• Fixed temperature alarm level
• Waterproof (IP67)
ATEX compliance
Fire alarm systems
Enclosed heat
detectors 6295, 6296,
6297 and 6298
Fixed temperature alarm level
The detectors are conventional fixed
temperature heat detectors, i.e. they will give
an alarm within a response temperature
range in accordance with EN54-5:2000.
The sensing element is a heat pick-up shield
and a bimetal switch.
An LED on the detector (not on 6298) will
light up when the detector goes into alarm.
The detector also has an output for an
external LED 2216 / 2217.
The following types are available (static
response temperature, class & EN54-5 temp.
6295, 57°C, class A2 S (54 to 70°C).
6296, 72°C, class B S (69 to 85°C).
6297, 87°C, class C S (84 to 100°C).
6298, 117°C, class E S (114 to 130°C).
The detectors are latching, i.e. they will not
be automatically reset if the temperature,
after the alarm, falls below the detector's
static response temperature. The detector's
LED and a connected ext. LED will be lit
until the detector is reset via the c.i.e.
ATEX classification
The detectors 6295 and 6296 complies with
the ATEX classification Ex II 3GD EEx nA
II T5. See also the opposite side of this
Waterproof connection box
The heat pick-up shield, the LED, all
electronics, etc. are mounted in a grey waterproof detector housing, to be mounted on the
attached connection box, which has three
cable inlets. Three compression glands and
a silicon gasket for IP67 are also attached.
Label holder
A label holder intended for a label showing
"zone number", can be mounted in the
connection box.
The detectors 6295-6298 are provided with
three pairs of flying leads with female pushon connectors, see figure on the opposite
side of this page. (Zone line cables (in / out)
and an external LED.)
Product applications
The detectors can be used in the systems
EBL500 / 512 / 128 / 1000 / 2000 provided
with some zone line inputs for the system
respectively (e.g. an 8 zones expansion
board 1580 / 4580 input, an addressable
zone interface 2226 / 2335 input, an
addressable multi purpose I/O unit 3361
input, etc.).
Heat detectors are normally used in rooms
where the temperature can be expected to
rise rapidly in case of a fire or places where
smoke detectors can not be used.
The detectors are intended for outdoor use or
indoor use in high humidity premises.
Panasonic Electric Works Fire & Security Technology Europe AB
Jungmansgatan 12, SE-211 19 Malmö, Sweden
Tel: +46 (0)40 697 70 00 • Fax: +46 (0)40 697 70 99
info-fste@eu.pewg.panasonic.com • www.panasonic-fire-security.com

Type numbers
Enclosed heat detector, 57°C, class A2 S (54 to 70°C).
Enclosed heat detector, 72°C, class B S (69 to 85°C).
Enclosed heat detector, 87°C, class C S (84 to 100°C).
Enclosed heat detector, 117°C, class E S (114 to 130°C).
3390 Label holder (100 holders per packet, excl. labels).
3391 Labels for 3390 (10 sheets à 132 labels)
(or end-of-line device). Connectors for wire diameter 0.6 - 1.2 mm (approx. 0.3 - 1.13 mm
Connection box
mounting holes, 2x(4x7 mm) c/c = 70 mm. E+/E- = Ext. LED. A/B = zone line in/out
mounting holes, 2x(5 mm) c/c = 108 mm. The connection box is prepared for
required number of compression glands, one, two or three. A gland is approx. 30 mm high.
Technical data
Voltage (V DC)
Current consumption at nom.
voltage, quiescent (mA)
Current limitation required, when
active (mA)
(EBL equipment has current limitation.)
Ext. LED output
voltage (V)
current output (mA)
Alarm resistance (Ω) For 6295-6297: approx. 400. For 6298: approx. 680
Internal capacitance (nF)
Internal inductance
Ambient temperature (°C)
(Min. / Typical / Max.)
Ingress Protection rating IP67 (attached conn. box, silicon gasket and compression glands required)
Static response temperature
Size ∅ x h (mm)
Weight (g) Detector: 82 Connection box (incl. 3 glands): 134
Approvals 05 EC Certificate no. 0845-CPD-232.1192 (6295); EN54-5
ATEX classification (for 6295 &
6296 only)
All technical features and data are subject to changes without notice, resulting from continuous development and improvement.
24 (zone line voltage)
6295-6297: Must be min. 6 and max. 40
6298: Must be min. 6 and max. 30
Zone line voltage minus 2 V
Max. 10 (no internal current limiter)
For 6295-6296: max. 50
For 6295-6296: 0
6295 (A2 S): 6296 (B S): 6297 (C S): 6298 (E S):
-40 /+25 /+50 -40 /+40 /+65 -40 /+55 /+80 -40 /+85 /+110
-45 to +70 -45 to +70 -45 to +70 -45 to +70
57, 72, 87, or 117°C depending on detector / class. See text.
Detector: 95 x 42 Connection box: 100 x 35
Detector + Connection box: 100 x 75 (excl. compression glands)
Body (6295, 6296): ABS
Body (6297, 6298): Modified Polycarbonate.
Protector (on the body) & Connection box: Modified Polycarbonate.
Grey (N8, Munsell colour code)
05 EC Certificate no. 0845-CPD-232.1193 (6296); EN54-5
05 EC Certificate no. 0845-CPD-232.1194 (6297); EN54-5
05 EC Certificate no. 0845-CPD-232.1195 (6298); EN54-5
II 3GD EEx nA II T5 (T100°C), -40°C ≤ Ta ≤ 50°C
II 3GD EEx nA II T5 (T100°C), -40°C ≤ Ta ≤ 65°C
Product Leaflet Date of issue Revision / Date of revision
MEW00132 2001-10-19 9 / 2008-10-10