Ozeri Gravity Pro OZG8 User Manual

FOLDRite™ Template Master: AC-7 Reverse Accordion [Side A]
Front Cover Front Spread Left Front Spread Right
Installing the Batteries
Note: While holding the Storage Chamber still with one hand,
remove th e Outer Shell by t wisting it cloc kwise with you r
other hand. Twist a pprox 0. 5 inch to release . Do not attempt to
unscrew. Insert 4 AA batteries into the Battery Compartment,
Note: If a er installing new bat teries the Graviti Pro fa ils to
automa tically acti vate when inverted, pres s the Lock/Unlock
Button locate d at the bottom of th e Outer Shell to unlock
the device.
Pepper grinder shown throughout for illustration purposes.
Same instructions apply to the salt grinder.
Gravi ti Pro
Electr ic Grinder
Model # : OZ G8 User G uide
Hold Storage Chamber firmly
Twist Outer Shell clockwise
LED Light
Grain Adjustor
Outer Shell
Lock/Unlock Button
(enables / disables automatic dispensing)
Battery Housing
(4 AA Batteries)
Storage Chamber
(detaches from Battery Housing)
Top Lid
Storage Chamber detaches from Battery Housing
Congratulations on your purch ase of the Ozeri G raviti Pro
Electric Grinder. Your Graviti Pro is designed for one-handed
operation and automatically activates when inverted for
dispensing of your ground seasonings. The Graviti Pro has
a top-mounted grind adjustor that allows for adjustments
without accidental dispensing and a convenient transparent
storage container for your fresh salt and peppercorn. Your
Graviti Pro Electric Grinder consists of the following parts:
FOLDRite™ Template Master: AC-7 Reverse Accordion [Side B]
Back Cover Back Spread Left Back Spread Right
Filling your Gravit i Pro Electr ic Grinder
To fill your Graviti Pro Electric Grinder, first disable automatic
dispensing by engaging the Lock/Unlock button located at
the bot tom of the O uter Shell. Ae r turning off auto matic
dispensing, remove the Outer Shell by following the previ-
ously illustr ated instruc tions. Inver t the Graviti Pro s o that
the Battery Compartment is on top of the Chamber Housing.
Then separate the Battery Compartment from the Storage
Chamber by gently pulling them apart:
Usi ng you r Gr avi ti Pro E lectr ic Grin der
To use your Gr aviti Pro El ectric Gri nder, remove the Top Lid
and sim ply inver t or flip Gravit i Pro for automatic d ispensing of
salt or p epper. Wh en acti vated, the Graviti Pro’s LED l ight wil l
also turn on to illuminate the dispensing.
Note: If a er installing new bat teries the Graviti Pro fa ils to
automa tically acti vate when inverted, pres s the Lock/Unlock
Button locate d at the bottom of th e Outer Shell to unlock th e
Aer filling the Storage Chamber, re-attach the Battery Hous-
ing tak ing care to ensure that th e wire loo ps from the Batte ry
Housing are aligned with the 2 screws on the Storage Cham-
ber. Then re-attached the Outer Shell and enable automatic
dispensing by pushing the Unlock/Lock Button.
Car ing for y our G rav iti Pr o Elect ric Gr inde r
If your G raviti Pr o Elect ric Gri nder jams dur ing use, it may be due to an excess of salt or pep percorns in th e grinder. Try shaking the unit to clear the grinder. To clean this device, sim­ply wip e with a cle an damp cloth an d allow it to dry naturally. Do not use abrasi ve cleaners and do not imm erse in water or liqui ds. Thi s product is for i ndoor household use only. Keep this unit away from d ust and oil. Th is unit is n ot a toy. Keep away from childre n.
Ozeri Warrant y
Your Ozeri Graviti Pro Electric Grinder is warranted to the original owner for 1 year from the date of purchase against defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service. Should your Ozeri Graviti Pro Electric Grinder prove defec tive wit hin 1 year f rom the date of purch ase, return the defective part or unit, freight prepaid along with an explana­tion of th e claim to Ozeri. P lease pack carefully to avoid dam ­ages in transit. Under this warranty, Ozeri will repair or replace any par ts found to be defe ctive due to a man ufacturer’s defect. This warranty extends only to personal use and does not extend to any product that has been used for commercial use, ren tal use, or use which is not intend ed. The re are no warranties other than that expressly set forth herein. This war­ranty is not transferable. Ozeri is not responsible in any way for damages, losses or inconveniences caused by equipment failure or by user negligence, abuse, or use not in accordance with the “User Guide” or any additional safety, use, or warn­ings included in the product materials. Further, Ozeri is not liable for incidental or consequential damages of any nature result ing from t he use of this product an d any liability shall not exceed th e purchase pri ce of the produc t. This Warranty gives you specific leg al rights. You may a lso have ot her rig hts which vary fr om state to s tate.
-Damage due to accident, misuse, abuse, alterations or vandalism.
-Improper or inadequate maintenance.
-Unauthorized modification or commercial use.
-Damage in return transit.
-Unsupervised use by children under 18 years of age.  Ozeri Customer Service: Email: support@ozeri.com Phone: 1-877-299-1296
4 5 6
Model # : OZ G8 User G uide
Copyright 2014
Store Standing Up on Flat S ide
Remove Top Lid
Before Use
Flip / Inve rt
for Automatic
Adjust t he Grind
to your Liking
(Tigh ten Screw
for a finer g rain,
loosen s crew for
more coarseness)
Outer Shell
Flip so th e
Batter y Housing is on top
Separ ate Battery
Housing from
Storage Chamber
Salt or