3/03, 2k, GN03.0677 PN 88200
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©2003, Pall Corporation. Pall, , Minimate, and Minim are trademarks of Pall Corporation. ® indicates
a trademark registered in the USA. is a service mark of Pall Corporation.
All data, specifications, and information contained in this publication are based on information we believe
reliable and represent values in effect at the time of printing. Pall Corporation reserves the right to make
changes without prior notice. Because of developments in technology, these data or procedures may be
subject to change. Consequently, we advise users to review their continuing validity.
Where to Find More Information
To learn more about using your Minimate TFF Capsule,
consult the user guides supplied on the CD-ROM enclosed
with the product. You can obtain support services and
replacement parts by contacting Pall Corporation.
Learn about Safety
You should use pressure gauges or pressure sensing
in your system so you can monitor the system pressure and
differential pressure across the capsule.
Check that sample and solutions are compatible with
membrane and plastic components.
Complete the following safety procedures:
• Read about the capsules operating limits in the Minimate
TFF Capsule Care and Use Procedures.
• Follow good laboratory practices when using a TFF
system – wear safety glasses and protective clothing.
• Take special care when using cleaning and sanitizing
solutions. Refer to MSDS for proper handling and
safety precautions.
Process Tips
• Connect the Minimate TFF Capsule to your system using
properly sized tubing to ensure minimal holdup volume
and good control over process flows and pressures.
To prevent leaks, secure tubing to hose barbs using
tubing clamps.
• Before processing your product, measure the holdup
volume of the system. Also measure the minimum
reservoir volume you can use without drawing air into
the pump. Knowing the holdup volume and minimum
operating volume enables you to determine appropriate
process volumes and product recovery procedures.
• Properly precondition the capsule before use. Storage
agents and air should be removed before product is
introduced. Refer to operating instructions
Photo of
Minimate TFF
Capsule on a
station with 0-4
bar (0-60 psi)
pressure gauges
Attach the Minimate™TFF Capsule to Your System