Oxford Instruments W2CBW003 User Manual

Jeff Jefferson, General Manager
Tubney Woods, TBD
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
X-MET8000 Series User Manual

X-MET8000 Series Supervisor’s Guide

Users And Security

It is possible to quickly change between users. This allows the supervisor to check which methods and menu items the operator can access.

Set Passwords

Follow these steps to change the password.
1. Do one of the following:
Navigate: Menu > Settings > User Setup
Navigate: Status Bar > User
The User Setup screen appears.
2. Tap Edit (pencil) next to Operator or Supervisor, as applicable.
3. Use the numeric keypad to type the new password, and then tap Done.
A Warning dialog box appears.
4. Do one of the following:
Tap OK to confirm the new password.
Tap Cancel to discard the new password.
The User Setup screen appears.
5. Tap Done once or twice to return to the main screen.

Switch User

Follow these steps to change the password.
1. Do one of the following:
Navigate: Menu > Settings > User Setup
Navigate: Status Bar > User
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
2. Tap the Operator or Supervisor tick box, as applicable.
3. Do one of the following:
If the switch is to an Operator, tap Done once or twice to return to the main screen.
If the switch is to a Supervisor, type the password, and then tap Done. Tap Done once or twice
again to return to the main screen.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual

Advanced Use

The X-MET8000 series is applicable to many different types of measurement. Some applications, for example Positive Material Identification, require more careful sample preparation and measurement techniques. The X-MET8000 series assists these applications because it is possible to include additional information about the sample or the measurement conditions, for example density and thickness, or GPS information from an external receiver. It is then possible to create a report about the measurements.

Sample Preparation

Careful sample preparation gives accurate results. Use this information to prepare the different samples, and follow the guidelines for measurement times.

Prepare Metal Samples

Metals are usually homogeneous, and the results are an accurate representation of the metal. It is necessary to remove any coating or paint and measure it separately, so that it does not affect the results.
Measurement times from 2 s give good results, however light elements require between 5 s and 10 s. Positive Material Identification requires at least a 15 s measurement time, and 30 s is preferable.

Prepare Plastic Samples

The manufacture of plastics uses many metals, for example titanium, lead, cadmium, zinc, iron, bromine.
Use a sample with a minimum thickness of 3 mm for accurate results. Samples with a minimum thickness of 1 mm can only give an indication of the composition. It is necessary to remove any coating or paint and measure it separately, so that it does not affect the results.
X-rays can penetrate a plastic sample and measure whatever is behind it. For example, a measurement of cable insulation can include the cable. Plastic samples also scatter X-rays. Use a background plate for accurate measurements and to reduce X-ray scatter.
Measurement times from 30 s give good results.

Prepare Soil Samples

For quick results, it is possible to measure soil samples on the ground. However, more accurate results require some preparation.
1. Remove any surface debris, for example leaves, grass and stones.
2. Use a 2 mm mesh to remove loose material if there is a lot of debris.
3. Loosen the soil to a depth of a few centimeters and stir to homogenize it.
4. Leave the loosened soil to dry for a few hours or dry it with absorbent paper.
5. Measure the sample on the ground, make sure that the X-MET8000 series is perpendicular to the
Measurement times from 30 s give good results.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual

Prepare Powders And Pellets

Powders and pellets are usually not homogeneous, and do not give good results. Make sure that they are dry, and then grind them. For accurate results, use a grain size less than 80 µm for Cu and Fe, and less than 20 µm for light elements. However, coarser grain sizes do give good results.
Measurement times from 30 s up to 5 min. can be necessary for good results.

Prepare Printed Circuit Boards And Electronic Components

Printed Circuit Boards are a complex, multi-layer structure with metals, resins, fiberglass and fire retardant chemicals. The result is an average of all the materials in the measurement area. It can be difficult to interpret because the X-ray penetration depth depends upon the layers of material. Therefore, the result is only an indication of the material composition.
It is better to measure individual electronic components in a sample cup. Measurement times from15 s give good results.

Prepare Solder Samples

To comply with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances directive (RoHS), solders must have a lead composition less than 1,000 ppm. The most common solder replacement is tin, silver, copper (Sn/Ag/Cu or SAC). Solder can also contain flux. For accurate results, the solder sample must be homogeneous and uniform.
If solder is measured on a printed circuit board, the board will also be in the measurement window. The result will average the composition of the solder and the board. An accurate RoHS analysis of the solder must measure it on its own, as an homogeneous and uniform sample.
Measurement times from 15 s are required to measure concentrations less than 1,000 ppm.

Prepare Samples For The Bench-top Stand

The bench-top stand is ideal for longer measurement times, which give more accurate results, for example for Positive Material Identification. Use a sample bag or sample cup, and carefully place it over the measurement window. Make sure that the lid is firmly closed, and then take the measurement.

Choose The Right Method

The method defines how the X-MET8000 series analyses the sample. The available methods depend upon the version of the X-MET8000 series.
The X-MET8000 includes ‘LE’ in some of the method names, for example Stainless LE, Alloy LE FP or Alloy LE Mode. The LE refers to ‘light elements’, and these methods can analyse alloys that include magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorous and sulfur.
The choice of method optimizes all the measurement parameters within the X-MET8000 series so that it can make the most accurate measurement for that particular type of sample. It also chooses a particular calibration to analyze the measurement.
Methods include:
Auto select modes
Empirical methods
Fundamental parameter methods
Auto select modes and fundamental parameter methods are available to an operator. Empirical methods are not available to an operator, because they can choose an auto select mode instead. All methods are available to a supervisor.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual

Auto Select Modes

Auto select modes have a ‘Mode’ suffix’, for example Alloy Mode, RoHS Mode. After an identification scan, the mode chooses the most applicable method to measure the sample with. It uses this order to choose a calibration:
1. Empirical methods
2. Fundamental parameter methods
3. A recalculation method
The supervisor can define the recalculation method. It is only used when a sample cannot be identified by any of the empirical or fundamental parameter calibrations.

Empirical Methods

Empirical methods are available for many alloy groups, for example: aluminum, cobalt, copper, nickel, low alloy steel, stainless steel, tool steel, solder tin and many more. They compare the unknown sample to a set of calibration curves and other parameters, and then calculate the concentrations of the elements. Measurements from a series of standards with known assay values create the calibration curves for the specific analyzer. The standards have different concentrations of a set of elements that span a range of concentrations.
Empirical methods are more accurate than fundamental parameter methods, but only when the unknown sample is within the range of concentrations. If an element in the unknown sample is outside the range of concentrations, a greater than, >, or less than, <, indicator appears next to the concentration. If this occurs, review the results and decide if another method is more applicable.

Fundamental Parameter Methods

Fundamental parameter methods are abbreviated to ‘FP’ and uses a complex mathematical analysis of X-ray fluorescence to calculate the concentrations of elements in the sample. It is less accurate than a similar empirical method, but it is accurate over a much wider range of element concentrations.
Alloy FP
Alloy LE FP
Metal FP
Precious FP
Use Alloy FP to analyze the common elements found in alloys. The concentration range for each element is from 0 % to 100 %.
Alloy LE FP is similar to Alloy FP, but also includes the light elements, for example Mg, Al and Si. The concentration range for each element is from 0 % to 100 %.
Use Metal FP to analyze the elements found in alloys and in particular hazardous elements, for example Pb, Cd, Hg and Br. The concentration range for each element is from 0 % to 100 %.
Use Drywall FP to analyze Sr content found in drywall.Drywall FP
Use Drywall LE FP to analyze S and Sr content found in drywall.Drywall LE FP
Use Wood FP to analyze Chromated Copper Arsenate(CCA) treated wood.Wood FP
Use Precious FP to analyze the elements found in alloys and in particular precious metals, for example Au, Ag, Pt. The concentration range for each element is from 0 % to 100 %.
Aluminum FP
Plastic FP
Use Aluminum FP to analyze the heavy elements found in aluminum alloys, for example Cr, Cu, Zn and Pb. But, do not use it to analyze light elements, for example Al and Si.
Use Plastic FP to analyze hazardous elements in plastics, for example Pb, Cd, Hg and Br.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
Use Soil FP to analyze heavy element concentrations in soil.Soil FP
Soil LE FP
Mining FP
Mining LE FP
Soil LE FP is similar to Soil FP, but also includes the light elements, for example Al and Si.
Use Mining FP to analyze the common elements found in mining, for example Ni, Cu, Zn and Sn.
Mining LE FP is similar to Mining FP, but also includes the light elements, for example Al, Si, S and P.
Mining HighS FP is similar to Mining FPMining MidS FP
Mining HighS FP is similar to Mining FPMining HighS FP

Analyze And Report Results

For RoHS and plastic samples, the density and thickness can affect the result. It is possible to add this information, and improve the measurement accuracy. However, it is necessary to add both thickness and density information to improve the results.
Occasionally, a measurement can produce a peculiar result, for example, a much higher concentration of a particular element. When this occurs, it is possible to view the spectrum for the result. This shows the raw sample information, with a series of peaks for each of the elements in the sample. It is then possible to add XRF lines to the spectrum, for each element in the sample. These lines can clearly show if a peak is associated with a particular element, or not.
An operator can make many measurements during a day. It is possible to record all necessary information about the sample and the measurement conditions, and include this as Additional Information. This will assist the measurement analysis when all the measurements are complete. The supervisor can define the required information. The operator will see the same information fields, and know that they must add this information. When all the measurements are complete, it is possible to connect the X-MET8000 series to a PC and create a report. This can include the density and thickness and any Additional Information. Refer to Operation With A PC on page 40 to create a report.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual

Add Density And Thickness

The density and thickness of the sample are important factors that affect the quality of a measurement. It is possible to record these values with the sample results. Follow these steps to add density and thickness information. It is necessary to add both to improve the measurement accuracy.
1. Navigate: Menu > Sample Name > Set Thickness &Density .
The Sample Thickness & Density screen appears.
2. Tap the ON tick box.
The Sample Thickness & Density screen changes.
3. Do one of the following:
Tap Sample Thickness
Tap Sample Density
4. Use the numeric keypad to type the value, and then tap Done to return to the Sample Thickness
& Density screen.
5. Tap Done twice again to return to the main screen.

Add An Item To Additional Information

It is possible to add Additional Information about the sample. The measurement result can include this information. The supervisor can add items for an operator to use and add details to, when they make measurements. The detail for the item could be a prompt to assist the operator.
These are some examples of Additional Information:
The name of the operator.
The sample condition: wet or dry, fine or coarse.
Notes about the sample preparation: paint or coating removal; use of a sample cup or the
background plate.
Follow these steps to add an item to Additional Information, and then add a detail to the new item.
Add a new item.
1. Navigate: Menu > Sample Name .
The Sample Information screen appears.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
2. Tap: Tools > Add or Remove .
The Add Or Remove Additional Info screen appears.
3. Tap: Tools > Add New Item .
The Add Or Remove Additional Info screen has a new, blank item.
4. Tap Edit (pencil) next to the new item.
The Modify - screen appears.
5. Tap the blank item box.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
6. Use the virtual keyboard to type the name for the new item, and then tap Done to return to the
Modify - screen.
Add a detail to the new item.
7. Tap: Tools > Add New Detail .
A new, blank detail appears on the Modify - screen.
8. Tap Edit next to the new detail.
9. Use the virtual keyboard to type the new detail, and then tap Done to return to the Modify - screen.
10. Tap the new detail box to select it, and then tap Done to return to the Add Or Remove Additional
Info screen.
11. Tap Done again to return to the Sample Information screen.
The Sample Information screen includes the new item, with its detail.
12. Tap the new item box to select it, and then tap Done to return to the main screen.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual

Edit Detail For An Item Of Additional Information

It is possible to add Additional Information about the sample. The supervisor can add items for an operator to use when they make measurements. The operator must edit the details, and make sure that both the item and the detail for the item are selected.
Follow these steps to edit the details for an item of Additional Information that already exists.
1. Navigate: Menu > Sample Name .
The Sample Information screen appears, with one or more items of Additional Information.
2. Tap Edit (pencil) next to the item of Additional Information.
The Modify - screen appears.
3. Tap Edit next to the detail.
4. Use the virtual keyboard to type the new value for the detail, and then tap Done to return to the
Modify - screen.
5. Make sure that the details box is selected, and if necessary, tap it to select it. Then tap Done.
The Sample Information screen shows the changes to the item of Additional Information.
6. Make sure that the item of Additional Information is selected, and if necessary, tap it to select it.
Then tap Done to return to the main screen.

View The Spectra

It is possible to view the X-ray spectrum for a result. This can confirm if an element does have the concentration shown in the results. It is possible to zoom into the spectrum, and also show the X-ray fluorescence lines for selected elements.
It is possible for a single result to have more than one spectrum. This is often the case for the X-MET7500 when it measures light elements. Different measurement conditions produce the spectra, for example, different excitation voltages. The individual spectra are shown on the same graph in different colours. It is possible to scroll between the measurement conditions for the spectra.
It is possible to view the spectrum for all results, from the Results screen and the History Results screen.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
Follow these steps to view the spectrum, when a result is visible.
Access spectrum
1. From the Results screen, the History Results screen or the Test Measurement screen, tap: Tools
> Show Spectra .
The Spectrum screen appears.
2. If there is more than one spectrum, tap the small black arrow at the bottom of the screen on the
left or right.
The Spectrum screen changes to show the other measurement conditions, and its spectrum is put in front.
Zoom Into The Spectrum
3. Tap Tools.
The Spectrum screen Tools menu appears.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
4. Tap one of the Zoom with tap options.
Choose Both axes to be able to zoom into a small peak.
Choose X-axis to show each peak relative to the main peak.
5. Tap one of the peaks to zoom into it. Tap it successively to zoom into it again.
A cursor line appears on the spectrum, and moves to where the tap occurred.
The energy at the cursor appears underneath the spectrum.
Press and slide the spectrum to left or right to find the peaks.
6. Tap: Tools > Fit to Window to return to the whole spectrum.
Add XRF Lines To The Spectrum
7. Tap: Tools > XRF Line Display .
The Select Elements screen appears.
8. Tap an element symbol to select it.
Press and slide, or flick the list to scroll up and down to find an element.
Refer to: Select Elements on page 114 to sort and search the element list.
9. Tap Done to return to the Spectrum screen.
The spectrum now includes the XRF lines for the selected elements.
10. Tap Done to return to the Results screen.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual

Select Elements

Follow these steps to select elements, when the Select Elements screen appears.
1. Tap Tools to sort and search the element list.
The Select Elements screen Tools menu appears.
2. Tap Search
The Add Elements - Search screen appears, with the virtual keyboard.
3. Type the first letter of the element.
Elements with that first letter in the name or symbol appear.
4. If necessary, type a second letter, or tap the required element if it is visible.
The Select Elements screen appears, with the element selected.
Repeat these steps to add all elements.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
5. If necessary, tap Clear all the selections to clear the element selection.

Save The Spectra

Follow these steps to save the spectra to TXT files on a USB memory device.
1. Open the connector cover underneath the display to access the external connections.
2. Plug a USB memory device into the USB A connector.
3. From the Results screen, the History Results screen or the Test Measurement screen, tap: Tools
> Show Spectra .
The Spectrum screen appears.
4. Tap: Tools > Save Spectra to USB Memory .
The spectra are each saved to its own TXT file on the USB memory device.
5. Tap Done to return to the Results screen.

Modify The Results Screen

The X-MET8000 series has powerful features to show results. As well as Normal for single measurements and Average for batch measurements, a supervisor can create a custom Results screen format. These can include:
A specific set of elements.
The information shown for each element.
High and low limits for each element, with optional colour coding and an alarm message.
Alarm messages for combinations of element limits.
Results screen formats do not change the XRF analysis. It is possible to switch from a custom format with a restricted set of elements to Normal to see the full set of results. Custom formats are ideal for repetitive analysis and production environments. These can allow an operator to quickly determine whether a measurement meets specification (pass or fail), or whether a confirmation measurement is necessary.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
When analysing metals, the results are compared to the comprehensive grade table, and all Results screen formats include grade information. The grade table uses AISI, other available grade tables include DIN, JIS and Au Karat grades. The supervisor can edit grades, and can add new grades. For example, a supervisor can use a custom grade to indicate a successful match to a specific set of criteria. In production environments, a successful match could indicate a pass, and in a RoHS environment it could indicate a safe sample.
The grade table is selected in the result view settings and should be selected according to the method. A supervisor would need to instruct an operator to use a specific method or choice of methods, with a specific Results screen format. This combination of method and Results screen format would allow an operator to quickly assess samples, and derive the necessary results.

About Results Screen Formats

A supervisor can create a custom Results screen format. This is limited to a specific set of elements, and only those elements appear on the Results screen. The supervisor can choose the elements to include in the screen format. This does not, however, affect the actual measurement, but only how the results from the measurement are shown. If a chosen element is not included in a particular method, the result for that element is not applicable, and the screen shows ‘N/A’.
The supervisor can choose what information about the elements to include on the Results screen, such as the concentration unit and displayed columns. The units to show element concentrations and a choice of Results screen columns.
Each element selected for the screen format can have an optional low limit or a high limit or both. If the result is less than the low limit, or greater than the high limit, then it trips that limit. When a measurement trips a limit, the screen shows this with a choice of colour or an alarm message or both. The available colours are from the simple traffic light system: green, orange and red. The supervisor can define the text of the alarm message. Limits are always a percentage value, even when the Results screen shows the value in parts per million.
One of the parameters to set is a +/- Coefficient, for the standard deviation. It adjusts the limits to account for the spread of measurements. The +/- Coefficient is typically an integer between 0 and 5, and has the effect of reducing the low alarm limit, and increasing the high alarm limit.
In addition to the alarm for each individual element, the supervisor can set one or more additional alarms that use combinations of the element limits. A combination alarm can use one or more of the limits set for individual elements. The combination can be a logical OR, or a logical AND. A measurement trips a logical OR alarm when it trips any of the selected limits, but only trips a logical AND alarm when it trips all of the selected limits. The supervisor can define the text of the alarm message.
Alarms are only activated after the Minimum Test Time. This is to ensure that the alarms are not tripped too soon during a measurement.


Using Pseudo Elements the X-MET8000 series can show user-specified materials "Pseudo-elements".
Each new Pseudo-element will be stored and added to the list of Pseudo-elements available.
It is possible for a supervisor to add, edit and remove compounds in the Pseudo-elements settings.
A Pseudo-element can use equations to link any elements and analytes together. For example, in the cement industry they might use the Lime Saturation Factor to control their process "LSF =
X-MET8000 Series User Manual


Balance function in the X-MET8000 series informs the user of how much in the sample is not reported.
Balance can be enabled in the Result Format Menu.
Balance = 100% - Sum (all displayed
Balance informs the user of how much in the sample is not “reported”. This could be non-measurable elements (C, O, N, or lights elements) or elements that the user chose not to display.
Note: “All displayed elements” are all elements concentrations. It uses elemental concentrations.
selected for display. This does not use the compounds

A Custom Results Screen

The X-MET8000 series provides full control of all these aspects of the Results screen.
Table 2: Typical custom Results screen
1. Element list
2. +/- Coefficient
3. Coloured individual alarms
4. Individual alarm message
5. Combination alarm message
Select the elements that appear on the Results screen.Element list
Select the +/- Coefficient that appear on the Results screen.+/- Coefficient
Colour coded alarms can follow the traffic light system.Coloured individual alarms
Create messages for individual alarms.Individual alarm message
Create messages for a combination of alarms.Combination alarm message
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
Table 3: Typical custom Results screen with Pseudo-elements and Balance
1. Pseudo-element list
2. +/- Coefficient
3. Element list
4. Coloured individual alarms
5. Balance
The selected Pseudo-elements appear first on the Results screen.Pseudo-element list
Select the elements that appear on the Results screen.Element list
Select the +/- Coefficient that appear on the Results screen.+/- Coefficient
Colour coded alarms can follow the traffic light system.Coloured individual alarms
Balance = 100% - Sum (all displayed elements).Balance
X-MET8000 Series User Manual

Add A New Results Screen Format

Follow these steps to add a custom results format and select the elements and Pseudo-elements to include in the results format.
Add A Results Format
1. Navigate: Menu > Settings > Result View Settings .
The Result View Settings screen appears.
2. Tap Edit (pencil) next to Format to view the available results formats.
The Available Result Format screen appears.
3. Tap: Tools > Add New.
The Available Result Formats screen has a new results format.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
4. Tap Edit (pencil) next to New format.
The Modify - screen appears.
5. Tap: Name to enter a name for the result format.
6. Enter an appropriate name using the virtual keyboard and then tap Done to return to the Modify
- screen.
7. Tap: Elements And Limits.
The Elements And Limits screen appears.
8. Tap: Tools > Add Element.
The Elements selection screen appears.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
9. Tap an element symbol to select it. Selected elements will have a checkmark.
Press and slide, or flick the list to scroll up and down to find an element.
Refer to: Select Elements on page 114 to sort and search the element list. Note: It is possible at this stage to select elements even if they are not included in the
10. Tap Done to return to the Elements And Limits screen.
The results format includes the selected elements.
To reorder the element list, tap the up or down arrow on the element line.
11. Tap Tools to add or delete elements from the list, and to set limits for the selected element. To
Add Combination Alarms, refer to Add Combination Alarms on page 132.
12. Tap Done to return to the Modify - screen.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
13. Do one of the following:
Tap Pseudo-elements to add Pseudo-elements to the results format.
To continue without adding Pseudo-elements, proceed to step 20 on page 124.
14. Tap Tools > Add Element .
The Pseudo-elements list appears.
If the desired Pseudo-element is not listed, the supervisor can create a new one in Results View Settings.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
15. Tick the Pseudo-elements and compounds to include in the result format.
Press and slide, or flick the list to scroll up and down to find an element.
The selected Pseudo-elements have a checkmark next to them.
16. Tap Done to return to the Pseudo-elements screen.
The results format includes the selected Pseudo-elements.
To reorder the Pseudo-element list, tap the up or down arrow on the Pseudo-element line.
17. Tap Tools to add or delete Pseudo-elements from the selection, or to set limits for selected
Pseudo-elements. To Add Combination Alarms, refer to Add Combination Alarms on page 132.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
18. Tap Done to return to the Modify - screen.
19. Tap Balance to enable or disable the Balance function.
Balance has a tick against it when enabled.
20. Tap Done again to return to the Available Result Formats screen. Make sure that the applicable
result format has a tick against it.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
21. Tap Done again to return to the Result View Settings screen. Make sure that Format has a tick
against it.
22. Tap Done twice again to return to the main screen.

Configure A Results Screen Format

It is necessary to add a custom Results screen format before this procedure. Alarms are only activated after the Minimum Test Time. Follow these steps to configure the Results screen format.
Select The Results Screen Format
1. Navigate: Menu > Settings > Result View Settings .
The Result View Settings screen appears.
2. Tap Edit (pencil) next to Format.
The Available Result Formats screen appears.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
3. Tap Edit (pencil) next to the applicable format.
The Modify - screen appears.
Select The Units
4. Tap Units.
The Units screen appears.
5. Tap one of the following to choose the units for the result format:
From Calibration
6. Tap Edit (pencil) next to Percent.
7. Use the numeric keypad to type the number of decimal places to show, and then tap Done to
return to the Units screen.
8. Tap Done to return to the Modify - screen.
Select The Results Screen Columns
9. Tap Result Columns.
The Show In Results List screen appears.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
10. Tap ON or OFF for each of the settings, as applicable, and then tap Done to return to the Modify
- screen.
Set The Minimum Test Time
11. Tap Minimum Test Time.
The Set Minimum Test Time screen appears.
12. Use the numeric keypad to type the minimum test time, and then tap Done to return to the Modify
- screen.
13. Tap Done twice to return to the Result View Settings screen.
14. Tap Done twice again to return to the main screen.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual

Add Limits And Individual Alarms

It is necessary to add a custom Results screen format before this procedure. Limits are always a percentage value, even when the Results screen shows the value in parts per million. The +/- Coefficient is typically an integer between 0 and 5, and has the effect of reducing the low alarm limit, and increasing the high alarm limit. Follow these steps to add the limits and an alarm on an individual element.
Select The Results Format
1. Navigate: Menu > Settings > Result View Settings .
The Result View Settings screen appears.
2. Tap Edit (pencil) next to Format.
The Available Result Formats screen appears.
3. Tap Edit (pencil) next to the applicable format.
The Modify - screen appears.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
Select The Element
4. Do one of the following:
Tap Elements And Limits
Tap Pseudo-elements
Note: The same procedure applies for Elements and Pseudo-elements.
5. Select the element, and then tap: Tools > Set Limits For Selected Element .
The Set Limits - screen appears.
Add The Limits
6. Do one of the following:
Tap Low Limit
Tap High Limit
The applicable Limit - screen appears.
X-MET8000 Series User Manual
7. Tap the ON tick box.
The Limit - screen changes.
8. Tap Alarm Limit.
9. Use the numeric keypad to type the value for the limit, and then tap Done to return to the Limit -
10. Tap +/- Coefficient.
11. Use the numeric keypad to type the value for the standard deviation coefficient, and then tap Done
to return to the Limit - screen.
12. Tap Message.
13. Use the virtual keyboard to type the message for the limit, and then tap Done to return to the
Limit - screen.
14. Tap Highlight Colour.
The Highlight Colour - screen appears.
15. Tap one of the colours, and then tap Done to return to the Limit - screen.
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