Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 User Manual

Pacific Research Solutions
RI-1 and PE-1
This manual contains information proprietary to Pacific Research Solutions. All information is provided solely for the operation and maintenance of the equipment described. This manual is not to be reproduced or used for any other purpose without written authorization.
Pacific Research Solutions RI-300 User Manual
SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................1
What is the RI-1 ...................................................................................................................................................................1
What is the PE-1................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Overview.............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Feature List...........................................................................................................................................................................1
SECTION 2 QUICK START...............................................................................................................2
UNPACKING THE RI-1 .....................................................................................................................................................2
MOUNTING THE RI-1 REPEATER CONTROLLER....................................................................................................... 2
INTERFACE YOUR RECEIVER and TRANSMITTER....................................................................................................2
SETTING AUDIO LEVELS................................................................................................................................................ 2
SETTING AUDIO LEVELS................................................................................................................................................ 3
Receiver Gain................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Signal Polarity...............................................................................................................................................................3
Transmitter Level..........................................................................................................................................................3
OPERATION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
INITIAL SETTINGS ...........................................................................................................................................................3
SECTION 3 PS-3, PROGRAMMING SOFTWARE ........................................................................4
INSTALLATION................................................................................................................................................................. 4
OPERATION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
FLASHING the CONTROLLER’S PROGRAM ................................................................................................................. 4
PROGRAMMING SOFTWARE MENU.............................................................................................................................5
Main Window................................................................................................................................................................5
File ................................................................................................................................................................................5
Communication ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Communication ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Events............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Events............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
MACRO EDITING MENU .................................................................................................................................................7
MODEM INTERFACE........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Vertex Programming Cable to Modem Cable ............................................................................................................... 8
U.S. Robotics 56K External Modem Set Up................................................................................................................. 9
Modem Trouble Shooting ............................................................................................................................................. 9
SECTION 4 INSTALLATION (RI-1) ..............................................................................................10
PROPER TECHNIQUES FOR QUALITY REPEATER AUDIO..................................................................................... 10
POWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS (Pins 5 and 21)........................................................................................................ 11
REPEATER RECEIVER AUDIO CONNECTION (Pin 2)............................................................................................... 11
NSQ and TSQ Input (Pin 6 and 7) .....................................................................................................................................11
REPEATER TRANSMITTER AUDIO CONNECTIONS (Pin 3) .................................................................................... 11
REPEATER TRANSMITTER PTT OR TRANSMIT KEYING CONNECTION (Pin 4) ................................................ 11
DIGITAL INPUTS (Pins 16 and 17) .................................................................................................................................11
DIGITAL OUTPUTS (Pins 8 and 9) .................................................................................................................................12
+5V Output (Pins 1) ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
SERIAL DATA (Pins 18 through 20) ................................................................................................................................12
RADIO DATA (Pins 10 through 14) ................................................................................................................................. 12
RS-232 DATA (Pins 22 through 25)..................................................................................................................................12
SECTION 5 INSTALLATION (PE-1)..............................................................................................13
PROPER TECHNIQUES FOR QUALITY REPEATER AUDIO..................................................................................... 13
GROUND CONNECTIONS (Pins 5 and 21).....................................................................................................................14
REPEATER RECEIVER AUDIO CONNECTION (Pin 2)............................................................................................... 14
NSQ and TSQ Input (Pin 6 and 7) .....................................................................................................................................14
REPEATER TRANSMITTER AUDIO CONNECTIONS (Pin 3) .................................................................................... 14
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-300 User Manual
REPEATER TRANSMITTER PTT OR TRANSMIT KEYING CONNECTION (Pin 4) ................................................ 14
DIGITAL INPUTS (Pins 16 and 17) .................................................................................................................................14
DIGITAL OUTPUTS (Pins 8 and 9) .................................................................................................................................14
+5V Output (Pins 1) ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
SERIAL DATA (Pins 18 through 20) ................................................................................................................................15
RADIO DATA (Pins 10 through 14) ................................................................................................................................. 15
RS-232 DATA (Pins 22 through 25)..................................................................................................................................15
SECTION 6 ADJUSTMENTS...........................................................................................................16
SETTING RECEIVER INPUT GAIN (R3).......................................................................................................................16
SELECTING NSQ, TSQ and PTT SIGNAL POLARITY................................................................................................. 17
SELECTING RECEIVER EMPHAISIS TYPE................................................................................................................. 17
SELECTING LOW PASS FILTER ................................................................................................................................... 17
FINAL ADJUSTMENT OF RECEIVER GAIN................................................................................................................ 17
SELECTING TRANSMITTER EMPHAISIS TYPE ........................................................................................................17
ADJUSTING THE REPEATER TRANSMITTER MODULATION ...............................................................................18
SETTING UP THE RI-1 AUXILIARY INTERFACE CONNECTOR ............................................................................. 18
SECTION 7 OPERATION ................................................................................................................19
SYSTEM STATUS INDICATORS ................................................................................................................................... 19
DTMF COMMAND INPUT..............................................................................................................................................19
TELEMETRY MESSAGES ..............................................................................................................................................20
INITIALIZATION PROCEDURE.....................................................................................................................................20
SECTION 8 INITIAL SETTINGS....................................................................................................21
User and System Command Modes.................................................................................................................................... 21
Command acknowledgment ........................................................................................................................................21
DEFAULT USER COMMANDS ...................................................................................................................................... 22
SETTING UP YOUR STATION ID.................................................................................................................................. 22
CHANGING YOUR PASSWORD....................................................................................................................................25
SECTION 9 AUXILIARY BUSS ......................................................................................................26
CONNECTING MULTIPLE REPEATER CONTROLLERS TOGETHER..................................................................... 26
Auxiliary Buss and Programming Software ................................................................................................................ 26
Passing System Commands between Controllers........................................................................................................ 26
SECTION 10 PROGRAMMING........................................................................................................27
PROGRAMMING COMMAND FORMAT......................................................................................................................27
SYSTEM COMMAND MODE PASSWORD ACCESS................................................................................................... 27
Forgot your Password?................................................................................................................................................28
Some common Password problems............................................................................................................................. 28
VALID S-COMMAND and DATA...................................................................................................................................28
RULES FOR LEADING ZEROS IN S-COMMANDS...................................................................................................... 28
SECTION 11 SYSTEM COMMANDS ..............................................................................................29
S-Cmd 00 SIGNAL POLARITY ................................................................................................................................... 30
S-Cmd 01 PORT RX REPEAT MODE.........................................................................................................................30
S-Cmd 02 RX GAIN ADJUST ...................................................................................................................................... 30
S-Cmd 03 LOW PASS FILTER SELECT..................................................................................................................... 31
S-Cmd 04 TRANSMITTER PTT DELAY TIMER ...................................................................................................... 31
S-Cmd 05 FORCE PTT ON........................................................................................................................................... 31
S-Cmd 06 SUPRESS FUNCTION ACKNOLODGMENT ........................................................................................... 32
S-Cmd 07 ID INTERVAL TIMER................................................................................................................................32
S-Cmd 08 COURTESY MESSAGE TIMER ................................................................................................................32
S-Cmd 09 RESERVED.................................................................................................................................................. 32
S-Cmd 10 PTT TIMEOUT TIMER...............................................................................................................................33
S-Cmd 11 ALTERNATE COMMAND TERMINATOR.............................................................................................. 33
S-Cmd 12 RESERVED.................................................................................................................................................. 33
S-Cmd 13 USER COMMAND DTMF MODE .............................................................................................................34
S-Cmd 14 SYSTEM COMMAND DTMF MODE........................................................................................................34
S-Cmd 15 USER COMMAND GROUP DECODE ENABLE...................................................................................... 34
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-300 User Manual
S-Cmd 16
S-Cmd 17 DTMF MUTE DELAY TIME......................................................................................................................34
S-Cmd 18 RESERVED.................................................................................................................................................. 35
S-Cmd 19 GENERATE DTMF OUT ............................................................................................................................ 35
S-Cmd 20 REMOTE BASE INTERFACE MODE .......................................................................................................35
S-Cmd 21 REMOTE BASE USER FUNCTIONS BITS............................................................................................... 35
S-Cmd 22 REMOTE BASE USER FUNCTION BYTE ............................................................................................... 35
S-Cmd 23 REMOTE BASE RADIO FUNCTIONS BITS ............................................................................................35
S-Cmd 24 REMOTE BASE FREQUENCY SET..........................................................................................................36
S-Cmd 25 REMOTE BASE TSQ SELECT................................................................................................................... 36
S-Cmd 26 REMOTE BASE TSQ MODE...................................................................................................................... 36
S-Cmd 27 REMOTE BASE TX POWER SELECT ......................................................................................................36
S-Cmd 28 REMOTE BASE SQUELCH ADJUST........................................................................................................ 36
S-Cmd 29 REMOTE BASE VOLUME CONTROL ..................................................................................................... 36
S-Cmd 30 REMOTE BASE CUSTOM FUNCTION SET ............................................................................................ 36
S-Cmd 31 TONE GENERATOR MESSAGE EDITOR................................................................................................ 37
S-Cmd 32 SET MESSAGE EVENTS ...........................................................................................................................39
S-Cmd 33 RESET MESSAGE....................................................................................................................................... 39
S-Cmd 34 AUXILIARY OUTPUT MODE...................................................................................................................39
S-Cmd 35 AUXILIARY INPUT MODE.......................................................................................................................40
S-Cmd 36 AUXILIARY INPUT MUTE/MIX MODE.................................................................................................. 40
S-Cmd 37 REGENERATE FROM THE AUXILIARY INPUT....................................................................................40
S-Cmd 38 AUXILIARY GAIN ADJUST...................................................................................................................... 40
S-Cmd 39 CONTROLLER UNIT ADDRESS...............................................................................................................41
S-Cmd 40 DELAY TIMER EVENT .............................................................................................................................41
S-Cmd 41 RECEIVER INACTIVITY TIMER EVENT ...............................................................................................41
S-Cmd 42 REGULAR INTERVAL EVENT................................................................................................................. 42
S-Cmd 43 RESERVED.................................................................................................................................................. 42
S-Cmd 44 RESERVED.................................................................................................................................................. 42
S-Cmd 45 PORT INPUT – STATE CHANGE EVENT ...............................................................................................43
S-Cmd 46 PORT OUTPUT ON / OFF ..........................................................................................................................43
S-Cmd 47 through 54 RESERVED ................................................................................................................................ 43
S-Cmd 55 PASSWORD FOR S-COMMAND ACCESS...............................................................................................43
S-Cmd 56 RESERVED.................................................................................................................................................. 43
S-Cmd 57 RESERVED.................................................................................................................................................. 43
S-Cmd 58 REMOTE SOFTWARE RESET ..................................................................................................................44
S-Cmd 59 REMOTE EEPROM INITIALIZE ............................................................................................................... 44
S-Cmd 60 RESERVED.................................................................................................................................................. 44
S-Cmd 61 RESERVED.................................................................................................................................................. 44
S-Cmd 62 DEFINING USER COMMANDS ................................................................................................................ 45
S-Cmd 63 MACRO EDITOR, SET STARTING LINE NUMBER POINTER............................................................. 47
S-Cmd 64 MACRO EDITOR, INSERT S-COMMANDS.............................................................................................47
S-Cmd 65 RESERVED.................................................................................................................................................. 48
S-Cmd 66 READ / WRITE SYSTEM DATA ............................................................................................................... 48
S-Cmd 67 RESERVED.................................................................................................................................................. 48
S-Cmd 68 MACRO LINE JUMP...................................................................................................................................48
S-Cmd 69 EXIT S-COMMAND PROGRAMMING ....................................................................................................49
S-Cmd 70 through 99 RESERVED ................................................................................................................................ 49
DTMF INTER-DIGIT TIME........................................................................................................................34
Tone Generator Command Descriptions....................................................................................................... 37
Default Tone Generator Messages................................................................................................................37
Tone Generator Command List..................................................................................................................... 38
Reset Tone Generator Command .................................................................................................................. 38
SECTION 12 USER COMMANDS and MACROS..........................................................................50
DEFINITION of TERMS................................................................................................................................................... 51
PROGRAMMING STANDARD USER COMMANDS and MACROS ........................................................................... 52
Example of programming a standard user command and macro.................................................................................53
Example of programming macro data into the macro data memory:........................................................................... 53
Passing S-Commands to Another Controller............................................................................................................... 54
USER S-COMMANDS...................................................................................................................................................... 54
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WILDCARD COMMANDS .............................................................................................................................................. 55
EXITING PROGRAMMING MODE................................................................................................................................ 55
SECTION 13 MESSAGES, CW .........................................................................................................56
PROGRAMMING CW MESSAGES.................................................................................................................................56
CW Message memory usage ....................................................................................................................................... 56
CW Messages within a user command macro ............................................................................................................. 56
Default CW station ID example ..................................................................................................................................56
Custom tone generator CW message example.............................................................................................................58
EXITING PROGRAMMING MODE................................................................................................................................ 58
SECTION 14 LINKING and REMOTE BASE.................................................................................59
EXAMPLES OF LINKING ............................................................................................................................................... 59
THE CONTROLLER’S AUXILIARY BUSS ARCHITECTURE ....................................................................................60
SETTING UP AUDIO CHANNELS ................................................................................................................................. 61
PASSING S-COMMANDS BETWEEN CONTROLLERS..............................................................................................61
LINK SET UP .................................................................................................................................................................... 62
REMOTE BASE SET UP .................................................................................................................................................. 62
CONTROL RECEIVER.....................................................................................................................................................62
SECTION 15 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS........................................................................................63
CONTROLLER BLOCK DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................... 63
RI-1 CIRCUIT BOARD SCHEMATIC............................................................................................................................. 64
RI-1 CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY............................................................................................................................... 65
RI-1 CONFIGURATION JUMPERS ................................................................................................................................65
JP4 – TX Modulation Select: ...................................................................................................................................... 65
JP1 – Auxiliary Buss Select: ....................................................................................................................................... 65
PE-1 CIRCUIT BOARD SCHEMATIC............................................................................................................................ 66
PE-1 CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY.............................................................................................................................. 67
PE-1 CONFIGURATION JUMPERS................................................................................................................................ 67
JP4 – TX Modulation Select: ...................................................................................................................................... 67
SECTION 16 TROUBLESHOOTING...............................................................................................68
SECTION 17 GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................69
SECTION 18 LIMITED WARRANTY .............................................................................................72
SECTION 19 SYSTEM COMMAND TABLE..................................................................................73
SECTION 20 FACTORY DEFAULTS..............................................................................................78
DEFAULT USER COMMANDS ...................................................................................................................................... 78
DEFAULT MACRO DATA .............................................................................................................................................. 78
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
What is the RI-1
The RI-1 is a standalone repeater controller that can be connected to an auxiliary buss to communicate with other RI-xxx controllers. Other then the difference in mechanical form, the functions and features of the RI-1 and PE-1 are the same. This manual will cover both controllers. Areas where there are differences between the controllers will be clearly pointed out.
What is the PE-1
The PE-1 is a standalone repeater controller that is installed inside the RI-300 controller chassis. It can communicate with the RI-300 controller over the auxiliary buss. Other than the difference in mechanical form, the functions and features of the PE-1 and RI-1 are the same. This manual will cover both controllers. Areas where there are differences between the controllers will be clearly pointed out.
Your controller represents the latest technological advances in repeater control systems. The RI-1 utilizes a microprocessor design, which provides all the control functions for a single repeater or link on a single printed circuit board. All program configurations are stored in a NON-VOLATILE EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory), which maintains its data even with the power disconnected. This EEPROM may be re-programmed by the user in order to change the system characteristics. A “WATCHDOG TIMER” and “POWER SUPPLY SUPERVISORY CIRCUIT” constantly monitor the microprocessor and power supply, maintaining the operational integrity of the system. The RI-1/PE-1 is easy to set up and use.
Once you are familiar with the macro command system, you can customize your user commands and messages. We recommend that you read sections 1 through 3, 7 and 8 of this manual first, to get familiar with the system and its basic operation. The other sections of this manual provide a more thorough explanation of the RI-1/PE-1's many features.
Feature List
The following are features of the RI-1 and PE-1 controller:
Flash program memory. You can make firmware updates without changing any components.
Auxiliary audio buss. Connect to other controllers for links, remotes and multiple repeater connections.
The receiver audio level, auxiliary audio level and tone generator level may be remotely adjusted by radio.
A selectable low pass audio filter is provided to remove adjacent channel splatter.
DTMF tones may be passed, muted, or regenerated.
A dual tone generator provides both level and frequency control.
User programmable inputs and outputs exist for external sensing and control.
NON-VOLATILE EEPROM data storage. You never have to be concerned with replacement of the memory backup
User command and macro editor. All user commands are completely programmable.
The RI-1 provides excellent audio quality. With proper consideration when interfacing the controller to the receiver and transmitter, your repeater will provide excellent audio to the users. Interfacing information is provided in numerous sections of this manual and support is available from the factory. The RI-1 provides for easy programming of customized user features or user commands by giving you the ability to write and name simple macros. All messages and telemetry are also programmable.
For the latest product documentation updates and information, visit our web site at “”.
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
This section will cover the basics of installation and programming of your RI-1. You may also need to review section 4 or 5 for more details on connecting your RI-1 to your repeater. Once you have covered these basics, we recommend that you thoroughly review the complete manual in order to get the most out of your controller.
Inspect the carton for the following contents and if any of the items that you have ordered are missing or damaged, notify your dealer or the factory that shipped the unit to you.
1. RI-1 or PE-1 Repeater controller board with mating DB25S connector.
2. User manual on CD.
3. Mounting hardware.
1. An optional single controller chassis is available. Mounting holes are provided for the repeater controller board within the
2. The repeater builder can mount the RI-1 repeater controller in any enclosure of his choice. The enclosure that you select
should be strong enough to mechanically protect the contents. The enclosure should be made of metal with good shielding properties. We do not recommend the use of a plastic enclosure in a RF environment. Mount the RI-1 unit with #4-40 standoffs on the mounting surface.
3. Avoid installing the RI-1 in the following places:
Directly above a transmitter or power amplifier because of heat and RF considerations.
Directly above any power supplies because of heat and 60 Hz coupling into the audio circuits.
The RI-1 repeater controller is very easy to interface with your repeater. Before you continue, you need to make the following connections. All connections are covered with greater details in section 4 of this manual. If you are installing the PE-1, you should go directly to section 5.
1. +12 Volts DC power source, J1 Pin 5. (Only on the RI-1, the PE-1 gets its power from the RI-300)
2. DC power ground, J1 Pin 21, J1 Pin 5.
3. Receiver audio, J1 Pin 2.
4. Receiver NSQ (Squelch), J1 Pin 6.
5. Receiver TSQ (CTCSS), J1 Pin 7, Optional.
6. Audio return and/or shield, J1 Pin 15.
7. Transmitter audio, J1 Pin 3
8. Transmitter keying circuit (PTT), J1 Pin 4.
See section 4 for more complete details on proper interfacing to your repeater transmitter and receiver.
+12V Supply
PTT (Open Drain)
Audio Output (TX)
Audio Input (RX)
5Volts@25mA Out
14 1615 1817 19 2420 21 22 23 25
User In 1
User In 2
RI-1 Interface Connector
User Out 1 (Open Drain)
User Out 2 (Open Drain)
Radio Data Out
Radio Data In
Radio Pwr Detect
Radio Pwr Switch
RS-232 RTS
RS-232 CTS
RS-232 RXD
RS-232 TXD
Analog In
PTT (Open Drain)
Audio Output (TX)
Audio Input (RX)
5Volts@25mA Out
14 1615 1817 19 2420 21 22 23 25
User In 1
User In 2
PE-1 Interface Connector
User Out 1 (Open Drain)
User Out 2 (Open Drain)
Radio Data Out
Radio Data In
Radio Pwr Detect
Radio Pwr Switch
RS-232 RTS
RS-232 CTS
RS-232 RXD
RS-232 TXD
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
Adjusting the levels in your controller is very important, in order to achieve proper decoder operation and avoid clipping and distortion. See section 6 of this manual for more complete details on correct adjustment of the audio levels.
Receiver Gain
1. Generate a 1000 Hz tone at 5 kHz of deviation on the repeater input.
2. Using an AC volt meter, adjust VR2 for 0.77 volts AC RMS on U6 pin 7.
Signal Polarity
Verify that the NSQ, TSQ and PTT signals are of the correct polarity. This can be viewed with the LEDs on the circuit board or from the programming software. To change any of these signal polarities, use System Command 00 or the programming software (PS-3). See section 6 for more details on this subject.
Transmitter Level
The best method is to use a service monitor to measure the transmitter deviation. If a service monitor is not available, use any receiver that can be easily flipped back and forth between the repeater input and output channel while listening to the levels. Ideally, you will have the same transmit deviation going out of the repeater transmitter as coming in the receiver. Transmit a 3 KHz deviation tone on the repeater input channel. As you flip back and forth between the repeater input and output frequencies, then by listening, adjust the repeater transmitter audio level or deviation. This level is adjusted by the single turn pot, VR1. If you are operating the controller as a repeater, you will have to issue User Command “*1” to set the controller into a repeater mode.
Once you have connected your controller to a receiver / transmitter and adjusted the audio, you should then confirm its basic repeater or link operation. This can be done by transmitting a carrier in the input of the repeater and observing the “COS” LED turning on and off when you key and un-key. You should next see the “PTT” LED turn on while the repeater transmitter is on. Next, you can confirm the repeater audio path by listening to your self on the output of the repeater.
You are now ready to set the Station ID. This subject is not easily covered in a single paragraph. Therefore, we recommend that you go to section 8 of this user manual for this procedure.
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
An optional programming software and cable package is available. This software is designed to run under Windows 95/98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP. The software will allow you to read, change and save all parameters within your RI-1 controller. You can even load a controller firmware update (FLASH) to the controller over the programming port. For software installation, follow the instructions included with the software disk. The supplied programming cable is a special cable and has interface electronics built in. Do not try to build your own cable. You can plug this cable into the controller at any time with or without the controller powered on. With the RI-1, use the auxiliary connector J2. With the PE-1, use the connector on the front of the RI-300 controller labeled “MIC/PROG”. The end of the cable with the D-Sub connector, plugs directly into your computer’s COMM port. Make sure the power to the repeater and controller is turned on. The auxiliary buss will be disabled during the data transfer process when you are sending or receiving data using the programming software.
1. Install this program in a Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP based environment.
2. From your floppy disk or CD ROM, run the setup program.
3. Follow the instructions from the setup program.
4. You can now click the PS-3 icon to start the programming software.
1. After you have installed your repeater controller, attach the programming cable to the programming port on the controller.
Connect the other end of the cable to your PC serial communication port.
2. Start the programming software.
3. Select the "Serial Comm. Port" you are using.
4. You should notice that the "Active Controller" LED is lit. This means that the programming software is communicating
with your controller. You may select an active controller for viewing or communicating at any time. Do this by clicking on an active controller LED or via the “View Controller” combo list. If none of the Active Controller LEDs show indication of a controller, check your Comm. Port number and the programming cable.
5. Before you send any data to your controller the first time, you need to make a template of your controller.
6. Go to "Controller" and "Get data from…" pick the "Start Button". This upload process will take about 90 seconds. You
should notice the progress bar moving during this process.
7. Once this process is complete, select "File" and "Save As". Select the file or type "RI1.rdf", this is the startup template
file. When the program asks if you want to replace this file, pick yes.
8. Each time you start the programming software the program will automatically load and start with the RI300.rdf file. Now
each time you start the programming software, it will start with the defaults from your controller.
9. At any time, you can save your working data to a new file name. When making changes to your controller’s data, it is good
practice to save the repeater data file (rdf) with a dash number each time you make a change. This way, you can return to an older file that you know works if you make an error in your current file.
As new features are added and revisions are made to the RI-1, program updates are made available on our web site You can locate these changes under the RI-1 firmware and software page. Download these files from the web site and follow the install instructions. It is important to closely follow the instructions as you may otherwise damage your current installation. Once you have down loaded these updates, use the following procedure to flash the controller’s program memory.
1. Connect your computer to the controller using the programming cable. Run the PS-3 Programming Software.
2. In the programming software, pick “Controller” then pick “Flash Program”.
3. In the file list, select the new flash file you want to send to the controller. The last three digits of the file name indicate the
file version.
4. Pick the “Open” button then the “Start” button. The flash process is automatic and will take 90 to 120 seconds to
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
The basic startup window contains the status items shown. Use the "View Controller" or pick the “Active Controller” light to select which controller on the auxiliary buss you want to monitor. Whenever you leave the cursor on a window item, the program will show a hint as to the associated System Command that is adjusted by that item. The following is a quick overview of menus and their functions.
Main Window
The main window shows the current activity of a selected controller on the buss. The “Active Controller” group displays all active controllers attached to the auxiliary buss. The “Controller x Status” group shows the status of the selected controller. The text just below this group’s title will show the type of controller that the software has detected. The “Auxiliary Buss” group shows the auxiliary buss status of the selected controller. All System Commands sent over the auxiliary buss are also logged within this group. The “DTMF Decode String” shows and records the last 50 user and system commands. Each command has a date and time stamp with the tone squelch that was used during the command. The “Macro Error Log” will display errors in macros as reported from the controller. If an error is encountered when the controller executes a macro, the controller will report the location of the error to the programming software. You can select an error and pick the “Show Me” button to see the location of the error in your rdf file. At the bottom is a “File Description” group. This title will also show the type of controller file. This group is for your use to describe the actual file you are working with.
Used to both save and open repeater data files (rdf). The programming software uses the RI300.rdf file as a template file. Any changes you make to this file will be recalled each time that you run the program. Report printing is also available from this menu. In the report printing, you can select various items that you want to print. If you select all items for printing on a factory default set up, up to a 20 page report will be generated.
You can use the “Project Manager” to set up multiple files for applications where you have multiple controllers connected to the auxiliary buss. In this window, you select each rdf file for each controller that will be included in the system. In the future, you can open this System Project File (spf) and the software will load all rdf files used in you system. You can now select which rdf file you want to edit using the “View Controller” or “Active Controller” method.
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This menu is used to send data to and get data from the controller. You may also flash the program firmware to the controller. Any one of these functions may take as long as 3 minutes to complete. Do not interrupt the process once it is started. The repeater controller is allowed to be in use during the time that you are sending data to or getting data from the repeater. These data functions can be performed while the repeater is in use. You will also find a modem connect sub window here. This connection may be used to communicate to your controller via a modem.
This menu is used to adjust the system, auxiliary, bit output and password functions. Each sub windows will have a "SEND" button you can use to send only that window’s data to the controller.
In the “System Setup” dialog, you can adjust the operation of the controller and various timers. See the figure to the right.
This menu is used to set up all types of user commands and allow the editing of macro data. See section 12 for details on user commands and macro editing.
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
This menu is used to set up messages, various internal event triggers and the scheduler.
Use this menu to get help on any of the programming software items.
You can edit the macros associated with commands by clicking the “Edit Macro” button in any of the user command menus. In the “Edit Macro Data” sub window, you can pick various macro lines and display the decoded macro data. You can also pick the “Macro Source” tab to display all user commands, event triggers, calls and jumps that reference that macro.
When editing the macro data, you can right click the “Edit System Commands” box to get a System Command from a list. You can also right click the “Line No” box to get a view of the macro data when looking for an empty line to build your macro. On the left side of the macro decode window, you can drag and drop any System Command to change the order of the System Commands in the macro. Finally, you can enter a description to your macro. It should be noted that the description data is only saved to the .rdf file only and not saved to the controller.
The structure and syntax used to build any macro or message is the same structure you would use over the air with DTMF. Just as in building a macro over the air, you must include a “64” at the end of all macros to terminate the macro. Similar to building a macro over the air, the software will keep track of the total number of digits and lines used in a macro. Various errors are also displayed in this window.
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
You should be able to use about any external modem that operates at 9600 baud or higher, can auto answer and operate in a dumb terminal mode. In this application, we used a US Robotics external modem to connect to the controller. On the back of the USR modem, you will find a configuration dipswitch. Set all of the dipswitches in the up position, except for switch 4, which will be down. When using other modems, consider the following settings:
Data Terminal Ready (DTR) - normal
Suppress result code
No echo, off line commands (Echo Off)
Auto answer on first ring or higher, depending on shared telephone line
Carrier detect - normal
Dumb terminal mode, disable command recognition
For people who want to share the telephone line between the modem and the controller, we have three different methods available:
1. Ring Delay: With this method, you connect the telephone line to the modem and then connect the phone jack output from
the modem to the controller. Set up the modem to answer on 2 more rings then the controller. Example: set the controller to answer after 2 rings and set the modem to answer after 4 rings. Then create a user command that sets S-Command 71 to mode 0, disabling incoming calls. When you want to establish a connection with the controller’s modem, execute the user command and then call the modem the controller will not answer the call. Once you are finished or during the modem connection, reset the incoming call mode to 2 or higher. Now, the controller will answer calls before the modem answers.
2. Call switch box: This method uses a modem/voice switch box. This is a box that into which the telephone line plugs.
The box modem port is connected to the modem and the box voice telephone port is connected to the controller. When a call comes in, the box will direct the call to the modem or controller.
3. Power control: With this method, you connect the telephone line to the modem and then connect the phone jack output to
the controller. Connect a relay so that it will switch the power supply line of the modem. Use one of the controller’s digital outputs to control the relay. Create two user commands to turn the relay on and off. Set the modem to answer on the first ring and the controller to answer on 2 or more rings. When you want to call the modem, execute the user command to power the modem and then call the modem. Once you are finished, send the user command to power down the modem. Now the controller will answer the calls and the modem will not.
Vertex Programming Cable to Modem Cable
If you are using the PL-3 ProgramLink, you can use a standard modem cable to connect your modem to the PL-3. If you are using the Vertex programming cable, you need to build a modem-to-modem cable because the Vertex cable works in the same manner as a modem. The following schematic shows how to build a modem-to-modem cable for a modem equipped with DB­25 connector or DB-09 connector.
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
U.S. Robotics 56K External Modem Set Up
1. Set the dipswitch on the modem. Set switch 3 and 8 down all others up.
2. Connect the modem to your computer using a standard computer-to-modem cable.
3. Run the Hyper Terminal program.
4. Set up Hyper Terminal to communicate to the comm. port to which the external modem is connected, 9600 baud, no parity,
8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. The baud rate used must be 9600 and cannot be changed.
5. Power the modem.
6. Type “AT”, the modem should respond with “OK” if you do not get a response, do not proceed. You need to get the
modem to respond before you continue. Check the cable, comm. port and switch settings.
7. Type “AT&F1&W0” (last digit is zero, not oh). This restores the factory defaults and saves these defaults to the EPROM.
The modem will respond with “OK”
8. Type “ATI4” the modem should respond with the following information. Confirm that everything is set correctly set.
865RERWLFV.)$;(;76HWWLQJV %()049;< %$8' 3$5,7< 1:25'/(1  ',$/ 721(21+22.&,'  $%&'*+,. 0135678< 6 6 6 6 6 6 6  6 6 6 6 6 6 6  6 6 6 6 6 6 6  6 6 6 6 6 6 6  6 6 6 6 6 6 6  6 6  /$67',$/('
9. If you plan to use the Ring Delay method to connect to your modem, do the following a. To change the number of rings on which to auto answer, to 4 rings, type “ATS0=4&W0” and the modem should
respond with “OK”. You can replace the “4” value with any value that will work for you application.
b. Turn the power to your external modem off and then on c. Type “ATI4” to confirm that your new settings are now permanently saved.
10. Turn off the modem and disconnect it from your computer.
11. Change the modem dipswitch settings: (switch 4 down all others up).
12. Attach the modem to the controller using the appropriate cable as discussed early in this section.
13. Apply power to the modem. You are now ready to use the programming software to connect to your controller.
Modem Trouble Shooting
If you are still having problems connecting to your modem, try the following:
1. Restart Hyper Terminal, but set it to communicate to the comm. port that is attached to your internal mode.
2. Set Hyper Terminal to connect at 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit.
3. Type “AT” and the internal modem should respond with “OK”.
4. Type “ATD [telephone number]”, replace [telephone number] with the telephone number to which the controller is connected.
 After the modem connects, you should see the following message:
&211(&7$549/$30 !&**- !&**-
6. The “!&**-µ is a message from the controller and should repeat every 2 seconds.
7. If the modem will not answer, check your dipswitch settings and cables.
8. When the modem is idle (not connected) you should see the following LED status: AA = ON CD=OFF RD=OFF SD=Flash every 2 seconds TR=ON CS=ON ARQ=OFF
9. When the modem is connected you should see the following LED status: AA = ON CD=ON RD=OFF SD=Flash every 2 seconds TR=ON CS=ON ARQ=ON
10. If you do not see the controller message, check all cables.
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
If you are installing the PE-1 into the RI-300 chassis, you can skip to the next section.
This section will cover connecting your RI-1 to your repeater in detail. To ensure a successful installation, please follow these few simple steps.
1. Review this section completely and plan you repeater interface before you start making connections.
2. Review section 6 of this manual for detailed information on making audio level adjustments.
The diagram on the right is an end view of the radio interface connector on your RI-1. Use the supplied DB-25S female connector for making all connections to the controller.
Obtaining good audio in any repeater is based on understanding the design of the equipment. The audio in all frequency modulation (FM) transmitters or phase modulation (PM) transmitters has what is known as audio pre-emphasis. Pre-emphasis means that with increasing audio frequency the amount of the modulation will increase. The reverse is performed in all FM receivers and is called de-emphasis. The RI-1 was designed to operate with both emphasized and flat audio response from the repeater receiver and transmitter. This means that you can bypass the de-emphasis and/or pre-emphasis stage in the radio when possible. This leaves all of the emphasis filtering in the user’s radio. The RI-1 will interface to emphasis audio when needed.
The RI-1 controller does include a low pass filter that rolls off the very high audio frequency content to prevent adjacent channel splatter. It is not advisable to drive the microphone input on the transmitters. Most transmitters have significant audio shaping, compensating for the microphone response and other characteristics.
Besides audio frequency response, you should consider the audio amplitude levels to and from the controller. If the levels to and from the repeater are small, it may be valuable to use shielded cable. We recommend shielded cables at all times. Use large signal levels whenever possible. On the other hand, do not let the audio signal get large enough where clipping occurs in any stage of the controller, the receiver, or the transmitter. See section 6 for more details on adjusting the audio levels in the controller. Consider and practice the above and you will have repeater audio that you and your repeater users will be proud of.
RI-1 Repeater Controller
RX-Audio In (2)
Audio Ground (15)
NSQ In (6) NSQ (COS)
+12 VDC Power Input (5)
Power Ground (14)
TX-Audio Out (3)
Push To Talk (4)
+12V Supply
PTT (Open Drain)
Audio Output (TX)
Audio Input (RX)
5Volts@25mA Out
14 1615 1817 19 2420 21 22 23 25
User In 1
User In 2
RI-1 Interface Connector
1/8 Amp Fuse
Repeater/Radio Connections
User Out 1 (Open Drain)
User Out 2 (Open Drain)
Radio Data Out
Radio Data In
Radio Pwr Detect
Radio Pwr Switch
RS-232 RTS
RS-232 CTS
RS-232 RXD
RS-232 TXD
Discriminator Out
+12 Volt Supply Output
Supply Return
Modulator In
TX Key (PTT)
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
The RI-1 operates on 12 volts DC nominal. The DC source voltage must be between 10 and 15 VDC. The controller typically draws less then 40 ma without the status LEDs on. Connect the +12v to J1 pin 5. Connect J1 pin 21 to ground or the 12v return side of the power supply. The repeater builder may elect to incorporate an on/off power switch on the +DC side. Most repeater owners switch the AC primary side of the power supply. The RI-1 repeater controller connection to the power supply must be over-current protected. Use of a 1/8 ampere fuse should be the largest capacity considered in your installation.
Connect the receiver discriminator audio when ever possible to pin 2 and the receiver ground or audio return to J1 pin 15. If the discriminator output is not available, you can connect to a de-emphasized output and set correctly select this type of audio. It is not advisable to connect the controller to the speaker leads. Most radio amplifiers have significant audio shaping and may lead to loss of audio response. If you are not familiar with the repeater receiver, get assistance from someone knowledgeable on the subject or contact our factory for support. For best performance all audio connections should be made with a shielded cable. The controller’s audio path has a flat frequency response from 30 Hz through 3500 Hz. When interfaced properly to the repeater receiver and transmitter, the controller will provide superb audio characteristics.
NSQ and TSQ Input (Pin 6 and 7)
The RI-1 does not have its own squelch or CTCSS decoder. The radio or audio source must provide these functions. Connect the output of the radios squelch circuit to pin 6 (NSQ) and the CTCSS decoder, if used, to pin 7 (TSQ). These inputs are 0-5 volt logic input with a 22K pull-up resistor. Then can except a logic or open collector source. They also can be programmed for active low and active high signals. If you are connecting to a device other then a radio, you can use the (NSQ) input to signal the RI-1 when a signal is available to process.
Use a direct FM type modulator whenever possible. The RI-1 does have a de-emphasis filter that can be turned on for those applications in which you need to interface to a modulator with pre-emphasis. It is not advisable to drive the microphone input on the transmitters. Most microphone inputs have significant audio shaping, compensating for the microphone response and other characteristics. Always use a shielded cable. Connect the controller transmit audio output J1 pin 3 to the input of the modulator. Connect the modulator ground or audio return to J1 pin 15. If a FM modulator without pre-emphasis is not available, the RI-1 can be jumped to drive a phase modulator or modulator with pre-emphasis. Do this by installing jumpers on JP4 pins 2-3. For FM modulation, install a jumper on JP4 pins 1-2. See section 16 for more information on this subject.
The RI-1 repeater controller keys the transmitter at the required times. WARNING - As with all repeater controllers, this controller will key the transmitter at times you may not think of, such as when the ID is due. It never fails when you disconnect the antenna to connect an in-line wattmeter, the ID goes off or a repeater user arrives on the receiver input. Therefore, disconnect power to the repeater and controller before performing these operations. The controller PTT keying transistor sinks current, that is, the transistor pulls to ground the relay or keying stage in the repeater transmitter. This is by far the most common interface. Should you need to source a voltage to PTT, then contact Pacific Research Solutions for application notes. The keying transistor can sink or pull down a maximum of 120 ma of current. Connect J1 pin 4 to the repeater transmitter PTT.
DIGITAL INPUTS (Pins 16 and 17)
The RI-1 has two digital inputs on board that can be used to trigger macros. These inputs are C-MOS gates with a voltage swing of 0 to 5 VDC, TTL level. All digital inputs have a 10K ohm pull up resistors. Your application must “pull down” or sink current with either a transistor or TTL gate or equivalent. Upon detecting either a rising or falling edge or change in the state of an input, the controller automatically executes a macro. See Section 11, S-Command 45 for additional information on programming these inputs. These inputs are located on J1 pins 16 and 17. See the connector diagram on the previous page.
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
DIGITAL OUTPUTS (Pins 8 and 9)
The RI-1 has two digital outputs on board and is currently expandable up to ten, whose states can be modified by S-Commands. Each of the two outputs can be individually commanded or forced into the high or low logic state. These outputs are open drain FET transistors and can sink up to 120ma each. There are no pull-up resistors on these outputs. If pull­up resistors are needed, they must be provided by the user supplied interface. These outputs can sink current from a voltage sources as high as 24 volts DC. Using S-Commands (or macros that are composed of S-Commands), each output may be turned on or off. See Sections 11 S-Command 46 additional information on programming these outputs. These outputs are located on J1 pins 8 and 9. See the connector diagram on the previous page.
+5V Output (Pins 1)
This is a low current +5V supply output. This output can be used to power an interface circuit external to the controller. Do not draw more then 25mA from this output.
SERIAL DATA (Pins 18 through 20)
These signals are reserved for digital output expansion. This feature is to be added at a later time.
RADIO DATA (Pins 10 through 14)
These signals are reserved for serial communication to various radios. This feature is to be added at a later time.
RS-232 DATA (Pins 22 through 25)
These signals are used to communicate to various radios and EchoLink. See linking section for more details.
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
The PE-1 (Port Expansion) board adds various features to the RI-300 controller. The RI-310 controller (Discontinued) cannot use the PE-1. For additional details, see the schematic in section 16. These features include:
1 full duplexed repeating audio port (input and output)
with level adjustments.
2 digital inputs (5V logic). These bits are accessed via S-
Command 45
2 digital outputs (open drain). These bits are accessed via
S-Command 46.
To install your PE-1, use the following steps.
1. Turn off power to the repeater and controller.
2. When working on your controller, use procedures to assure no static discharge occurs through the controller or PE-1.
3. Remove the cover of the RI-300 then remove the radio interface connector mounting studs and 2 screws that hold the analog board to the chassis.
4. The analog circuit board is the board that has a small transformer. Just behind the radio interface connector, you will find a black 26-pin socket header. Plug the PE-1 into this header, making sure all pins align. The DB-25 connector on the PE-1 should align in the same direction as the radio interface connector.
5. Carefully re-inspect your installation, making sure that you have all pins correctly aligned.
6. Re-install the analog board and PE-1 into the chassis, installing the 4 mounting studs on the 2 connectors.
7. You are now ready to use your PE-1.
Analog In
PTT (Open Drain)
Audio Output (TX)
Audio Input (RX)
5Volts@25mA Ou t
14 1615 1817 19 2420 21 22 23 25
User In 1
User In 2
PE-1 Interface Connector
User Out 1 (Open Dra in)
User Out 2 (Open Dra in)
Radio Data Out
Radio Data In
Radio Pwr Detect
Radio Pwr Switch
RS-232 RTS
RS-232 CTS
RS-232 RXD
RS-232 TXD
Digital-Groun d
Obtaining good audio in any repeater is
PE-1 Port Expansion
based on understanding the design of the equipment. The audio in all frequency modulation (FM) transmitters or phase modulation (PM) transmitters has what is known as audio pre-emphasis. Pre­emphasis means that with increasing
RX-Audio In (2)
Audio Ground (15)
NSQ In (6) NSQ (COS)
audio frequency the amount of the modulation will increase. The reverse is performed in all FM receivers and is
Power Ground (14)
called de-emphasis. The PE-1 was designed to operate with both emphasized
TX-Audio Out (3)
and flat audio response from the repeater receiver and transmitter. This means that you can bypass the de-emphasis and/or pre-emphasis stage in the radio when
Push To Talk (4)
Repeater/Radio Connections
possible. This leaves all of the emphasis filtering in the user’s radio. The PE-1 will interface to emphasis audio when needed.
The PE-1 controller does include a low pass filter that rolls off the very high audio frequency content to prevent adjacent channel splatter. It is not advisable to drive the microphone input on the transmitters. Most transmitters have significant audio shaping, compensating for the microphone response and other characteristics.
Besides audio frequency response, you should consider the audio amplitude levels to and from the controller. If the levels to and from the repeater are small, it may be valuable to use shielded cable. We recommend shielded cables at all times. Use large signal levels whenever possible. On the other hand, do not let the audio signal get large enough where clipping occurs in any stage of the controller, the receiver, or the transmitter. See section 6 for more details on adjusting the audio levels in the controller. Consider and practice the above and you will have repeater audio that you and your repeater users will be proud of.
Discriminator Out
Supply Return
Modulator In
TX Key (PTT)
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
The PE-1 get is power from the RI-300. No external power connection is required. However a ground connection is provided as a reference for digital signals.
Connect the receiver discriminator audio when ever possible to pin 2 and the receiver ground or audio return to J1 pin 15. If the discriminator output is not available, you can connect to a de-emphasized output and set correctly select this type of audio. It is not advisable to connect the controller to the speaker leads. Most radio amplifiers have significant audio shaping and may lead to loss of audio response. If you are not familiar with the repeater receiver, get assistance from someone knowledgeable on the subject or contact our factory for support. For best performance all audio connections should be made with a shielded cable. The controller’s audio path has a flat frequency response from 30 Hz through 3500 Hz. When interfaced properly to the repeater receiver and transmitter, the controller will provide superb audio characteristics.
NSQ and TSQ Input (Pin 6 and 7)
The PE-1 does not have its own squelch or CTCSS decoder. The radio or audio source must provide these functions. Connect the output of the radios squelch circuit to pin 6 (NSQ) and the CTCSS decoder, if used, to pin 7 (TSQ). These inputs are 0-5 volt logic input with a 22K pull-up resistor. Then can except a logic or open collector source. They also can be programmed for active low and active high signals. If you are connecting to a device other then a radio, you can use the (NSQ) input to signal the PE-1 when a signal is available to process.
Use a direct FM type modulator whenever possible. The PE-1 does have a de-emphasis filter that can be turned on for those applications in which you need to interface to a modulator with pre-emphasis. It is not advisable to drive the microphone input on the transmitters. Most microphone inputs have significant audio shaping, compensating for the microphone response and other characteristics. Always use a shielded cable. Connect the controller transmit audio output J1 pin 3 to the input of the modulator. Connect the modulator ground or audio return to J1 pin 15. If a FM modulator without pre-emphasis is not available, the PE-1 can be jumped to drive a phase modulator or modulator with pre-emphasis. Do this by installing jumpers on JP4 pins 2-3. For FM modulation, install a jumper on JP4 pins 1-2. See section 16 for more information on this subject.
The PE-1 repeater controller keys the transmitter at the required times. WARNING - As with all repeater controllers, this controller will key the transmitter at times you may not think of, such as when the ID is due. It never fails when you disconnect the antenna to connect an in-line wattmeter, the ID goes off or a repeater user arrives on the receiver input. Therefore, disconnect power to the repeater and controller before performing these operations. The controller PTT keying transistor sinks current, that is, the transistor pulls to ground the relay or keying stage in the repeater transmitter. This is by far the most common interface. Should you need to source a voltage to PTT, then contact Pacific Research Solutions for application notes. The keying transistor can sink or pull down a maximum of 120 ma of current. Connect J1 pin 4 to the repeater transmitter PTT.
DIGITAL INPUTS (Pins 16 and 17)
The PE-1 has two digital inputs on board that can be used to trigger macros. These inputs are C-MOS gates with a voltage swing of 0 to 5 VDC, TTL level. All digital inputs have a 10K ohm pull up resistors. Your application must “pull down” or sink current with either a transistor or TTL gate or equivalent. Upon detecting either a rising or falling edge or change in the state of an input, the controller automatically executes a macro. See Section 11, S-Command 45 for additional information on programming these inputs. These inputs are located on J1 pins 16 and 17. See the connector diagram on the previous page.
DIGITAL OUTPUTS (Pins 8 and 9)
The PE-1 has two digital outputs on board and is currently expandable up to ten, whose states can be modified by S-Commands. Each of the two outputs can be individually commanded or forced into the high or low logic state. These outputs are open drain FET transistors and can sink up to 120ma each. There are no pull-up resistors on these outputs. If pull­up resistors are needed, they must be provided by the user supplied interface. These outputs can sink current from a voltage sources as high as 24 volts DC. Using S-Commands (or macros that are composed of S-Commands), each output may be turned on or off. See Sections 11 S-Command 46 additional information on programming these outputs. These outputs are located on J1 pins 8 and 9. See the connector diagram on the previous page.
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
+5V Output (Pins 1)
This is a low current +5V supply output. This output can be used to power an interface circuit external to the controller. Do not draw more then 25mA from this output.
SERIAL DATA (Pins 18 through 20)
These signals are reserved for digital output expansion. This feature is to be added at a later time.
RADIO DATA (Pins 10 through 14)
These signals are reserved for serial communication to various radios. This feature is to be added at a later time.
RS-232 DATA (Pins 22 through 25)
These signals are used to communicate to various radios and EchoLink. See linking section for more details.
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
Adjusting the audio levels in your controller is very important, in order to avoid clipping or distorted audio. In this section you will find various features in the controller to help you through this process.
Warning: Refer to section 8, Initialization procedure. When a full controller initialization is performed all digital pot settings are returned to their default settings. Do not perform the initialization procedure at this time. During full controller initialization, all system settings, user commands, macros, messages, and digital pot settings will be returned to their defaults.
Note: If you are having startup problems, check the following items.
1. When entering your password for the first time, make sure the NSQ, TSQ and DTMF status LED’s are operating properly. Most of the startup problems will relate to logic levels or audio level too low, too high, too much DTMF twist and/or audio distortion. The RI-1 design has a wide dynamic range for all of the decoders and should work in most conditions.
2. The un-key of your radio when sending a command is a normal command termination. If you are experiencing a problem when getting started or the COS is always on, you can send a command as normal and wait about 3.5 seconds from the last digit for the controller to try to process the command.
3. If you experience some problems decoding DTMF, the likely problem is that the tone levels are out of range. The DTMF decoder has a 30+ dB dynamic range, so that decoding DTMF should not be a problem with a reasonable discriminator input level. The DTMF status LED illuminates when a tone is first decoded and remains lit until after, either a function complete or at the completion of a DTMF Inter-digit time-out. If you experience problems where one row or column that did not decode properly. You may need to check the receiver level or frequency response. To test this, you send one digit at a time, checking all DTMF tone digits, letting the LED light go out after each one. Then test the next tone, confirming that all YOUR tones are being properly decoded.
4. If you send your password multiple times and receive an “ERROR” telemetry message, the controller may already be unlocked and in programming mode.
Setting the receiver input gain may be the most important adjustment in the controller. For the internal decoders (DTMF) to work properly, you need to set up the receiver input audio level correctly. The receiver input audio level setting is a manual adjustment. Please use the follow the procedure:
1. Apply the 12 VDC power source. Confirm that all 4 LEDs flash on for about 1 second. After power up, some LEDs may remain on. Do not be concern at this point as we have not completed adjusting your controller.
2. Transmit a carrier on the repeater’s input channel. Did the yellow NSQ light come on? Do not be surprised if the NSQ LED did not come on or is already on, as we have adjustments to make before the NSQ logic will work correctly.
3. Generate a 1000 Hz tone at 5 kHz deviation on the repeater input.
4. Using an AC volt meter that has high frequency response, probe U6 pin 7 for 0.77 volts AC RMS. Use the supply ground for your negative connection.
5. The receiver input level is adjusted by the single turn pot VR2.
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
The polarity of the NSQ, TSQ and PTT signals are selectable. If you do not have the programming software to make this adjustment, you can still send DTMF commands to the controller, but you will have to wait for the inter-digit timeout to expire for the command to execute. To adjust these signal polarity, unlock the controller with the default password “123456”. You may not hear an acknowledgment because we have not adjusted the transmitter lever at this point. Next send System Command 000x, 001x and 002x to change the polarity of these signals. See section 11 for more details on this System Command. You must finish with System Command 691 to lock and save your changes.
You can also use the programming software (PS-3) to adjust these values. Click “System” and “System Setup”. See the group under “Input Signal Polarity” in the figure to the right. After you have made your changes, click the “Send” button to update the controller.
If you are interfacing directly to the receiver’s demodulator, you will want to disable the controller’s receiver emphasis stage. For all other types of audios interface, including VoIP, you will want to enable the controller’s emphasis stage. This is done with System Command 003x. Use System Command 0030 (Factory Default) to disable the emphasis stage or use System Command 0031 to enable the controller’s emphasis stage. You can send this command over the AIR with DTMF or you can use the programming software (PS-3). If sending the command to the controller with DTMF, do not forget to unlock and lock/save your data. If using the programming software, click “System” and “System Setup”. See the group under “Audio Response” in the figure to the right.
A selectable low pass filter is provided to allow for interface with various types of modulation standards. This filter is used to prevent adjacent channel splatter. If you are operating on 20KHz or more channel spacing, we recommend you use the 3500Hz cutoff selection. If you are operating on 15KHz or less channel spacing, we recommend that you use the 2500Hz cutoff selection.
You can adjust this filter over the air using S-Command 03 or the programming software (PS-3) Click System and System Setup. See the group under “Audio Response” in the figure to the right.
Fine adjustments to the receiver gain can be made from over the air using S-Command 02 or the programming software (PS-3) Click System and System Setup. See the group under “Receiver Gain” in the figure to the right.
If you are interfacing directly to a true FM type modulator, you will want to disable the controller’s transmitter emphasis stage. This is accomplished with a jumper (JP-4) on the circuit board. See the figure to the right. Pin 3 is located in the lower corner of the board. For modulators that are true FM and without emphasis, place jumper on pins 2 and 3. For all other types of modulators and audio interfaces, including VoIP, you will want to place the jumper on pins 1 and 2.
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
After hooking up the repeater transmitter audio and the repeater PTT keying circuit per Section 4, you will need to adjust the repeat TX audio level. The best method is to use a service monitor to measure the transmitter deviation. If a service monitor is not available, use any receiver that can be easily flipped back and forth between the repeater input and output channel while listening to the levels. Ideally, you will have the same transmit deviation going out of the repeater transmitter as coming in the receiver. Transmit a 3kHz deviation tone on the repeater input channel. As you flip back and forth between the repeater input and output frequencies, then by listening, adjust the repeater transmitter audio level or deviation. This level is adjusted with pot, VR1. If you operating the controller as a simplex link or remote base, enable the audio path from the source controller using System Command 35. Transmit audio on the source controller’s input and adjust VR1 for the correct level.
If you are working with the PE-1 or you do not have the RI-1 controller connected to another controller, you can skip this sub section.
The RI-1 does not support a full cross point switch on the auxiliary buss. This means that if you are going to connect the RI-1 to another RI-1 or RI­300, you will use jumper blocks need to select the input and output channels on the auxiliary buss. Use the diagram to the right to assist on jumper placement of each channel.
When deciding on setting jumpers, you must first decide on what channels you will be using. If you will be connecting an RI-300 to the RI-1, the RI­300 is default to output on channel 1 and the RI-1 is default on channel 8. You would then install a jumper on pins 1 and 2 so that the RI-1 can listen to the RI-300. You then place a jumper on pins 15 and 16 so that the RI­300 can listen to the RI-1.
All jumpers are placed in combination of one for AUX-IN and one for AUX-OUT. You should never place multiple jumpers for the AUX-IN or AUX-OUT.
After you have placed the jumpers, you then use System Commands 34 and 35 to enable and disable the input and output. You can also use the programming software (PS-3) to adjust these default values. Click System and Auxiliary Setup.
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
Once you have connected your controller to a receiver / transmitter and adjusted the audio, you should then confirm its basic repeater operation. This can be done by transmitting a carrier in the input of the repeater and observing the “NSQ” LED turning on and off when you key and un-key. If you have enabled the Repeater Port Mode, System Command 01, you should next see the “PTT” LED turn on while the repeater transmitter is on. Next, you can confirm the repeater audio path by listening to yourself on the output of the repeater.
The system status LED indicators will display the current status of the controller. During the controller power on self-test, the RI-1 will turn on all of the status LEDs for about 1 second. These LED’s are located in the middle of the circuit board, see the figure below.
NSQ Noise Squelch; indicates when a signal is present at the receiver. TSQ Repeater Tone Squelch indicates when a CTCSS (Continuous Tone Controlled Squelch System) or DCS
(Digital Coded Squelch) has been enabled in the repeater tone panel and is present at the receiver. PTT Push-To-Talk; indicates when the controller is keying the repeater transmitter. DTMF Dual Tone Multi-Frequency; indicates when the controller is decoding DTMF (Touch-Tones).
RI-1 Controller PE-1 Port Expansion
Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) is typically used in the telephone system for dialing. The RI-1 uses DTMF as the primary means for the owner and users to control and communicate with the repeater. DTMF is made up of eight tones with two of the eight turned on in each of the sixteen keystrokes. DTMF is used because of the reliability and ease of use in the audio transmission range. When sending commands to the controller, you must send each DTMF digit with a delay of 3.5 seconds or less between digits. Then un-key the transmitter. This action is the same as the "enter" key on your computer keyboard. If the squelch is open or not properly set, the controller will not be able to detect the un-key action. In this case you can wait for the inter-digit timer to expire, at which time the controller will attempt to process the command. Once the command is sent, the controller will respond with one of three actions.
1. CW “OK” is a result of a successful command.
2. CW “ERROR” is a result of an error in the data of a S-Command or macro.
3. No response, the controller did not receive the command or the command was not valid.
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Pacific Research Solutions RI-1 and PE-1 User Manual
Telemetry or messages are sent from the controller to you in response to a repeater status or function. There are primarily four types of messages.
1. The station ID.
2. Courtesy messages, which occur after you un-key.
3. System functions (OK, ERROR).
4. User programmable messages. These maybe CW messages that are created by the system operator.
Any of the controller’s messages may be modified with S-Commands 30 and 31. The controller comes pre-programmed with default messages in response to any one of the following events:
Repeater Courtesy A courtesy message is sent after each user un-keys to let the other users know when the time-out
timer has been reset and that it is OK to continue talking. This message occurs when the time
clock has been set. Auxiliary Courtesy This replaces the courtesy message when the received signal is weak or noisy. Station ID This is the system identification, can be either CW or Speech. The factory default is CW
“HELLO”. This ID is sent periodically as required by the FCC. Function Error Generated in response to an S-Command that the controller did not understand. Function Complete Generated in response to an S-Command the controller understood and executed.
It should be noted that when the controller is executing a macro, the function complete or function error is in response to the S-Commands within the macro. If you get a function error when controlling your system with a user command, you have an S-Command with an error within the macro.
There is only one method of re-initializing and returning to the factory default data. Default data for each of the S-Commands is listed in section 11 and the System Command Table at the end of this manual. To initialize the RI-1 data, use the following procedure:
1. Unlock the controller with DTMF or use the programming software “Send S-Cmd” dialog.
2. Send 5986 to the controller.
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