palmOne, Tungsten, the Tungsten logo, “T” (Stylized), Addit, Blazer, Graffiti, HotSync, Palm, Palm Powered,
Palm OS, the Palm logo, and VersaMail are among the trademarks or registered trademarks owned by or
licensed to palmOne, Inc. All other brand and product names are or may be trademarks of, and are used to
identify products or services of, their respective owners.
palmOne, Inc. uses the Bluetooth wireless technology trademark under express license from Bluetooth SIG,
Inc. RealPlayer is a trademark or registered trademark of RealNetworks, Inc. MPEG Layer-3 audio decoding
technology is licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson. This product is licensed under the MPEG-4 systems
patent portfolio license for encoding in compliance with the MPEG-4 systems standard, except that an
additional license and payment of royalties are necessary for encoding in connection with (i) data stored or
replicated in physical media which is paid for on a title-by-title basis and/or (ii) data which is paid for on a
title-by-title basis and is transmitted to an end user for permanent storage and/or use. Such additional license
may be obtained from MPEG, LLC. See
technology owned by Microsoft Corporation and cannot be used or distributed without a license from
Microsoft Licensing, GP.
for additional details. This product includes
Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
palmOne, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from the use of this guide.
palmOne, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any loss or claims by third parties which may arise through the
use of this software. palmOne, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by deletion of
data as a result of malfunction, dead battery, or repairs. Be sure to make backup copies of all important data
on other media to protect against data loss.
! ]
using the accompanying software program(s). Using any part of the software indicates that you
accept the terms of the End User Software License Agreement.
Please read the End User Software License Agreement with this product before
Software Download Available
Palm®Desktop software is supplied on a CD. If you do not have access to a CD drive for your computer, you
can download Palm Desktop software from
PN: 406-10304-00
Tungsten™ E2 Handheldii
Table of Contents
About This Guide ..................................................................vii
Tips for viewing this guide.........................................................................vii
What’s in this guide? .................................................................................viii
Changing entries in Favorites ..................................................................124
Beyond the basics.....................................................................................125
Chapter 17: Common Questions .......................................126
Beyond the basics.....................................................................................131
Product Regulatory Information .........................................132
Index ......................................................................................138
Tungsten™ E2 Handheldvi
About This Guide
[ ! ]
This guide tells you everything you need to know to start using your handheld—
from the things you’ll do every day, to the things that make your handheld not
only useful, but fun.
Tips for viewing this guide
Before You Begin
Complete the steps in
Read This First in your
handheld package to set
up your handheld and
install the software on
your computer and your
Tungsten™ E2 Handheldvii
Here are some helpful tips for making it easier to read and find information in this guide as you
view it in Adobe Reader:
• To magnify the page, click the magnifying glass , move the cursor (which is now a
magnifying glass) over the page, and click repeatedly. Click Previous View ( or depending
on your version of Reader) to return to the original view.
• Click an entry in the Table of Contents or Index to go directly to that section of the guide.
• If you link to a page in the guide, to return to the page you were on before you clicked the link,
click Previous View ( or depending on your version of Reader).
• If you link to a web page, the page may open in Adobe Reader instead of in your web browser.
To specify whether pages open in Reader or in your web browser, go to the Edit menu in Reader,
select Preferences, and then select Web Capture. In the Open Web Links drop-down list, select
either In Acrobat or In Web Browser, and then click OK.
• When selecting the page(s) to print, be sure to use the file page number shown at the bottom of
your computer screen, not the printed page number. For example, to print the page you are
reading right now, select page 7 (the file page), not page vii (the printed page).
What’s in this guide?
The info in this guide includes step-by-step instructions, links to cross-references, and sidebars.
Step-by-step instructions
Here you’ll find how-to information. Look for these cues in instructions:
! ]
[ & ] OPTIONALA step you might find useful.
Cue that means the procedure continues on the next page.
Cue that signals the end of the procedure. You're done.
A step that you must follow; otherwise, you could experience an
error or even lose information.
Information that applies only in certain cases or that tells more about
a procedure step.
A procedure or text that applies to one platform only. In most cases,
if you see one heading, check the following or preceding sections for
the other. Sometimes, there is no Mac counterpart for a Windows
procedure or text—this feature is not available to Mac users.
Links appear as underlined words throughout this guide. Links in body text or sidebars take you to
other sections of this guide or to the User Guide on the web. The In this chapter list on the first
page of each chapter contains links that send you to a specific section.
Tungsten™ E2 Handheldviii
[ ! ]
To access the User Guide,
you need to be connected
to the Internet.
Before You Begin
Things you must complete before you can do the steps described in a procedure or group of
A suggestion on how to use a feature more fully; a shortcut; a pointer to a related feature.
Did You Know?
An interesting fact about the topic being described; may include a link to more information.
Key Term
A technical term related to the topic being described. The term may appear in this guide or only
on your handheld.
User Guide
A pointer to the User Guide on the web where you can learn about more things you can do with
an application or feature.
My Handheld
A pointer to a website where you can share info with other handheld users and learn the latest
tips, tricks, and more.
A pointer to the web where you can find help if you experience problems with the features
discussed in the chapter or with your handheld.
Tungsten™ E2 Handheldix
Your Handheld
n this chapter
What’s on my handheld?
Like a good personal assistant, your
handheld helps you keep track of your
schedule, your business and personal
What software is on my
contacts, your to-do list, even your
Microsoft Office and multimedia files.
What’s on the CD?
Opening applications
Using the 5-way navigator
Entering information
Using menus
Handheld do’s and don’ts
Beyond the basics
Stay productive by carrying more of
your important files and documents.
Get connected with wireless access to
email, text messages, and the web.
View digital photo and video albums
directly on your handheld, or insert an
expansion card (sold separately) to
listen to your favorite music. And don’t
worry about losing your information—
even if the battery drains completely,
the information stays in your
handheld’s memory. Simply recharge
• Carry more of your important
information, and work with it on the
• Save time and stay organized
• Travel light
• Never lose important information
• Stay in touch with wireless
to access it again.
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld1
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
What’s on my handheld?
Clock icon
Input area
Quick Buttons
Brightness icon
5-way navigator
Note Pad
ScreenDisplays the applications and information on your handheld. The
screen is touch-sensitive.
Clock iconDisplays the current time and date.
Input areaLets you enter info with Graffiti® 2 writing
or open the onscreen
Brightness iconLets you adjust the brightness of your handheld’s display.
5-way navigatorHelps you move around and select info to display on the screen.
Quick buttonsTurn on your handheld and open Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Note
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
Top and side
Key Term
IR Short for infrared.
Beaming uses infrared
technology to send
information between two
IR ports that are within a
few feet of each other.
Did You Know?
Beaming lets you quickly
share appointments,
addresses, phone
numbers, and more.
IR port
card slot
Power button
IR portBeams information between handhelds and other devices that have an
IR port.
Expansion card
Lets you insert an expansion card (sold separately) to play music, back
up info, and add memory, applications, and accessories to your
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
Power buttonTurns your handheld on or off and lets you turn Keylock
on (if active).
Headphone jackLets you connect standard 3.5 mm headphones (sold separately) to
your handheld so you can listen to music and other audio applications.
StylusLets you enter information on your handheld. To use the stylus, slide it
out of the slot and hold it as you would a pen or pencil. Using your
fingertip instead of the stylus is OK, but don’t use your fingernail, a real
pen, or any other sharp object to touch the screen.
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
Key Term
USB The type of
connector or cable that’s
commonly used to
connect accessories to a
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
SpeakerLets you listen to alarms, game and system sounds, and music.
Reset buttonResets your handheld
if it freezes (stops responding).
Multi-connectorLets you connect a sync cable (included) or a cradle (sold separately)
to your computer so you can synchronize
or exchange information.
Also lets you connect the AC charger to your handheld so you can
charge it.
Bluetooth radio
Enables your handheld to connect with other devices (sold
separately) that use Bluetooth
wireless technology.
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
What software is on my handheld?
Can’t find some of these
applications? Tap the
category list in the upperright corner of the Home
screen and select All.
Your handheld comes with many applications preinstalled and ready to use.
FavoritesCustomize a list of your favorite applications and web pages so that you can
CalendarManage your schedule from single entries, like lunch with a friend, to repeating
ContactsStore names and addresses, phone numbers, email and website addresses—
MediaView and organize photos and videos.
locate and open them quickly.
and extended events, like weekly meetings and holidays. Even color-code your
schedule by category.
even add a birthday alarm or a contact’s photo.
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
Carry music on expansion cards (sold separately), create playlists, and listen to
music on your handheld. This application has a companion desktop application
that you can install from the CD. (Windows only.) Both Mac and Windows users
can use RealPlayer on the handheld.
Set up wireless connections to a mobile phone, network, or computer for sending
and receiving information.
SMSSend and receive short text (SMS) messages using the built-in Bluetooth wireless
technology on your handheld.
WebBrowse your favorite sites on the web using the built-in Bluetooth technology on
your handheld.
Ta s k sStay on top of your to-do list. Enter things you need to do, prioritize them, set
alarms, and then monitor your deadlines.
MemosCapture information such as meeting notes, lists of books to read, movies to see,
recipes, and anything else you need to write down.
Note PadWrite on the screen in your own handwriting or draw a quick sketch.
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
CalculatorSolve basic math calculations such as splitting restaurant bills and figuring tips.
Quick TourLearn about your handheld and how to enter information.
ExpenseTrack business or travel expenses and print expense reports after you
synchronize with your computer.
Synchronize the info on your handheld with the info on your computer.
PrefsCustomize your handheld’s sound levels, colors, security, and more.
Card InfoView information about an expansion card seated in the expansion card slot.
World ClockSet the time in your home city and two other locations, and set an alarm to wake
you up.
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
What’s on the CD?
To install extra software
from the CD, insert the CD
into your CD drive, and
then do one of the
Windows: On the
Discover your device
screen, click Add software
to your device.
Mac: Double-click the
Essential Software folder
The Tungsten™ E2 software installation CD includes desktop software for your computer and
additional software for your handheld.
The desktop software lets you use your computer to view, enter, and manage info for many of the
applications on your handheld. Make sure you install the desktop software so that you can back up
and save the info on your handheld onto your computer.
The additional software lets you do more things with your handheld. When you set up your
handheld you may install some (or all) of these applications. You can install any of the applications
at any time after you set up your handheld as well.
The software installation CD includes titles such as the following:
Palm Desktop softwareView, enter, manage, and back up info for Calendar, Contacts, Tasks,
Media, Memos, and Expense on your computer. (Expense and Media
are Windows only.) You can also view, manage, and back up info for
Note Pad. When you synchronize your handheld with your computer
this info is updated in both places. This application installs
automatically during the initial CD installation process.
During CD installation, you can choose to synchronize your
handheld with Microsoft Outlook on your computer. (Windows only.) If
you do, information from Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, and Memos is
synchronized with Outlook. Information for Expense, Note Pad, and
Media is still synchronized with Palm Desktop software.
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
palmOne™ Quick Install
(Windows only)
Install applications and transfer files from your Windows computer to
your handheld or to an expansion card that is seated in the expansion
card slot for use on your handheld. This application installs
automatically when you synchronize during the initial CD installation
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
After you install an app
and discover how
valuable it is, be sure to
add it to Favorites
Did You Know?
You can categorize
applications. Some apps
are automatically
assigned to a category
when you install them;
others are assigned to the
Unfiled category. All apps
appear in the All category
of Applications
. Assign
an application to a
category in Applications
by selecting Category in
the App menu. Select the
pick list next to the
application's name; then
select a category
Send To Handheld droplet
(Mac only)
Install applications and transfer files from your Mac computer to your
handheld or to an expansion card that is seated in the expansion card
slot for use on your handheld. This application installs automatically
when you synchronize during the initial CD installation process.
Documents To GoCreate, view, and edit Microsoft Word and Excel files, and view and
manage PowerPoint files, directly on your handheld. Includes
companion desktop software that lets you move or copy Microsoft
Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files to your handheld, as well as create
and edit files.
Send, receive, and manage email messages wirelessly using the builtin Bluetooth technology on your handheld or by synchronizing with
your Windows computer.
AudiblePlayerListen to newspapers, books, public radio, language instruction, and
more. (Windows only; download requires Internet connection,
additional fees may apply.)
RealPlayer desktop
Transfer MP3 music files from your computer to an expansion card
(sold separately), copy music from your CDs to your computer. This is
the desktop companion for the music application on your handheld.
(Windows only.)
Windows Media Player/
Direct X
Work with the palmOne Media desktop application. These applications
are required for Media to prepare videos for playback on your
handheld. (Windows only.)
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
QuickTimeWorks with the palmOne Media desktop application. Required to
prepare videos in certain formats for viewing on your handheld.
QuickTime is included on the CD for Windows computers
only. For Mac computers, QuickTime is included in OS X.
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
Getting Started GuideKeep the Getting Started Guide with you and view it on your handheld.
Java TechnologiesAccess more software and functions when you download WebSphere
Handmark SolitaireEnjoy hours of entertainment with this solitaire game.
powerOne CalculatorCalculate math and business solutions with this enhanced calculator.
Addit™Preview, try, and buy software for your handheld. (Windows only and
You can also install this file on your handheld to carry it with you on
the go; it installs to the Palm Desktop Help automatically during the
initial CD installation process;.
Micro Environment to run Java (J2ME) on your handheld. (Download
requires Internet connection and valid email address.)
web access required.)
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
Adobe Reader
View PDF files that are tailored to fit your handheld’s screen.
for Palm OS
Power by Hand eReaderPurchase and download eBooks from the web so you can read them
when you want, where you want.
VPN Client SoftwarePurchase and download VPN software to create a secure wireless
connection to your corporate network in order to safely send and
receive email messages, access the corporate intranet, and more.
(Download requires Internet connection; additional fees apply.)
Tu t o r i a lLearn to use the popular features of your handheld. The Tutorial
includes a tour of your handheld and step-by-step instructions. Access
it from the CD.
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
Opening applications
Did You Know?
You can use a favorite
photo as the background
for your Favorites or
Applications View.
Your handheld lets you display two views to quickly see and open applications. Favorites lets you
create a list of the items you want to quickly access, while Applications displays all applications on
your handheld.
Using Favorites
The Favorites View can include applications and links to the web. Certain items are included in
Favorites by default, but you can customize the list
To access an item from Favorites, tap Star and select from the list. Use the 5-way navigator or
tap the buttons in the upper-right corner of the screen to move to another page of favorites.
to contain any items you want.
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
Using Applications
Did You Know?
You can also open
applications using the
quick buttons
on the front
of your handheld.
Press Center on the 5-way
to scroll through
application categories.
From most applications
you can return to
Applications by holding
down Center on the 5way.
The Applications View shows all of the applications on your handheld. Use the category pick list in
the upper-right corner of the screen to view applications by category or to see all applications.
To access an item from Applications, tap Home and select an icon.
Category pick list
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
Using the 5-way navigator
To remove the selection
highlight without making
a selection, scroll to the
first icon (in the upper-left
corner) and then press
Left on the 5-way, or enter
the Backspace character
using Graffiti 2 writing
The 5-way navigator lets you access information quickly with one hand and without the stylus. The
5-way does various things based on which type of screen you’re on. To use the 5-way, press Up,
Down, Right, Left, or Center
Moving around in Favorites View
Right or LeftDisplays the next or previous page of
Up or DownScrolls to the next favorite in the
corresponding direction.
CenterOpens the selected item.
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
Moving around in Applications View
Up or DownScrolls to the next or previous page of
Right or LeftScrolls to the next or previous application
CenterInserts the selection highlight. When the
selection highlight is present:
Up, Down, Right, or Left Scrolls to the next
item in the corresponding direction.
Center Opens the selected item.
Moving around list screens
In list screens, select and move between entries such as notes, memos, contacts, or photos.
Up or DownScrolls an entire screen of entries, as long as
there’s nothing highlighted. Press and hold
to accelerate the scrolling.
CenterInserts the selection highlight. When the
selection highlight is present:
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
Up or Down Scrolls to the previous or next
Center Displays the selected entry.
Left Removes the selection highlight.
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
Moving around entry screens
In entry screens, use the 5-way to scroll within the current entry or between entries.
Up, Down,
Right, or Left
CenterInserts or removes the selection highlight.
Scrolls to the next item in the corresponding
If there is no “up” entry, pressing Up scrolls
left. Likewise if there is no “left” entry,
pressing Left scrolls up.
If there is no “down” entry, pressing Down
scrolls right. If there is no “right” entry,
pressing Right scrolls down.
On some entry screens, pressing Left
highlights the leftmost button at the bottom
of the screen.
If a button is highlighted, activates the
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
Moving around dialog boxes
Dialog boxes appear when you select a button or option that requires you to provide additional
information. In dialog boxes, use the 5-way to select a button or to make a selection from items
such as boxes and pick lists.
Up, Down,
Right, or Left
Highlights the next item in the dialog box
(pick list, box, button) in the corresponding
Center• If highlight is on a box: Checks or
unchecks the box.
• If highlight is on a pick list: Opens the pick
list. When a pick list is open:
Up or Down Scrolls to the previous or
next entry.
Center Selects the highlighted entry.
• If highlight is on a button: Activates the
button, and then closes the dialog box.
! ]
Read dialog boxes carefully. Selecting a button such as OK or Yes may cancel an
action or delete information.
Pick list
Button with
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
Moving around menus
After you open the menus you can use the 5-way to move between and to select menu items:
Up or DownScrolls within the current menu list.
Right or LeftScrolls to the next or previous menu on the
CenterSelects the highlighted menu item.
menu bar.
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
Entering information
Write letters on the left
side of the input area and
numbers on the right.
Write capital letters in the
Did You Know?
Your handheld package
includes a sticker that
shows the most common
Graffiti 2 characters.
Display the Graffiti 2 help
screens at any time. Just
draw a single stroke from
the bottom of the input
area to the top of your
handheld’s screen.
There are several ways to enter information on your handheld. The most popular methods are
using Graffiti 2 writing, using the onscreen keyboard, and using Palm Desktop software or
Microsoft Outlook on a computer. The next few pages briefly describe these three methods.
Learning Graffiti 2 writing
Graffiti 2 writing is a special set of letters, numbers, and symbols that you can use to write directly
on the screen. With only a few minutes of practice, you can learn to use Graffiti 2 writing—and
help is always only a tap away.
1Tap Home and select Quick Tour .
2Select Graffiti 2, and then navigate through the screens to learn Graffiti 2
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
Using the onscreen keyboard
Key Term
Record An entry in an
application such as a
contact in Contacts or an
appointment in Calendar.
You can enter text
whenever you see a
blinking cursor on the
You can use the onscreen keyboard in any application where you need to enter text, numbers, or
symbols on your handheld.
1Open an entry:
a. Open an application
b. Select a record or tap New.
2Tap one of the following to open
an onscreen keyboard:
ABC Opens the letter keyboard.
123 Opens the number
Letter keyboard
Number keyboard
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
When a keyboard is open,
you can tap abc, 123, or
Int’l to open any of the
other keyboards.
Tap the characters to enter text, numbers, and symbols, and then select Done.
Caps lock
Caps shift
Letter keyboard
Number keyboard International keyboard
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
Using your computer
The Palm Desktop online
Help has lots of info
about how to use
Palm Desktop software.
Open the Help menu and
select Palm Desktop Help.
Many of the applications on your handheld are also included in Palm Desktop software. You can
use these applications to enter information on your computer. When you synchronize your
handheld with your computer, the information is updated in both places.
Outlook. If you do, info from Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, and Memos is synchronized with Outlook.
Other info, such as photos and notes, is synchronized with Palm Desktop software.
Double-click the Palm Desktop icon on your computer desktop, and then click the icons in the
launch bar to access the various applications.
During CD installation (Windows only), you can choose to synchronize with Microsoft
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
Launch bar
CHAPTER 1Your Handheld
Double-click the Palm Desktop icon in the Palm folder on your computer, and then click the icons in
the launch bar to access the various applications.
Launch bar
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld
+ 129 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.