The Dual TDS Monitor with RO controller is an advance micropro cessor controlled TDS meter and RO
controller in one u n it. This unit will display T DS in PPM from two temperature comp ensate d c on du ctivity
probes and provide all standard RO functions. Two pro be inputs are available, one for feed water and the other
for product water. The difference from each probe can also be read as percent rejection. Temperature
measurement s and alarm p oin ts are also ava ilable. This manual will cover the use and o pe ra tion of th e Dua l TD S
Monitor / RO controller.
• Dual conductivity probes support. (The monitor may be used with one or two pro bes).
• Temperature compensated PPM measurements.
• Auto ranging from 0 to 9999 PPM.
• Temperature measurement on each probe in degree C or F.
• Percent Reject measurement when using two conductivity probes.
• Alarm limits ar e user a djustab le on PPM and tempera tur e for bo th pro bes .
• Alarm limits ar e u ser a dju stab le on Percent R ejection w hen usin g tw o pr ob es.
• Alarm relay with user ad justable time delay.
• Alarm relay may b e set to stay latch ed, holding the last alarm.
• Operates on multiple low and hig h voltages.
• Panel mount plastic enclosure.
Range .................................. 0 to 999 and 1000 to 9999 PPM, auto ranging
Readout ............................... 4 digit seven segment LED display
Accuracy ............................. 0 to 999 PPM ± 1%
1000 to 9999 PPM ± 2%
Calibration ........................... User adjustable
Cell input ............................. 2 inputs, temperature compensated
Temperature comp. Range ... 32 to 167°F
Temperature ........................ User selectable, degree C or F
Relay Function .................... 1 to 9990 PPM each probe
33 to 167 °F each probe
1 to 99 Per cent r ejection
Relay Time Delay ................ 0 to 600 seconds
Relay Latching ..................... User selectable
Power .................................. 9 to 12 VAC / DC, 250mA or 120 / 240 VAC, 100mA
Enclosure ............................ DIN Panel mount ABS plastic enclosure, 3¾” tall x 3¾” wide x 4½” deep
• There are no user ser viceable components inside the TDS Monitor / RO Co ntroller. Removal of the rear
pane l may cau se damage to the compon ents inside. D amage may occur to the mo nit or if d ire ctly expos ed to
• Always disconnect power when making connections to the rear panel terminal strip.
The Dual TDS Monitor is design to be panel mounted. Use the drawing in the end of this manual to make any
necessary holes and cutouts in your panel. Use the supplied fasteners to mount t he monitor to your panel.
Ca refully plan your insta llation. Do not mount the contro ller where it is dir ectly expo sed to water. The front of
the enclosure is water resistant, however the rear of the contro ller is NOT water resistant. If you choose to
mo unt the controller onto the front of a NEMA enc losure, use a small amount of silico n glue b etween th e
monito r enclosure bezel and the NEMA enclosure to make a water resistant installation.
The Dual TDS Monitor has many operating voltages depending how it was ordered. Check the rear panel of the
monito r for the correct operating voltages. The following is a list of available voltage. External transformers are
available for low voltage operation.
• 9 to 14 volts AC or DC and requires up to 500mA (3 watts).
• 20 to 26 volts AC and requires up to 300mA.
• 115 volts AC and requires up to 100mA.
• 230 volts AC and requires up to 50mA.
All connections should be made with the power t ur ned off. Double check your connections before turning on the
power, incorrect connections may permanently damage the monitor. If you are not sure abo ut a connection, do
not hesitate t o contact the factory. The ter minals on the rear panel are designed to accommodate wire sizes up
to 18 AWG. Make sure you cor r ectly size the wires for your co nnections.
•Power: Use the factory supplied transformer when available. If you are providing power directly, make sure
that it is in the prop er r ange as listed on the rear panel of the unit. When using DC, it is not necessary to be
concerned as to which terminal to connect the positive supply. Connect the power supply to the terminals
marked “L” and “N” under the “Power In” marking. For proper operation, make sure that a go od earth
ground is attached to the terminal marked “G” under the “Power In” marking. Without pr oper grounding,
you may have problems with probe plating or errat ic reading.
•Conductivity Probes: You may connect the conductivity probe to either or bo th of the PROBE 1 and/or
PROBE 2 inputs. In an RO application, PROBE 1 is reserved for the product water probe and PROBE 2 is
reserved fo r the feed water pr ob e. Th is will allow for corr ect read in g of the pe rc ent rejection. Attach the
white wire (temperatur e compensation) to the terminal marked “W”. Attach the black wire (conductivity
cell) to the terminal marked “B”. Att ach t he cable shield or common to the ter minal marked “G”. Do not
use a probe extension cable in excess of 25 feet. A longer c able will degrade the accuracy of the unit.
•Alarm Relay: The alarm relay has 10 amp contacts that are marked on the rear panel as “NO” (Normally
Open), “NC” (Normally Closed) and “C” (Common). You may use this contact for voltages up to 125 volts
AC. The no rma lly closed conta ct is clo sed w hen th ere is no error and will open on error o r a lar m.
•Cable Length: Once the monitor has been installed, it is important to enter the length of the conductivity
probe cable into t he appropriate system setup menu. See the next section for more details on this adjustment.
•Motor Relay: T he motor relay has a 10 amp resistive load (Normally Open) contact but should not be used
to directly operate motors larger than 1/8 HP. For larger moto r s, use this relay to operate the coil of an
external motor cont actor. T he motor contactor sho uld be sized according to the size of the motor you plan
to use. You may use this contact for voltages up to 125 volts AC.
•Inlet Solenoid: The inlet relay has a 10 amp resistive load (No rmally Open) contact that can be used to
operat e a so lenoid no greater than 50 watts. You may use this contact for voltages up to 125 volts AC.
•Flush Solenoid: The flush relay has a 10 amp resistive load (Normally Open) contact that can be used to
operat e a so lenoid no greater than 50 watts. You may use this contact for voltages up to 125 volts AC.
•Product Level Switch : T he product level switch input is designed to connect to a float or pr essur e switch
that closes when the product is low and the RO needs to be activated. The switch contact for t his input
should be a low voltage and low current type. This input uses 12 volts DC at 4mA to sense the switch
closure. Do not supply any type of voltage to this input or permanent damage will occu r.
•Low Supply Level S witch : T he low supply level switch input is designed to connect to a float or pr essure
switch that closes when there is an adequate supply level or pressure to operate the RO. The switch contact
fo r this inp ut sh ould be a lo w volta ge and lo w c urrent type. This inpu t uses 12 vo lts DC at 4mA to sens e the
switch closure. Do no t supply any type of voltage to this input or per manent damage will oc cur.
The setup menu is where you make changes to tailor the contr oller to your application. These changes include
RO setup, alarm setpoints, relay configuration, unit operation and calibration. There are 23 items that are user
adjustable in the setup mode. To ent er the system setup mode, you press the “System Setup” button. This mode
can be entered at any time. Each time you press this button again, you advance to t he next setup item. The
mo nit or w ill in dic ate th at it is in th e setup mode by lighting the “ Sys tem Setup” in dic ator. Yo u can exit the se tup
mode at any time by either pressing the “Display Mode” butto n o r pr essing the setup mode button until after t he
las t menu is exp osed.
Once you are in the system setup mode, each menu item is identified by an Icon. The display will tha n flas h
between the icon and the value for that set ting. To change a setting, use the “^“ to increase a value and the “v“
to r educe a value. When you are done, press the “System Setup” to save the value and advance to the next
menu. If you have made an error, you can press the “Display Menu” button to exit the setup mode and you will
not save the current value. The following is a description of each of the setup menu items.
The system has 23 menu items. Their order, icons and descriptions are as follows.
1 runManual Run or Operate
You can use this menu item to force the RO Cont r oller to manually operate r egardless of the condition of
the product level switch. Each time you enter a value, that value is used to run the RO. If the RO is
currently running under manual operation and you want t o sto p its o p er ation, select this menu, adjust the
value up and ba ck down to zero and th en adv ance to the next menu. The new v alue of zero will be saved
and the man ual opera tion will be canc eled. Be carefu l no t to s et a manual run time that will cause an
overflow of the product water.
2FLSHManual Flush
You can use this menu item to force the RO Cont r oller to manual flush regardless of the condition of the
current flush process. Each time you enter a value, that value is used to operate the flush function. If the
RO is currently flushing, you can use this menu to t er minate the flush. To stop a flush operation, select
this menu, adjust the value up and back down to zero and then advance to the next menu. The new value
o f zero w ill be saved and the cu rren t flush will be canc eled.
3 ondMotor ON Delay
This ite m is used to adjust t he motor ON de lay. When the RO contro ller detect s a low prod uc t leve l, the
controller turns ON t he inlet solenoid and t hen waits fo r the mot or ON d elay before turn ing ON the
motor. I f a low supply pressure occurs, t he moto r ON delay will recycle.
4oFFdMot o r OFF D ela y
This item is used to adjust the motor OFF delay. When the RO controller detects a high product level,
t he co n troller w aits for the du ra tion of th e mot or O FF d elay before turn ing OFF th e moto r. If a low
supply pressure occurs, the moto r OFF delay will recycle. This OFF d elay is used to de- bo unce
momentary low pressure cycles before turning OFF the motor.
5LP-ALow Supply Level or Pressure Alarm Setpoint
This item is used to shut down t he RO system if multiple low supply pressure cycles occur. The value set
in this menu is the maximum number of low supply pressure cycles that can occur in a short period
without shutting down the RO system. If a longer period of time passes without a low supply pressure
cyc le, t he curr ent low pres sure coun t will be reset . Setting this value to z er o will disab le this functio n . A
low supply pressure shutdown is displayed by flashing the “Low Supply” and “Err” message on the
6 SrService Reset Time
Once a shutdown has occurred due to a low pressure cycle, this timer is started and once it expires, the
shutdown c on dition will be rese t. U nder no rma l opera tin g c on ditions, the supply water will o n ly hav e a
temporary low pressure condition. This timer is used to reset the controller for normal operation again.
If the shutdown continues to repeat, you may have a problem with pre-filters or the supply connections.
7 FCFlush Cycle
Th is con troller will pe rfor m a flu sh fu nction on a r egular cycle bas ed on th e sett ing of this t imer . Wh en
the power is first turned on, this timer starts at zer o. Each time the RO is operating, this timer is enabled
t o run. When t he time r e xpires, a flush is started. The sett ing of this t imer will p rod uce a flush afte r the
se t time of RO operation. If this time r is set to z er o, no flush will be sta rte d.
8 FdFlush Duration
Once th e “Flush Cyc le” timer h as started a flush , the flush w ill ru n fo r the flush d ur ation. Use this t imer
t o set the t otal amou nt of flush t ime your system require s. Se tting this timer to zero will disable a flush fro m
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