Palsonic PAL650TT Owner's Manual

Before using your washing machine, please read this manual carefully and keep it for future reference.
Read This Manual
Ins ide you w ill fin d many he lpful h ints on h ow to use a nd main tain yo ur pro perly. Jus t a littl e preve ntati ve care o n your pa rt can sav e you a gre at deal o f time an d money o ver the lif e of your . You'll f ind man y ans wers to c ommon p roble ms in the c hart of tro ubles hooti ng tips . If you re view th e chart o f tro ubles hooti ng tips f irst, y ou may no t need to c all for s ervic e.
was hing ma chine
was hing ma chine
Twin Tub Washing Machine
Be su re to use p lug tha t is prop erly gr ounde d. The m aximu m gradi ent of th e suppo rting s urfac e for the w ashin g machi ne shou ld not ex ceed 2º. Do no t tear do wn elec trica l wires a nd comp onent s in the ma chine b y yours elf. The re are ho les on th e base fo r venti latio n. Thes e holes s hould n ot be blo cked by f oreig n objec ts
(ca rpets , etc.) .
Nev er conn ect the g round ing wir e with th e live wi re, or it m ay lead t o an elec tric sh ock. If th e power c ord is da maged , it must b e repla ced by a qu alifi ed pers on to avo id a haza rd.
Do no t conne ct to the h ot wate r suppl y.
Aft er usin g, be sur e to unpl ug the po wer plu g.
If th e follo wing sy mptom s occur, p lease d is con ne ct th e po wer p lu g and p er for m th e fol lowin g check s:
Che ck that t he powe r suppl y is in goo d condi tion. Che ck that t he powe r plug is i nsert ed prop erly.
Che ck that t he wash t imer kn ob or the s pin tim er knob i s not
in th e "0" pos ition .
Che ck that t he drai n hose is n ot laid t oo high . Che ck that t he drai n hose is n ot froz en. Che ck that t he drai n hose is n ot bloc ked by fo reign m atter.
Che ck that t here ar e no coin s or any ot her for eign ob jects
dro pped in to the wa sh tub.
Che ck that t he wash ing mac hine is p laced o n flat, s table f loor. Che ck that c lothe s are eve nly dis tribu ted in th e spin tu b. Che ck that t here ar e no wash ing mat erial s or foam ing deb ris
dro pped in to the ou tside o f the spi n tub.
The w ashin g mac hine do es not w ork.
The d rain ho se doe s not wor k.
The re is abn ormal noi se duri ng wash ing.
The re is abn ormal noi se and vi olent vib ratio n durin g spi nning .
Main Technical Parameters
Cap acity ( dry Clo thes)
Pow er Supp ly
Inp ut Powe r (lowe r drain )
Inp ut Powe r (uppe r drain )
Max imum Tim e
Wat er vo lu me
Max imum wa ter pre ssure
Ove rall di mensi on
Net w eight
Pum p Input P ower
Was h
6.5 k g
340 W
340 W
15 mi n. 35 min .(soa k wash)
H: 59 L M: 51 L L: 39 L
Spi n
4.6 kg
135 W
135 W
5 min .
0.6 Mpa
761 x448x 885(m m)
19k g
19. 5k g
240 V/50H z
Low er Drai n Syste m
Upp er Drai n Syste m
Atten ti on To Insta ll at ion
Lay upp er d ra in hose
Chang e th e po sition of t he d ra in hose
Insta ll at ion site
Prepa ra ti on Instru ct io ns
Refer en ce o f laundry q ua nt ity
corre sp on ding to dif ferent ca pa ci ties
Laund ry v ol ume and det er ge nt
dosag e re fe rence
Name Of P ar ts
Acces so ri es
Intro du ct ion Of Cont ro l Pa nel
Quick S ta rt
Was hing Meth od
Rinsi ng M et ho d
Spinn in g Me th od
Eff ic ie ncy Pro gr am
Speci al F ea tures
Soak fu nc ti on
Buzze r fu nc tion
The d ua l vo ltage
Atten ti on To Maint en an ce
Cabin et m ai ntenanc e
Clean in g th e lint filt er
Anti-f re ez ing prote ct io n
Opera ti on w hen objec ts a re
dropp ed i nt o outside o f th e sp in tub
Main Tech ni cal Par am et er s
Safet y Pr ec aution
back co ve r
Safety Precaution
Be su re to com ply wit h the fol lowin g to prev ent dam age to bo dy and pr opert y of you an d other s:
The sign st ands for “pay atten tion ” , and the pi cture of spe cifi c items nee ds atten tion show s in .
The s ign s tan ds fo r “fo rb id” , and t he pi ctu re of sp ecifi c it ems forb idden sh ows in .
The s ign sta nds for “ must do ”, and th e pictu re of spe cific i tems mu st be don e sho ws in .
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or
Do no t insta ll the ma chine i n dam p or rain y envir onmen t to avo id elec tric sh ock, fi re, mac hine fa ilure ,or def ormat ion.
Avoi d dampn ess
Do no t disma ntle th e machi ne by yo ursel f.
For bid dis mantl ing
Do no t place i nflam mable mat erial s like bu rning c andle , mos quito i ncens e, ciga ret etc . or he ating s ource l ike ele ctric sto ve, cal orifi er etc. o n the mac hine.
For bid
War ning
knowledge, unless they have been given supervision
experience and instruction concerning u
se of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children
should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. This appliance is for indoor use only. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. When choosing the water inflowing to wash tub or spin tub , please do not move the water inlet valve during the process of water inflowing. The new hose-sets supplied with the appliance are to be used and that old hose-sets should not be reused. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. The openings must not be obstructed by a carpet. If strong vibration occurs in time of spinning, open the spin cover immediately. Make sure that the washing machine is placed on a flat and stable floor ,and then adjust washing materials, distribute them evenly. To do spinning and draining together, please spin for 1 minute before draining. Do not wash or spin waterproof clothes or clothes that float easily to avoid abnormal vibration or damage to the clothes.
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