& Weight:
2.7"W x 4 .06 "H x 0.6"D, 3.4 oz.
Memory: 32MB (20MB available)
OS: Palm OS
Garnet v5.4
Screen: 160x160 color display
Cable/Power: Mini-USB sync cable
and AC adapter (108 -32 VAC/6 0
Hz) CAUTION: Intended for use in
the U.S. and Canada only.
Processor: 200MHz processor
Battery: Rechargeable
Desktop Requirements
– One available USB por t
– Windows 2000 (SP4), Windows XP,
or Mac OS X v10.2.8 to 10.4
– Windows 2000, XP and Mac OS X
require admin rights to install
– Outlook syn chronization requires
MS Outlook 20 00, 2 002, or 200 3
– Check ww w.palm.com for
additional updates & information.
5-way navigator
Small & compact
2.7"W x 4.06"H x 0.6"D, 3.4 oz
160 x 160 c olor display
On/Off button
What’s included
Handheld, USB syn c cable, power adapter, 3- step se t-up pos ter, Graf fiti
2 sti cke r, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Photos, Memos, Note Pad, Exp ens e,
World Clock, Sec urity, Palm
Des ktop software for Windows and Mac ,
buil t-in Micros of t Outlook compatab ility, CrazyDaisy game, p owe rOne
calculator, SplashShopper, Mobile DB list tracker, Palm Reader and more.
Some applications may not r un on all supported de sk top sys tem s.
Outlo ok synchronization is Window s only.
For Palm Z22 handheld accessories,
visit www.palm.com/accessories
Palm, Inc., 950 W. Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
All screens are simulated.
© 200 5 Palm, In c. All ri ghts r eser ved. Palm st yliza tion an d desig n mark s asso ciate d with a ll the
prec eding , and tra de dre ss ass ocia ted wi th Palm, I nc.'s pr oduc ts, ar e among t he trad emar ks or
registered trademarks owned by or licensed to Palm, Inc. All other brand and product names are
or may be t radem arks of, a nd are u sed to id entif y product s or ser vice s of, thei r resp ecti ve owne rs.
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