Retro Family Tree
A selection of copyrightfree samples from PPG
and Waldorf Wave synths
past and present.
> Wavetable synthesis is inextricably linked to PPG and Waldorf’s lengthy lineage of Wave
synths. Jonathan Miller says hello, waves goodbye and says hello again.…
Tangerine Dream founder
Edgar Froese put the PPG
Wave Computer 360
through its musical paces
on his 1979 solo album
while the PPG
Wave 340/380’s most
famous advocate was
Thomas Dolby.
Here’s a brief rundown
of those who rode the
Waves:Art Of Noise,
Depeche Mode, Trevor
Horn, Jean-Michel Jarre,
Gary Numan, Propaganda,
Rush, Stock Aitken &
Dream and Ultravox.
Waldorf’s upmarket
Wave has found favour
with the likes of Tori
Amos, Eat Static, The Orb,
Underworld and Hans
Zimmer while Nine Inch
Nails’ Trent Reznor has
used all the Microwaves
at one time or another.
And Depeche Mode are
also using the PPG Wave
2.V soft synth.
Tangerine Dream
IS IT REALLY 19 years since Depeche
Mode stormed the charts with their latest slice of bubblegum synth pop
? This song’s catchy bell-like motif
and unusual middle-eight tones represented my initiation into the world of
wavetable synthesis, courtesy of a PPG
Wave 2. But what’s the Wave’s history?
The PPG (Palm Productions GmbH)
name dates back to 1975 when German
electronics wizard Wolfgang Palm began
manufacturing little-known analogue
synths. For Palm, the future was digital
and it wasn’t long before legendary
German electronic trailblazers Tangerine
Dream came knocking on his door
looking for new sounds.With the Tangs
financial assistance, Palm began experimenting with all-digital synthesizer
designs, culminating in late1978 with the
PPG Wave Computer 360.
Think different
The 360 certainly sounded different.
Instead of relying on VCOs (Voltage Controlled Oscillators) with a few static
waveforms, Palm created digital ‘oscillators’ using 64 short, eight-bit sampled
waveforms, groups of which could be
swept from one to the next (a wavetable
in PPG-speak). And 32 such wavetables
on the 360 equalled 2,048 waveforms so
a filter was deemed unnecessary.
The 360 Wave Computer soon
mutated into the eight-voice 340/380
System, comprising three weighty 4U
rackmountable units (the 340 Wave
Computer’s processor and generator, and
380 Event Generator) plus a computer
terminal and five-octave keyboard for
sequencing. But something was amiss.
The technical limitations of the time
prohibited incorporating a digital filter
into the Wave Computers so they
sounded somewhat brittle and harsh, not
a popular trait in an age of analogue
warmth.What to do? Quite simply, Palm
backtracked a little, feeding his beloved
digital wavetables into a VCF (voltagecontrolled filter) and VCA (voltagecontrolled amplifier) and thus, in 1981,
the PPG Wave 2 was born.
Rhapsody in blue
This time the music industry sat up and
took note, for the eight-voice, singleoscillator PPG Wave 2 sounded and
Unable to compete against an influx
of cheaper, mass-produced Japanese
and American instruments, the com-
pany finally bit the dust in 1987, but
not before selling around 700 Wave
2.3s, 300 2.2s and 300 Waveterms and
coming up with some quite remarkable
innovations like 1986’s unreleased
Realizer (quite possibly the world’s first
virtual instrument). However, the Wave
The Wave 2.3 and Waveterm B, the heart
and brain of PPG’s Music Computer System
looked the business. The five-octave keyboard is housed in a large black metal
case with a blue sloping control panel
split into self-explanatory halves: the
17-knob ‘multiple-function analogue
control panel’ and ‘multiple-function
digital control panel’ with its LCD screen.
With two oscillators per voice, the
Wave 2.2 could simultaneously play two
story doesn’t stop there.
Palm’s next development was a custom wavetable chip, first utilised on the
Waldorf Microwave spectral wavetable
synthesizer in 1988, a cost-effective, 2U
rackmount with real-time parameter
access via MIDI. The Microwave was a
resounding success and its offspring still
forms the cornerstone of Waldorf’s product line today. 1997’s 10-voice (expandable to 30) all-digital Microwave II has
only recently been discontinued.
< “The Microwave was a resounding success; its offspring
still forms the cornerstone of Waldorf’s product line today”>
different sounds.When combined with
the newly launched Waveterm A it
became the heart of PPG’s Music Computer System (with the 8U rackmountable Waveterm offering eight-bit user
sampling, DIY wavetable creation and
more extensive sequencing capabilities).
MIDI’s arrival, later in 1982, revolutionised the electronic musical instrument world; gear from rival companies
could now be connected.Yet PPG’s
proprietary eight-bit parallel communication buss connecting its Music Computer
System was already much faster than
MIDI! In 1983 PPG beefed up this system
to include the EVU (Expansion Voice
Unit), a new 12-bit, eight-part multitimbral Wave squeezed into a 4U rackmountable casing.
Turning tides
PPG finally joined the MIDI masses in
1984 with the Wave 2.3, effectively a
repackaged EVU in the now familiar keyboard casing. 1985’s updated Waveterm
B boasted 16-bit sampling and 24-track,
multitimbral sequencing (by connecting
a 2.3 and a couple of EVUs). Yet the technological tide was turning on PPG.
New waves
In 1998 Waldorf transplanted the
Microwave II’s guts into the Microwave
77, 78%), a bright orange desk-
XT (
top/5U rackmountable unit sporting 44
knobs. And the Microwave XTk, released
last year, brought a four-octave, velocitysensitive keyboard into the equation;
proof that longevity does indeed exist in
the cut-throat synth world.
And if proof were needed of the bigger is better maxim then look no further
than Waldorf’s mighty Wave, the
‘advanced modular wavetable synth’. It
had more voices (16, expandable to 32 or
48), more patches (512) and a monstrous front panel (and asking price).
If finances are tight, anyone craving a
taste of the infamous PPG sound at
roughly a 50th of the cost of the original
Wave 2.3 could always grab a copy of
ware. Unlike its hardware forefather, this
VST Instrument plug-in’s polyphony
depends solely on the host computer’s
CPU power (up to eight 64-voice instruments, each with eight-part multitimbrality, can be simultaneously opened).
And so, the Wave lives on… FM
PPG Wave 2.V

No. 3: PPG and Waldorf Wave series
A rare 1978-vintage all-digital synth, available as
either four-voice (360A) or eight-voice (360B),
with one oscillator per voice, 32 wavetables and
70 patch memories.
1981’s first incarnation
of the classic Wave, an
eight-voice, 32wavetable hybrid synth
with 24dB/octave low-
pass filter and onboard real-time digital sequencer.
>> >> >>
An updated Wave 2 with two oscillators per voice. Its
original 1982 list price was $8,800.Today you could
be looking at between £200 and £1,000 second-hand.
1983’s 12-bit, eightvoice, eight-part multitimbral ‘Wave-in-a-box’
(MIDI was added later).
Hot the heels of the Wave Computer 360 (and looking more like an industrial computer than a musical
instrument), this multi-component, eight-voice digital
wavetable synth featured a bewildering array of connections and didn’t sell well.
A dedicated (Motorola 6809
microprocessor-based) music
computer offering Wave 2.2
users eight-bit user sampling,
wavetable creation and fancy
(by 1982 standards) sequencing
options, all for $10,650 (approximately £7,500). Just look
at those eight-inch floppy disk drives!
The last PPG product to be
commercially released (in
1985) at a cost of $11,995
(approximately £8,000).
5.25-inch disk drives, 16-
bit sampling courtesy of an
improved Motorola 68000 microprocessor (transferable to the Wave 2.3 in compressed 12-bit) and even
fancier 24-track sequencing was the order of the day.
While physically identical to the Wave 2.2, under the
bonnet is essentially a MIDI keyboard version of the
EVU.At $10,000 on its 1984 release, it was later discounted to around £4,500 as PPG struggled against
the mass-produced competition. Current secondhand asking prices could be anywhere up to £1,300.
This soft synth
is essentially a
PPG Wave 2.3
recreated in
software form
as a VST Instrument plug-in for a mere £149!
The first Wave for the
masses, this neat 2U,
eight-voice, eightpart multitimbral, 32wavetable rackmount
respectable retail price of £999.An £80-odd upgrade
in 1995 doubled that onboard wavetable count to 64.
arrived in 1988 at a
Wavetables and a
In 1997 the long running Microwave was
finally redesigned and
reborn with 10voices, 64 ROM
Wavetables, 32 RAM
filter. Its price? Still £999.
The bright
Microwave II
rack was
released in
1998 and
costs £1,099.
Launched for £4,995
back in 1992, the Wave
includes a 76-note keyboard and ‘pick-yourown’ colour schemes.
plaything for the rich and famous, if you have to
ask the price then you probably can’t afford one.
Quite literally an
The keyboard
version of the
XT, came out
last year and
costs £1,449.
With thanks to Paul Maddox (
), who helped us source the PPG Wave 2.2 samples on the cover CD (track 7)