless display device precautions should be taken to avoid any damage. The following usage
and handling procedures are recom­mended.
Before putting the wireless display away, be sure to wipe off any moisture.
If a Malfunction Occurs, Immediately Unplug the AC Plug and the Battery Pack
• This product is damaged
• Foreign object inside this product
• Smoke emitted
• Unusual smell emitted
• Unusually hot Continuing to use this product while any of the above conditions are present may result in fire or electric shock.
• If a malfunction occurs, immediately turn the power off and unplug the AC plug, and then remove the battery pack.
Do Not Touch This Product and Cable When It Starts Thundering
Electric shock may result.
Do Not Connect the AC Adaptor to a Power Source Other Than a Standard Household AC Outlet
Otherwise, a fire due to overheating may result. Connecting to a DC/AC con­verter (inverter) may damage the AC adaptor. On an airplane, only connect the AC adaptor/charger to an AC outlet specifically approved for such use.
Do Not Do Anything That May Dam­age the AC Cord, the AC Plug, or the AC Adaptor
Do not damage or modify the cord, place it near hot tools, bend, twist, or pull it forcefully, place heavy objects on it, or bundle it tightly. Continuing to use a damaged cord may result in fire, short circuit, or electric shock.
Do Not Pull or Insert the AC Plug If Your Hands Are Wet
Electric shock may result.
Clean Dust and Other Debris of the AC plug Regularly
If dust or other debris accumulates on the plug, humidity, etc. may cause a defect in the insulation, which may result in a fire.
Pull the plug, and wipe it with a dry cloth. Pull the plug if used for a long period of time
Insert the AC Plug Completely
If the plug is not inserted completely, fire due to overheating or electric shock may result.
• Do not use a damaged plug or loose AC outlet.
Close the Connector Cover Tightly When Using the Computer Where Is a Lot of Water, Moisture, Steam, Dust, Oily Vapors, etc.
this product
is not being
The entry of foreign matter may cause a fire or electric shocks.
• If foreign matter has found its way inside, immediately turn the power off and unplug the AC cord, and then remove the battery pack. Then con­tact your technical support office.
Do Not Disassemble This Product
There are high-voltage areas inside which may give you an electric shock if you should touch them. Do not touch the pins and circuit boards inside, and do not allow foreign matter to enter inside. Also, remodeling or disassembly may cause a fire.
Keep SD Memory Cards Away from Infants and Small Children
Accidental swallowing will result in bodily injury. In the event of accidental swallowing, see a doctor immediately.
Do Not Place This Product on Unsta­ble Surfaces
If balance is lost, this product may fall over or drop, resulting in an injury.
Avoid Stacking
If balance is lost, this product may fall over or drop, resulting in an injury.
Do Not Leave This Product in High Temperature Environment Such as in a Sun-Heated Car, for a Long Period of Time
Leaving this product where it will be exposed to extremely high tempera­tures such as in a sun-heated car or in direct sunlight may deform the cabinet and/or cause trouble in the internal parts. Continued use in such a resulting condition may lead to short-circuiting or insulation defects, etc. which may in turn lead to a fire or electric shocks.
Hold the Plug When Unplugging the AC Cord
Pulling on the cord may damage the cord, resulting in a fire or electric shock.
Do Not Move This Product While the DC Plug Is Connected
The AC cord may be damaged, result­ing in fire or electric shock.
• If the AC cord is damaged, unplug the AC plug immediately.
Use Only the Specified AC Adaptor With This Product
Using an AC adaptor other than the one supplied (attached to this product or supplied by Panasonic) may result in a fire.
Do Not Subject the AC Adaptor to Any Strong Impact
Using the AC adaptor after a strong impact such as being dropped may result in electric shock, short circuit, or fire.
Take a Break of 10-15 Minutes Every Hour
Using this product for long periods of time may have detrimental health effects on the eyes or hands.
Do Not Turn the Volume Up to Loud When Using Headphones
Listening at high volumes that overstim­ulate the ear for long periods of time may result in loss of hearing.
Do Not Connect a Telephone Line, or a Network Cable Other Than the One Specified, into the LAN Port
If the LAN port is connected to a net­work such as the ones listed below, a fire or electric shock may result.
• Networks other than 100BASE-TX or 10BASE-T
• Phone lines (Telephone lines, internal phone lines (on-premise switches), digital public phones, etc.)
Do Not Use with Exposing the Skin to This Product for a Long Period of Time
Using this product with exposing the skin to the heat source of this product or AC adaptor for a long period of time can cause a low-temperature burn.
z Do not place this product near a tele-
vision or radio receiver.
Battery Pack
Do Not Use with Any Other Product
The battery pack is rechargeable and was intended for the specified product. If it is used with a product other than the one for which it was designed, electro­lyte leakage, generation of heat, ignition or rupture may result.
Do Not Charge the Battery Using the Methods Other Than Those Specified
If the battery pack is not charged using one of the specified methods, electro-
lyte leakage, generation of heat, ignition or rupture may result.
Do Not Throw the Battery Pack into a Fire or Expose It to Excessive heat
Generation of heat, ignition or rupture may result.
Avoid Extreme Heat (Near the Fire, in Direct Sunlight, for Example)
Electrolyte leakage, generation of heat, ignition or rupture may result.
Do Not Insert Sharp Objects into the Battery Pack, Expose It to Bumps or Shocks, Disassemble, or Modify It
Electrolyte leakage, generation of heat, ignition or rupture may result.
Do Not Short the Positive (+) and Negative (-) Contacts
Generation of heat, ignition or rupture may result. Do not place the battery pack together with articles such as necklaces or hairpins when carrying or storing.
Do Not Use This product with a Bat­tery Pack Other Than the One Speci­fied
Use only the specified battery pack (CF­VZSU44) with this product. Use of bat­tery packs other than those manufac­tured and supplied by Panasonic may present a safety hazard (generation of heat, ignition or rupture).
z Do not touch the terminals on the
battery pack. The battery pack may no longer function properly if the contacts are dirty or damaged.
z Do not expose the battery pack to
water, or allow it to become wet.
z If the battery pack will not be used
for a long period of time (a month or more), charge or discharge (use) the battery pack until the remaining bat­tery level becomes 30% to 40% and store it in a cool, dry place.
z This wireless display prevents over-
charging of the battery by recharging only when the remaining power is less than approx. 95% of capacity.
z The battery pack is not charged
when the wireless display is first pur­chased. Be sure to charge it before using it for the first time. When the AC adaptor is connected to the wire­less display, charging begins auto­matically.
z Should the battery leak and the fluid
get into your eyes, do not rub your eyes. Immediately flush your eyes with clear water and see a doctor for medical treatment as soon as possi­ble.
z The battery pack may become warm
during recharging or normal use. This is completely normal.
z Recharging will not commence if
internal temperature of the battery pack is outside of the allowable tem­perature range (0 °C to 45 °C {32°F to 122°F}). Once the allowable range requirement is satisfied, charging begins automatically. Note that the recharging time varies based on the usage conditions. (Recharging takes longer than usual when the tempera­ture is 10 °C {50°F} or below.)
z If the temperature is low, the operat-
ing time is shortened. Only use the equipment within the allowable tem­perature range.
z The battery pack is a consumable
item. If the amount of time the equip­ment can be run by using a particular battery pack becomes dramatically shorter and repeated recharging does not restore its performance, the battery pack should be replaced with a new one.
z When transporting a spare battery
inside a package, briefcase, etc., it is recommended that it be placed in a plastic bag so that its contacts are protected.
z Always power off the equipment
when it is not in use. Leaving the equipment on when the AC adaptor is not connected will exhaust the remaining battery capacity.
Description of Parts
A. LCD (Touchscreen) B. Wireless LAN antenna C. Bluetooth antenna D. Power status E. Power button F. Battery status G. DC-IN jack
H. LAN port I. Cursor control button / Enter but-
ton J. Keyboard button K. USB port L. USER button M. SD Memory Card slot N. SD Memory Card status
<Models for U.S.A/Canada>
A lithium ion battery that is recyclable powers the product you have purchased. Please call 1-800-8-BATTERY for information on how to recy­cle this battery.
L’appareil que vous vous êtes procuré est alimenté par une batterie au lithium-ion. Pour des renseignements sur le recyclage de la batterie, veuillez composer le 1-800-8­BATTERY.
A. Battery cover latch B. Hand strap
Adjust the length of the belt so that the wireless display does not fall by mistake, and firmly hold the wireless display when using it.
C. Battery pack D. Headphone jack
You can connect headphones or amplified speakers. When they are connected, audio from the internal speakers is not heard.
z Do not put metallic objects or magnetic media close to the speaker. z Do not touch the expansion bus connector. The wireless display may no longer
function properly if the connector is dirty or damaged.
E. Microphone jack
Use only monaural condenser microphone (miniature jack). Con­necting another type of micro­phone may interrupt audio input or may cause a malfunction.
F. Stylus holder G. Security lock
You can connect a Kensington cable. Refer to the instruction manual of the cable.
H. Speaker I. Expansion bus connector
Description of Parts
Using the Tether
The tether can be attached to the upper right or upper left corner of the display. It prevents the stylus (included) from falling accidentally.
Attaching the Tether
First-time Operation
A Check and identify the supplied accessories.
If you do not find the described accessories, contact your technical support office.
• AC adaptor.................1
Model No.: CF-AA1623A
•Tether (Î page 16) ........................................... 1
• Operating Instructions (This book) .................1
•AC Cord..................1 • Battery Pack ............1
Model No.: CF-VZSU44
B Read the LIMITED USE LICENSE AGREEMENT before breaking the seal
on the wireless display’s packaging (Î page 58).
1 Insert the battery pack.
A Turn the wireless display over, and
open the hand strap cover.
B Release the hand strap.
First-time Operation
C Slide the battery cover latch. D Open and remove the battery cover.
E Firmly attach the battery pack to the
F Fit the battery cover into (A), and
then close the battery cover.
G Slide the battery cover latch.
H Fasten the hand strap.
I Close the hand strap cover.
To remove the battery pack
A Slide the battery cover latch as in
step C (Î above).
B Open the battery cover as in step D
(Î above).
C Pull the tab of the battery pack and
remove it from the wireless display.
z Be careful not to catch the tab when you close the battery cover. z Make sure the cover is securely attached. Otherwise the battery pack may fall
when you carry the wireless display.
z Do not touch the terminals of the battery pack and the wireless display. Doing
so can make the terminals dirty or damaged, and may cause malfunction of the battery pack and the wireless display.
z Use only the specified battery pack (CF-VZSU44U) with your wireless display.
2 Connect your wireless display to a power outlet.
The battery charging starts automatically.
z When using the wireless display for the first time, do not connect any peripheral
device except the battery pack and AC adaptor.
z Handling the AC adaptor
• Do not twist or pull the AC power cord forcefully. Doing so may damage the connections.
• Use only the specified AC adaptor with your wireless display. Using an AC adaptor other than the one supplied might damage the battery and/or the wireless display.
• When the DC plug is not connected to the wireless display, disconnect the AC cord from your AC wall outlet.
• Problems such as sudden voltage drops may arise during periods of thunder and lightning. Since this could adversely affect your wireless display, an unin­terruptible power source (UPS) is highly recommended unless running from the battery pack alone.
3 Turn on the wireless display.
Press the power button for approximately
one or two seconds until the power indicator lights.
First-time Operation
4 Calibrate the touchscreen.
Touch the “+” marks on the calibration screen with the stylus (included) for about one second. After the calibration procedure is executed, press the center of the cursor control button (A).
5 Make the date and time setting.
Set the current time and time zone, and then tap .
z For information about “tap”: Î page 33
z You can use the software keyboard when you set the time.
For information about how to use the Software Keyboard: Î page 41
If the [Date/Time Properties] screen does not appear automatically
Double-tap on the desktop, and double-tap [Date/Time].
The [Date/Time Properties] screen will appear.
6 Make the network setting.
Before making the settings for the wireless display, check the following server settings.
z Is the remote desktop allowed to use? z IP address and subnet mask (if the name server is inside the network, use the
server name instead.)
z User name and password
When making connections with a LAN z For the following operation, make
sure the LAN is enabled. Tap [ETHERNET1], and then tap [File] - [Enable].
The icon will change from to
When making connections with a wire­less LAN
A Double-tap [ETHERNET1]. <
A Double-tap [WIRELESS LAN1].
< A Double-tap [WIRELESS LAN
B Tap the [IP Address] tab, and set an IP address and subnet mask. If DHCP is available on the network If DHCP is not available on the network Select [Obtain an IP address via
Select [Specify an IP address], and enter the IP address, subnet mask and if necessary, default gateway.
C Tap .
z When making connections with a wireless LAN
A Tap .
If the [Wireless LAN1] screen is not displayed, double-tap on the desktop, and then double-tap [Wireless LAN].
< If the [WIRELESS LAN 11BG1] screen is not displayed, double-tap
on the desktop, and then double-tap [Wireless LAN].
B Tap the [Wireless Information] tab, and then tap the access point from the list.
Now, select settings as follows according to your own network environment.
C Tap [Connect].
First-time Operation
7 Make the settings to connect the server.
The client used will differ depending on the server.
Server name Client name
z Microsoft z Microsoft z Microsoft
z Citrix
MetaFrame Presentation
Windows® XP Professional
Windows® Server 2000
Windows® Server 2003
Microsoft tion
Server 3.0
z Citrix z Web server
Presentation Server 4.0
When making connections with Microsoft® Remote Desktop Connection
Perform the following procedure.
A Double-tap on the desktop.
B Tap [Options]. C Enter the following items.
z Computer: IP address or server name z User name: Account name for
the server
z Password: The password
required to log on to the server
• If a check mark is added for [Save my password], the password will be saved, and it will not be neces­sary to enter the password for subsequent connections.
z Domain: (If required, enter it.) D Tap [Save As].
Enter the file name, select the save destination and tap .
Remote Desktop Connec-
ICA® Client
Internet Explorer
settings made in step A-D will be saved, and *1 will appear on the desktop.
The file name entered in step D will appear instead of “XXX”.
E Tap .
When making connections with Citrix® ICA® Client
Perform the following procedure.
A Double-tap on the desktop, and tap [Create New Connection].
B Enter the IP address or server name for the connection destination in
[Server or Published Application], and tap [Save]. When the message appears, tap [Yes].
C Select the name entered in step B, and tap [Edit]. D Tap [Edit Logon Information], enter
Username and Password (and Domain, if required), and tap [Save].
E Tap [Main] at the top of the screen.
F Select the name entered in step B and
tap [Edit].
G Tap [Edit Title], add the check mark for [Create a Desktop shortcut], and tap
[Save], then tap .
The settings made in step A-G will be saved, and
will appear on
the desktop.
The file name entered in step B will appear instead of “XXX”.
When making connections with
Perform the following procedure.
A Double-tap on the desktop, and then double-tap [Internet Options].
B Make the necessary settings, then tap .
Internet Explorer
8 Make the security setting.
You can set the password and/or enable/disable some functions for security purpose.
First-time Operation
You can set two types of users with different operating authorities.
Supervisor User Changes settings related to the wire-
less display operations, and controls the operations of the User.
The security setting screen can be displayed using the following procedure.
A Double-tap on the desktop.
B Double-tap [Security (Supervisor)].
[Supervisor] tab [User] tab [Device Permission] tab Settings for the Supervi-
Here, we will explain the settings made by the Supervisor for the Supervisor and User.
Settings for the User Settings for the Supervi-
Setting the password
First, set the Supervisor Password using the following procedure.
A Tap the [Supervisor] tab. B Enter your password in [New Password].
Executes only operations that have been limited by the Supervisor.
sor and User
C Enter your password again in [Confirm Password] and tap . D At the confirmation message, tap [Yes].
When the message that recommends executing Flash Backup appears, tap .
Next, set the User Password using the following procedure.
A Tap the [User] tab. B Set the password.
Refer to step B-D of the Supervisor Password setting. (Îabove)
z Do not forget your password. If you forget your Supervisor Password, you will
not be able to use your wireless display. Contact your technical support office.
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