Palm 10401U User guide

Handbook for the
Palm V™ Modem
Copyright © 1998 3Com C orpora ti on or its subsid iarie s. All rights rese rved . 3Com, the 3Com logo, and HotSync are registered trademarks, and Palm, Palm V, the Palm Com­puting Platform logo, the Palm V logo, and the HotSync logo are trademarks of Palm Computing, Inc., 3Com Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other product and brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
3Com Corporation and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from the use of this handbook.
3Com Corpo ration and i ts sub si diar ies assu me n o re spon sibilit y for any loss or claims by third parties which may arise through the use of this product. 3Com Corporation and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by deletion of data as a result of malfun ction , dea d batte ry or repa irs. Be sure t o ma ke backup copies of all important data on othe r medi a to prote ct against data loss.
P/N: 405-0425-01A A/N: 423-0236
Page ii Handbook for the Palm V™ Modem


Chaper 1: Introduction
What can I do with my Palm V Modem?...........................................1
Chapter 2: Setting Up And Using Your Palm V™ Modem
Insta lling the batterie s . .......... .. ... ......... ... .. ... ......... ... .. .......... .. ... ......... ...5
Attaching Palm V Modem and cables................................................6
Conf ig ura t i o n fo r remote Hot S y nc a nd
Netw o rk HotSync.. .. .......... .. .......... .. .......... ... ......... ... .. .......... .. .......... .. ...7
Using your Palm V Modem...............................................................10
Detaching your Palm V Modem .......................................................10
Appendix: Warranty and Regulatory Information
Contents Page iii
Page iv Handbook for the Palm V™ Modem

Chapter 1


Palm V™ Modem enables you to send and receive data at your convenience. You don’t have to connect your Palm V™ con nected organize r di rectly to your computer or laptop to update yo ur data.
HotSync button
Wireless phone connector
AC adapter jack
Phone connector
What can I do with my Palm V Modem?
With your modem and organizer you can:
Sync hroniz e yo u r organiz e r a n d P a l m ™ De sktop or g a n iz e r software from remote locations wi th one touch.
Take full advantage of Palm V organizer applications, such as Mail, using Network HotSync and TCP/IP.
Also, there are many software applications av ailable fr om third-part y vendors that enable you to use your organizer and modem to:
Send and receive e-mail.
Send faxes.
Brow se th e I nternet .
Perform re mote syn chroni zations with you r Perso nal Info rmatio n Manager (P IM), such as Lotus Organizer, Sym a ntic ACT, and Microsoft Outlook.
Chapter 1 Page 1
Contact the third-party vendors below for more information about the software applications you can use with your organizer and modem.
Use Application Description Vendor
E-mail Network
HandMail Supports SMTP and
One Touch Supports SMTP and
Palmeta Mail Supports Netscape
MultiMail Pro Supports SMTP, POP3,
Fax Han dFax Supports standard
Internet browsing
Remote synchron­izatio n
HandWeb Browses, surfs, and
Desktop To Go Supports Microsoft
Supports remote access to your e-mail using either your company’s existing LAN or dial-in (RAS) server
POP3 e-mail protocols
POP3 e-mail protocols
Mail or any MAPI e-mail system
and IMAP4 protocols
Class 2/2.0 fax machines
navigates the Internet
SmartC ode Software, Inc. www.smartco
JP Systems
Palmeta Software
Actual Software
SmartC ode Software, Inc. www.smartco
SmartC ode Software, Inc. www.smartco
Remote synchron­ization
PilotMirror Supports Microsoft
Intellisync Supports Microsoft
EasySync Supports Lotus
Now Synchronize
Outlook, Symantec ACT, GoldMi ne, Lotu s Notes, Lotus Organizer, and Meeting Maker
Supports Now Up to Date
Chapura, In c. www.chapura. com
Tele-Support Software
Now Software www.nowsoft. co m
Page 2 Introduction
Optional equipment and software
Palm Computing also offers the following modem accessories:
AC adapter (110V or 100-240V).
GSM Upgrade Kits (includes wireless phone cable and software for either Nokia 6100 or 8100 seri es phones, or Ericsson 600/700/800 series phones).
Palm V™ Travel Kit (includes HotSync cable, recharger, and plug adapters).
Chapter 1 Page 3
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