/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
System Setup of 512 x 64
System Setup of 1,024 x 256
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
High Density Video Matrix System
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
1. Introduction
After finishing “Installation and System Connection”, the System Setup is the last jobs before system start
up. If you doesn’t finish the installation nor the system connection, please finish its prior to start this
procedure. Also if you doesn’t understand enough about System 850 nor products, please read out the section
of “Features of the system 850 matrix system ”and “Detailed product description and selection” of the
Operation Instruction, and attached documents “System Specification”.
Fundamental operation is adjusting rotary switch position on LCPU board. This rotary switch position is
used to setup the unit address of MXFRAME. (MXFRAME is the generic term of the assembled Matrix
Card Cage like as MXCONT, MXSW, MXOSD and MXALM.) Human can identify each deference by the
name and number such as MXCONT1, MXCOTN2 and MXSW1-1, but Main CPU can’t read this character
name and number. Then Main CPU will read this rotary switch position as the unit address.
Basically the relation (database) between the unit address and MXFRAME function will be programmed
freely as you like, because flexibility is the key concept of system 850. But too flexible system is sometimes
very difficult to setup. So we prepared two cataloged databases. One is for Standard Model (less than 512
camera inputs and less than 64 monitor outputs) and the other is for Enhanced Model (less than 1024 camera
inputs and less than 256 monitor outputs). Of course we will support maximum 8192 inputs and 1024
outputs and also mixed configuration system (for example, MXOSD and MXALM is configured in one
Matrix Card Cage), but its database shall be very complicated, so please contact the sales or field engineer
about this kind of application.
2. Preparation
It will be needed to prepare next procedure and equipment:
(1) Remove front side cover of Matrix Switcher Card Cage
Please remove front side covers of all Matrix Switcher Card Cage.
(2) Prepare small size screwed driver
It is needed to adjust the rotary switch position on LCPU board.
(3) Confirm your system size
If your system size is equal or less than 512 inputs and 64 outputs, please proceed to Section 3.
(System Setup of 512 x 64)
If your system size is bigger than 512 inputs and 64 outputs and equal or less than 1,024 inputs and
256 outputs, please proceed to Section 4.(System Setup of 1,024 x 256)
If your system is bigger than 1,024 inputs and 256 outputs or mixed configuration system, please
contact the sale engineer or the field engineer to get the setup information.
Version 1.3.0.x
This information is subject to change without notice.
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
High Density Video Matrix System
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
3. System Setup of 512 x 64
(equal or less than)
(1) Cataloged Database
Standard Main CPU has already cataloged system database shown below on his hard disk and you
don’t need to make or change the database at system startup.
There are many parameters in the database, but most important and remarkable parameters are listed
below. Also we will explain about the relation between the graphic interface of Admin Console and this
First one is regarding MXCONTs. Key parameters are positioned at the graphical interface of Admin
Console as next. Other parameters shall not be changed.
Boot means the software
version of LCPU in
MXFRAME. First released
version is 13011015.sr
Without any announce of
new updated software
version, please never change
Local system engineer will have to adjust the rotary switch (SW9,10,11 on LCPU board) that are
marked with gray hatch in above list.
Version 1.3.0.x
This information is subject to change without notice.
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
High Density Video Matrix System
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
Second one is regarding MXSWs. Key parameters are positioned at the graphical interface of Admin
Console as next. Other parameters shall not be changed.
-2) MXSWs
Input 1~256
OutputSymbolic Name Frame ID LCPU Address LCPU SWIP Address
1~32 MXSW 1-1511011
33~64 MXSW 2-1721021
Input 257~512
OutputSymbolic Name Frame ID LCPU Address LCPU SWIP Address
1~32 MXSW 1-2612012
33~64 MXSW 2-2822022
Please never change these
Boot means the software
version of LCPU in
MXFRAME. First released
version is 13011015.sr
Without any announce of
new updated software
version, please never change
Local system engineer will have to adjust the rotary switch (SW9,10,11 on LCPU board) that are
marked with gray hatch in above list.
Version 1.3.0.x
This information is subject to change without notice.
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
High Density Video Matrix System
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
Forth one is regarding MXOSDs. Key parameters are positioned at the graphical interface of Admin
Console as next. Other parameters shall not be changed.
-3) MXOSDs
Output Symbolic Name Frame ID LCPU Address
1~128 MXOSD 1991091
Please never change these
Boot means the software
version of LCPU in
MXFRAME. First released
version is 13011015.sr
Without any announce of
new updated software
version, please never change
Local system engineer will have to adjust the rotary switch (SW9,10,11 on LCPU board) that are
marked with gray hatch in above list.
Version 1.3.0.x
This information is subject to change without notice.
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
High Density Video Matrix System
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
Fifth one is regarding MXALMs. Key parameters are positioned at the graphical interface of Admin
Console as next. Other parameters shall not be changed.
-4) MXALMs
In/OutSymbolic Name Frame ID LCPU Address
1~512 MXALM 11093093 192. 9. 200. 93
Please never change these
Boot means the software
version of LCPU in
MXFRAME. First released
version is 13011015.sr
Without any announce of
new updated software
version, please never change
Local system engineer will have to adjust the rotary switch (SW9,10,11 on LCPU board) that are
marked with gray hatch in above list.
Version 1.3.0.x
This information is subject to change without notice.
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
High Density Video Matrix System
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
Sixth one is regarding Main CPU. Key parameters are positioned at the graphical interface of Admin
Console as next. Other parameters shall not be changed.
-5) Main CPU
IP Address of Ethernet port
Default setup
Standard Main CPU is default setup for A type CPU, then Ethernet port 1 (System Controller) has IP
address = and Ethernet port2 (Camera Cross Point OSD) has IP address =
If you need to change to B type CPU, please refer to “Main CPU A <> B change manual”.
Version 1.3.0.x
This information is subject to change without notice.
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
High Density Video Matrix System
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
Seventh one is regarding RS485 System Controller (CU350). Key parameters are positioned at the
graphical interface of Admin Console as next. Other parameters shall not be changed.
RS485 ports number on Main CPU are arranged from right side (rear view) up to left side. But some
products has reveres numbering (from left side up to right side). Please be careful for character
information of port number.
Version 1.3.0.x
This information is subject to change without notice.
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
High Density Video Matrix System
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
Last one is regarding Ethernet System Controller (CU850). Key parameters are positioned at the
graphical interface of Admin Console as next. Other parameters shall not be changed.
-7) Ethernet System Controller (CU850)
Controller IDEt her net AddressLoop Back IPA
7 Input exact E. A.
8 Input exact E. A.
9 Input exact E. A.
10 Input exact E.A.
11 Input exact E.A.
12 Input exact E.A.
13 Input exact E.A.
14 Input exact E.A.
15 Input exact E.A.
16 Input exact E.A.
Please never change these
Please check E.A. at the
bottom side of CU850.
Each CU850 has E.A. label
at the bottom.
Cataloged database has the sample E.A. (Ethernet Address). Please connect Admin Console and
input exact E.A. of your CU850. Each CU850 has E.A. label at the bottom.
Version 1.3.0.x
This information is subject to change without notice.
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
(2) Start Up
Now your are final stage of system install and system setup. Please proceed with next steps:
-1) Power on Main CPU
The power switch of the MPU-850 CPU is located underneath the front panel. Remove the front
panel by removing two screws on the panel.
After powered on, Active indicator will turn on and Hard disk drive indicator will be flashing.
If anything might be wrong, please refer attached documents “Diagnostic of Main CPU”.
-2) Power on miscellaneous devices
Cameras, monitors and Ethernet HUBs shall be powered on.
-3) Power on Matrix Switch Card Cages
The power switch of this cage is located underneath the front panel. Remove the front panel by
removing two screws on the panel.
After powered on, Operate indicator will turn on and LEDs on LCPU will heartbeat and flashing.
High Density Video Matrix System
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
If anything might be wrong or you want to know more details, please refer the attached document
“Diagnostic of MXFRMAE”.
-4) Power on System Controller (CU350)
After connected AC adapter, Operate indicator will turn on, and a litter latter Link indicator will
turn on. Please make sure whether you can login to system
If anything might be wrong, please check the system connection and the database of Admin
-5) Power on System Controller (CU850)
The power switch of this controller is located at the connector panel.
After powered on, Operate indicator will turn on and a litter latter Link indicator will turn on.
Please make sure whether you can login to system.
If anything might be wrong, please check the system connection and the database of Admin
(3) Admin Console
Please set IP address “” for your Administration Console PC, to avoid IP address
Version 1.3.0.x
This information is subject to change without notice.
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
(4) Help
Console User’s Guide) for operations.
Finally, thanks very much for chousing System 850.
from System 850 development team
High Density Video Matrix System
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
If yon can’t boot up the system successfully, please contact to sales or field engineer with next data
One is Admin Console data file (ex. 512x64 CONT,SW,OSD,ALM.adm).
One is the system initial file (ex. Main A.ini)
These two files are very useful to analyze problems in your system. Please refer “Administration
Version 1.3.0.x
This information is subject to change without notice.
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
High Density Video Matrix System
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
4. System Setup of 1,024 x 256
(equal or less than)
(1) Cataloged Database
Enahnced Main CPU has already cataloged system database shown below on his hard disk and you
don’t need to make or change the database at system startup.
There are many parameters in the database, but most important and remarkable parameters are listed
below. Also we will explain about the relation between the graphic interface of Admin Console and this
First one is regarding MXCONTs. Key parameters are positioned at the graphical interface of Admin
Console as next. Other parameters shall not be changed.
Boot means the software
version of LCPU in
MXFRAME. First released
version is 13011015.sr
Without any announce of
new updated software
version, please never change
Local system engineer will have to adjust the rotary switch (SW9,10,11 on LCPU board) that are
marked with gray hatch in above list.
Version 1.3.0.x
This information is subject to change without notice.
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
High Density Video Matrix System
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
Second one is regarding MXSWs. Key parameters are positioned at the graphical interface of Admin
Console as next. Other parameters shall not be changed.
Boot means the software
version of LCPU in
MXFRAME. First released
version is 13011015.sr
Without any announce of
new updated software
version, please never change
Local system engineer will have to adjust the rotary switch (SW9,10,11 on LCPU board) that are
marked with gray hatch in above list.
Version 1.3.0.x
This information is subject to change without notice.
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
High Density Video Matrix System
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
Forth one is regarding MXOSDs. Key parameters are positioned at the graphical interface of Admin
Console as next. Other parameters shall not be changed.
Boot means the software
version of LCPU in
MXFRAME. First released
version is 13011015.sr
Without any announce of
new updated software
version, please never change
Local system engineer will have to adjust the rotary switch (SW9,10,11 on LCPU board) that are
marked with gray hatch in above list.
Version 1.3.0.x
This information is subject to change without notice.
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
High Density Video Matrix System
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
Fifth one is regarding MXALMs. Key parameters are positioned at the graphical interface of Admin
Console as next. Other parameters shall not be changed.
Boot means the software
version of LCPU in
MXFRAME. First released
version is 13011015.sr
Without any announce of
new updated software
version, please never change
Local system engineer will have to adjust the rotary switch (SW9,10,11 on LCPU board) that are
marked with gray hatch in above list.
Version 1.3.0.x
This information is subject to change without notice.
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
High Density Video Matrix System
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
Sixth one is regarding Main CPU. Key parameters are positioned at the graphical interface of Admin
Console as next. Other parameters shall not be changed.
-5) Main CPU
IP Address of Ethernet port
Default setup
Enhanced Main CPU is default setup for A type CPU, then Ethernet port 1 (System Controller) has
IP address =, Ethernet port2 (Camera Cross Point OSD) has IP address =,
Ethernet port3 (OTHER) has IP address =
If you need to change to B type CPU, please refer to “Main CPU A <> B change manual”.
Version 1.3.0.x
This information is subject to change without notice.
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
High Density Video Matrix System
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
Seventh one is regarding RS485 System Controller (CU350). Key parameters are positioned at the
graphical interface of Admin Console as next. Other parameters shall not be changed.
RS485 ports number on Main CPU are arranged from right side (rear view) up to left side. But some
products has reveres numbering (from left side up to right side). Please be careful for character
information of port number.
Version 1.3.0.x
This information is subject to change without notice.
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
High Density Video Matrix System
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
Last one is regarding Ethernet System Controller (CU850). Key parameters are positioned at the
graphical interface of Admin Console as next. Other parameters shall not be changed.
/ 512 x 64 (Standard Model)
1024 x 256 (Expand Model)
8192 x 1024 (Large Model)
Please never change these
Please check E.A. at the
bottom side of CU850.
Each CU850 has E.A. label
at the bottom.
Cataloged database has the sample E.A. (Ethernet Address). Please connect Admin Console and input
exact E.A. of your CU850. Each CU850 has E.A. label at the bottom.
Version 1.3.0.x
This information is subject to change without notice.
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
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