Ozone Mojo 4 Owner's Manual

Pilots Manual (Eng) 2 > 17
Manuel de vol (Fr) 18 > 33
Betriebs Handbuch (D) 34 > 51
Line Diagram 52
Riser Diagram/Lengths 53
Technical Specications 53
Materials 54
Version 1.1 Sept 2015
hank you for choosing to y Ozone. As a team of free ying enthusiasts, competitors and adventurers, Ozone’s mission is to build agile paragliders of the highest quality with cutting edge designs, performance and maximum security.
All of our research and development is concentrated on creating the best handling/performance characteristics possible with optimum security. Our development team is based in the south of France, this area includes the sites of Gourdon, Monaco and Col de Bleyne and guarantees us more than 300 yable days per year. This is a great asset in the development of the Ozone range.
As pilots we fully understand just how big an investment a new paraglider is. We know that quality and value for money are essential considerations when choosing your new paraglider; so to keep costs low and quality high we build all our wings in our own production plant. During production our wings undergo numerous and rigorous quality control checks. This way we can guarantee that all our paragliders meet the same high standards that we expect ourselves.
This manual will help you get the most out of your Mojo4. It details information about its design, tips and advice on how best to use it and how to care for it to ensure it has a long life and retains a high resale value. If you need any further information about Ozone or any of our products please check www.yozone.com or contact your local dealer, school or any of us here at Ozone.
It is essential that you read this manual before ying your new wing for the rst time.
Please ensure that this manual is passed on to the new owner if you ever resell this paraglider.
Safe Flying! Team Ozone
Paragliding is a potentially dangerous sport that can cause serious injury including bodily harm, paralysis and death. Flying an Ozone paraglider is undertaken with the full knowledge that paragliding involves such risks. As the owner of an Ozone paraglider you take exclusive responsibility for all risks associated with its use. Inappropriate use and or abuse of your equip­ment will increase these risks. Any liability claims resulting from use of this product towards the manufac­turer, distributor or dealers are excluded. Be prepared to practice as much as you can - especially ground handling, as this is a critical aspect of paragliding. Poor control while on the ground is one of the most common causes of accidents. Be ready to continue your learning by attending advanced courses to follow the evolution of our sport, as techniques and materials keep improving. Use only certied paragliders, harnesses with protector and reserve para­chutes that are free from modication, and use them only within their certi­ed weight ranges. Please remember that ying a glider outside its certied conguration may jeopardise any insurance (e.g. liability, life etc) you have. It is your responsibility as the pilot to verify your insurance cover. Make sure you complete a thorough daily and pre-ight inspection of all of your equipment. Never attempt ying with unsuitable or damaged equip­ment. Always wear a helmet, gloves and boots. All pilots should have the appropriate level of license for their respective country and third party insurance. Make sure that you are physically and mentally healthy before ying. Choose the correct wing, harness and conditions for your level of experi­ence. Pay special attention to the terrain you will be ying and the weather condi­tions before you launch. If you are unsure do not y, and always add a large safety margin to all your decisions. Avoid ying your glider in rain, snow, strong wind, and turbulent weather conditions or clouds. If you use good, safe judgment you will enjoy many years of paragliding.
Remember, PLEASURE is the reason for our sport
Everyone at Ozone continues to be driven by our passion for ying, our love of adventure and our quest to see Ozone’s paraglider development create better, safer and more versatile paragliders.
Paragliding design is led by the ever thoughtful David Dagault; Dav has a wealth of experience both in competition, adventure ying and paraglider design. Also on the design team are Russell Ogden, Luc Armant and Fred Pieri.
Russ is a top competition pilot and ex paragliding instructor, he can usually be found putting Dav’s latest creation through a series of test manoeuvres.
Luc, a dedicated XC addict has a background in naval architecture. He brings a wealth of knowledge and ideas to the design team and works closely with Dav in the design process.
Fred is the latest addition to the team. He is a mathematian, mechanical engineer and vol Biv specialist. Fred designed the Anti-G and was the brainchild of the shark nose.
Back in the ofce Mike ‘Da Boss’ Cavanagh generally keeps control of the mayhem. Promotion and Team pilots are organised by Matt Gerdes. Karine Marconi, Jill Devine and Chloe Vila make sure we don’t spend too much money and look after the ordering system.
Our manufacturing facility in Vietnam is headed up by Dr Dave Pilkington, who works relentlessly manufacturing gliders and producing prototypes as well as researching materials and manufacturing processes for our future products. He is backed up by Khanh and 700 production staff.
The rucksack is light weight, comfortable and useful. It includes a padded hip belt along with ergonomic and adjustable shoulder straps. It has a large volume that will allow you to store all your kit, whilst still being comfortable for hiking.
Brake Lines
The brake line lengths have been set carefully during testing. We feel it is better to have slightly long brake lines and to y with a wrap (one turn of line around the hand). However, if you do choose to adjust them, please bear in mind the following:
Ensure both main brake lines are of equal length.
If a brake handle has been removed, check that its line is still routed through the pulley when it is replaced.
When the brake handles are released in ight, the brake lines should be slack. There must be a substantial “bow” in them to guarantee no deformation of the trailing edge.
There must be a minimum of 10cm of free play before the brakes begin to deform the trailing edge. This prevents the trailing edge from being deformed when using the speed system.
IMPORTANT: In the unlikely event of a brake line snapping
in ight, or a handle becoming detached, the glider can be own by gently pulling the rear risers (C-risers) for direc­tional control.
The Mojo4 has been designed with 3 risers. The A riser is covered with coloured webbing, this allows it to be easily identied.
The A’s are Grey. You will notice that the A’s are split into two risers. The small riser at the back, holding only one line (outermost A line) is the ‘Baby A’, it has been designed to make applying big ears simple.
The B’s and C’s are BLACK.
The Mojo Legacy continues. The Mojo4 is an evolution of the Mojo3 in terms of design, but the mission remains the same: Offer the highest level of performance in the EN A category without compromising safety and ease of use. The Mojo4 is designed to provide the passive safety that new pilots rely on for their rst stages of ight and for intermediate pilots to progress safely into XC ying.
With the experience and knowledge gained through our performance research & development projects, coupled with feedback from pilots and instructors, we have managed to improve the Mojo3 in every respect: The Mojo4 is lighter; easier to launch; easier to y; and more comfortable in the air. It has also benetted from some free performance upgrades as a result of a lower drag line-plan and an even cleaner sail construction.
The new top and bottom surface cloth which has proven to be durable and mechanically stable over years of testing, has reduced the total sail weight and enhanced the wing’s launch and ight characteristics. This new cloth has also proven to have excellent colour retention and UV resistant proper­ties. The Mojo 4 also features new leading edge reinforcements inspired by the higher performance wings in our range.
Thanks to a new line material, the Mojo 4 has benetted from an 8% reduc­tion in drag. This reduction in overall drag signicantly increases perfor­mance without sacricing safety.
The Mojo4 has a precise and linear feel through the brakes, whilst retaining a long overall travel. It is comfortable and stable in the air, absorbing turbu­lence in a predictable manor due to a light sail and efcient leading edge. This makes the Mojo4 the perfect wing for soaring and long XC ights.
We have poured a great deal of time and energy into the design and testing of the new Mojo4, we hope you enjoy ying it as much as we do!
Accelerator System
To set up an accelerator on the ground, ask a friend to pull your risers into their in-ight position while you sit in your harness. Now adjust the length of the line so that the main bar sits just beneath your seat. You should now be able to hook your heel in to the secondary (lower) loop of the accelerator.
The accelerator must be slack enough to ensure that the front risers are not pulled down in normal ight, but not so long that it is impossible to use the full speed range of the glider.
Extending the secondary (lower) loop of the accelerator fully will take the glider through approximately half its accelerated speed range. Should you need even more speed you should hook your feet on to the upper bar, which you can then extend until the pulleys on the risers touch.
Once set up, test the full range of the accelerator in calm ying conditions: ensure that both risers are pulled evenly during operation. Fine-tuning can be completed when you are back on the ground.
IMPORTANT: Using the accelerator decreases the angle of attack and can make the glider more prone to collapse, therefore using the accelerator near the ground or in turbu­lence should be avoided.
It will be in your harness that you will enjoy ying, therefore we recommend you spend the time necessary to adjust your harness’s different settings until you are completely comfortable.
The shoulder straps and the hip straps need to be set for comfort (make sure you do not have your shoulder’s strap too tight, or you might nd it difcult to get seated after launching). The ideal position in your harness should be with your knees horizontal and your body position leaning slightly backwards with your head behind the risers.
The chest strap should be set between 42cm and 46cm (between the centre of the hang points). XS/S sizes are certied with a chest strap set at 42cm, the M at 44cm and L/XL at 46cm.
Total Weight in ight
Each Ozone glider has been certied for a dened weight range. We strongly recommend that you respect these weight ranges. If you are between sizes the following information may help you make a decision as to which size to buy:
If you want better speed, precise handling or if you generally y in moun­tains and/or in strong conditions, you should chose to y in the top part of the weight range. If you want a better sink rate, or if you generally y in at lands and/or in weak conditions, you may choose to y near the bottom part of the weight range. Remember, you can always add ballast when conditions are stronger.
To familiarise yourself with the glider it is a good idea to perform practice inations and small ights on a training hill. This will enable you to set up your equipment correctly. If in any doubt please get advice and help from your local dealer or instructor.
Lay out the wing on its top surface in a pronounced arc, with the centre of the wing higher than the tips. Lay out the lines one side at a time. Hold up the risers and starting with the brake lines, pull all lines clear. Repeat with the stabilo, C, B and A lines, laying the checked lines on top of the previous set, and making sure no lines are tangled, knotted or snagged. Mirror the process on the other side.
Take-off checklist:
1. Check reserve parachute - pin in and handle secure
2. Helmet on and fastened
3. All harness buckles closed - check leg-loops again
4. Karabiners and maillons tight
5. Holding the A’s and your brake handles
6. Leading edge open
7. Aligned directly into wind
8. Airspace and visibility clear
The Mojo4 can be inated with either the forward or reverse launch tech­niques.
Forward Launch - Nil to Light winds
When the wind is favourable, whilst gently holding the A risers move forward positively, your lines should become tight within one or two steps and the Mojo4 will immediately start to inate. You should maintain a constant pressure on the risers until the wing is overhead. Do not pull down or push the risers forward excessively, or the leading edge will deform and possibly collapse making taking-off more difcult and potentially dangerous.
Move smoothly throughout the entire launch, there is no need to rush or snatch at it. You should have plenty of time to look up and check your canopy before committing yourself. Once you are happy that the wing is inated correctly, accelerate smoothly off the launch.
Reverse Launch - Light to Strong Winds
Lay out your wing as you would for the forward launch. However, this time turn to face it, passing one entire set of risers over your head as you turn. Now you can inate the glider with the A-risers. Once the wing is overhead, release the risers, brake gently if necessary, turn and launch.
In stronger winds, be prepared to take a few steps towards the glider as it inates. This will take some of the energy out of the glider and it will be less likely to overy you. This reverse-launch technique can be used in surpris­ingly light winds too.
IMPORTANT: Never take off with a glider that is not fully in­ated or if you are not in control of the pitch/roll of your wing.
Practice ground handling! Not only is it great fun, but it will give you a much better feel for your wing’s ight characteristics. It will also improve your overall enjoyment of ying by giving you the feeling of control, making your launches easier and less stressful.
In Flight Characteristics
The Mojo4 shows no unusual ying characteristics, consequently it is suit­able for a wide range of pilot. Turns are smooth and co-ordinated, on glide it remains solid and well pressured, even through the accelerated speed range. It has a very high resistance to both collapses and stalls. However, to get the most out of your Mojo4 we advise you to consider the following information:
Normal Flight
Flying at ‘trim speed’ (hands-up), the Mojo4 will achieve its ‘best glide’ speed for still air. You should y at this speed when gliding downwind or when the air is not excessively sinking.
For better penetration in headwinds and improved glide performance in sinking air, crosswinds or headwinds, you should y faster than trim speed by using the accelerator system. Using up to half bar does not degrade the glide angle or stability signicantly and will improve your ying performance. You will reach the next thermal faster and higher. At full speed the Mojo4 is stable; however we recommend that you do not y at full speed close to the ground or in turbulence.
By applying the brakes approximately 30cm, the Mojo4 will achieve its minimum-sink rate; this is the speed for best climb and is the speed to use for thermalling and ridge soaring.
To familiarize yourself with your new wing your rst turns should be gradual and progressive.
To make efcient and coordinated turns rst look in the direction you want to turn to check for clear space, then lean into it. The rst input for direc­tional change should be with weight-shift, followed by a smooth application of the brake until the desired bank angle is achieved. To regulate the speed and radius of the turn, coordinate your weight shift and/or use the outer brake.
IMPORTANT: Never initiate a turn at minimum speed (i.e. with full brakes on) as you risk entering a spin.
The Mojo4 shows no unusual landing characteristics but as a reminder, here are some tips:
Always set up for your landing early, give yourself plenty of options and a safe margin for error.
Once below 30 metres avoid turning tightly as the glider will have to dive to accelerate back to normal ight. If you are at low altitude, or if you hit sink, this could mean you hit the ground harder than necessary.
Lean forward out of your harness before the actual landing (especially if it’s turbulent), with your weight leaning forward against the chest strap, and make sure your legs are ready for the landing and a possible PLF (para­chute landing fall).
Allow the glider to y at hands up (trim) speed for your nal descent until you are around 1 metre above the ground (in windy or turbulent conditions you must y the glider actively all the way). Apply the brakes slowly and progressively to slow the glider down until groundspeed has been reduced to a minimum and you are able to step onto the ground.
In light winds/zero wind you need a strong, long and progressive are to bleed off all your excess ground speed. In strong winds your forward speed is already low so you are aring only to soften the landing. A strong are may result in the glider climbing upwards and backwards quickly, leaving you in a vulnerable position.
If the glider does begin to climb, ease off the brakes (10-20cm) - do not put your hands up all the way - then are again, but more gently this time. Keep the brakes at mid speed, stand up, be ready to run and make sure you brake fully as you arrive on the ground.
Choose the appropriate approach style in function of the landing area and the conditions.
In strong winds you need to turn towards the glider the second your feet touch the ground. Once facing the wing pull smoothly and symmetrically down on the brakes to stall the wing. If the glider pulls you, run toward it.
If the wind is very strong, and you feel you might be dragged, or lifted again, stall the glider with the C risers. This stalls the wing in a very quick and controllable way and will drag you less than if you use the brakes.
Always land heading into wind!
Active Flying
To minimize the likelihood of suffering collapses in turbulent conditions it is essential to use active ying.
Flying with a small amount of brake applied (approx. 20cm) will give you feedback from the wing. In turbulent conditions the internal pressure of the wing can change and you will feel this through the brakes. The aim is to maintain a constant pressure through the brakes. If you feel a loss in pressure apply the brakes until normal pressure is resumed then raise hands back to original position (this must be done quickly). Avoid ying with continuous amounts of deep brake in turbulent air as you may inadvertently stall the wing. Always consider your airspeed.
These movements can be symmetric or asymmetric; you may have to apply both brakes or just one. These subtle adjustments will keep the glider ying smoothly and directly above you and dramatically reduce the chances of a collapse. If the glider pitches in front of you, use the brakes to slow it down. Equally, if the glider drops behind you, release the brakes to allow it to speed up. The goal is to always keep the wing directly overhead.
These are skills that are best learnt by playing with the glider on the ground!
IMPORTANT: No pilot and no glider are immune to collapses however active ying will virtually eliminate any tendency to collapse. When the conditions are turbulent, be more ac­tive and anticipate the movements of your wing. Always be aware of your altitude and do not over-react. We strongly advice you to always keep hold of your brakes. Do not y in turbulent conditions.
Spiral Dives
If you turn your glider in a series of tightening 360’s it will enter a spiral dive. This will result in rapid height loss. To initiate a spiral, look and lean in to the direction you want to go, then smoothly pull down on the inside brake. The Mojo4 will rst turn almost 360 degrees before it drops into the spiral. Once in the spiral you should re-centre your weight shift and apply a little outside brake to keep the outer wing tip pressured and inated.
Safe descent rates of 8m/s (1600 ft/min approx.) are possible in a spiral dive, but at these rates the associated high speeds and G-forces can be disorientating, so pay particular attention to your altitude.
To exit the spiral dive, ensure your weight shift is in a centred position and then slowly release the inside brake. As the Mojo4 decelerates allow it to continue to turn until enough energy is lost for it to return to level ight without an excessive climb and surge.
The Mojo4 shows no tendency to remain locked in a spiral dive; however some parameters could interfere with its behaviour. These might include: wrong settings of the chest strap, total weight in ight outside of the certi­ed weight range, or being in a very deep spiral at a very high sink rate. You should always be prepared to pilot the wing out of such a spiral dive. To do so, smoothly use opposite weight shift and apply a small amount of outside brake and the glider will start to resume normal ight. Never attempt to recover from a spiral with hard or quick opposite inputs as this will result in an aggressive climb and surge.
IMPORTANT: Spiral dives with sink rates over 8 m/s are possible, but should be avoided. They are dangerous and put unnecessary strain on the glider. Spiral dives cause disorientation and need time and height to recover. Do not perform this manoeuvre near the ground.
Rapid Descent Techniques
Ozone would like to remind you that these manoeuvres should be learnt under the supervision of a qualied instructor and always used with caution. Never forget that properly analysing the conditions before launch will help avoid the need to use these techniques.
Big Ears
Folding in the wingtips increases the wing’s sink rate. This is useful for stay­ing out of cloud or descending quickly. To pull big ears, keep hold of your brake handles and take the outermost A-line on each side, then pull down (preferably one at a time) until the tips of the wing fold under. The Outer A line is attached to the Baby A riser, making identication and use of the big ear system easier.
Do not use the brakes other than for re-ination. For directional control while using the Big Ears, you should use weight shift.
To reopen your big ears, release both A lines at the same time. To help reination, brake gently one side at a time until tips regain pressure. Avoid deep symmetric applications of the brake as this could induce parachutal or full stalls.
IMPORTANT: You can land with the ears (you should release the ears before nal are). Ozone do not advise you to do this when it’s turbulent or windy due to the risk of a possi­ble stall and lack of precision in steering.
Big ears and accelerator
Once the big ears are in you can further increase the sink rate by pushing on the accelerator bar.
IMPORTANT NEVER induce Big Ears with the speed bar en­gaged, this can provoke a major deation. Always make Big Ears rst and THEN apply the speed bar.
Due to the exible form of a paraglider, turbulence may cause a portion of the wing suddenly to collapse. These can be anything from a small 30% (asymmetric) collapse to a complete (symmetric) collapse.
Most collapses can be prevented with good active ying skills, however if a collapse does occur the most important thing is to not panic!
The rst course of action for an asymmetric collapse should always be to take control of the direction of ight. You should y away from the ground, obstacles and other pilots. Asymmetric collapses can be controlled by weight shifting away from the collapsed side and applying the necessary amount of brake to control your direction. This act alone will, most of the time, be enough for a full recovery of the wing.
Once a glider is deated it is effectively a smaller wing, so the wing loading and stall speed are higher. This means the glider will spin or stall with less brake input than normal. In your efforts to stop the glider turning towards the collapse you must be very careful to not apply too much brake so that the remaining ying side stalls. If you are unable to stop the glider turning without exceeding the stall point, allow the glider to turn whilst you reinate the collapse.
If you have a deation which does not spontaneously reinate, make a long smooth progressive pump on the deated side whilst trying to retain direc­tional control. The pumping action should be deep and hard. Pumping too short and fast will not reinate the wing, whilst pumping too long and slow may take the wing close to, or beyond, the stall point. A stubborn collapse may require several rm pumps.
Symmetrical (front) collapses normally reinate without pilot input, however 15 to 20cm of brake applied symmetrically will speed the process. As soon as the wing re-inates keep your hands high to ensure the wing recovers airspeed and does not enter a parachutal stall.
If your Mojo4 collapses in accelerated ight, immediately release the speed bar and follow the same proceedures as mentioned above.
Big ears and spiral dive
Whilst it is possible to enter a spiral dive whilst holding in Big Ears, the high forces applied to the lower lines could exceed the breaking strain of the lines leading to equipment failure!
Ozone strongly recommend to NOT use this manoeuvre!
The limit is tightly banked S-turns, commonly known as wingovers. These must not exceed 90 degrees of bank.
WARNING: Uncoordinated wingovers can lead to large asymmetric collapses and cravats, therefore they should never be executed near the ground.
B-Line Stall
B-stall is for fast descents in emergency situations only. B-stall is performed by symmetrically pulling down on the B-risers.
To initiate the B-stall place your ngers between the lines above the mail­lons on the B risers. Do not release the brake handles. As you pull the B-lines down the airow over the wing is broken and the glider loses its forward speed but remains open and you will descend at around 6 m/s.
If you pull too much B-line the glider may horseshoe and move around above your head. If this is the case, release the B risers until stability re­turns.
To exit the B-stall the B-risers should be released symmetrically and in one smooth, progressive motion. The glider will resume normal forward ight without further input. Check you have forward ight again before using the brakes.
IMPORTANT: The pitching movement on exiting the B stall is small but necessary. We recommend you do not brake the glider until you are sure that the glider is ying properly again.
Deep Stall / Parachutal stall
It is possible for gliders to enter a state of parachutal stall. This can be caused by several situations including; a very slow release from a B-line stall; ying the glider when wet; or after a front/symmetric deation. The glider often looks as though it has recovered properly but carries on de­scending vertically without full forward motion. This situation is called ‘deep stall’ or ‘parachutal stall’.
It is unlikely to happen on any Ozone glider, but should it happen, your rst reaction should be to fully raise both brakes. This normally allows the glider to return to normal ight. If nothing happens after a few seconds, reach up and push the A-risers forwards or better still, apply the speed bar to regain normal ight.
Ensure the glider has returned to normal ight (check your airspeed) before using the brakes again.
IMPORTANT: Only a few cms of brake input can maintain the wing in a parachutal stall. Always release your wraps if you have taken them!
IMPORTANT: Never y in rain or with a wet wing, this will signicantly increase the likelihood of parachutal stall. If you are accidently caught-out in a rain shower then land immediately. DO NOT use big ears as a descent technique; big ears with a wet wing will further increase the chances of a parachutal stall occurring. Instead, lose height with gentle 360’s and make sure to consider your air speed during nal approach, use a small amount of speed bar if necessary.
If the tip of your wing gets stuck in the lines, this is known as a ‘cravat’. Cravats will make your glider enter a spiral dive that may be difcult to con­trol unless preventative action is taken. The rst course of action to recover from a cravat is to maintain directional control. Stop the wing from entering a spiral by using a combination of weightshift and brake to the opposite side of the cravat. Be careful with any large brake inputs or you may stall part or all of the wing, in the case of a large cravat it may be necessary to allow the wing to remain in a controlled 360 to avoid stalling. Once you have directional control, take hold of the stabilo line (red line on the C riser) and pull until you feel it come under tension, keep pulling tension until the wing tip frees itself.
If this does not work, taking the wing to the point of stall with a deep action on the brake (symmetrically or asymmetrically) is another option. The high angle of attack can reduce the tension in the trapped area and free the cra­vat. Be carefull to not accidentally spin or stall the glider whilst doing this.
Using the above methods will clear 95% of cravats. If these methods have not been successful or for very stubborn or large cravats it may be neces­sary to perform a full stall. Full stalls should only be attempted with plenty of altitude and only if you know how to do them properly.
If the cravated rotation accelerates and you are unable to control it by coun­ter steering, you should use throw reserve parachute whilst you still have enough altitude.
IMPORTANT: A bad preparation on launch, aerobatic ying, ying a wing of too high a level or in conditions too strong for your ability, are the main causes of cravats.
The Mojo4 has been designed as an intermediate XC wing and is not in­tended for aerobatic manoeuvres.
It is possible to perform SIV with this glider without the addition of extra col­lapse lines. SIV manoeuvres must be performed above water, under expert tuition and with the necessary safety requirements in place.
The Mojo4 may be tow-launched. It is the pilot’s responsibility to use suit­able harness attachments and release mechanisms and to ensure that they are correctly trained on the equipment and system employed. All tow pilots should be qualied to tow, use a qualied tow operator with proper, certi­ed equipment, and make sure all towing regulations are observed. When towing you must be certain that the paraglider is completely over your head before you start. In each case the maximum tow force needs to correspond to the body weight of the pilot.
Step 1 Lay mushroomed wing on the ground or the Saucisse pack. It is best to start from the mushroomed position as this reduces the dragging of the leading edge across the ground.
Step 2 Group Leading Edge (LE) plastic rein­forcements with the A tabs roughly aligned, make sure the plas- tic reinforcements lay side by side.
Step 3 Strap LE...Note the glider is NOT folded in half; it is folded with a complete concertina from tip to tip. It is really impor­tant to not stress the middle cell or bend the plastic too tightly.
To prolong the life of your wing and to keep the plastic reinforcements in the best possible condition it is very important to pack the wing carefully.
Ozone strongly recommends to use the concertina packing method exactly as shown so that all of the cells rest alongside each other and the plastic reinforcements are not unnecessarily bent. Using the Ozone Saucisse pack will help preserve the life of the wing and aid with the speed and ease of packing.
Step 4 Group together the middle/trail­ing edge of the wing by sorting the folds near the B, C and D tabs.
If using a Saucisse pack go to Step 8
Step 5 Once the LE and rear of the wing
have been sorted, turn the whole wing on its side.
Step 6 Fold the wing with 3 or 4 folds whilst being careful to not crush the LE
Step 7 Now place the folded wing into the stuff sack.
Step 8. If using the Saucisse Pack carefully do it up without trapping any material.
Step 9. Turn the Saucisse on its side and make the rst fold just after the LE reinforcements. Do not fold the plastic rein­forcements, use 3 or 4 folds around the LE.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT lay the wing at on the ground before packing the glider, this will cause abrasion damage to the top surface as you pull the glider towards the middle. ALWAYS pack from a mushroom or lift the wing off the ground when gathering the wing and grouping the leading edge.
Important: Do not fold the glider in the centre, you will bend the plastics, instead pack the wing with a full concer­tina method from tip to tip before packing into the stuff sac.
Take care that no insects get packed away with the wing. They may eat the cloth and make holes in a bid to escape. They can also leave acidic depos­its if they die and decompose.
IMPORTANT: Never pack away or store your glider wet.
Any kind of wiping/scratching can damage the coating of the cloth. We recommend for cleaning to use a soft cloth dampened only with water and to use gentle movements little by little across the surface.
IMPORTANT: Never use detergent or chemical cleaners.
Wing Repairs
Amateur repairs often do more harm than good. Always let a registered dealer or the manufacturer carry out major glider repairs.
If you damage the sail:
If the rip is small, you can x it yourself. You’ll nd all the materials you need in the supplied repair kit. The fabric can be simply mended with the sticky rip stop/spinnaker tape.
When cutting out the patch remember to allow ample overlap around the tear and round the corners of the patch.
You can nd more information about repairing your wing on the Ozone website, including step by step instructions with pictures.
If you damage a line:
Any line that is damaged should be replaced. It is important that the replacement line is from the same material, has the same strength and the same length. You can check its length against its counterpart on the other side of the wing, to make sure that it is symmetrical. Once the line has been replaced, inate and check the glider before ying. If you do not have ac­cess to an Ozone dealer you can order individual lines at www.yozone.com
Caring Tips
Careless ground handling damages many paragliders. Here are some things to avoid in order to prolong the life of your aircraft:
• DO NOT drag your wing along the ground to another take-off position ­this damages the sailcloth. Lift it up and carry it.
• DO NOT try to open your wing in strong winds without untangling the lines rst - this puts unnecessary strain on the lines.
• DO NOT walk on the wing or lines.
• DO NOT repeatedly inate the glider and then allow it to crash back down. Try to keep this movement as smooth as possible by moving towards the glider as it comes down.
• DO NOT slam your glider down on the ground leading edge rst! This im­pact puts great strain on the wing and stitching and can even explode cells.
• FLYING in salty air, in areas with abrasive surfaces (sand, rocks etc.) and ground handling in strong winds will accelerate the aging process.
• If you y with a wrap, you should regularly undo the twisting that appears on the main brake lines. By twisting the line become shorter and you can end up with a constant tension on the trailing edge which can lead to prob­lem on launch, stalling, glider not ying symmetrically etc.
• Change your main brake lines if they become damaged.
It is recommended that you regularly CHECK your wing, especially after a heavy period of use, after an incident or after a long period of storage.
Always store all your ying equipment in a dry room, protected from the direct heat.
Your wing should be dry before being packed away. Moisture, heat and humidity are the worst elements for damaging your glider. (Storing a damp glider in your car under the sun would be terrible for example).
If you land in the salt water, you must clean it with fresh water rst and then dry it. Dry your wing preferably out of the sun, in the wind. Never use a hair dryer, etc.
Strength of the lines - An upper, middle and lower A line, along with a lower B and a lower C (and lower D if applicable) line should be tested for strength. Each line is tested to breaking point and the value recorded. The minimum value is 8 G for all lower A+B lines and 6 G for all lower remaining lines, calculated from the maximum certied ying weight of the glider. The added minimum strength for the middle lines and for the top lines should be the same. If the breaking strength is too close to the minimum value calcu­lated, the professional should give a period after which you will have to test the strength of the lines again.
Lengths of the lines - The overall length (riser lines + mid lines + upper lines) has to be checked under 5Kgs of tension. The difference between the measured length and the original length should not exceed +/- 10mm.
The changes that could appear are a slight shrink on the C or Ds and/or a slight stretch on the A, B. The consequences of these changes can include a slower trim speed, difcult ination etc.
Full check - A full visual check should be carried out: All the components of the wing (stitching, ribs, diagonals, lines, tabs, ...) should be checked for signs of detoriation.
Finally, a ight test that conrms that the wing behaves normally should be carried out by the professional.
IMPORTANT: Take care of your glider and make sure you have it checked according to the above schedule: This will ensure you hours of safe ying.
Your wing, like a car, should be technically checked to ensure proper airworthiness.
Your wing should be checked by a qualied professional for the rst time after 24 months, or after 100 hours. However, if you are a frequent yer (more than 80 hrs per year), then we recommend, that you get your glider checked annually.
The checker should inform you about the condition of your glider and if some parts will need to be checked or changed before the next normal service check period.
The sail and the lines do not age in the same way or at the same rate; it is possible that you may have to change part or all of the lines during the wing’s life. For this reason it is important to do regular inspections so that you know the exact condition of all of the components of your glider. We recommend that inspections are carried out by a qualied professional.
You alone are responsible for your ying kit and your safety depends on it. Take care of your equipment and have it regularly inspected. Changes in ination/ground handling/ying behaviour indicates the gliders aging, if you notice any changes you should have the wing checked before ying again.
These are the basic elements of the check up (full details and permissable gures can be found on our website):
Porosity is measured with a porosity meter, the time taken by a certain vol­ume of air to go through a certain surface of the cloth. The time in seconds is the result. A measurement is done in a several places on the top surface along the span of the glider behind the leading edge.
The tearing resistance of the cloth - A non-destructive test following the TS­108 standard which species minimum tear strength for sky diving canopies should be made using a Bettsometer. (B.M.A.A. Approved Patent No. GB 2270768 Clive Betts Sails)
Safety is paramount in our sport. To be safe, we must be trained, practised and alert to the dangers around us. To achieve this we must y as regularly as we can, ground handle as much as possible and take a continuous inter­est in the weather. We must never stop learning. If you are lacking in any of these areas you will be exposing yourself to more danger than is necessary.
Every year many pilots get hurt launching; do not be one of them. Launch­ing is the time that you are most exposed to danger so practice continu­ously. Some launch sites are small and difcult and conditions aren’t always perfect. If you’re good at ground handling you’ll be able to condently and safely launch whilst others struggle. Practice as much as you can. You’ll be less likely to get hurt and more likely to have a great day’s ying.
Finally, RESPECT the weather, it has more power than we can ever imagine. Understand what conditions are right for your level of ying and stay within that window.
Happy ying & enjoy your Mojo4. Team Ozone
Your Ozone Mojo4 was designed and trimmed to give the optimum balance of performance, handling and safety. Any modication means the glider loses its certication and will also probably be more difcult and dangerous to y.
Ozone strongly recommend to not modify your glider in any way.
At Ozone we take the quality of our products very seriously, all our gliders are made to the highest standards in our own manufacturing facility. Every glider manufactured goes through a stringent series of quality control procedures and all the components used to build your wing are traceable. We always welcome customer feedback and are committed to customer service. We will always undertake to x problems not caused by general wear and tear or inappropriate use. If you have a problem with your glider please contact your dealer/distributor who will be able to decide upon the most appropriate action. If you are unable to contact your dealer then you can contact us directly at info@yozone.com.
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