OXTS GPS-Base, GPS-Base-2G, GPS-Base-2 User Manual

Confidently. Accurately.
User Manual
GNSS-aided inertial
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GPS-Base Manual
Revision: 180928
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The GPS-Base includes a radio modem specified at the time of manufacture, and needs to be configured by the NAVbase software for the specific radio. The exact use of the radio differs between regions and countries. The user of a GPS-Base must ensure the device is not operated in any way without the permission of the local authorities on frequencies; other than those specifically reserved and intended for use without a specific permit. OxTS or its distributors are not responsible in any way for any claims or penalties arising from the operation of its equipment with radio in ways contradictory to local regulations and/or requirements and/or laws.
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Document Revision: 180928.
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GPS-Base Manual
Revision: 180928
Table of contents
Common abbreviations ..............................................................................................................7
Introduction ................................................................................................................................8
How do base stations work?...............................................................................................8
Transmitting the corrections.............................................................................................10
Correction types................................................................................................................11
Transmission frequency....................................................................................................11
File logging.......................................................................................................................12
Scope of delivery......................................................................................................................13
Conformance notices ...............................................................................................................15
Regulatory testing standards ............................................................................................15
Process of setting up the GPS-Base: ................................................................................16
General precautions ..........................................................................................................16
Selecting a suitable antenna location, and setting up the tripod......................................16
Setting up the tripod and antenna.....................................................................................17
Connecting the GNSS antenna and radio modem cables................................................18
Powering up and monitoring the GPS-Base ....................................................................19
Communicating with the product ................................. ...........................................................22
The N AVbase interface............................................................................................................23
Product Selection..............................................................................................................23
Remember port selection ..........................................................................................24
Averaging time..........................................................................................................25
Restore position from file .........................................................................................26
Enter antenna position...............................................................................................26
Leave unchanged ......................................................................................................26
Status .........................................................................................................................27
Latitude, longitude, altitude......................................................................................28
Base Station ID .........................................................................................................28
Logging Novatel binary............................................................................................28
Logging RTCMv3.....................................................................................................29
Save position to file...................................................................................................29
Save position to GPS-Base .......................................................................................29
Save setting to GPS-Base .........................................................................................29
Start logging..............................................................................................................30
LED status................................................................................................................................31
Hardware LED descriptions ..............................................................................................20
SATEL radio status .......................................................................................................... 31
Freewave radio status ...................................................................................................... 31
Differential correction message format .................................................................................. 33
Message output and frequency:....................................................................................... 33
Repeatability............................................................................................................................ 35
Index ........................................................................................................................................38
GPS-Base Manual
Revision: 180928
Common abbreviations
AB Dynamics Anthony Best Dynamics CAN Controller Area Network CEP Circular Error Probability CPU Central Processing Unit DGPS Differential Global Positioning System ECCN Export Control Classification Number EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service FTP File Transfer Protocol GAGAN GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation GLONASS GLObal NAvigation Satellite System GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System GPS Global Positioning System IMU Inertial Measurement Unit INS Inertial Navigation System LED Light Emitting Diode MFDD Mean Fully Developed Deceleration MSAS MTSAT Satellite Augmentation System NMEA National Marine Electronics Association NTRIP Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol PPS Pulse(s) Per Second RD
aw Data (an OxTS file format) RINEX Receiver INdependent EXchange format RTK Real-Time Kinematics SBAS Satellite Based Augmentation System SDCM System for Differential Corrections and Monitoring SPS Standard Positioning Service TCP Transmission Control Protocol TNC Threaded Neill-Concelman TTFF Time To First Fix TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic UDP User Datagram Protocol VUT Vehicle Under Test WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System WGS 84 World Geodetic System 1984 WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
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How do base stations work?
A base station significantly increases the position accuracy of mobile GNSS receivers by sending them corrections. The base station does this by independently identifying the errors affecting the signal from each GNSS satellite it can see. Information about those errors is then broadcast via radio modem or something similar. Other GNSS receivers in the area—which are also connected to similar radio modems—receive the correction information and take it into account when calculating their own position measurements. Removing the errors results in more accurate position estimates.
A base station identifies the errors affecting GNSS signals in one of two ways. If the base station is placed at a precisely surveyed location, it calculates a GNSS position measurement in the normal way, then compares that calculated position to the known location. If the position measurements match exactly, no correction is required. If there is a difference however, the base station calculates the length of time each satellite signal would need to be delayed by, in order to cause the difference between the surveyed location and the GNSS measurement being produced.
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The GPS-Base is a highly-portable GPS base station that transmits differential corrections to one or more differential enabled GNSS receivers via radio modem. The position accuracy of differential and RTK GNSS receivers is improved when using the GPS-Base. The GPS-Base is available with several different radio options. Different radios are required for license free operation in different countries.
Four models of the GPS-Base exist, as listed in Table 1. All models are identical in their operation but are able to track different satellite signals.
Table 1. GPS-Base models
Measurement/Accuracy potential
a. Note: The maximum positioning accuracy is determined by the GNSS hardware in the mobile
GPS-Base-2 L1/L2 GPS corrections suitable for positioning down to 1 cm accuracy
GPS-Base-2G L1/L2 GPS and L1/L2 GLONASS corrections suitable for positioning down to
1 cm accuracy
GPS-Base Manual
Revision: 180928
Alternatively, if the base station is not placed at an accurately surveyed location, the only way for it to estimate the errors is to measure its own position as accurately as possible. It does this by averaging the GNSS measurements over a period of time before settling on one location. It then compares all further measurements to that chosen location in order to identify the errors in the same way as before.
In both cases the base station calculates the errors affecting the signal from each satellite it can see, and shares that information with other GNSS receivers in the local area. This is normally achieved using radio modems or via an optional Wi-Fi system. A transmitter connected to the base station broadcasts corrections, and each GNSS receiver has a modem attached to it that listens for those corrections.
For RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) carrier-phase measurements, the principle is the same, but the remote GNSS receiver also has to figure out the difference in the number of carrier-phase cycles between the GPS-Base and itself. To do this, the GPS-Base measures the carrier-phase of the signals from each satellite and transmits it to the remote system.
Figure 1.
Differential GNSS overview
The base station is either placed at a precisely known location or left to average its position over time. It can then estimate the errors affecting each satellite it is tracking and broadcast information about those errors using radio modems. Nearby GNSS receivers use radio modems to listen for corrections, and apply them to the signals from the common satellites, reducing the errors in their own position calculations.
Differential GNSS can work in real-time applications because the errors affecting each satellite vary slowly and predictably. The mobile GNSS receiver in the vehicle uses a model to predict the error from each satellite. It can update its model when the radio link transmits
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new data. It is not necessary for the mobile GNSS receiver to wait until the radio has transmitted the correction before outputting its latest value. Depending on the GNSS receiver in your INS, pseudo-range differential GNSS corrections can be up to 60 seconds old, and RTK corrections can be up to 30 seconds old.
Transmitting the corrections
Each new GPS-Base is supplied with a pair of radio modems suitable for use in the country specified when ordered. Typically, these radio modems have a range of 2–5 km line-of-sight. However, trees, buildings, hills and other obstructions will limit the range that can be achieved. Table 2 shows the different radios that can be supplied with the GPS-Base.
Please note that the use of the frequency bands 403–473 MHz is not harmonised across Europe. Please contact OxTS if you require further details on the specific frequency band and power settings for the radios supplied with your GPS-Base, and in which countries they can be used.
While the GPS-Base will work seamlessly with our own GNSS-aided INS products, it is not limited to them in any way. The GPS-Base can also serve as a general base station for other products. To help achieve this, the GPS-Base transmits corrections inthree common formats:
Table 2. Overview of different radios
Radio Specification
SATEL SATELLINE-EASy (with display) 403–473 MHz
Up to 1 W, typically 5 km. License free bands available for many European countries. Radio will typically cover eight bands with 25 kHz channel spacing, except for SATEL Easy radios, which have a much wider range of configurable frequency
SATEL SATELLINE-EASy (with display) 869 MHz
Up t o 500 mW, typi call y 2 km . Lic ense f ree a cros s most of Eu ropean Union. When using a radio in the 869 MHz band in countries or regions where ETSI EN 300 220-1 is mandated, the option "Limit output corrections message rate (ETSI EN 300 220-1)" must be selected in NAVbase
FreeWave FGR2-900 MHz Up to 1 W, typically >10 km. License free in USA, Brazil, Canada
GPS-Base Manual
Revision: 180928
Correction types
The GPS-Base can transmit differential corrections in one of three different formats as shown in Table 3. The output type should match one supported by the mobile receiver.
Transmission frequency
The rate at which each message type is broadcast is listed in the tables below. The limited frequency is automatically selected when the Limit output corrections option is selected in NAVbase.
Table 3.
Differential correction formats supported by the
Format Purpose
RTCA The RTCA format is suitable for GPS differential corrections but is not suitable for
RTCA2 The RTCA2 format is suitable for GPS and GLONASS differential corrections
RTCMv3 The RTCMv3 format is suitable for GPS and GLONASS differential corrections
Table 4.
RTCA message output
a. Used when the Limit output corrections message rate (ETSI EN 300 220-1) option is enabled.
RTCAOBS (L1/L2 pseudo-range and carrier-phase) 1 Hz 0.25 Hz
RTCAREF (base station position) 0.2 Hz 0.2 Hz
RTCA1 (pseudo-range corrections) 1 Hz 0.25 Hz
Table 5.
RTCAv2 message output
a. Used when the Limit output corrections message rate (ETSI EN 300 220-1) option is enabled.
RTCAOBS2 (L1/L2 GNSS+GLONASS pseudo-range and carrier-phase)
1 Hz 0.25 Hz
RTCAREF (base station position) 0.2 Hz 0.1 Hz
RTCA1 (pseudo-range corrections) 1 Hz 1 Hz
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File logging
As well as broadcasting differential corrections, the NAVbase software can log correction data to the hard disk of the PC when connected. Files can be logged in Novatel binary and RTCMv3 format.
Table 6.
RTCMv3 message output
Standard update
Limited update
a. Used when the Limit output corrections message rate (ETSI EN 300 220-1) option is enabled.
RTCM1004 (extended L1/L2 GNSS pseudo-range and carrier-phase)
1 Hz 0.25 Hz
RTCM1012 (extended L1/L2 GLONASS pseudo-range and carrier-phase)
1 Hz 0.25 Hz
RTCM1005 (base station antenna position) 0.2 Hz 0.14 Hz
RTCM1007 (extended antenna descriptor and set-up information). The base station firmware always configures the base stati
on antenna as a Novatel GNSS Antenna
0.1 Hz 0.1 Hz
RTCM1033 (base station and antenna descriptor) 0.1 Hz 0.1 Hz
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