Panasonic 8900 SH User Manual

TRIAD Boiler Systems, Inc.
Series 8900 SH
Space Heating Control Panel
Operation and Installation Manual
Printed in USA. 1/12/04
TRIAD Boiler Systems, Inc.
West Chicago, IL 60185
Phone: 630-562-2700
Fax: 630-562-2800
Series 8900SH Control Panel Operation And Installation Manual
Introduction 1 Sequence of Operation 2 Entry Codes 3 Sensor Calibration 4 Sensor Troubleshooting 5 Monitoring Codes 6 Error Codes 7 Explanation of Entry Codes 8 Fine Tuning the Heating System 9 Troubleshooting 10
Series 8900SH Control Panel Operation And Installation Manual
This manual explains the operation, installation and control of TRIAD Boilers using the Series 8900 Microprocessor Control Panel. This manual provides information needed to operate the panel and to f ine-tune the boiler system de pending on the requirements of the structure that requires heating.
We have taken care to make this manual as easy to understand as possible, and to anticipate common questions that might be asked. If we missed something along the way, please feel free to call us or your TRIAD Manufacturer’s Representative with ideas and suggestions.
The Series 8900SH Control Panel requires 120V A.C., 5 AMP, 60 Hz single phase to operate. Service wiring should be run in an approved manner using black and white wire. Minimum wire size shold be 14 guage or as local code requires.
After running the service wire to the pane l, connect to the fuse block and neutral terminal, which is marked. Be carefull that the panel is not mounted in an area that could experience temperatures above 125°F.
Mounting the Outside Sensor: The outdoor sensor is to be mounet on the North or Northwest outside wall of the building.
The sensor should be mounted no less than twelve feet above the ground. In a high-rise installation, when the equipment room is on the top floor, install the sensor as close as possible to the panel with it still on a North wall. Caution – Do not mount the sensor near a heat source such as an air handler or lighting fixture.
Mounting the Return Line Sensor: The immersion sensor is to be installed in the return side on the Primary Main of the boiler
system, at least 12 inches away from the nearest boiler. Use 18 gauge solid copper wire between the senors and the control panel. Use 18 gauge or heavier coded thermostat wire to connect the low voltage terminals
between the boiler and the control panel. TRIAD recommends that the boilers be numbered. The terminal strip in the panel is
prenumbered at the factory. Direction of flow through the Primary Main should be noted . The #1 boiler is at the “Supply End” of the Primary Main. The last boiler in the series is on the “Return Side”.
Connect each boiler to the control pane l ensuring that each boiler number is connected to the corresponding number in the control panel. Maintain polarity! This means all first
Section 1 Introduction And Specifications
Series 8900SH Control Panel Operation And Installation Manual
terminals of each pair should be connected to the same terminal in each boiler control center. Follow the drawing and wiring information carefully!
All functions of the Control Panel are activated through the use of two-digit Entry Codes via a simple keypad, which operates as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 #
1. Press the appropriate two digit Entry Code.
2. W ait for the Entry Code in the display to begin flashing.
3. Enter the desired temperature, value code, etc.
4. Press the pound sign # to save the displayed entry. Press the star sign to abort an unwanted entry to prevent it from being saved and to revert
back to the last display code viewed. To discontinue the entry procedure, press the star sign to start over.
To bring the Series 8900SH Control Panel online, the following three steps must be completed:
1. Unlock the keypad using code 61. (See Section 8)
2. Enter the code settings through the keypad. (See sections 3 and 8.)
3. Calibrate the sensors. (See Section 4). System shut down and start-up should be done through the keypad only, (by using Code
62) and NOT by shutting off power to the control panel. If the power to the panel is off for more than 30 days, all control settings will be lost. In the event of temporary power loss the panel has two built-in rechargeable batteries that will maintain the settings for up to 30 days. THE FIRST TIME THE PANEL IS TURNED ON THE BATTERIES WILL REQUIRE 48 HOURS TO TRICKLE CHARGE.
Code 61 is used to lock or unlock the system. Lock the system when you are completed with the initial settings, or any time you change the settings. The system display readings are always available, even with the keypad locked.
Section 1 Introduction And Specifications
Series 8900SH Control Panel Operation And Installation Manual
In the event of power loss or damage to the control panel the boilers will revert to self control. At that point each boiler will cycle on and off according to its high limit control. TRIAD recommends that in this situation the high limits be set at approximately 180°F.
Section 1 Introduction And Specifications
Series 8900SH Control Panel Operation And Installation Manual
Section 1 Introduction And Specifications
Series 8900SH Control Panel Operation And Installation Manual
Section 1 Introduction And Specifications
Series 8900SH Control Panel Operation And Installation Manual
Input Voltage
Avg. Power Consumption
Battery Protected Memory
Time Clock
Operating System Memory
Serial Interface
Sensor Input Channels Sensor input Range
Sensor Accuracy
Sensor Type
Output Channels
9.8 vac, 50/60 Hz, max input 35 vac with transient/surge protection 3VA 8K RAM Industry standard Z80, 4MHz Internal crystal based clock 8K EPROM 1200 Baud standard TTL signal level. Can be interfaced with modem
or direct connect to IBM compatible PC Six
Voltage input of 1.9VDC is read at a value of –55 by the controller. Voltage input of 3.1VDC is read as a value of 200. If an input is shorted to common, the controller will read –40 at the input. If input is open, the controller will read 230. Within + or – 1 degree Fahrenheit
Solid-state linear sens ing
Up to 24
Output Capacity
Relay Type
All Other Components
Batteries Display
30VA, 24VAC
Coil 12VDC / “Dry Contact”
Multiconductor 18 AWG thermostat wire is recommended to wire sensor inputs and control outputs. Maximum length of wire from control panel to sensor is 300 feet. Two 1.2V sealed nickel-cadmium rated at 720 hrs. Standard charge 15 hrs at 18mA. Light Emitting Diodes
Section 1 Introduction And Specifications
Series 8900SH Control Panel Operation And Installation Manual
Entry Codes: The set of two digit numbers that allow the operator to interact with the
control panel. Error Code: A code shown on the display that indicates a problem exists either in the
sensors or in the computer itself. Fine Tuning: Utilizing certain codes concerned with the boiler run time and the boiler
staging to carefully "size" the output to the building to obtain the highest efficiency possible. High Limit: A control mounted near the top of the boiler that shu ts down the main f lame of
the burner if the boiler temperature exceeds the high limit setting.
Manual Override: When Code 63 is used to manually override the control panel. Potentiometer: An electronic device used to adjust the sensor temperatures. Program: A set of commands that tells the computer which calculations to carry out. Ratio Control: The control that allows the operator to vary the Return Water Line
temperature in relation to the drop in outside temperature.
Relay: An electromechanical device that opens or closes a current path on demand. Sensor: A device used with the control panel to measure relative heat and cold. Outside Temperature Shutdown: The pre-selected temperature that, when reached, shuts
the boiler system off.
Stage: The position of a boiler in the firing sequence. Supply Water Line: The supply water line is the line that provides heated water from the
boilers to the building.
Section 1 Introduction And Specifications
Series 8900SH Control Panel Operation And Installation Manual
The Manufacturer warrants the equipment described as the Series 8900 Control Panel to be free from defects in material or workmanship under normal use and service. The Manufacturer's obligation und er this warranty shall be limited to repairing or replacing any part of said pan el, which the Manuf acturer’s examination shall disclose to its satisfa ction to be thus defective, for a period of One (1) Year after date of original installation provided proper evidence of such installation is recorded at the factory and installation is in accordance with TRIAD design.
The Manufacturer further agrees that if the Series 8900 Circuit Board(s) shall be disclosed to the manufacturer's satisfaction to be defective u nder normal use and service during a period of Five (5) Years after date of original installation, a replacement Circuit Board will be f urnished the owner f ree of charge, exclusive of any applicable federal, state or local taxes.
All repairs and/or replacements furnished shall be F.O.B. TRIAD's factory. The Manufacturer shall not be liable for freight, drayages installation and/or other labor costs and any other costs or expenses involved with direct replacement of the defective parts. Defective part failures covered by this warranty should be promptly reported to the Manufacturer. This Warranty voided if Panel sustains an excessive surge in primary or secondary voltage.
This Warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied and of all other obligations or liabilities on the part of the Manufacturer, and the Manufacturer neither assumes nor authorizes any other person(s) to assume for it any obligation or liability in connection with the sale of said equipment or any part thereof. This Warranty will not apply to said e quipment or any p art thereof which has been subject to any accident, n egligence. misapplication, alteration, abuse or misuse. Nor do es it apply outside the boundaries of the United States.
Section 1 Introduction And Specifications
Series 8900SH Control Panel Operation And Installation Manual
All functions of the Control Pane l are activated through the use of two-digit Entry Codes that provide instruction to the panel. These codes are explained in more detail in Sections 3 and 8. The sequence of operation is best explained through the following example:
Assume a six boiler TRIAD system heating an office building that is empty at night and on weekends, an average outside temperature of 70°F, with an expected night temperature of 35°F.
The control panel is on and controling the building heat. Through Entry Codes it has been instructed as follows:
Turn the heat on when the outdoor temperature d rops be low 60°F and off when it rises above 60° F.
Maintain a minimum Return Water Line temperature of 100°F, with a starting outdoor temperature of 60° F.
The manual Reset Ratio is set on Automatic. The rate of system change factor is set at .10. The boilers will fire in a sequence of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and boiler number 1 is the lead boiler. At 6:00 pm the temperature will automatically be set back by 5°F, with a return to normal
temperature occuring 6:00 am. As the outside temperature gradually drops from 70 °F to 60°F, the control panel prepares to
bring on heat. The decision has been made for the boilers to fire in a sequence of 1 through 6, so as the outdoor air temperature drops below 60°F, the control panel calls for the number 1, or lead boiler, to fire. As boiler 1 fires it begins to add heat to the return main. Because it is the designated lead boiler, n umber 1 will continue to f ire intermittently while hea t is called f or. The lead boiler shuts off when the required Return Water Line temperature is reached (determined with code 14) and f ires again when the Return Water Line temperature has d ropped 2°F. This allows all the cycle time and the attendant wear and tear to be confined to the lead boiler. Any boiler can be designated the lead at any time.
As the temperature outside continues to drop, the control panel notes that the Return W ater Line temperature has not reached the 100°F it must maintain, so it calls for the number 2 boiler to fire. However, bef ore it can bring on the number 2 boiler it checks to make sure that the other instructions entered into the control panel are being satisfied. These are (i) the rate of system change f actor, (ii) the required Return W ater Line temperature, and (iii) the calculated Reset Ratio. W ith this information t he panel can fire the other bo ilers in a way that will most efficiently satisfy the heating needs.
Section 2 Sequence of Operations
Series 8900SH Control Panel Operation And Installation Manual
If the outside temperature continues to drop, then the calculated Reset Ratio (code 23) will be activated. More heat will be required to maintain the building temperature. To determine ho w much more, the control panel monitors (when in Automatic mode) the outdoor air temperature, the current Return Water Line temperature, the design return water temperature, and the design outdoor temperature. It then determines the Reset Ratio, which is simply a way of calculati ng how much heat to add to the system to make up for heat loss. If the Reset Ratio is set at 1:1.5 then for every 1°F the outdoor temperature drops, the Return Water Line temperature will be increased by 1.5°F. It is possible to override the automatic mode and enter your own Reset Ratio in code 23.
The next code that is monitored is the Rate o f Change Factor (code 24) which sets the speed at which boilers are brought on line and off line. This rate of change f actor has a range of .01 to 2.00. The rate of change factor is a timer that counts from 0.00 to 99.00. W hen 99.00 is reached, a boiler is brought on line or taken off line. The rate of change factor is important because it allows for a b alancing of how much heat is increased against how much heat the building naturally loses. The rate of change factor also allows you to determine how long each boiler will run before firing the next boiler in line.
Assume it is now 7 :00 pm, the building is empty and dark, and three of the boilers have been used to maintain the building heat. Because the control panel was set to lower the temperature in the Return W ater Line at 7:00 pm, it directs one boiler to go of f line, allowing the Return W ater Line temperature to fall the required 5 degrees. At 6:00 am the panel will increase the Return Water Line temperature back to normal so the building will be warm when the employees arrive.
An important feature of the Series 8900SH control panel is its ability to handle setback recovery. The control panel starts monitoring the Return Water Line temperature and outdoor temperatures 2 hours fire the boilers. Instead of all the boilers firing simultaneously, the panel may only fire one boiler, but allow it to run longer to save on fuel.
If heat was need ed in the building af ter 7:00 pm a simple keypad entry (code 81) will override the setback. This set back override can be done in advance, or at the time the heat is needed.
Assume it is now early afternoon and the outdoor temperature continues to rise. Only two boilers are need ed to maintain the building temperature. When the outdo or temperature rises above 60° F, the control panel shuts the system down until the next time it's needed.
prior to the 6:00 am set point so it can calculate the most efficient way to
Section 2 Sequence of Operations
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