Panasonic 37406 Owner’s Manual

ResidentialElectricWaterHeater Q
Singleand DoubleElementModels 30- 120GallonCapacity
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The u oseo hsm_nuahst_f_d:_ne_f_rtheinst_L_ng_ntr_ct_r't_pr_wderequ_r_mentsandrec_mmenda_nsf_ theproperinstallation
p 13
and adlus men Of h8 va e heate ,anotwo, Ortheowne ope a o, oexplan hefeatures, operation, safety p ecauton_ manterlanceand
roubeshoolngof he _a erheate .Thsmanualalso _¢ludesapa tslst.
[tis[mperative_h_ta person6who_reexpeced o ns_t ,op_rae_radl_s hlswae heae ead hB nslucton_c_efullysoth_ttheyrnayun-
d_=rstandhow to do so+
Do Not Destroy this Manual, Please read carefully and keep in a safe placefor Future Reference.
Rirred in USA Amgt;29-1 (9/96)
,_ Recognizethis symbol as an Indication of
Important Safety information!
General Safety Precautions
Besureto readandunderstandtheentire Use&CareManualbeforeattemptingtoinstalloroperatethis waterheater. Itmaysaveyoutimeandcost. Payparticularattention le the General SafetyPrecautions Failureto followthese warningscouldresult in seriousbodilyinjuryordeath. Shouldyou
haveproblemsunderstandingthe instructions inthis manual,or haveanyquestions, STOP,and9ethelpfromaqualified inslalleh serviceteohnician, orthe local elechic ud[ity,
Gasoline, as well as other flammable materials and liquids
(adhesives, solvents, etc.), and the vapors they produce, are extremely dangerous. DO NOT handle, use or store gasoline
or other nammable or combustible materials anywhere near or in the vicinity of a water heater. The arc drawn in the water
heater controls can ignite these vapors. Failure to do so can result in property damage, bodily injury, or death.
WATER TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT - Safety and energy conservagon are factors to be considered when selecting the water temperature setting of water heaters thermostat. Water tempe_stures above 125°F. can cause severe burns or death from scalding. Be sure to read and follow the warnings
outlined on the label pictured below. This label is also located on the water heater near the thermostat access panel
Temperature Time1oPtodsceSeriousBurr]
120° P. Morethan5 minutes 125° F 11/2fc32Binute_
130° F A®ut 30seconds 135° F Aoout10Secor_
140° F. Lessthan5 seoo_ds 145°F, Lessthan3sec,:)nds
150_F. AbOu111/2seconds 155_F. AbOulI second
Tabecuurte6yof 8hmlarsBumIlSl_le
The chart shown above may be used as a guide in determiningthe properwatertemperaturefor your home,
NOTE: Households with small children, disabled, or elderly
persons may require a 120_F. or lower thermostat setting to prevent contact with "HOt _'water.
The temperature of the water inthe heater is regulated by the
adjustable surface mounted thermostat(s) located behind the Jacket Access Panet(s), Dual element heaters have two
thermostats. To comply with safety regulations the thermostat(s) were set at 120° F. before the water heater was
shipped fron_ the factory.
Co_er _ _) 333errnoslatDin[
Water temperature over 125°F can cause severe burns instantly or
death from scalds.
Children, disabled and elderly are at highest risk of being scalded.
See instruction manual before setting temperature at water
heater. Feel water before bathing or
showering. Temperature limiting valves are
available, sea manual,
The illustration above shows the thermostat and temperature
ediuetmect dial used for setting the water temperature.
There is a Hot Water SCALD Potential if the thermostat is set
too high,
Mixing valves for reducing point of _ water temperature by
mixing hot and cold water in branch water lines are available. Contact a licensed Mumber or the local Dlurnbine aathorite
for further information.
TheIoetsstnchosenfor thewaterheatermucttake intoeonsiderahonthe following:
LOCALIMSTALLATtONREGULATIONS Thiswaterheatermustbe installedin accordancewitotheseinstructions,
toc_'codes,tailitycompanyrequirementsor, in theabsenceof Focalcodes, _a la_esteditionoftheNadeaalEleeM_alCode.Itisavailablefromsomelocal
librariesor canbe purchasedftetnthe NationalFPePreveotlonAs_ocitsion, BederyrnarchPark,Quincy,MA0_2ggasbookletANSgNFPA70
LOCATION Locatethew_forheaterina dean dryareaas nearaspracticaltotheareaof
greatestheatedwtserdemand.Long uninsuJatodhotwaterIthsseBnwaste energyand water.Placethewaterheaterinsuch a manner thalthe
thermostslandelementaccesspanelscan be removedtoparmhinspection andservicings_ohas removerofelementsDrcheckingcontrols.Tt'ewMer
heaterand waterlinesshouldbe p'otectedfromfreezingtemperaturesDo notinstallthewaterheaterinoatoooEunp'otestedareas¸
A _ 13_r_ele ol _ater
P,_tl_rF4U$_" _n
_--Ma_muml,_ ¸
Figure 1.--AuxrNary Catch Pan
\ ]D Bqg_llh_d_gr
Thewaterheatershould notbe locatedinan areawhereleakageof the
tank or connectionswill resulth_damageto theareaadiacentto it orto
lowerfloors ofthestructure.Wheresuch areascannotbeavoided,Jtis recommendedthat a suitable catch pan, adequately drained, be
NOTE:Au×iJiarycatchpanb_stMlationMUSTconformto localcodes,
1. INSPECTSHIPMENT-- inspectwater heaterfor possibledamage Checkthemarkingsonthe'atng piateof:hewaterhealertobecertain
ThiswaterheaterSHOULDNOTbe installedin a spacewhereliquids whichgiveoff flammablevaporsare1obe usedor stored.Suchliquids
includegasoline,LRgas(butaneandpropane),paintor adhesivesand theirthinners, solventsor removers,Becauseof naluralair movement
in a room or otherenclosedspace,flammablevapors can be carried fromwheretheir liquidsarebeing usedor stored.Thearc drawnwithin
thewaterheater'scontrolcan igMtethesevaporscausingan axprdston
orfi_ whichmay result in severeburns or deathto those in range,as
welJasproperty damage,
adapterto hot ot cold w_terconnectionsan heater.Any heat appliedto
3. RELIEFVALVE A newcombinaliontemperatureandpressurerelief
2. WATER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS-- Re:erio Fig 2 forsuggesled
isrecommendedor thehotandcoldwaterconnecbonssothatthewater
anoCOLDwa'erconnectionsarectea:Iymarkedand&re3/4"NPTonall models Installa shut-oftvalve in the coldwater finenear_hawater
Uelermineif thereisa checkvalvein thecoldwaterline It mayhave
A checkvalveIoca'edin thecoldwaterinletlinecancausea 'Nosed" watersystem.A closedw_,te[s/stem p_evenMthewater,asit isbeing
heated,fromexp&ndstgbackintothecciq watersupulyline.Pressure
can bJild up,talkiethewaer heatercausingthereliMvalve1ooperate
failureof Ibe reliefvalveand pass;btytheheaterJteelfReplactogthe
reliefvMvewill not correctthe proalem One melhod M preventing
installedia the oae'_ingprovidedand markedfor 1heaJrposeon the
waterneuter,(_oterto FLc2] Norave ot anytypeseduldbeintoaJied
betweenthe reliofvaJveand the tan< Localcedessnail governthe
The pressure rzlJngof the rerief valve rnuM'lo" exceed 150 #SI the
plate.The BTUHRaringofthe _stiefvalvemust act be less than taninau:
ofthe heater(1watt= 3.412 BTUH).
Colnect thecuttero' the relief valve to a sultable open drain so th_ the discharge _tser cannot ContaMlive el_tsrical pad_ and to eliminate
potorkal wafer damage. Pipilg u_ed should be o! a fypa approved for
outlof of the valve and mus_pitch downward horn the valve fo alto__,
line between the water heater and tYe check valve Contact your
IMPORTANT!!Donotapplyheat_othe hotor coldwaterconnections.If sweat connections are used,sweat tubing to adapter before fitting
end of the discharge line should not b_ threaded or concealed and
4. TO RLL WATERHEATER-- Makeeedaind_ainvalveis eompietety
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