Panasonic 9TGCF 297 Users Manual

Getting Started

Customer's Record

Model No.*

Serial No.


Code No.

Date of Purchase

Dealer's Name

Dealer's Address

*For the Model No., insert the 12 digit number (for example, CF-29CTKGZKM) located on the bottom of the computer.


Thank you for purchasing the Panasonic computer. Read the operating instructions thoroughly for proper operation of your new computer.

Illustrations and Terminology in this Manual




NOTE provides a useful fact or helpful information.



CAUTION indicates a condition that may result in minor or moderate injury.



WARNING indicates a hazard that may result in moderate or serious injury.

Windows XP


Information for Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional users.

Windows 2000 :

Information for Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional users.




This illustration means to press the [Enter] key.

Fn +



This illustration means to press and hold the [Fn] key, then press the [F5] key.

[Start] - [Run]:

This illustration means to click [Start], then to click [Run]. For some applications, you may need to












Where to go for referred information.









This illustration means to refer to the Reference Manual, which is available on your computer.










Refer to page 20 on how to access this manual.

Some of the illustrations in this manual may differ slightly in shape from the actual items in order to make the explanation easier to understand.

The “CD Drive” is a description about drives, such as DVD-ROM, CD-ROM, CD-R/RW, and DVD-ROM & CD-R/RW drives.

This manual covers two types of models, as distinguished by the type of LCD screen (models with touchscreen and models without touchscreen).

If the user has logged on without the administrator authority, some functions may not be executable, and some screens may be not displayed as shown in this manual. If this happens, log on with the administrator authority to enable these functions. Confirm the latest information on optional products in catalogs, etc.


This manual is copyrighted by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. with all rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.

No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein.

©2003 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


Computer specifications and manuals are subject to change without notice. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. assumes no liability for damage incurred directly or indirectly from errors, omissions or discrepancies between the computer and the manuals.


Microsoft, Windows and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation of the United States and/or other countries. PS/2® is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.

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Panasonic 9TGCF 297 Users Manual

Read Me First

Getting Started

10.According to the FCC’s electrical safety advisory, we recommend that you may install an AC surge arrestor in the AC outlet to which this equipment is connected. Telephone companies report that electrical surges, typically lightning transients, are very destructive to customer terminal equipment connected to AC power sources and that this is a major nationwide problem.

“Caution: To reduce the risk of fire, use only No.26 AWG or larger telecommunication line cord.”

“ATTENTION: Pour réduire le risque d’incendie, utiliser uniquement des conducteurs de télécommunications 26 AWG ou de section supérieure.”

Notice for the products using LCD

This product uses one or more fluorescent lamps containing a small amount of mercury. It also contains lead in some components. Disposal of these materials may be regulated in your community due to environmental considerations. For disposal or recycling information please contact your local authorities, or the Electronics Industries Alliance: <>

For Canada

Industry Canada (IC) Notice for modem

This equipment contains an Industry Canada approved modem unit. The Industry Canada label is affixed on the modem unit.


“NOTICE: The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification means that the equipment meets telecommunications network protective, operational and safety requirements as prescribed in the appropriate Terminal Equipment Technical Requirements document(s). The Department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user’s satisfaction.

Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method of connection. The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations.

Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.

Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas. Caution: Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate.”

“NOTICE: The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) assigned to each terminal device provides an indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 5.”

REN: See bottom of the computer

Industry Canada

This product complies with RSS210 Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions;

(1)this device may not cause interference, and

(2)this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.


“AVIS: L’étiquette d’Industrie Canada identifie le matériel homologué. Cette étiquette certifie que le matériel est conforme aux normes de protection, d’exploitation et de sécurité des réseaux de télécommunications, comme le prescrivent les documents concernant les exigences techniques relatives au matériel terminal. Le Ministère n’assure toutefois pas que le matériel fonctionnera à la satisfaction de l’utilisateur.

Avant d’installer ce matériel, l’utilisateur doit s’assurer qu’il est permis de le raccorder aux installations de l’entreprise locale de télécommunication. Le matériel doit également être installé en suivant une méthode acceptée de raccordement. L’abonné ne doit pas oublier qu’il est possible que la conformité aux conditions énoncées ci-dessus n’empêche pas la dégradation du service dans certaines situations.

Les réparations de matériel homologué doivent être coordonnées par un représentant désigné par le fournisseur. L’entreprise de télécommunications peut demander à l’utilisateur de débrancher un appareil à la suite de réparations ou de modifications effectuées par l’utilisateur ou à cause de mauvais fonctionnement.

Pour sa propre protection, l’utilisateur doit s’assurer que tous les fils de mise à la terre de la source d’énergie électrique, des lignes téléphoniques et des canalisations d’eau métalliques, s’il y en a, sont raccordés ensemble. Cette précaution est particulièrement importante dans les régions rurales. Avertissement: L’utilisateur ne doit pas tenter de faire ces raccordements lui-même; il doit avoir recours à un service d’inspection des installations électriques, ou à un électricien, selon le cas.”

“AVIS: L’indice d’équivalence de la sonnerie (IES) assigné à chaque dispositif terminal indique le nombre maximal de terminaux qui peuvent être raccordés à une interface. La terminaison d’une interface téléphonique peut consister en une combinaison de quelques dispositifs, à la seule condition que la somme d’indices d’équivalence de la sonnerie de touts les dispositifs n’excède pas 5.”

IES: Voir sous le fond de l’ordinateur


Important Safety Instructions / Importantes Mesures De Sécurité

When using your telephone equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and injury to persons, including the following:

1.Do not use this product near water, for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink or laundry tub, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool.

2.Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.

3.Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.

4.Use only the power cord and batteries indicated in this manual. Do not dispose of batteries in a fire. They may explode. Check with local codes for possible special disposal instructions.


Certaines mesures de sécurité doivent être prises pendant l'utilisation de matérial téléphonique afin de réduire les risques d'incendie, de choc électrique et de blessures. En voici quelquesunes:

1.Ne pas utiliser l'appareil près de l'eau, p.ex., près d'une baignoire, d'un lavabo, d'un évier de cuisine, d'un bac à laver, dans un sous-sol humide ou près d'une piscine.

2.Éviter d'utiliser le téléphone (sauf s'il s'agit d'un appareil sans fil) pendant un orage électrique. Ceci peut présenter un risque de choc électrique causé par la foudre.

3.Ne pas utiliser l'appareil téléphonique pour signaler une fuite de gaz s'il est situé près de la fuite.

4.Utiliser seulement le cordon d'alimentation et le type de piles indiqués dans ce manual. Ne pas jeter les piles dans le feu: elles peuvent exploser. Se conformer aux règlements pertinents quant à l'élimination des piles.


Information to the User

This product and your Health

This product, like other radio devices, emits radio frequency electromagnetic energy. The level of energy emitted by this product however is far much less than the electromagnetic energy emitted by wireless devices like for example mobile phones.

Because this product operates within the guidelines found in radio frequency safety standards and recommendations, we believe this product is safe for use by consumers. These standards and recommendations reflect the consensus of the scientific community and result from deliberations of panels and committees of scientists who continually review and interpret the extensive research literature.

In some situations or environments, the use of this product may be restricted by the proprietor of the building or responsible representatives of the organization. These situations may for example include:

Using this product on board of airplanes, or

In any other environment where the risk of interference to other devices or services is perceived or identified as harmful.

If you are uncertain of the policy that applies on the use of wireless devices in a specific organization or environment (e.g. airports), you are encouraged to ask for authorization to use this product prior to turning on the product.

Regulatory Information

We are not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorized modification of this product. The correction of interference caused by such unauthorized modification will be the responsibility of the user. We and its authorized resellers or distributors are not liable for damage or violation of government regulations that may arise from failing to comply with these guidelines.

Lithium Battery

Lithium Battery!

This computer contains a lithium battery to enable the date, time, and other data to be stored. The battery should only be exchanged by authorized service personnel.

Warning! A risk of explosion from incorrect installation or misapplication may possibly occur.

Pile au lithium!

Le micro-ordinateur renferme une pile au lithium qui permet de sauvegarder certaines données comme la date et l'heure notamment. Elle ne devra être remplacée que par un technicien qualifié.

Avertissement! Risque d'explosion en cas de non respect de cette mise en garde!

Getting Started


Read Me First

Getting Started


Precautions (Battery Pack)

The CF-29 was developed based on thorough research into the real-world portable computing environments. Exhaustive pursuit of usability and reliability under harsh conditions led to innovations such has the magnesium alloy exterior, vibration damped hard disk drive and floppy disk drive, flexible internal connections. The CF-29’s outstanding engineering has been tested using the stiff MIL-STD- 810F (for vibration and shock) and IP (for dust and water) based procedures.

As with any portable computer device precautions should be taken to avoid any damage. The following usage and handling procedures are recommended.

Before putting the computer away, be sure to wipe off any moisture.

Avoid Radio Frequency Interference

Do not place the computer near a television or radio receiver.

Avoiding low-temperature burns

Avoid more than casual contact with any heat producing area of the notebook computer, AC adaptor, and any option or accessory you use with it. Even low heat, if warmer than body temperature, can cause a burn, if the skin is exposed to the heat source for a long enough period of time.

Avoid Magnetic Fields

Keep the computer away from magnets.

Data stored on the hard disk may be lost.

Keep Small Objects Away

Do not insert paper clips or other small objects into the computer.

Do Not Disassemble the Computer

Do not attempt to disassemble your computer.

Avoid Excessive Force on the Display

Do not apply excessive downward force on the display when it is completely opened, especially when plugs and/or cables are connected to the rear of the computer.

Care should be exercised with regard to the following in order to avoid the possibility of overheating, fire or damage.

Avoid Heat

Do not throw the battery pack into a fire or expose it to excessive heat.

Keep Articles Away

Do not place the battery pack together with articles such as necklaces or hairpins when carrying or storing.

Do Not Disassemble

Do not insert sharp objects into the battery pack, expose it to bumps or shocks, deform, disassemble, or modify it.

Do Not Short

Do not short the positive (+) and negative (-) contacts.

Avoid Extreme Heat, Cold and Direct Sunlight

Do not charge, use or leave the battery pack for extended periods where it will be exposed to direct sunlight, in a hot place (in an automobile on a sunny day, for example), or in a cold place.

Do Not Use With Any Other Computer

The battery pack is rechargeable and was intended for the specified computer or charger. Do not use it with a computer other than the one for which it was designed.

Do Not Put into a Microwave

Do not put the battery pack into a microwave oven or a pressurized chamber.

Stop Using

Should the battery emit an abnormal odor, become hot to the touch, become discolored, change shape, or become in any way different from normal, remove it from the computer or charger and stop using it.

Do not touch the terminals on the battery pack. The battery pack may no longer function properly if the contacts are dirty or damaged.

Do not expose the battery pack to water, or allow it to become wet.


Precautions (Battery Pack)

If the battery pack will not be used for a long period of time (a month or more), charge or discharge (use) the battery pack until the remaining battery level becomes 30% to 40% and store it in a cool, dry place.

This computer prevents overcharging of the battery by recharging only when the remaining power is less than approx. 95% of capacity.

The battery pack is not charged when the computer is first purchased. Be sure to charge it before using it for the first time. When the AC adaptor is connected to the computer, charging begins automatically.

Should the battery leak and the fluid get into your eyes, do not rub your eyes. Immediately flush your eyes with clear water and see a doctor for medical treatment as soon as possible.


The battery pack may become warm during recharging or normal use. This is completely normal.

Recharging will not commence outside of the allowable temperature range (0 °C to 50 °C {32°F to 122 °F}) “Battery Power”. Once the allowable range requirement is satisfied, charging begins automatically. Note that the recharging time varies based on the usage conditions. (Recharging takes longer than usual when the temperature is 10 °C {50 °F} or below.)

If the temperature is low, the operating time is shortened. Only use the computer within the allowable temperature range.

This computer has a high temperature mode function that prevents the degradation of the battery in high temperature environments. ( “Battery Power”) If the high temperature mode is enabled in the Setup Utility ( “Setup Utility”), a level of 100% in the [High Temperature] mode is about a level of 80% in the [Normal Temperature] mode.

The battery pack is a consumable item. If the amount of time the computer can be run off a particular battery pack becomes dramatically shorter and repeated recharging do not restore its performance, the battery pack should be replaced with a new one.

When transporting a spare battery inside a package, briefcase, etc., it is recommended that it be placed in a plastic bag so that its contacts are protected.

Always power off the computer when it is not in use. Leaving the computer on when the AC adaptor is not connected will exhaust the remaining battery capacity.

Getting Started


Names and Functions of Parts

The illustrations shown may differ from the actual physical appearances.

Getting Started

Function Keys




(Only for models with touchscreen:

For information on the key combinations


available (

“Key Combinations”).






Touch Pad





page 18)

DC-IN Jack

DC IN 15.6V



USB Port






“USB Devices”)


Power Switch




Before using the computer for the first time, care-




fully read the [Limited Use License Agreement].




If you agree to the conditions, remove the seal.








Hard Disk Drive

PC Card slots


“Hard Disk Drive”)


“PC Cards”)



Wireless LAN Antenna




“Wireless LAN”)

LED Indicators (

“LED Indicators”)



Caps lock




Numeric key lock (NumLk)



Scroll lock (ScrLk)




Multimedia pocket device status



Hard disk drive status




Power status of the multimedia pocket



LED Indicators




“LED Indicators”)



Battery pack status



Power status



Carrying Handle



For enhanced portability and in-



the-field efficiency.


Multimedia Pocket (Floppy Disk Drive)




“Multimedia Pocket”)




Battery Pack




“Battery Power”)



Headphone Jack


External Display Port

Use this connector to connect


“External Display”)

headphones or




equipped speakers. Audio out-


Parallel Port

put from the internal speaker is



disabled when headphones or



external speakers are connected.






Serial Port

Security Lock


Expansion Bus Connector

A cable can be connected to pre-


“Port Replicator”)

vent theft of your computer. For



more information, read the



manual that comes with the cable.

Microphone Jack







Use only a monaural condenser microphone (miniature jack).

External Keyboard/Mouse Port

Using an input source other than a monaural condenser micro-



phone may not allow audio to be input or may damage the






RAM Module Slot

( “RAM Module”)

When using a external microphone, do not remove the check mark for “Mute” under “Microphone Balance” of the Volume Control dialog box and do not increase the playback volume. Howling may result. Howling may occur in the same way when disconnecting an external microphone. (The microphone of “Volume Control” is in the state of mute at the time of factory shipment. This is not shown at the time of factory shipment.)


To adjust the volume:

Fn + F5 / Fn + F6

Speaker on/off : Fn + F4

Getting Started

A lithium ion battery that is recyclable powers the product you have purchased. Please call 1-800-8- BATTERY for information on how to recycle this battery.

L’appareil que vous vous êtes procuré est alimenté par une batterie au lithium-ion. Pour des renseignements sur le recyclage de la batterie, veuillez composer le 1-800-8-BATTERY.


First-time Operation

Getting Started



Read the steps below to help you learn what parts are included, and to gain an understanding of some basic computer-related operations.

1 Confirm the inclusion of all parts

Make sure the parts shown in the figure have been supplied. If any of these items are missing or are not working properly, contact Panasonic Technical Support.

AC Adaptor ...............................

1 AC Cord .....................................


Model No : CF-AA1653A



Battery Pack..............................

1 Modem Telephone Cable ..........


Model No : CF-VZSU29



Operating Instructions (This book)



Windows® Book ......................................................................................



Product Recovery CD-ROM



Windows XP ............................................................................................



Windows 2000 .........................................................................................



<Only for models with touchscreen>



Soft Cloth ..................................



..................................... 1





2 Read the LIMITED USE LICENSE AGREEMENT. ( page 32) Before removing the seal covering the power switch, read the LIMITED USE LICENSE AGREEMENT.

3 Insert the battery pack.

1Unlock the cover by sliding the latch to the right.

2Slide the latch down, and then without releasing it, open the cover as illustrated.


3 Slide the battery pack inward until it is firmly in place.






Do not touch the terminals on the battery pack and the computer. The battery



pack may no longer function properly if the contacts are dirty or damaged.


Also, the computer may not operate properly.



Be sure to insert the battery pack as illustrated.





4 Close the cover, then lock it by sliding the latch to the left.


DC-IN Jack

DC IN 15.6 V

DC Plug


3 2


Power Indicator

Power Switch

Confirm that the latch lock is correctly in place. If you carry your computer without the latch lock in place, the battery pack may fall out.

Before using the battery pack, carefully read “Precautions (Battery Pack)” ( page 6-7).

4 Connect your computer to a power outlet.


Be sure the AC adaptor is connected until completing the first-time use operation.

When using the computer for the first time, do not connect any peripheral device except the battery pack and AC adaptor to the computer.

Handling the AC adaptor

Do not twist or pull the AC power cord forcefully. Doing so may damage the connections.

Use only the specified AC adaptor with your computer. Using an AC adaptor other than the one supplied might damage the battery and/or the computer.

When the DC plug is not connected to the computer, disconnect the AC cord from your AC wall outlet.

Problems such as sudden voltage drops may arise during periods of thunder and lightning. Since this could adversely affect your computer, an uninterruptible power source (UPS) is highly recommended unless the battery pack is installed.

5 Open the display.

1Pull the carrying handle forward.

2Press the latch as illustrated to release it from the computer.

3Lift up the latch and open the display.

6 Turn your computer on.

Slide the power switch and hold it for approximately one second until the power indicator turns on before releasing it.


Do not slide the power switch and hold it for more than four seconds; this will cause the power to be turned off forcibly.

Do not slide the power switch repeatedly.

Once the computer is powered off, you must wait at least ten seconds before powering it on again.

Getting Started


First-time Operation

Getting Started

7 Setup Windows.

Moving the cursor () or clicking buttons can be performed with the touch pad.


The touchscreen does not work properly during the Windows setup.

During the Windows setup procedure, the desktop will be displayed as a small screen in the center of the LCD. After the setup procedure is completed and the computer is restarted, the desktop will be displayed as a full screen.

Windows XP


Do not press any keys or touch the touch pad until [Windows XP Professional Setup] is displayed.

1At [Welcome to the Windows XP Setup Wizard], select [Next].

2After reading the agreement, select [I accept this agreement] or [I don’t accept this agreement], then select [Next].


If [I don’t accept this agreement] is selected, the Windows setup will be aborted.

3Select settings for your region, then select [Next].

4Enter your name and organization and then select [Next].

5Enter your computer name and administrator password and then select [Next].


Remember this password! If the password is forgotten, Windows cannot be operated.

6 Enter the correct date, time and the time zone, then select [Next].


It may take two to three minutes until the next screen is displayed. Wait, and do not press any keys, or touch the touch pad, etc.

7At [Networking Settings], select [Typical settings], then select [Next].

8At [Workgroup or Computer Domain], select [No, this computer is not on a network, or is on a network without a domain], then select [Next].

The computer will restart.


If “Yes, make this computer a member of the following domain” is selected, the following message may be displayed: [An invalid domain was specified. Would you like to proceed for now and try joining a domain later?]. In this case, select [Yes]. After selecting [Yes], the computer will restart automatically, but sometimes the [Starting Windows] message will remain on the screen, and windows will not start up. If this happens, hold Alt down while pressing Tab until [Network Identification Wizard] is displayed on top, and follow the instructions on the screen.


9Enter your administrator password and select .

Wait until the hard disk drive indicator () has turned off.


If [Windows XP is currently configured to manage the Intel(R) PRO/Wireless LAN adaptor.] is displayed, select [Yes].

Windows 2000


Do not press any keys or touch the touch pad until [Windows 2000 Professional Setup] is displayed.

1At [Welcome to the Windows 2000 Setup Wizard], select [Next].

2After reading the agreement, select [I accept this agreement] or [I don’t accept this agreement], then select [Next].


If [I don’t accept this agreement] is selected, the Windows setup will be aborted.

3Select settings for your region, then select [Next].

4Enter your name and organization and then select [Next].

5Enter your computer name and administrator password and then select [Next].


Remember this password! If the password is forgotten, Windows cannot be operated.

6Enter the correct date, time and the time zone, then select [Next].

7At [Networking Settings], select [Typical settings], then select [Next].

8At [Workgroup or Computer Domain], select [No, this computer is not on a network, or is on a network without a domain], then select [Next].

The computer will restart.

9At [Welcome to the Network Identification Wizard], select [Next].

10At [Users of This Computer], select [Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer], then select [Next].

11Select [Finish].

12Enter your administrator password and select [OK].

Wait until the hard disk drive indicator () has turned off.

8 <Only for models with touchscreen> Calibrate the touchscreen.

Windows XP

1Select [Start] - [Control Panel] - [Printers and Other Hardware] - [Mouse] - [TouchScreen] - [Calibration].

2Touch the “+” mark on the calibration screen with the stylus (included) for about one second.

3After the calibration procedure is executed (e.g., after the nine “+” marks are touched), the procedure ends when Enter is pressed.

Windows 2000

1Select [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Mouse] - [TouchScreen] - [Calibration].

2Touch the “+” mark on the calibration screen with the stylus (included) for about one second.

3After the calibration procedure is executed (e.g., after the nine “+” marks are touched), the procedure ends when Enter is pressed.

Getting Started


First-time Operation

Getting Started

9 Windows XP

Create a new account.

1Select [Start] - [Control Panel] - [User Accounts] - [Create a new account].

2Follow the instructions on the display to create a user account.

3Select [Start] - [Turn Off Computer] - [Restart] to restart the computer.


Remember this password! If the password is forgotten, Windows cannot be operated. You can create a password reset disk beforehand ( below).


When creating a new user account:

If you make mail settings, create password reset disks ( below), or conduct other related operations before creating the user account, you will be unable to use any previous mail history or settings.

When you create the first new account, you can only select [Computer administrator].

Once a “Computer Administrator” account has been created, you can create additional limited user accounts.

Note also that only the added user account will be displayed in the Welcome screen. The account for the administrator created during Windows setup will not be displayed.


If you use the wireless LAN, be sure to refer to the Reference Manual’s “Wireless


This concludes the first-time use operation guidelines.

Information for Windows XP

Depending on the Windows settings, installed applications, and drivers, menus and other displays may differ, or some functions (such as use of the password reset disk) may be inoperable.

You can select Classic view for the Control Panel or select the Classic Start menu. You can also change the way a user logs on or off.

The procedure in this manual uses the method of the Windows XP default setting (not Classic Start menu etc.).

Resetting the password

Windows XP has a function to reset a forgotten password.

To use this function, you need to create a password reset disk beforehand following the steps below.

1Select [Start] - [Control Panel] - [User Accounts].

2Select [Prevent a forgotten password] from the [Related Tasks] menu of the account you have logged on to and create a password reset disk following the on-screen instructions. Store the password reset disk in a safe place.

Only the logon password for each account can be reset. The password set in the Setup Utility cannot be reset.


Starting Up/Shutting Down

Starting Up


3 2


Power Indicator

Power Switch

1 Open the display.

1Pull the carrying handle forward.

2Press the latch as illustrated to release it from the computer.

3Lift up the latch and open the display.

2 Turn your computer on.

Slide the power switch and hold it for approximately one second until the power indicator turns on before releasing it.


Under the condition that both the AC adaptor and the port replicator are not connected, the power will not go on if the display is closed.

While booting, avoid the following until the hard disk drive indicator ( ) has turned off.

Connecting or disconnecting the AC adaptor.

Touching the power switch.

Performing any keyboard, touch pad, touchscreen (only for models with touchscreen), or external mouse operations.

Closing the display.

Once the computer is powered off, you must wait at least ten seconds before pow-


ering it on again.


When the CPU temperature rises, the computer may not power on to prevent the


CPU from overheating. Should this happen, allow the computer to cool down then


switch the power on again.


If the computer still does not power on, contact Panasonic Technical Support.




When the power is turned on, sometimes the message “Warming up the system” is displayed or the battery indicator alternately blinks green and orange, and start-up takes longer than usual (a few minutes or more). This function is designed to prevent hard disk drive malfunctions that may occur at low temperatures. Please wait for the computer to start up.

If [Enter Password] is displayed












Enter your password*1 and press Enter . (

“Security Measures”)






The correct password












Enter Password [




Three incorrect attempts




Will Start





















































No password for about a minute


































*1Supervisor Password or User Password set in the Setup Utility (not


(Power off)











the Windows password).











When an application or file that was previously displayed appears on your screen

The standby or hibernation mode has been set (“Standby/Hibernation Functions”).


Starting Up/Shutting Down


3 Log on to Windows.

Windows XP

After confirming that the hard disk drive indicator ( ) has turned off, select the user and input the password, then select . Until the correct password is entered, the computer will not operate.

Windows 2000

After confirming that the hard disk drive indicator ( ) has turned off, input the user name and password, then select [OK]. Until the correct user name and password are entered, the computer will not operate.

4 Select your application.

You are able to start working on your computer.


The power saving function is factory set, so if there is no input from a key, the touch pad, the touchscreen (only for models with touchscreen) or an external mouse (when one is connected) for a certain interval of time, the power to the LCD and hard disk may be turned off. The LCD will resume operation when the touch pad, the touchscreen (only for models with touchscreen) or an external mouse (when one is connected) is used or a key is pressed.

The power to the LCD may be turned off even when an application software is being installed. In this case, because it is conceivable that a selection dialog box will be shown, do not press Space or Enter to attempt to resume from this condition as doing so may trigger a selection, but instead, press a key unrelated to the direct triggering of a selection, like Ctrl .

In addition, when the computer is left alone, it automatically enters the standby or hibernation mode ( “Standby/Hibernation Functions”). The computer will re-

sume by sliding the power switch.

Windows XP

When switching to a different user with the Fast User Switching function, it may not be possible to set the settings of the display. In this case, log off all users, and try the operation once more. If the problem persists, restart the computer.


Shutting Down (power off your computer)

This procedure is for shutting down the computer without using the standby or hibernation function (“Standby/Hibernation Functions”).

1 Save important data and close each application.

2 Windows XP

Select [Start] - [Turn Off Computer].

Windows 2000

Select [Start] - [Shut Down].

3 Windows XP

Select [Turn Off].

Windows 2000

Select [Shut down], then select [OK].

Your computer will power off automatically.

Restarting your computer (without shutting down)

Windows XP

Select [Restart].

Windows 2000

Select [Restart], then select [OK].


Do not do the following during the shutdown/restart procedure.

Connecting or disconnecting the AC adaptor.

Touching the power switch.

Performing any keyboard, touch pad, touchscreen (only for models with touchscreen), or external mouse operations.

Closing the display.


To shut down using the keyboard,

Windows XP








, and select [Turn Off] with

, then press

Enter .

Windows 2000







, and select [Shut down] with

, then press

Enter .

To quickly resume computer operation after shutting down,

The standby or hibernation function is available ( “Standby/Hibernation


4 Close the display until the latch clicks into place.



Touch Pad (Basic Operation)


Work Surface

Use the touch pad to move the cursor on the display and perform normal computer operations.

For instructions on how to operate, refer to

"Touch Pad".



By design the touch pad is to be used with a finger tip only. Therefore, do not use any implement which causes damage on the work surface.

Right Button

Left Button


Touch Pad Operation

Moving the Cursor

Move the tip of your finger lightly over


the surface.



















While holding down

second tap leaving your

the button, moving

finger down (applying

your finger on the

pressure) and moving it

work surface.

on the work surface.


Handling the Touch Pad

If a key combination such as Fn + F5 is used while the pad is being touched, the function of the key combination will not work. In addition, it is possible that control of the cursor will be lost and the cursor will not show proper movements. In such cases, the computer has to be restarted by using the keyboard (e.g., ).

Do not place any object on the work surface or press down forcefully with sharp-pointed objects (e.g., nails) or hard objects that can leave marks (e.g., pencils and ball point pen).

Try to avoid having any harmful substances such as oil, come in contact with the touch pad. The cursor may not work properly in such cases.

When the touch pad becomes dirty:

Wipe to remove dirt by using a dry soft cloth such as gauze or a soft cloth first applied with detergent diluted with water and then thoroughly wrung.

Do not use benzene, thinner, or rubbing alcohol. Doing so may adversely affect the surface, e.g., discoloration. In addition, do not use commercially-available household cleaners and cosmetics, as they may contain components harmful to the surface.


Reference Manual

The Reference Manual and the Important Tips can be accessed on your computer. When a printer is connected, these manuals can also be printed.

The Reference Manual explains functions for you to make greater use of the computer, such as how to add peripheral devices, how the Setup Utility works, and other useful information. (Refer to the cover of this manual for a list of the main contents included.)

Important Tips provides information on how to maximize use of the battery pack, which is necessary for computing away from your home or office.

It also offers helpful explanations on how to use the touchscreen more effectively. (only for models with touchscreen)

Opening the Reference Manual or Important Tips

Reference Manual

Windows XP

Select [Reference Manual] in [Start].

Windows 2000

Select [Reference Manual] in [Start] - [Programs] - [Panasonic] -

[On-Line Manuals].

Important Tips

Select on the desktop.

Important Tips can also be accessed from the following menu.

Windows XP

Select [Important Tips] in [Start] - [All Programs] - [Panasonic] - [On-Line Manuals].

Windows 2000

Select [Important Tips] in [Start] - [Programs] - [Panasonic] - [On-Line Manuals].

When the Reference Manual or Important Tips is started up for the first time, the License Agreement of the Acrobat Reader may be displayed. If it is displayed, after reading the agreement, select [Accept] to access the Reference Manual or Important Tips.

Refer to Acrobat Reader Help to use the Acrobat Reader.


Illustrations may be difficult to view depending on the magnification. If the illustration is too small, magnify the display.

The characters in PDF files (such as the Reference Manual) may be difficult to read depending on the Acrobat Reader settings and the Windows Desktop settings. In such cases, change the Acrobat Reader settings with the following procedure.

1Start up Acrobat Reader.

2Select [Edit] - [Preferences] - [Accessibility], and then set [Color Scheme] to [Use

colors specified in document].

When the taskbar is hidden at the bottom portion of Acrobat Reader, set the maximum display window size.

If a printer is connected, we recommend printing pages. The illustrations and display samples may not print with a high quality.



Useful Information

Usage Environment


In use:

Temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C {41 °F to 95 °F}


Humidity : 30% to 80% RH (No condensation)

Not in use: Temperature: -20 °C to 60 °C {-4 °F to 140 °F} Humidity : 30% to 90% RH (No condensation)

Places not to use your computer

Such areas may result in damage to the computer.

Areas with electronic equipment

These areas may interfere with your display or cause your computer to produce strange sounds.

Areas with extremely high/low temperatures

Do not leave things near the computer that are sensitive to heat. During operation, the computer may become warm.



This computer has been designed so as to minimize shock to the LCD and hard disk drive, the leakage of liquid (e.g., water) on to the keyboard, etc., but no warranty is provided against such trouble. Therefore, as a precision instrument, be extremely careful in the handling.

Do not drop or hit your computer against solid objects.

Do not carry your computer when it is on.

Remove all external devices, cables, and PC Cards sticking out of the computer (see the figure on the left) before transporting the computer.

We recommend preparing a fully charged battery (and optional charger, if possible). When transporting spare batteries inside a package, briefcase, etc., it is recommended that the batteries be stored in a plastic bag.

Do not place the computer upright or allow it to tip over. When the computer receives extremely strong shock after falling, the hard disk or floppy disk drive, etc., may become inoperable.

Do not carry the computer while the display is open, or carry it by gripping the display.

Do not put anything (e.g., a piece of paper) between the display and keyboard.

Always carry your computer with you when traveling. Never check it in with luggage. For use of the computer inside an aircraft, we recommend asking the airlines regarding their policy on this issue.

It is a good idea to make backup copies on disks and carry them with you. Do not leave a disk in the drive while transporting your computer.



Touch Pad

page 19


<Models with touchscreen>

Use the Soft Cloth included with the computer. (For more information, refer to “Suggestions About Cleaning the LCD Surface” that come with the soft cloth.)

If the Protective Film becomes dirty or damaged, it may be time to replace your Protective Film. The Protective Film is a disposable item. To find out the model number of your Protective Film, contact Panasonic Technical Support. (For more information, refer to the “Operating Instructions” that come with the Protective Film.)


Do not touch or use a touchscreen before you re-attach a Protective Film, as you may leave a mark or a scratch on the touchscreen.

<Models without touchscreen>

Avoid using water when cleaning the panel. Ingredients included in water may leave residue and reduce readability of the screen.

<When cleaning dust/dirt>

Avoid rubbing off dust/dirt with cloth since it may leave scratch on the screen.

Sweep dust/dirt with fine brush, then wipe it with “dry” soft cloth used for cleaning glasses. <When cleaning oily surface>

Apply camera lens cleaner on a soft gauze and clean it with gentle force. Then, wipe with dry soft cloth used for cleaning glasses.

Areas excluding the display

Wipe these areas with a soft cloth, after applying water or detergent diluted with water to the soft cloth and firmly wringing out excess water.


Do not use benzene, thinner, or rubbing alcohol. Doing so may adversely affect the surface, e.g., discoloration. In addition, do not use commercially-available household cleaners and cosmetics, as they may contain components harmful to the surface.

Do not directly add or spray water or detergent. If liquid enters the inside of the computer, it may cause it to work improperly or be damaged.

Saving Data on the Hard Disk

Do not expose your computer to shock.

Use care when handling your computer, shock may damage your hard disk or make your software applications and data unusable.

Donotpoweroffyourcomputerwhilesoftwareapplicationsarerunningorharddiskdriveindicator ( ) is on.

Properly shut Windows* down to avoid problems.

Save all valuable data to floppy disks, etc.

Backing up data to floppy disks, etc. will limit damage should trouble occur to your com-

puter or should you inadvertently change or erase data.


Use the security function for all important data. (

“Security Measures”)

*Windows XP : This computer uses Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional. Windows 2000 : This computer uses Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional.


Hard Disk Lock

When the Hard Disk Lock is set to [Enable], it is impossible to read/write data from/to the


hard disk when the hard disk is installed in a different computer, since a password is also set


for the hard disk. When the hard disk is returned to the original computer, you can read and


write data as before. In this case, however, make the settings in the Setup Utility exactly the


same as they were before the hard disk was removed. (Note that this Hard Disk Lock does


not guarantee complete protection of data.) (

"Security Measures")




Useful Information


Saving Data on Floppy Disks

Write-protect Tab

Write Enable

Write Disable

Do not power down your computer or press the disk eject button while the MP indicator () is on.

Doing so may damage the data on the floppy disk and render the floppy disk useless.

Use care when handling floppy disks.

To protect the data on your floppy disks or to prevent a floppy disk from becoming stuck in your computer, avoid the following:

Sliding the shutter on the floppy disk manually.

Exposing the floppy disk to a magnetic field.

Storing the floppy disk in locations prone to high temperatures, low pitched noise, dampness, or dust.

Applying more than one label on the floppy disk.

Confirm the contents of a floppy disk before formatting it.

Confirm that no important data is on the floppy disk, because all data on the floppy disk will be erased.

Use the write-protect tab.

This is a must for preserving important data. This prevents your data from being erased or overwritten.

Computer Viruses

Users are advised to purchase the latest versions of virus protection software and use them regularly.

We recommend you run the software:

After booting your computer.

After receiving data.

We recommend that you check data received on disks or from external sources, such as data downloaded from the Internet, e-mail, etc. (For compressed files, uncompress them before running a check).

When Using Peripheral Devices

Pay strict attention to the following points to avoid damage to the computer, peripheral devices, cables, etc. Also, in addition to following this manual and the Reference Manual, carefully read the instruction manuals for the peripheral devices being used.

Use only peripheral devices that conform to the computer’s specifications.

Connect the devices properly, paying close attention to the condition and position of the connectors.

If a connection cannot be made easily, do not apply undue force; check once more to confirm the condition and position of the connector (alignment of pins, etc.) .

If the connector has holding screws, fasten the screws firmly.

Do not carry the computer with cables attached, and do not pull on the cables forcefully.

Wireless LAN

To prevent theft of data or unauthorized access to the hard disk via a wireless LAN.

If you plan to use wireless LAN functions, we recommend that you do so only after making the appropriate security settings, such as for data encryption.


Windows Update

You can use the latest patches and service packs for Windows with the following menus.

Do not apply "Driver Update" even if a message to update a driver appears. If a driver update is required, contact to Panasonic Technical Support.

Windows XP

[Start] - [All programs] - [Windows Update]

Windows 2000

[Start] - [Windows Update]

When Changing Hard Disk Partitions

When using the hard disk backup function ( page 34), do not divide up the hard disk before creating a backup region. If you do this, the backup region cannot be created. Divide into the partition when the backup region is created.

When Disposing of or Transferring Ownership of This Device

When disposing of or transferring ownership of this device, erase all data on the hard disk in order to prevent the theft of hard disk data. Even if you delete data or initialize the hard disk through normal Windows commands, data can still be read using special software. In order to erase all data, either have the data erased by a specialist (at a charge) or use the hard disk data erase utility (included) ( page 38). (Note that this hard disk data erase utility does not guarantee that data will be completely erased.)

Also, note that if you transfer ownership of this device without deleting commercial software that you have installed to the hard disk, you may be in violation of the licensing agreement for that software.



List of Error Codes


The following is a list of the messages that BIOS can display. Most of them occur during POST. Some of them display information about a hardware device, e.g., the amount of memory installed. Others may indicate a problem with a device, such as the way it has been configured. Following the list are explanations of the messages and remedies for reported problems.

If your system displays any of the below error messages other that the ones marked with an asterisk (*), write down the message and contact Panasonic Technical Support. If your system fails after you make changes in the Setup menus, reset the computer, enter Setup and install Setup defaults or correct the error.

0200 Failure Fixed Disk

Fixed disk in not working or not configured properly. Check to see if fixed disk is attached properly. Run Setup. Find out if the fixed-disk type is correctly identified.

0211 Keyboard error

Keyboard not working.

0212 Keyboard Controller Failed

Keyboard controller failed test. Requires repair of system board.

0213 Keyboard locked - Unlock key switch

Unlock the system to proceed.

0230 System RAM Failed at offset : nnnn

System RAM failed at offset nnnn of in the 64k block at which the error was detected.

0231 Shadow RAM Failed at offset : nnnn

Shadow RAM failed at offset nnnn of the 64k block at which the error was detected.

0232 Extended RAM Failed at offset : nnnn

Extended RAM Failed at address line : nnnn

Extended memory not working or not configured properly at offset or address line nnnn.

0250 System battery is dead - Replace and run SETUP

The CMOS backup battery is dead. Replace the battery and run Setup to reconfigure the system.

*0251 System CMOS checksum bad - Default configuration used

System CMOS has been corrupted or modified incorrectly, perhaps by an application program that changes data stored in CMOS. The BIOS installed Default SETUP Values. If you do not want these values, enter Setup and enter your own values. If the error persists, check the system battery or contact Panasonic Technical Support.

0260 System timer error

The timer test failed. Requires repair of system board.

0270 Real time clock error

Real-time clock fails BIOS test. Requires repair of system board.

0271 Check date and time settings

Real-time clock is illegal. Run Setup and set the date and clock.

*0280 Previous boot incomplete - Default configuration used

Previous POST did not complete successfully. POST loads default values and offers to run Setup. If the failure was caused by incorrect values and they are not corrected, the next boot will likely fail. On systems with control of wait states, improper Setup settings can also terminate POST and cause this error on the next boot. Run Setup and verify that the wait-state configuration is correct. This error is cleared the next time the system is booted.

02D0 System cache error - Cache disabled

Contact your Panasonic Technical Support.

Failing Bits : nnnn

The hex number nnnn is a map of the bits at the RAM address which failed the memory test. Each 1 (one) in the map indicates a failed bit. See error 230,231 or 232 for offset address of the failure in System, Extended or Shadow memory.

Operating System not found

Operating system cannot be located on either drive A: or drive C:. Enter Setup and see if fixed disk and drive A: are properly identified.

Press <F1> to resume, <F2> to Setup

Displayed after any recoverable error message. Press <F1> to start the boot process or <F2> to enter a Setup and change the settings. Write down and follow the information shown on the screen.

0614 Serial Port A config. error - device disabled

0616 Serial Port B config. error - device disabled

Serial Device I/O Address or IRQ are in conflict. Change the I/O Address or IRQ in the Setup Utility.


Dealing with Problems (Summary)

When a problem occurs, refer to this page. The “Reference Manual” also contains detailed information. If a problem appears to be related to a software application, read the software related manual. If you still cannot troubleshoot the problem, contact Panasonic Technical Support. You can use the PC Information Viewer to check the computer’s usage status. ( “Dealing with Problems (Advanced)”)

Starting Up

The power indicator or bat-


Check the cable connection for the AC adaptor.

tery indicator is not lit


Check to see if a fully charged battery is properly installed.



Remove the battery pack and disconnect the AC adaptor, then connect them again.

The computer does not op-


The computer may not operate when certain USB devices are connected. Disconnect the

erate when a USB device is


USB device, or set [Legacy USB Support] to [Disable] in [Security] menu of the Setup





[Enter Password] is dis-

Input your Supervisor Password or User Password. If you have forgotten it, contact Pana-


sonic Technical Support.


POST Startup Error(s) is



page 24












Windows startup, or an op-


Press F9 in the Setup Utility (



“Setup Utility”). This will restore the Setup



eration is extremely slow


Utility's settings to their default values (except the password settings). Then, the Setup



Utility must be run once again for you to input the appropriate operating environment



settings. (The processing speed depends on the application software used, so this opera-



tion may not cause the processing speed to increase.)

The date and time are incor-


You can set the date and time using the following menu.




Windows XP




[Start] - [Control Panel] - [Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options] - [Date and Time]




Windows 2000




[Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Date/Time]




When the computer is connected to a LAN, confirm the date and time of the server.



If you continue to experience problems, the internal battery maintaining the clock may



need to be replaced. Contact Panasonic Technical Support.



This computer will not correctly recognize the date and time starting from the year 2100





When resuming from the


Even when a password has been set in the Setup Utility, [Enter Password] does not

standby or hibernation


appear when the computer resumes from the standby or hibernation mode.

mode, [Enter Password]


If you want to use the security function when using the standby or hibernation mode, use

does not appear even if a


the Windows password as follows:


password has been set in the



Windows XP


Setup Utility


Select the account to change in [Start] - [Control Panel] - [User Accounts] and set the



password, then add the check mark for [Prompt for password when computer resumes



from standby] in [Control Panel] - [Performance and Maintenance] - [Power Options] -








Windows 2000




Set the password in [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Users and Passwords], then



add the check mark for [Prompt for password when computer goes off standby] in



[Control Panel] - [Power Options] - [Advanced].

When “Invalid system disk.


This means a floppy disk that does not contain system startup information has been left in

Replace the disk, and then


the floppy disk drive. Remove the floppy disk, and press any key.

press any key.” (or a similar


This message may appear when certain USB devices are connected. Remove the USB

message) is displayed


device, or set [Legacy USB support] in [Security] menu of the Setup Utility to [Disable].



If the message still appears even after trying the above two measures, this may be an indica-



tion that some type of hard disk failure has occurred. Contact Panasonic Technical Support.



Dealing with Problems (Summary)

Starting Up (continued)

When the administrator

Set the password again in the following procedure.

password is forgotten

Windows XP




If you have created a password reset disk (


page 14 ), a message is displayed when




you fail to correctly enter the password. Follow the message’s instructions and set the


password again by using the password reset disk.


If you have not created a password reset disk, after reinstalling, setup Windows and then


set the password again.




Windows 2000




After reinstalling, setup Windows and then set the password again.

When the previous item is

Press F9 in the Setup Utility (





“Setup Utility”). This will restore the Setup




not the cause

Utility’s settings to their default values (except the password settings).


Try removing all peripheral devices.




Check a disk error using the following procedure.


1 Display [Local Disk(C:) Properties].




Windows XP




Select [Local Disk(C:)] with the right button in [start] - [My Computer], and select






Windows 2000




Select [Local Disk(C:)] with the right button in [My Computer], and select [Properties].

2Select [Tools] - [Check Now].

3Select [Start] after selecting required items in [Check disk options].

At startup, hold down F8 when [Panasonic] boot screen disappears, and release your finger when the Windows Advanced Option Menu is displayed. Start the computer in Safe Mode, and confirm the details of the error.




No display after powering on

When there is no display to an external display,

Check your cable connection to the external display.

Confirm your display is powered on.

Check the settings for your external display.


The display destination may be set to the external display.



Try changing the display destination by pressing Fn + F3 .

Fn + F3 , make


If you want to switch the display destination repeatedly by pressing


sure that the display destination has switched completely each time before pressing



+ F3



The power has not been

Has the computer been set to the power-saving mode?


turned off, but after a cer-

To resume operation of your computer from the condition the power of the display is off

tain period of time, there is

(for energy conservation purposes), press any key unrelated to the direct triggering of a

no display

selection, like

Ctrl .



To save power, your computer may have automatically entered the standby mode (power


indicator blinks green) or hibernation mode (power indicator turns off). In such cases,


slide the power switch.


When the battery pack is


Fn +

F2 and adjust the brightness. Note, however, that when the brightness

used, the screen is darker

is increased, the battery running time will become shorter. Brightness can be set to sepa-

than when the AC adaptor

rate levels for when the AC adaptor is connected and when it is disconnected.

is connected





An afterimage appears (e.g.,

If an image is displayed for a prolonged period of time, an afterimage may appear. This

green, red, and blue dots

is not a malfunction. The afterimage will disappear when a different screen is displayed.

remain on the display) or

High-precision and advanced technologies are necessary in the production of color liquid

there are dots not display-

crystal displays (color LCDs). Therefore, if 0.002% or less of the picture elements either

ing the correct colors

fail to light or remain constantly lit (that is, more than 99.998% of elements are function-


ing properly), no defect is considered to exist.


The external display no

When an external display not compatible with the power saving mode is used with the

longer displays properly

computer, the display may not function correctly when the computer enters the power


saving mode. In such cases, turn off the power to the external display.

During simultaneous dis-

Try changing the display by pressing Fn + F3 .


play, the screen of the exter-

If you continue to experience problems, try changing the display in the following menu.

nal display becomes disor-

Windows XP




[Start] - [Control Panel] - [Other Control Panel Options] - [Intel(R)

Extreme Graphics] -






Windows 2000



[Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Intel(R) Extreme Graphics] - [Devices]

When an MPEG file is be-

The display destination cannot be switched while an MPEG file is playing. Stop playing

ing played with Media

the MPEG file before switching the display destination.


Player, the display destina-





tion cannot be switched us-





ing Fn + F3





Shutting Down

Windows cannot be shut

If a USB device is connected, try removing it.

down or restarted






Dealing with Problems (Summary)


Battery Indicator

The red indicator lights. The battery level is very low (the charge is less than approx. 9% capacity).

Connect the AC adaptor. You can use the computer when the indicator light is orange. If you do not have an AC adaptor, save your data and power off your computer. After replacing the battery pack with a fully charged one, turn your computer on.

The red indicator blinks Quickly save your data and power off your computer. Remove the battery pack and disconnect the AC adaptor, then connect them again.

If the problem persists, contact Panasonic Technical Support. Possible failure in the battery pack or charging circuit.

The orange indicator blinks Battery cannot be recharged temporarily because the internal temperature of the battery pack is outside of the acceptable temperature range for recharging. Once the allowable range requirement is satisfied, charging begins automatically. Your computer can be used normally in this state.

The green indicator blinks

In high temperature mode, the battery pack is discharging to a level of 80%* in normal


temperature mode. (

“Battery Power”)


Do not remove the battery pack while the battery indicator is blinking green.


* A level of 80% in normal temperature mode is displayed as [100%] in high temperature mode.



The battery indicator blinks

Warming up the system to prevent hard disk drive malfunctions at low temperature. Leave

green and orange alternately

your computer as is. Once the allowable temperature range requirement is satisfied, your


computer will start automatically.

Touch Pad/Touchscreen (only for models with touchscreen)

The cursor cannot be con-

If you are using an external mouse, ensure that the external mouse has been connected

trolled properly




, U , and select [Restart] with


Restart the computer by using the keyboard (Press











, then press


Enter ).



































If the computer does not respond to keyboard commands, read “No response”







page 29).












The cursor does not move in

When the Microsoft® IntelliMouse™ Wheel mode or the original mode is set for the

scrolling area of the touch

touch pad, only scroll operations are possible for the right part or bottom part of the touch



In this case, cursor operations are possible by using the work surface excluding the


right part or bottom part. When no mode is set, the entire surface of the touch pad can be


used for cursor operations.




Unable to input using the

Has the Setup Utility been used to set [Touch Pad] to [Enable]?

touch pad

When external mouse drivers are installed (e.g., Intellimouse), the touch pad may not be












Has the touch pad driver been properly installed?


Unable to point correctly

As a result of the physical characteristics of the Touchscreen, sometimes the position of

with the stylus included

the stylus does not match the position of the cursor on the screen. This is not a malfunc-

with the computer

tion. Perform [Calibration] (


page 13).




Unable to input by touching

Has the Setup Utility been used to set [Touchscreen] to [Enable]?

the display

When mouse drivers are installed (i.e. IntelliMouse), the touchscreen is unable to be












Has the touchscreen driver been properly installed?
















Reference Manual

The Reference Manual is

Is Acrobat Reader installed?

not displayed

If Acrobat Reader is not installed, run [c:\util\reader\acroreader51_enu_full.exe] in [Start] -


[Run] to reinstall the program. When installing the program, do not change the installation


destination folder. If the destination folder is changed, the Reference Manual cannot be


opened from the [Start] menu.


+ 64 hidden pages